《The Reality of it All (Completed)》Possible Leads
👆👆Guys please explain to me. Is this much makeup really necessary?😳 like seriously?! I'm not saying everyone who wears makeup has horrible self esteem but come on😑 there is a difference between "enhancing your features" and creating a new person! I will never understand why some feel the need to hide behind this stuff because even with the makeup on, it doesn't mean everyone will like you. You will still have haters and they aren't going anywhere😪You should be you for you. If wearing make up makes you feel better, GROW UP! Be a better person! Gain some self confidence💯 Don't hide behind a mask because you think you're ugly, you can be beautiful in someone else's eyes without it😤 sorry. Just had to get that out. So tired of girls saying "I need to stock up on makeup," you DONT need to do that👋 God made you the way you are for a reason. Don't hide your beauty behind pounds of makeup 💋
Now...back to the story 🗿
Jake POV
It's been a full week and there is still no sign of Spencer. Her mom has pretty much given up. She's been cooped up in her room for the past week. Paige and I try to visit, but it's no use. One of her daughters is missing and the other one is in jail.
Tragic story.
I was sitting down in her living room. Last time I was in here, I was with Spencer. I could see her playing the Wii, now, trying to beat up her opponent.
"See look, I can totally win this dude," she said confidently.
"Oh yeah? Show me," I smirked. I sat down and watched her punch an imaginary guy in front of her. Her facial expression showed complete concentration. She had that cute wrinkle above her nose, as she got more competitive.
"Wooooo! I told you I could take him out! These fists of STEEL!" She shrieked, throwing her tiny fists into the air. I died of laughter, falling onto the floor and holding my stomach. She bent down and punched me.
I faked pain.
"Wow, you really do punch hard," I said wincing. She laughed.
"Shut up,"
I snapped out of my flashback, realizing that Paige was talking to me. She was waving a hand back in forward in front of my eyes.
"Are you okay?" She asked me. I sat forward with my elbows on my knees.
"This is all my fucking fault Paige. If I would've been here for her, I could've stopped this! To think that I got mad over her and Hayden sharing a kiss! I FLIPPIN yelled at her to get out and I never bothered to listen to her explanation. The God damn explanation!" I confessed.
"Jake stop pacing," Paige said. I didn't even know I had stood up. I sat back down and tears started spilling out.
"It's not your fault Jake. You couldn't have prevented this,"
"YES IT IS! You mean to tell me that you aren't feeling the same way I am?That even if you were there with her that day, this most likely wouldn't have happened?" I questioned. She turned away and clasped her hands. I got my answer.
I sat back and looked up at the ceiling.
"There has to be something we haven't checked. The police never do their job anyway. We need to do something," I said to myself. Paige sighed.
"Well ok. Mason broke out of jail the day that Spencer went missing. She supposedly went to work for six hours and left. At least that's what everybody says," she recalled.
"The security guard said he saw glass but no car. So that means...they took her and the car...no one saw it..." I muttered.
"So what does that leave for us?" Paige asked looking at me. I bolted upright.
"Security cameras. There has to be security footage!" I shrieked. Paige bounced up and we pushed each other out the door.
Hopefully, this will lead us somewhere.
•. •. •. •. •.
We were standing behind the security officer.
"All we want is to see the tape," I said. He nodded and went back to that day. We skimmed the floors at about 5, looking for any signs of Emily leaving the building.
"THERE SHE IS!" Paige yelled. I looked at the camera and spotted her long brown hair. She looked gorgeous that day.
She had something in her hand that looked like a piece of paper.
"Is that her paycheck?" I asked.
"You would have to ask her boss," the guard said. I wrote that down and nodded. Spencer turned around all of a sudden. She continued walking then paused again.
"I guess she heard something," Paige whispered. She broke out into a run and jumped into her car.
"We need to see what's she's scared of. Can you go to the other camera on the floor?" I asked. He switched cameras only to find darkness. We waited, but nothing happened.
"WAIT, go back," Paige said. He reversed the tape.
"STOP!" She yelled.
"What do you see?" I asked her.
