《The Reality of it All (Completed)》Maybe Being Persistent is a Bad Thing
Well... another week passed. Still no Paige or Jake. I think we really called it quits on this one, it's already been three weeks. I just can't believe that I've lost my best friend and boyfriend in one night. All over a stupid Kiss.
What is life?
Mason is very much still on the loose and I am terrified. I've been sleeping with my mother in my room. I legit fear for Peanuts life at this point and it is going to be hell to pay if things turn out his way.
I was in bed just staring at the ceiling. My mom was downstairs making breakfast. I don't know why, but I feel kinda tired.
I get out of the bed anyway and slip on some jogging pants and a shirt. It was another day of depression.
Walking down stairs, I met pancakes, eggs, and bacon. All of which were my favorite. I sat down and ate like a bear after hibernating.
"JESUS sweetie, you could swear you were having twins!" My mom exclaimed. I laughed.
"I know! My appetite just increases now," I explain. She nods.
"Any name for your baby yet?"
"I was thinking maybe destiny or Autumn," I told her. She raised her eyebrows.
"Why those names?"
"Because they are nice names. I don't like Susan or Mary or sophia,"
"Those are nice names," she commented.
"No. They are overly used. I bet in one state there are over 100,000 Sophia's," she laughed.
"You're probably right," she confessed. I nodded.
My phone started ringing and I picked it up.
"Hi, we could use some help up here. Do you want to work overtime?"
"Only if I get paid double," I bargained. There was a pause on the phone and then I heard a sigh.
"Fine, only because we really need another perspective on these sales," she said.
"I'll be there in twenty,"
I hung up the phone and told my mom what was happening.
"Just don't strain yourself!" She yelled up the stairs.
I jumped into a cheetah print dress and put a blue jean jacket over it. For my shoes, I went with sandals. My feet are very uncomfortable in heels. My hair, I put some loose curls in and called it a day.
I eventually left and made it to work on time. No one questions my work day outfit because one, I'm pregnant and two, Im doing overtime.
I spend a good 6 hours there and I can smell the paycheck already. I started walking towards the boss's office when someone came up from behind me.
"The baby is really growing in there,"
I turned to see Charles. He worked in the office too. I was surprised he was even okay with talking to me.
"Yeah she is. I just hope she gets out soon," I admitted with a smile.
"How's Jake taking this?" He asked. My breathing hitched and I feel a lump in my throat.
"Umm...Jake isn't really here at the moment," I said uncomfortably. He nodded and looked down.
"I'm sorry for asking,"
"No. It is what it is. I was just afraid to say it," I said holding back some tears.
"Well I'll see you later,"
That was really awkward. I walked into my boss's room and got my paycheck. $250 plus a whopping $165. God is good.
I left the office building and walked down to the parking area. My car was on level P3 so I took the elevator down.
It was empty except for about five cars. I walked towards my car with my paycheck in hand. Suddenly I heard a noise.
I paused in my tracks and locked around. There was nothing to be seen. I took another step only to hear a loud bang.
I ran to my car and unlocked the door. Getting in, I locked the door and put my paycheck in my mirror and put the key in the engine.
Suddenly, I saw someone standing under the P3 sign in a black hoodie. there was wrench in his hand.
I took off and started going down to the first level. As I approached the gate, I buzzed in for it to open only it didn't open. I buzzed again. No response.
Oh no. This cannot be happening to me. This cannot be happening. I began to honk. I'm going to die. Peanut is going to die. We are going to die.
I got out of the car and looked at the security guards office. No one was in there. If he's not in there then I need to do it myself.
I ran over to the door and pulled on it to find it locked. No! I banged on the door, but there was no point. Spotting the back door, I ran to the other side and successfully opened the door.
I ran to the table and pushed the button to open up the gate. Once I saw the gate coming up, I ran back over to my car and jumped in. Just as I was about to pull off, my window shattered. I covered my face and felt a strong hand on my arm.
The door opened and I was thrown into the floor. The glass was cutting my legs and hands. I saw the shoes.
It was the man in the black hoodie.
He lifted me and pushed me onto the floor again. I screamed and tried to crawl away. He watched me in delight as I begged for mercy.
