《The Reality of it All (Completed)》Not About Angels
Guys the song not about Angels by Birdy makes me cry every time 😭 I'm seriously hurt when I listen to that song.
Spencer's POV
I made it to the hospital within 10 minutes. Getting out the car, I rushed to the backseat and unbuckled Ravin. Grabbing the car seat, I ran into the hospital and approached the desk.
"Paige Trim?" I asked. She searched her book and looked up at me.
"Doctors are still with her right now. Please wait," she said.
I sighed and took a seat. There were a gazillion things going on in my mind, it was overwhelming. The only two who could help me calm are in the hospital and MIA.
Screw this, I'm going to call him.
I dialed Jakes number only to be sent straight to voicemail.
"Look Jake I have no idea where you are, but I need you right now. Paige is in the hospital and the car accident is pretty bad," I started and suddenly tears started to form. I took a deep breath.
"Just call me back when you get this," I said and hung up.
I looked at Ravin who was staring at me. I just pray that Paige's baby is okay. I don't know what will happen if things take a turn for the worst.
•. •. •. •. •.
Jake's POV
I stared at the plate of food in front of me. It's been sitting there for about ten minutes untouched.
Everything John told me was buzzing through my mind all at once. I was trying to fit bits and pieces together in a way that would make sense, but it just doesn't.
How could I possible be related to Mason in any way?
I know my mother screwed every male patient she had the chance to, but Mason's dad? It can't be. The more I think about this, the more I want to get in contact with my mother. I hadn't seen her in about a year.
"Jake, I'm trying to be calm right now," Megan said putting her fork down. I sighed and leaned back in my seat.
I'm so done with her bullshit right now.
"How's that working out for you?" I asked her, forcefully. She rolled her eyes and looked away.
"I told you I wanted a dinner with you. As A FAMILY. Then you and John talk for fifteen minutes and I'm sitting here alone," she whined.
"Excuse me, can I have a to go tray?" I asked the waiter. He nodded and walked away.
I pulled out my wallet and placed money on the table.
"What are you doing?" Megan asked me.
"I'm leaving, Megan. I know that you don't have control of how you feel, but your whining is just getting irritating right now," I said.
"Right, I'm getting irritating?"
"Yes you are Megan! I have driven you to the doctors, I've taken you out to eat, I'm paying for the meal, and I let you take my phone! Does that not say anything to you?" I asked her. She shook her head.
"It tells me that you don't want this. That's exactly what it shows me,"
"And you are right! I don't want this relationship to be you controlling my every decision! If I want a medium steak, I'm going to get it. If I don't want to do something, I'm not going to do it!" I told her.
"Well I'm sorry for trying to bring this family together!" She argued. I sighed and calmed down.
"What family, Megan? Last time I check, you and I are exes," I said and she looked away.
The waiter gave me a tray and a plastic bag.
"Look Megan. Maybe our relationship will grow stronger in the end when the baby is born. Don't force something that isn't there! You are my ex girlfriend for Christ sake. You are the last person I would've pictured to have a baby with,"
"So you regret it?"
"No! I don't regret bringing my child into this world, I regret the timing. If we were actually in a relationship, this would've been more natural but we are not. As a matter of fact, I'm completely in love with Spencer, which is who I should be calling right now," I explained to her.
She rolled her eyes and looked away as I put my food into the tray. I put it in the plastic bag and looked at her.
"Megan...phone," I said firmly. She took it from her purse and handed it over. I clicked the home button and saw that I've missed 5 calls from Spencer, 6 from Ella, and someone left a voicemail.
"Why didn't you tell me that they were calling me?" I asked Megan.
"I'm done with this," she said and stood to leave.
I played the voicemail that was left. My mouth dropped when I heard Spencer.
It's Paige.
I bolted from the booth and out the door. If I didn't give Megan my phone, I would've been there sooner.
Hopefully, Spencer doesn't get upset when I tell her.
•. •. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
"You can see her now," the nurse said. My mother and I rushed to her room to find her with many injuries. She had a cast on her leg and arm, wrap around her head, and cuts everywhere.