"When she turned on her headlights, you could see a figure. He looked like he was in all black which is probably why we can't see him," she explained. The security guard reminded again, this time in slow motion.
I saw him. He paused the tape at the blurred figure.
"Got this son of a bitch," I whispered to myself. The figure was in a black hoodie. He looked white, as far as I could tell.
"Alright, now follow her on all the floors," I said. We went from p2 to p1 and saw her stop at the gate.
She buzzed It, but no one was there to open it.
"Where were you?" Paige asked the guard.
"There was a problem with the elevators. I was up there trying to figure it out," he explained.
I made a mental note to myself to ask about that.
I watched Spencer. She got out the car and ran somewhere out of view. The cameras switched and it showed her trying to open the door to this office. It was locked. She went around to the other door and buzzed the gate.
She ran back out of the camera and we switched. She got back into her car only to have it busted by the man. He threw her out onto the glass.
"Asshole," Paige murmured.
We watched her get slapped. I couldn't take it, I wanted to break something. Paige put her hand on my back and looked at me.
"Do this for Spencer. Beat something up later," she said simply. She's right. I nodded and looked back at the video. Spencer had hit him in the head with the wrench and got back in the car.
She couldn't start the car for some reason and he came back, throwing her out of it again. She screamed something and he slapped her one final time.
The camera feed was lost.
"What?" The guard asked. He went through all of the cameras and discovered somebody hacked into the system and took out the rest.
"Why didn't the police see this?" Paige asked.
"I don't know. We gave them a copy of the tapes. They said they found nothing. I didn't bother to recheck because the police are usually right," he explained.
"Except this time,"
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV:
I sat in the room with my thigh bleeding. The cut Wasn't that deep, but it hurt like hell. I wasn't losing nearly as much as I had when I cut my arm. I was losing some blood though.
I had 'earned' a piece of cloth to wrap around the wound to prevent blood from flowing through.
This game is so sick in so many ways. The person who is doing this has me call them Pay. There's a guard on me 24/7 at the door.
The door opened and in came the guard and Pay. They had a tray of food.
"You will earn this lunch," the guard said. They sat down in front of me.
"When did you discover you were pregnant?" Pay said.
"November 23," I said. They nodded and the guard came over to give me the tray. He placed it on my lap and untied my hands.
It was a sandwich and chips and cookie. I could tell it came from subway. I made a mental note of that.
"If im being totally honest with you, I think you trapped Mason into this," pay said.
"And you think I care about your honesty?" I responded taking a bite into the sand which.
"Oh. You're still feisty," pay said. He smirked and nodded towards the guard. The guard snatched the plate of food away.
"What the hell?!"
"You don't disrespect me. Rule 1," pay said confidently. They stood and walked towards the door. Damn, Im really sorry Peanut.
"You may want to check yourself a bit. Being pregnant in my book just makes this interview more fun," pay said and closed the door.
I suddenly started crying again.
"I'm sorry, Peanut. I know you're hungry. I should've just kept my mouth shut," I sobbed.
•. •. •. •. •.
Paige POV:
We had just got done checking our sources. We asked about the elevator problem and the paycheck. All true.
"Do you know if she had any problems with the workers?" I asked her boss. We were sitting in her office.
"Not that I know of. Charles was kind of weird towards her, but nothing else," she said.
"Weird?" Jake asked.
"As in he would sometimes envy her. She was always the better worker. Charles tries his best, but he isn't as great as Spencer. I remember one time he actually trashed her office,"
Talk about a psycho.
"That's crazy. Is here right now?" I asked her. She shook her head no.
"He comes in Tuesday's, Wednesday's, and Fridays now. I don't know why," she confirmed. Jake wrote that down.
"Please call us if you can remember anything else," I said. She nodded and we shook her hand.
"I will be sure of it,"
We left the office with so many leads. We stopped at McDonalds to go get something to eat.
"Alright so let's go back to the whole security cam. He said he showed the cops and they said they found nothing," Jake said. I nodded, eating my chicken nuggets.