He snapped out of his thoughts and started walking towards me, wrench in hand.
He grabbed my arm and dropped the wrench. Bringing up his hand, he slapped me straight across the face. My cheek burned in pain. Then I felt another slap. Then another and another.
I was losing consciousness. I felt myself slipping away in his arms.
I spotted the Ravins again. They were flying directly above my head until they all landed near the wrench.
The wrench, Spencer.
With all the energy I had left, I picked it up and hit him in the head hard. He yelled in pain and fell over. I stood and ran back to my car. Closing the door, I pressed down hard on the gas.
It wasn't moving. What the hell?
"Cmon," I whispered to myself. Only then did it hit me that he took the keys. I looked up to see him standing. His facial expression was blocked by his mask. He walked over to me and threw me out of the car.
"WHO ARE YOU?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. His mask wasnt giving me any clue.
"Mason?" I asked. He walked towards me and gave me one final slap.
Everything went black.
•. •. •. •. •. •.
I was sitting at the kitchen counter with my work suit on. It's been three weeks since I last saw Spencer and I can't help but long for her. I wish she would've came back and tried again to talk to me, but I was a jerk.
Paige was seated beside me with a beer in her hands. She looked a complete mess. She came back from visiting her parents and she still hasn't talked to Spencer.
We were better with her than without her.
Suddenly, a rapid knock came from the door. I walked over drunk to open it and I came face to face with Spencer's mom. I immediately sobered up.
"Have you seen Spencer? Is she over here?" She asked frantically. She walked in and started looking around.
"SPENCER!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. Paige stood and rushed over to her.
"What's wrong?" She asked holding her shoulders. Spencer's mom immediately broke down and started crying. I walked over to her and sat down beside her.
"What wrong Ms. Shapel?" I asked softly. She wiped away a few tears and looked up.
"Spencer didn't come home last night. This morning either. I think something terrible has happened!" She explained.
"Why?" Paige asked. She shook her head.
"Mason broke out of jail. Spencer has been paranoid ever since and for her to just....."
I zoned out. Mason broke out of jail and Spencer is now missing. No, this can't be happening. This has to be a dream.
I stood up and ran to my room. Throwing off this suit, I jumped into some jeans and a shirt and ran back out.
"When was the last time you saw her?" I asked her as i thrusted on my shoes.
"Yesterday at breakfast. She said she was going to work overtime because she was getting paid double," she said standing up.
Paige grabbed her phone and I grabbed my keys. If anything happens to Spencer, it will be all my fault.
I opened the door and we all ran out to my truck. Jumping in, we drove to her job and questioned everyone in the building.
"I can't believe they all said they saw her leave. How is that possible?" Paige asked. She looked worried out of her mind.
"I don't know. Cmon, lets check the parking levels," I suggested. We went down and searched for her car on the three levels. There was no blue Malibu to be seen.
We got back in our car and drove down to the gate. Then I saw the security guard.
I got out and walked towards his office. I knocked on it and he looked up with mustard on his face. He walked over to open it.
"Have you seen a blue Malibu? Did you see it leave?" I asked. The question rushed out of my mouth so fast, I'm surprised he understood me.
"Oh you mean Spencer? No, I'm sorry. Why?" he asked curiously. I shook my head.
"We can find her," I confessed. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and looked down.
"I'm very sorry. I'll let you know if I remember anything from last night," he said. I walked back to the car in despair. No one knows where Spencer is.
As I got back in the car, he buzzed the gate and we sat there waiting for it to open completely.
The security guard was speaking through the speaker.
"Last night, there was glass at the gate," he said. I pushed the button to speak back.
"Yeah. Like glass from a busted window. There was no car to be found with a busted window, though," he confirmed.
My heart stopped. If Spencer's glass was busted that means that someone intentionally did this.
"Thank you," I said and drove off.
I looked over at Paige and she had a look of disgust on her face.
I turned back to the road. I just wish that wasn't true.
•. •. •. •. •.
We arrived at the police station to file a report. Paige and Ella were both drowned in tears now. They held each other's hands tightly as they talked to the investigator.