"Oh my god," my mom said in shock. She rushed to Paige's side and took one of her hands.
I couldn't move a muscle.
"She won't wake up for maybe two days," the nurse informed.
I slowly approached the bed and put Ravin's car seat on the chair. Paige looked bad. I wanted to know who was responsible for this.
"Where is the other driver?" I asked her. She looked up, her big eyes meeting mine.
"There other driver is in the same condition as she is," she said. I nodded and looked at Paige.
Not that he deserves to die, but they got what they had coming.
"What about the baby?" Mom asked. I kept my head down, afraid to look up. Part of me didn't want to know, but another part needed to. She had to know something.
She looked down at her clip board and came up hesitantly.
"The baby didn't make it...I'm sorry," she said and left the room.
My whole world went black and white.
I woke up to the slight nudge of something. Looking up from my position, I saw Jake standing Over me. Before I knew it, I was in his arms within seconds.
"I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls. Megan took my phone," he said. I frowned to myself, but now wasn't the time to discuss our problems.
I shook my head in his chest and I suddenly felt tears coming on. It eventually lead to sobbing.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked me as he rubbed my back. I let go to look at him for a second.
"The baby didn't make it," I whispered.
Jake's pulled me back into him and tried to get me to calm down. I don't know why it affects me so harshly but it does. I can only imagine losing Ravin the many times I landed in this hospital.
I would've been absolutely devastated. I can already Imagine the shock Paige will get when she wakes up.
"How are we going to tell Paige?" I asked, still crying.
"We'll find a way, Spence. He said as he rubbed my back.
"We always do,"
•. •. •. •. •. •.
Jake's POV
Spencer and I were now at home. When I found Spencer at the hospital yesterday she was a mess. Her eyes were puffy and her hair was everywhere. I just wish I would've been at the hospital earlier than when I got there.
I don't know how Spencer is going to tell Paige when she finally wakes up. If Spencer was this devastated, Paige would be in an even worse condition. Paige losing the baby affected me too, just not as great.
I wonder how Hayden will take this. I actually feel for the guy, right now.
I looked over at Spencer to see her still sleeping. Getting out of the bed, I went into Ravins room to find her awake.
I don't know if something is wrong or not but Ravin is not like a normal baby.
She adjusted to everything far too quickly than expected. She barely cries and if she does its to be fed or a diaper change. She also seems like she understands Spencer and I more than we understand ourselves.
Maybe it's just me.
"Alright, Ravin. Let's go get something to eat," I said, lifting her from the bed. I carried her on my hip and sat her down on the couch.
Walking over to the fridge, I warmed her up a bottle while looking for something to eat. Spencer was definitely going to need a pick me up day.
"Where were you last night?"
I turned to see Spencer sleepily come into the living room. She looked hella good in her shorts and tank top. She sat down on the couch and looked at Ravin.
Not the time, Jake.
I sighed and brought the bottle over. This was going to be a long story.
"I brought Megan to the doctors appointment and I was going to go meet up with you until Megan says she's want to go to dinner like a normal family," I started. Spencer frowned.
"A normal family?" She asked.
"When I said no, she basically went ballistic on me, saying I only cared about you when I should be caring about her and the baby...anyway, I went just to keep her calm and she took my phone. I had no idea you guys had called me so many times," I said to her.
She nodded and picked up Ravin.
"Is it just me or is Megan doing a little extra?" She asked. I scoffed and looked at Ravin.
"It's not just a little," I said. I was thinking about telling her about John until she looked at me. There was something about the look that told me she wasn't telling me something.
"What happened?" I asked her. She sighed and put Ravin down. Turning back to me, she leaned back in the couch.
"Jake, I'm not crazy. But yesterday, I was thinking about calling you when Ravin bursted out into the biggest cry I have ever heard. I tried to pick her up to calm her down but that didn't work. So I figured, she's hungry. I put her own the couch, I went to go make the bottle. When I walked back over here....the throw pillows were in a single filed line leading up to Paige's picture. Candles were all surrounding the picture and Ravin was in her car seat," she said.