"That either means that they really didn't find anything or someone is..."I started. I stopped mid sentence and looked up. Jake stopped eating and looked up at me.
"What happened,"
"Oh my god. Mason! He has a brother!" I recalled. Jake shrugged.
"So, he's a police officer! Either he saw the video and didn't see anything or he's covering Masons ass. Which means that he's probably the one that broke him out of jail, too!" I shrieked. Jakes eyes bulged.
"Wow. We need to go to the police station right now," he said, stuffing the rest of his burger in his mouth.
We jumped into the car and drove down to the station. We asked for his brother and they told us to wait. Ten minutes later, he finally emerged to his death.
"Paige?" He asked walking out. I nodded.
"We need to talk to you," Jake said finely. He stood up and met him face to face.
"Office?" He asked him. Nick seems to nod and led the way. We entered a corner office and took a seat in front of him.
"What can I do for you?" He asked.
"Your brother Mason has broken out of jail. Did you know?" Jake asked. He's all business right now, I can tell he wants answers.
Nick frowns.
"Of course I know. I'm his brother,"
"Then tell us. Did you help him escape?" I asked rushing to the point. He looked alarmed and shook his head.
"What? No. I'm an officer that took an oath. Do you know what type of troubled could get into if I did that?" He asked. Jake smirked.
"We know and we don't care. Rules havent stopped humans before," Jake said simply.
"Just be honest with us and we won't tell the cops," I bargained. Nick looked from me to Jake.
"I told you I know nothing,"
I stood up slowly and walked over to him. When I was in the car with jake, we discussed our last resort being to provoke sexual contact. I was wearing a shirt that was barely buttoned and some high waisted jeans.
I put my arm around his chest and leaned in to whisper into his ear.
"If you tell me, I'll give you what you want," I cooed. I sat down on his desk and looked at him with raised eyebrows. His face was stone cold. He gave me an 'are you serious' look.
"I don't know anything. I told you," he said, firmly
"You sure?" I asked, unbuttoning my shirt. He smirked and looked away. I stood and put my arms on both sides of his head, leaning in.
"It's not that hard," I whispered. He looked at me and looked away.
"I told you I don't know anything now get off of my desk," he said. I nodded and turned back around. I buttoned my shirt and sat down next to Jake.
"Well, look man. We tried to do this the nice way, but you clearly aren't cooperative. Just know that if I find out you have anything to do with Spencer, I'm beating your sorry ass," Jake warned and stood.
"Nice seeing you nick," I said and winked, walking out of the door.
"That was a bust," I muttered to Jake.
"Yeah it was," he said. We walked back out to the car and sat there to think.
"His reactions were too well rehearsed. He's always been attracted me. Not to mention, I think he's a sex addict. He has to know something," I commented.
"Yeah...little pervert," Jake said. Suddenly, we spotted him rushing out of the station. He looked aprons and got into his car.
"Tail him," I said.
We followed him for about 20 minutes until we finally found his car parked in front of what looked like a barn. It was red and had a white picket fence.
"I'll be right back," I said.
"No! I'll go,"
"You can't! Trust me, I'll be fine," I convinced him. He nodded and I got out the car. I jumped the fence and slowly walked up to the barn.
There was music playing in the background. I don't know what it was, though. I walked in and started crawling. I went behind a stack of hay.
Peering around it, i spot nick doing as I suspected. He was having sex with a girl.
"I knew I turned you on," i murmured. Moans filled the air. I was about to get up and leave when their position moved. They were about 5 feet away from me, straddling.
I pulled out my phone and texted Jake.
I sat there and waited for it end. I stopped hearing moans for a second and thought it was a coast clear until I realized they were on top of the hay I was hiding behind.
I ran over to the next stack and his there. Ten minutes passed and they were still at it.
"JESUS Christ! Stop fucking!" Someone yelled. I jumped and covered my mouth.
It sounded like nick and the girl fell over and they were now scrambling to put their clothes on. I unlocked my phone and opened my camera.
I flipped the camera on the people and hit record. Nick was putting on his clothes and the woman was looked for her bra.
