《The Reality of it All (Completed)》Devil Not A Devil?
The quote above is so me 👆😳⚓️ (pic)
Paige's POV:
I stared at Megan as she rubbed her thighs. She was sitting in the living room of Jake's house.
"I know where Spencer is,"
The sentence was on repeat in my mind the whole ride to Jake's house. We didn't want Spencer's mom to hear, or she'd get upset, so we left her house.
Now, Megan is sitting in front of me seeming more different that usual. She's still in her slutty clothes, but she actually looks nervous for a change.
"Spill goldilocks," I spat. She looked up and nodded, as though to give in.
"Okay. So I was listening to your conversation and I know how to find Spencer," she confessed.
"What do you mean you were listening to the conversation?," Jake asked. Megan's eyes bulged and she looked down, tongue tied.
"YA know, that doesn't really matter right now...I just...I know how to find her,"she explained.
"But you said you knew where she was already," I told her.
"Yeah. I may have lied. Saying that was the only way to get your attention," she confessed. Jake stood up.
"What the hell?!"
"I still know how you can find her! My dad was a cop and he taught me how to trace people's numbers to their exact location,"
"And how do you know we have a number?" I asked again.
"I told you, I was listening to your conversation," she stated. Jake sighed and sat back down.
"Talk," he said firmly.
Megan pulled out a laptop from her bag and unlocked it.
"All I need is the number and we got Spencer," she said. She raised her eyebrows and looked at both of us.
I don't know if we should give it to her. She seems too willing to help, its scary. I feel as though she will stab us in the back. After all, isn't that's what the crazy jealous exgirlfriend does, right?
"Megan, I don't like you. I have to like you in order to trust you. Goes hand in hand, you see?" I said, folding my arms. She sighed.
"Look, im all you guys have. If you want to find Spencer, you might want to give me that number. Otherwise, she and that baby dies and its on your hands," she said warningly.
Little piece of crap.
Of course she pulled the guilt card on us. I rolled my eyes and sat back. Jake gave her the number and she entered it in. I walked over and sat down, watching the computer locate the area.
"There it is," Megan said, pointing at the red dot on the screen.
"Zoom in," I told her. The screen zoomed in, showing nearest stores, school, restaurants, etc.
"So that's about 20 minutes away from here," Jake said.
"Every restaurant seems to be there except some chinese food place," i murmured.
"There's one all the way down there," Jake pointed, " meaning they must have taken it from there on their trip to wherever,"
I nodded. I memorized the address in my head and stood from the couch.
"We need a plan," I said pacing. Jake nodded.
"Well first, I recommend wardrobe change. You're gonna get caught in blue," Megan said, eyeing me up and down. I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, she's right. We also need weapons. I don't really trust the police right now," Jake said.
"Well what about Maria? She was the detective that filed the restraining order. I think we can trust her," I assumed. Jake shrugged.
"Spencer doesn't know who it is. Somebody could seem like a nice person and be a devil on the inside,"
"That was a great example, Jake," I mocked sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.
"You know what I mean,"
I nodded and thought it through. If we were going to do this alone, we really would need all the force we could get. I don't think us alone will get anywhere.
"I'm telling Maria," I said. Jake paused and looked up at me in disbelief.
"Did you not just hear what I said?"
"I heard you loud and clear. Whoever took Spencer is doing a pretty dang good job at keeping her hidden and scared. They obviously have power or force of some kind," I said standing up.
"So?" He asked.
"Meaning me and you alone can't save Spencer. We need someone with authority, not to mention a legal gun,"
Megan nodded.
"I agree with her, Jake. You're strong but you can't save Spencer without getting hurt yourself," she said. Jake sighed.
"So what's the plan?" He asked giving in.
"The element of surprise. If they had someone working for them on the police team, we should pretend like she was in on it," I said.
I had it all figured out in my head.
"Now...Wardrobe!" Megan said, squealing. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the house.
Spencer, we are coming for you.
•. •. •. •. •.
Haydens POV:
I picked up the phone and dialed the number.
"How's the plan going?" I asked smirking. It was absolutely genius the way it was developed.