"How did that even happen? Are you sure you didn't miss something?" I asked her.
"No! I'm positive. The picture is on the wall at all times! I didn't put the throw pillows in line like that and I know I lied Ravin down on the couch, not in her car seat! Then, when my mom called me and told me about Paige, she stopped crying," she said.
I frowned and looked down at Ravin.
"She stopped crying?" I asked her. She nodded and looked at her. I honestly don't know what to believe. Ravin has never been all that normal.
"You don't believe me, do you?" She asked.
"It's not that I don't, it's just-"
She stood up from the couch and walked over to the fridge. I got a feeling I probably made her mad. I sighed and followed after her.
"Spence, I don't know. I've just had a long night yesterday and it's been on repeat in my mind all day," I admitted. She turned around with an angry look.
"Let me get this straight. The dinner you had with your ex girlfriend has been on repeat all day?" She asked me.
"What? No. I saw John and he told me..." I started then looked at her. She looked like she was about to start an argument.
"He told you what?" She asked.
"I'm related to Mason."
She stared at me in bewilderment.
"What? How does he figure that?" She asked.
"It's a long story, but shortened, my mother molested and had sex with all of her male patients when she was a doctor and Mason's father was one of her patients. She admitted to John in drunken rage that he's not my dad. John even had a DNA test done. We aren't related," I explained.
Spencer looked down at her orange juice.
"Tell me what your thinking,"
"I'm thinking, how can we trust John in the first place?" She asked.
I sighed and scratched my head.
"I don't know, everything he said made since. It explains why they always fought when she got home from work, her sudden change in job careers, why he left.....hell, it explains why I don't even look like him," I said, thinking to myself.
Spencer didn't respond.
"I don't know... that's what John said," I said sighing. She nodded and walked back over to Ravin.
"No offense, but John isn't my buddy at the moment," she said.
"Trust me, he isn't mine either! Especially after he tackled you, it was a done deal!" I exclaimed. She nodded. sending her loose bun all over her head.
"What does Megan think of her?" she asked me.
I wonder what made her think about Megan.
"I don't know. I talked to John at a separate table. She was too busy yelling at me, anyways,"
"I know I don't like Megan, but you should never make a pregnant woman angry," she said. I turned around and walked over to the couch, sitting down beside her. She sighed and looked at me.
"Yeah...she was just over dramatic,"
"But...at the end of the day she is your baby mama so you have to apologize," she said smiling. I scoffed and looked at her.
Never would I have pictured Spencer telling me to make up with Megan. Her brown eyes were staring into mine with a slight smile on her face. She almost looked serious.
"Who are you and what have you done with Spencer?" I asked her. She laughed and turned to Ravin.
"I am seriously asking you to apologize to Megan. Do it," she said firmly. Her face went stone and her eyebrows were slightly arched.
"You know that was hella sexy, right?" I teased. She smirked and shook her head.
"I know what you're trying to do and trust me I want it too...just not yet," she said standing up from the couch.
"This is torture! Your body looks great already and temptation is a bitch," I wined.
She picked up Ravin and returned her gaze back to me.
"Wait on it," she said and walked away.
"I NEED TO STOP JACKING OFF!" I yelled after her.
•. •. •. •. •. •.
Paige's POV 😖
I woke up to see Hayden sitting next to me. He was holding my hand and he looked to be crying. Looking at my surroundings, I saw that I was in a hospital. My leg, arm, and head were wrapped. I wonder how bad the accident was.
"What happened?" I asked. He looked up in shock, showing his red eyes and tear streaked face. He leaned in to hug me.
"You were in a really bad car accident, Paige and it's all my fault," he said. I frowned. What does he mean 'all his fault'.
I looked down at my stomach, remembering that I was still pregnant. I placed my hand on my bump, only this time it felt different.
"Is the baby, okay?" I asked him. He started to cry again and looked down. Why is he crying so much? I'm okay.
"Paige....the baby didn't make it," he choked out.
My heart stopped as I stared at him. Being a mother is everything to me and for it to just be taken away like that is selfish. The baby had to have made it. He's messing with me.