"I swear you screw every girl you can find," the guy said. He was tall, white, and had piercing blue eyes.
"Sorry. We have a problem," nick muttered.
"What is it now?!"
"There are some people that are starting to suspect me breaking Mason out," he responded.
"What does that have to do with me?" The guy asked angrily.
"Well, you said I wouldn't get caught! I'd be safe!" Nick yelled.
"Promises are made to be broken. Stop being a baby," he responded harshly.
Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I immediately disappeared and declined the call.
"What was that?!" The guy asked. I held my breath.
"That was probably just my phone. It's somewhere in here," nick suggested.
Thank you, Nick.
"Don't call me again about his stuff!" The guy warned and left the barn. Nick followed him out. I turned to left and came face to face with green eyes.
I let out a slight shriek.
"You're kinda cute,"
It was the girl who was screwing Nick. She had a bit of an accent.
"What?" I asked.
"Let's do it," she said. I slapped her and stood.
"Go back from whatever country you came from," I said and walked away. Nick's car was gone and Jake was still sitting in the car.
"What took you so long?" He asked as I got in. He drowned when he saw my shirt.
"What happened?"
"The girl he was screwing tried to screw me," i explained. He smiled and nodded.
"Stop imagining things," I said and smacked him in the arm.
"Ow," he said and laughed.
"Anyways," I pulled out the video and showed it to him.
"Keep this. We can use it," he said.
"Yeah. I almost got caught, too. Somebody called my phone!" I exclaimed.
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencer POV
"You're nothin but a slut. Which is how you're pregnant," the guard said. I was sitting down and eating my dinner. The guard had untied my hands so I could pick up the chicken and eat it. It looked like it was from KFC.
His phone started ringing.
"Yeah boss?"
He stood and walked over to the knives.
"Okay, I'll scare him," he said. He hung up the phone and put it on the table. He seemed to debate between which knives to use. He eventually picked three and left the room.
I scooted over to the table and grabbed the phone. I can't dial 911 because they have someone on the team working with them.
I dialed her number. It rang and I stalked the door, paranoia setting in. It was declined.
"Paige, please help me. I've been kidnapped by someone I call Pay. They are torturing me an asking me questions- anyway. I don't know how you can find me. All I know is the fold they bring me. So far I've had Mcdonalds, KFC, Subway, and Chinese Food. The Chinese food is not from downtown, I can't tell. Anyway, they have someone on the police squad with them, I don't know who. Please....just hurry and-"
"Thank you,"
The line ended. I went to his recently called and deleted Paige's number. I locked and it and placed it in the same spot. Scooting my chair back over, I relaxed and continued eating my chicken.
"Hurry up, slut,"
•. •. •. •. •. •.
Jakes POV
I bolted upright and ran down the stairs to meet Paige. She was crying with her phone in her hands.
"What's wrong? What happened?" I asked frantically. She pressed something on her phone and Spencer's voice filled the air. I walked over and sat down to listen.
She sounds scared. She also sounds unlike her usual self. What are they doing to her. Tears immediately come to my eyes when her message gets cut off.
"We need to tell the police," I said.
"She said someone is on the team, Jake!" Paige yelled. She did say that. Damn it. I'm out of ideas.
There's a knock on the door and I reluctantly go over to answer it. It's Megan.
"JESUS Christ Megan! I told you-"
"I know where Spencer is,"
SUPPPP?! So guys I know this chapter was a little weird. Trust me, I don't know either. They just come to me😐
-megan...wow. Is she willing to help Jake out or nah?
-Spencer....well...let's leave her be 😭
-PAY!!! This person will be revealed in this upcoming chapter. STAY TUNED😵
-Mason.... Can't share with you😁 he could be Pay. You never know 😈
-LASTLY, PAIGE AND JAKE! They will get through with the leads. I'm not gonna tell you how, just keep it here😇
WELL, thank you guys for viewing this. I'm going to be updating pretty soon so if you want to stay in tune, hit the follow. Otherwise, just please comment or vote 😁 would appreciate this.
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