"As expected. Don't worry, I got this in the bag. Just wait for it,"
I laughed and looked out at the sky.
"I'm waiting on something else too. Too much time is going by and...this is taking longer than expected," I said in all seriousness. The original plan was to do it and move out. Go to another country. This is becoming way harder than we suspected.
"Don't worry about it, we got it in the bag from here,"
I nodded.
"Where are you?"
"I'm at a hotel just hanging around," I responded.
"I'll be in touch,"
The phone clicked. I sighed looking at the screen. Not even a hint of....
Forget about it.
•. •. •. •. •.
Paige's POV
We were on our way to get Spencer. Maria was in a squad car ahead of us, leading the way through the traffic. After I told her everything, she seemed eager to help. She cares for Spencer as much as we do.
Jake and I were dressed in black. Megan was in the back on her laptop. She wasn't in black, she was in something sexy. We were planning on using her as bait.
I mean... she wouldn't mind anyway. It's in her nature.
"We're here," I said. Maria's car had stopped and we pulled the car up a few feet away. We needed to stay hidden. Getting out of the car, we met Maria.
"Alright, this place looks empty," she states.
"It is. The people who were here are somewhere else about 30 minutes away," Megan chirped from behind.
"Good. That still doesn't mean that there isn't a guard inside. Stay behind me and be alert," she whispered. She pulled out her gun and we ran up to the door.
Slowly opening it, we met pitch blackness and walked in, shutting the door behind us. I pulled out my mini flashlight and turned it on.
It was a long hallway full of graffiti. It was dirty and had cobwebs everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised If I saw a rat two scurrying along.
"This is disgusting," Megan said. I turned around and put my finger to her lips.
We continued down the hall and turned a right. This hall was much shorter and had a single bulb hanging from the ceiling. There were two doors. One all the way at the end of the hall and another on the side.
Suddenly, we heard a flush of a toilet. I backed up into the previous hall with Jake and Megan. Maria stood, on guard waiting for him to come out. I motioned for her to come here and she reluctantly fell back.
"Megan will do this," I whispered. Maria looked at Megan and sighed.
"She could get hurt," she said.
"I can do it. Just cover me in case something bad happens," she whispered. She tousled her hair and strutted her stuff down the hall.
"What will she do?" Maria asked.
"She's got a taser," I responded.
We leaned against the wall and waited for action.
"Wow, your tall and handsome,"
"Who are you and why are you here?"
"Listen tough guy, I got lost. My damn boyfriend dropped me off in the middle of no where. Said he don't want me no more,"
I held back a laugh at this. So believable.
"Well, your boyfriend is stupid. You are gorgeous,"
"Thank you. You know what I want?" I heard. Everything went quite for a minute. Then I heard a loud shriek of laughter.
"Don't you look good in this position?"
I almost hurled at the thought. I heard whispering and the guy chuckling. Then a loud groan and the sound of the taser.
Maria came running from around the corner and I followed behind. He was on the floor, lifeless at the moment. Megan was on top of him still using the taser.
"Megan! Stop!" I yelled. She looked up and shrugged.
"What? He's a pretty big guy!" She reasoned. She was right. He was a tall buff guy. He had on an actual suit.
"Let's check behind that door, hurry," Jake urged. We found it locked.
"Back up," Maria said. We did as she told us and she shot the door knob off. Jake kicked it open and my eyes had a feast.
The room was full of pictures of Spencer. They were taped on the walls and everything. To top it all off...There she was, sitting in a chair tied up and knocked out.
Jake and I rushed over to her.
"Spencer? Can you hear me?" I asked shaking her a bit. There was no reaction. Jake put a finger to her neck, checking her pulse.
"Okay she's alive. It's faint, but still there, we need to go," he said. I nodded. I took one of the knives from the table and cut the tape and rope off.
Spencer looked pale. She was skinnier than i last remembered her. I wonder if she had a sudden loss of appetite over the few weeks or if they were starving her. She also had a huge cut on her leg. There was a rope tied around it to stop some bleeding in place.
Jake noticed it too.
"These guys are so dead," he said angrily.
I stood up and Jake took her in his arms. We walked out of the room and Megan followed behind.