I can't bring myself to cry. I don't know why, but there's some part of me that's telling me I will eventually find her. I have to find her.
Who else would know where she went?
I racked my brain for any possibilities until I came across one.
I walked out of the station and jumped in my car. I know exactly where he lives, Paige used to ask me to drop her off all the time.
I got there in less than ten minutes. I rang the doorbell and waited for an answer. There was anger inside of me that built up just because of what happened between them.
Hayden finally opened the door.
"Where is Spencer?" I demanded. He frowned and widened the door. Naked girls came into view. Is this really what he does on his spare time?
"She's not here," he said.
"Well she's missing and I think you may know where she is," I spat. He frowned.
"She's missing? Since when?"
"Last night, now where is she?" I asked. I was getting angrier by the second.
"I told you man, I don't know where she is,"
I exhaled and walked back down the steps. I got back into the car and drove off. Hayden was never any help
•. •. •. •. •.
Hayden POV (😵😵😵😵)
I watched Jake drive off. He was one angry son of a bitch. I pulled out my phone and held 1.
"Yeah boss, we got a problem," I said.
"What the fuck you mean we got a problem?"
"Exactly as I said....a problem," I said as I entered the house.
This was not going to end up good.
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV: 😭
Everything was blurry. I shook my head and tried to rub my eyes but something was holding my hands back. I blinked until I could see everything clearly and that's when I realized I was already dead.
I was sitting in a chair. My feet was taped to the legs and my hands were tied behind my back. As I looked at the walls, I realized how persistent Mason really is.
There were pictures of me all over them. Me leaving my job, leaving the house, spending time with jake. There was even one of me sleeping in my room which looks like it was taken through the window. I looked to the wall on the right and found my entire schedule.
7;00- go to work
5;00- get off
5;30- makes it home
This is ridiculous.
There was a Mac computer in the far right corner and a table to the left of me. There were different kinds of knives laid out carefully on top of them.
One sharp, one skinny, one fat, one rigid, etc.
This is how I die.
Suddenly a door opened and I spotted the masked man. He walked towards me calmly and pulled up a chair in front of me. Sitting down, he stared at me for a moment.
"Let me go," I said.
They didn't say anything. Then their hands rose to face and they removed the mask.
My mouth dropped. How can this be?
"Karma is a bitch, Huh?"
•. •. •. •. •.
It's been two days and Spencer is still missing. The police are searching for her and we even made it to the news. I just wish this didn't happen.
I was sitting in Jake's apartment on the couch. I really didn't want to be left alone at the moment. I was scared of Mason, too. Jake was in the shower. He hasn't shown much emotion about Spencer. I bet he's really beating himself up on the inside.
My phone rang and I picked it up.
"Come downstairs. I'm in my car,"
The phone clicked.
It was Hayden. I am so tired of him right now, why can't he just go away? I stand up and walk out the door. I see his car parked to the right and I walk over and get in.
"What the hell do you want?" I asked angrily. He looked at me and smirked.
"You're still feisty,"
"Damn right," I said. He turned to look at me.
"Stop beating yourself up about the whole Spencer thing," he said.
"Like you care. Go to hell,"
"No I'm serious," he leaned in closer.
"You didn't do this. Things happen for no reason. Could you have prevented it? Most likely not. Mason is way stronger than you," he said matter of factly.
I leaned in closer.
"Shut the hell up! You know absolutely nothing about me. I could've stopped it for all that matter and you need to mind your own damn buisness-"
His face smashed into mine. He pulled my body forward and I found myself on his lap. I ran my fingers trough his hair and he flipped me over.
He pushed me through to the backseat and pretty soon joined me. I took off my shirt and he took off his jacket. I pulled him back down and he trailed kisses up and down my neck.
What are you doing, Paige?
•. •. •. •. •.
I woke up with his arm around me. I was laying on his chest. We were still in the backseat, but there was a blanket over us.
Please don't tell me I had sex with him.
I peaked under the covers and sighed heavily. I did. I slowly removed his arm and looked around for my bra. I found it on the seat and put it on.
"Don't go," he muttered. He sat up and kissed my neck. It felt good, but I'm not feeling Hayden. We are done.