"You're a bad liar Hayden," I said sarcastically. He looked at me and shook his head.
"I wish I was lying, Paige. I'm sorry," he said.
Just like that my world stopped. Time halted and everything in it seemed to be a blur.
"No," I whispered.
I felt my stomach more closely and realized that the little bump that was once there was now flat. I threw the covers off of me with my one hand and searched for it.
"It's not here!" I yelled. I felt the tears coming down my face and before I knew I was crying.
"THE BUMP IS NOT HERE!" I shouted. I started to sob uncontrollably as Hayden pulled me into a hug.
I lost the baby.
I lost it.
(Imagine if 'Not about Angels' was playing in the background of this 😭)
•. •. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
I sat at Paige's side with Ravin beside me. I got a call from the nurse about Paige going ballistic.
She threw the food at the nurse and basically destroyed everything in her waking path. It's crazy how she could do so much when majority of her was injured. They called me ten minutes later, having to result to sedating her.
She was now asleep.
The nurse also told me Hayden was here, but when I arrived he was gone. I wonder how he took the baby news. He didn't seem like the type of guy to become a father, but with Paige. I don't know. He's different.
I looked down at Ravin to see her sleeping. Jake didn't believe anything i told him and I honestly wish he did. I can't be the only one who's noticed that Ravin isn't normal. I hope nothing else weird happens.
"I lost it,"
I turned to see Paige wide awake. I sighed and leaned forward.
"It just wasn't meant to be, Paige," I said. She looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"It's my fault that the baby is gone. If I would've just watched where I was going, she would still be here," she whispered. I shook my head and took her hand.
"Paige, it's not your fault. Do you know how many things can go wrong during a pregnancy than after? Things happen for a reason," I tried to consult.
"And what reason would that be? I wouldn't have been a good mother?" She argued.
I didn't know what to say. I hate to see her like this. Beating herself up over something that wasn't in her hands.
"I would've been a good mother,"
"And you still can be! Just not right now. Things will fall into place when the time comes,"
"I WANT THEM IN PLACE, NOW! Don't you see that?" She asked me.
I nodded. I knew exactly what she meant.
•. •. •. •. •. •. •.
Hayden's POV
Yesterday I was a mess. I couldn't stop crying after getting the baby news. It was like the one thing that motivated me was now gone and all that's left is misery.
Seeing Paige so broken made it harder. I honestly don't know how she will feel about staying in this relationship. She was already mad about the Mason situation anyway.
That's the last thing on her mind.
But it's not for me. Mason had someone do this and I know he did. It seems too well organized. First I tell her and then a car crash? It's not out of the ordinary.
I pulled out my phone and dialed the number.
"You are going to pay for this!"
Laughter sounded through the phone.
"Right! Try anything, you'll be as dead as the baby,"
"You're forgetting that I know everything.... I let you control me for so long and now, I'm taking it back," I said. Before they could answer I hung up and pocketed my phone.
I dropped the flame and lit the car on fire. I chucked the bat into the lake and walked away. They will not know what hit them when I'm done.
Never mess with a guys heart.
I put my earphones in, blocking out the cries from the dog.
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
"This is a call to let you girls know that your court date is going to be in five weeks. We understand Paige was in an accident so depending on how her injuries are then, she most likely will not be a witness. Call me back when you get this message,"
I clicked the phone off and looked around the gym. I know Mason is in jail but I honestly wish we didn't have to go through court to keep him there.
"You look deep in thought,"
I turned to see Kevin (the guy from the pool)
"Yeah. It's all I do these days," I said smiling a bit. He took a seat down next to me on the bench.
"True that. Things are always complicated. But how are you?" He asked me. I sighed and turned back to the gym.
"I'm doing okay. How bout you?" I asked. He sighed and looked down.
"Things are getting tougher. The mother of my daughter is making it impossible for me to see and all I want to do is be a part in her life," he said. I could tell just by looking at him, it was hurting just to talk about it.
"Have you thought about going to court?" I asked him. He shook his head and looked at his hands.
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