"Maria, we can just come back later," I said. She shook her head no.
"I'm asking for backup right now so we can catch the ones who did this," she said. I nodded.
"Thanks for everything," I said and hugged her. She nodded and ushered us out of the building.
We ran out and layed Spencer in the back seat. I sat back there with her head in my hands and tears in my eyes.
"Please just hang in there," I whispered.
•. •. •. •. •.
Jakes POV
We we've been waiting on Spencer to wake up for about a day now. The doctor said she was given some type of drug that knocked her out. Not to mention, this is probably the best sleep she has gotten all week.
I understood that.
The baby was magically fine. I don't know how she does it, but the baby is never hurt. It's almost as if it's like protected. I don't know. They said Spencer was dehydrated and a bit starved which explains the obvious weight loss in her face.
We told Ella and she immediately came to the hospital crying out of shock. She hasn't left Spencer's side along with us. I'm honestly scared to leave her alone at this point.
The news reporters on the other hand are making fun with us. They literally camp outside of this hospital just waiting for Spencer to come out. They irritate me so much, I wish they would just go away.
Maria ended up catching two guys, but she won't reveal any names or features until Spencer verifies. I don't mind that either because if I was to come face to face with him I'd lose it.
"What are you thinking about?" Paige asked. We were sitting in Spencer's room, side by side. We practically moved in here.
"I'm just glad this is all over. We got Spencer back," I croaked. I hadn't talked in a long time, I could feel the soreness in my throat.
"Yeah, I know. I have no idea what I'm going to say to her when she wakes up, though," she confessed. Now that she mentions it, I hadn't really thought about that. Searching for Spencer felt like second nature, like I was her boyfriend.
Now this makes me rethink everything.
"You both are very important to Spencer. When you guys were mad at her, she always thought of both of you which is why she went away for a week," Ella chipped in. I turned my head to her.
"Going away?"
"She went to some hotel. She thought you guys were done with her so she figured she needed to move on. Well, that and for Peanut," she confirmed.
I'm an ass.
I stood and left the room, wandering through the hospital. If I want Spencer back, she's going to have to forgive me, first.
What can you do?
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV 😻
I woke up with a start, looking for Pay and the bodyguard only to see lights. I frowned and rubbed my eyes.
Where am I.
I look around to see that I'm in the hospital. I'm in the hospital. I'm safe. My baby hormones make me instantly cry. I don't even know why I'm crying when I'm supposed to be happy.
I looked down to see Paige. I started crying even harder. She ran over to me and pulled me into a hug.
"Shhh it's okay. You're safe now and you can't be tortured any more. We got you," she whispered. I could hear her tears in her voice.
Whenever she cried, I cried and vice versa.
"I'm sorry, Paige..." I sobbed into her shirt. She rubbed my back.
"No don't be sorry. I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't believe you that day at the store. Hayden lied to me and I don't know why I got angry," she said. She looked at me and wiped my tears.
"Now can you stop crying so I can stop?" She asked, smiling. I wiped my tears away and leaned back.
"Paige, the kiss at Jakes house was to protect him," I confessed.
"Protect him from what?"
"Jake did some illegal stuff with Mason and Hayden was threatening to go to the cops if I didn't cooperate. I wasn't trying to steal him from you, I swear," I said looking back at her. She had a dumbfounded look on her face.
"How did you even know about Jake?" She asked. I frowned.
"What do you mean?" I asked her. She looked up.
"Wait, you knew? You knew and you didn't tell me?!" I asked her.
"He told me not to. He regretted doing it and I basically pried it out of him," she explained. I sighed.
"Whatever. I know now,"
"Yeah, how do you know?"
"Hayden told me. He had pictures and everything,"
"But how did Hayden know?" Paige questioned.
"I wondered the same thing. He never told me," I said shrugging. Paige thought about it some more and shook her head.
"Whatever," she whispered. I shrugged and she sat back down in the chair.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" She asked.
No. I don't want to talk about getting beaten or being food deprived. Or even being stabbed in the thigh and cut on the arm. I don't want to talk about any of it, but someone has to know my story.