"Stop," I said. He pulled me closer to him.
"I miss this. I miss our late nights and I miss us watching Supernatural together. I miss you, Paige," he confessed. He was looking into my eyes. I can't tell if he's lying or serious right now.
I sighed.
"Hayden, this...I don't even know what this was. I don't know how it happened but all I know is that I can't do this with you anymore-"
"Please, I'm begging you," he said. He sat up straighter and pulled me in closer.
"Tell me what happened with you and Spencer," I said. He sighed and leaned back.
"I went into her stall and pushed her up against the wall and I-"
"I knew it," I said and put on my underwear. He grabbed my waist.
"Please baby, I'm sorry. Nothing has been the same since we broke up and I just- I want us back," he said. I smirked.
"I find that hard to believe when you had naked girls at your apartment two days ago," I spat. He paused and frowned.
"Didn't think I knew?" I asked. I pulled my shirt on and slipped on my jeans. Grabbing my shoes, I looked at him one last time.
"Listen to me because I am only saying this once. We are done. Get over yourself," I got out of the car and ran back up the stairs into jakes house.
I met Jake at the counter.
"What happened to you?" He asked me. I realized that I probably still have the sex hair.
"I did something I regret. I am such an idiot," I said and dropped my sandals. I walked over and pulled out a beer.
I turned back around to see him smirking.
"I just didn't know you were horny," he confessed. I spit out the beer, choking on it.
"Shut up,"
He laughed. I threw the bottle top at him and walked over to the couch. What a day.
•. •. •. •. •.
Hayden's POV
I can't believe she knew about that. Jake had to tell her. I don't know how we ended up having sex but for me it wasn't just sex. I have no idea what's going on, but I feel abandoned. I feel like something is missing.
I know Paige was angry, so for her it was all anger, but for me... I think I actually made love to her.
Damn Paige.
This screws everything up. I shake my head and get dressed. I vow to never see Paige ever again.
I speed dialed boss.
"When do I get what I deserve again? Remind me,"
"You're not gonna get anything if you keep reminding me, damn it!"
I smirked.
"Then you won't get your share,"
"Fine. I'll give it to you when the cat eats the rat," he confirmed.
"That's all I wanted to hear,"
I Hung up the phone and drove off. Paige and I are over. Paige and I are over. Paige and I are over.
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
"Please! I told you the truth!" I shrieked. He walked towards me with the knife in his hand.
The knife came down at a remarkable speed. I screamed as pain shot through my body.
"I told you to tell the truth,"
HEY GUYS! SOO.. this is the first time I actually pumped out an entire chapter in one day. Wow. I feel accomplished. 😀lol. But anyways.... yup. Continue reading for sneak peaks:
-Spencer situation doesnt get any better for her. 😞You guys will however get a sneak peak into the 'interview'. SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN AT THE END THOUGH!
-Paige and Jake...will they find anything out? Yes? No?😣
-Megan is thrusted back into this picture. The crazy girl is also relentless
-LASTLY....the mysterious interviewer. 😐GUYS... this person is not at all who you may think it is. You're gonna have to guess again for this one. You wont find out who it is until the chapter coming up after the next one. So basically chapter 15...I KNOW.. IM SORRY😭
The baby situation is definite and I know what I'm gonna do with her now. 😳 if you wanna stay updated hit that follow button💗otherwise please vote or comment. I don't bite.
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လီလီ: "လီလီကကိုကြီးရဲ့ကောင်မလေးကိုလုတာမဟုတ်ပဲနဲ့ကိုကြီးရဲ့ကောင်မလေးကလီလီ့ကိုရွေးချယ်တာလေ"ခင်လေးနွယ်: " နင်တို့ခင်လေးနွယ်ဆိုတဲ့နာမည်ကိုမကြားဖူးခင်ကတည်းကလီလီနဲ့ငါကလက်ထပ်ပြီးနေပြီးလေ" ကိုစောခဲ : "ငါမင်းကိုအဝေးကေနငေးကြည့်နေရလဲအဆင်ပြေတာမို့လို့ေငးကြည့်ခွင့်တော့ပေးပါ "
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