"I don't really want to. Not yet," I said softly. She nodded her head.
"Where's Mom and Jake?"
"Umm...jake wandered off somewhere and your mom is getting something to eat," she said.
I nodded. There was a bit of silence after that.
"Did they arrest someone?"
•. •. •. •. •. •.
A week had gone by and it was the day I was finally getting released from the hospital. My baby vitals were good and I had more blood in my system. I still had stitches in my arm and thigh, but I just wanted to get out.
I hadn't heard from Jake. I don't even know why I expected anything. He's probably still mad about the kiss.
I guess it's time to just move on.
We were driving home and I was just enjoying the sun and the sky and the small things I always took for granted. It was amazing.
"Can you get out the car on your own?" My mom asked. I nodded. I got out and slammed the door behind me. Walking into the house, I sat down on the couch, exhausted.
"Honey, you should go shower," Mom said. I looked up at her.
"Yeah. You smell like hospital, babes," Paige said, munching on a carrot.
"Talk about jerks!" I argued.
They both laughed as I stood up. I made my way, slowly up the stairs, my wounds still hurting.
By the time I reached my door, I was out of breath. I pushed the door open and was about to plop on my bed when I halted in my tracks.
There were blue flowers...EVERYWHERE. Blue roses, red roses, white roses, daffodils, every flower you could imagine. They were spread out so perfectly and the petals were placed so elegantly on the floor.
In the middle of it all...
He was standing there, with the biggest smile I have ever seen. He looked really nice in his button up and dark jeans.
"Spencer, I am so glad that you are okay," he said coming forward. I didn't know what to say. I just stared into those blue eyes of his that I've been craving.
"Spencer, I'm sorry that I got mad over a stupid kiss between you and Hayden. It just made me mad and I just...I reacted. And I yelled at you and I never bothered to listen to your explanation which was an ass move. Trust me-"
"Just please let me finish," he said. I nodded.
"Truth is, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I never ever want to lose you. You mean the world to me and I swear every time I see you I fall in love with you all over again. Please just please take me back and forgive me, I promise I won't disappoint you ever again," he pleaded.
His eyes were that soft blue again and I couldn't help but tear up.
"Jake, I can't do this,"
His face dropped and his mood changed.
"I can't stand here and listen to you because truth is, my wounds are hurting me right now and I am starving," I confessed. He sighed in relief and laughed.
"I love you so much," he said and pulled me in for a kiss. We stood there for a moment until I ended up pushing him away.
"I love you too, but I need to sit," I said again.
"Oh! Right!" He said and helped me over to the bed. I fell back and looked back up at the ceiling. He layed down next to me and played with my hair.
"You have no idea how hard it was to stay away when Paige told me you were awake," he confessed. I smiled and met his eyes.
"This is gorgeous. You did a fine job Mr. Colby," I said and gave him kisses all over his face. He wrinkled his nose and smiled.
"I missed you," he said.
"I missed you, too,"
Then, I remembered Hayden.
"Jake. Hayden came by my hotel and he...he kissed me and I didn't stop him. I mean, I had a plan. I kissed him a few times and then poured slushie all over his-"
"Something happened with Megan and I too,"
I stopped in my tracks.
"When you left me, Megan came by. Anyway she was flirting with me and I almost ended up having sex with her, but I stopped it," he explained.
I didn't know what to say. Him wanting to screw Megan is different than me playing Hayden, right?
"I wanted to tell you because I want our relationship to start off clean without any lies. Please say something," he whispered. I looked up at the ceiling.
"I can't say I understand, because truth is I don't. I just don't want to fight anymore," I said.
"Me either," he murmured.
He intertwined our fingers. I let it be for a moment, but I was really restless.
"I'm sorry, but I need to shower. Not to mention, I'm starving," I said.
He laughed, turning over.
"I forgot again. Want chinese food?" He asked.
"You know me so well," I said smiling.
"Alright, go shower," he said. I jumped off the bed and ran to the shower. Only then, I came back.
"What happened?" He asked sitting up.
I hesitated and twirled my hair.
"Could you stay in here?" I asked.
"Anything for you," he said.
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