《The Reality of it All (Completed)》My Pointless Attempt at a Life
(THIS SONG UP HERE! Listen to it 💯 not the whole song just wait for the chorus. 🗿😭
"What you gon do with that dessert?"
Love the beat
"Jake...it's not what it looks like-"
"YOU MOTHER-!" He yelled. He dropped his bag and lunged towards Hayden. They both slammed onto the coffee table, breaking it into a million pieces.
Fists were in the air as punches were given by both of them. Jake still had the advantage, with being on top but Hayden was hanging in there.
"JAKE! STOP! PLEASE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. It was no use. I turned to look at Paige who was looking at them in disgust.
"HELP ME!" I yelled. She snapped her head and walked up to me. There was definitely hurt in her eyes, and I sighed. The next thing you know her hand lifted and connected with my face. Pain shot through my nerves. She bitch slapped me.
Looking at me one last time, she stormed out of the house without a word. I touched my cheek and turned back to the war between Jake and Hayden.
Hayden was on top now, and Jake was taking punches to the face. Both noses were bleeding all over the rug. Norther of them were backing down.
I don't understand how girls like guys fighting over them.
"GET OFF OF HIM!" I yelled. Of course no one listened. I ran to the kitchen and took out a big pot. Throwing some plastic bags inside it, I soaked them in gasoline.
Matches. Where are the God damn matches?! I went from drawer to drawer until I finally came across them in the cabinet. Who puts matches in a damn cabinet?! Trembling, I quickly lit a match and dropped it in the pan.
I ran back over to both of them and put the pot in Hayden's face. He immediately backed away at the sight of it and looked up at me. I looked down at Jake to see his bloody nose and a busted lip. He looked at me and sat up.
"GET THE HECK OUT," I yelled at Hayden. He stood up slowly and walked out the door, slamming it behind him. I turned back to Jake who seemed to be thinking on his own.
"Baby...are you okay?" I asked, as i sat down in front of him. He looked me in the eyes and stared for a minute.
"I want you to leave," he muttered. I blinked back some tears from falling.
"I said leave, Spencer," he said a bit louder. I placed my hand on his arms.
"Jake, I am telling you that it's-"
I jumped in shock and looked down. He stood up and walked down the hall into his room. I heard the door slam as I got up to leave. I don't know what I was thinking. Kissing Hayden. How could I have been so stupid ?
I let out the fire in the pot and grabbed my bag. I rushed out of the house only to break down as soon as I got in my car.
Relationships are hard. Stupid love posts on Instagram and Facebook is all shit compared to the real thing.
I sat there and cried for what felt like a whole hour. I should've never got in a relationship. I should've just stayed on my own and this pain would've been avoided. Now my baby has to suffer what Im suffering.
A loss.
I put the key in and drove off. I had no idea where I was going, but I needed to do something to clear my mind. I ended up at the beach. It was 3 and no one seemed to be there. It was a bit chilly.
I love Jake. He loves me. I just don't know if we can make it through this fight. We've honestly never had jealousy issues but with Hayden, one could easily pin point out a theory.
On a quick last minute decision, I decided to get some McDonald's. I ate my dinner in peace as I sat in a drive in movie. I was one of the few cars there, because it was in black and white.
Majority of them were with someone or making out. I was kind of fascinated in the passion that exploded between them until I started thinking about Jake.
I decided to just sleep in my car. I wanted to be left alone. I know if I go home, my mom will ask me a million questions. It will not be easy telling her the whole story after I lied to her for so long.
I locked the car doors and took the key out of the ignition. I pulled the sun shades I had from when I was little down. Using the blanket and pillow I had back here, I made myself comfortable and fell asleep in my own river of tears.
•. •. •. •. •.
Well, it's been a week. I've tried to talk to Jake more than 3 times and he has continued to either ignore me or avoid me. Paige is the same only I can't find her. She completely disappeared and left Hayden somewhere else. I hadn't seen him In a while. Hopefully he moved to Canada.
I've been really stressed out. My mom has been no better with the stupid positive quotes every morning. I finally managed to tell her the truth and she insists on being my therapist.
I need a break.
I looked up some nice hotels for pregnant people and found the perfect one. It had a spa and pool and everything. I'm going to go tomorrow. I booked myself a room for an entire week.
I was in my room, packing my bag for the week when my mom came in.
"OH! Where are you going?" She asked smiling. I shrugged.
"Away for a while. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," I said sadly.
"Sweetie, why?"
"Because you and I both know that Jake and Paige will keep ignoring me. Things aren't going to go anywhere like this!" I argued. I sat down on the bed and stared at the floor.
"Spencer, I know it may not look like it now. Just please, please don't go," she said beggingly. I shook my head.
"No mom. I'm doing this for me and Peanut. She deserves a break after these two weeks of hell she's been through. I'm not changing my mind," I said firmly and stood to finish packing. She left the room quietly and allowed me to prepare myself in peace.
The next morning came too fast for my liking and it was almost time for me to go check in the hotel.
"You got the baby vitamins right?" She asked. I ran back up and pulled them from the drawer. I can't believe I almost forgot them.
"Thanks for reminding me," I said. I gave a hug and left the house.
Getting in my car, I went to my nuetral playlist and played it as I drove. The playlist consisted of unthinkable by Alicia keys, good life, daylight maroon 5, etc. the songs aren't so up beat but they aren't sad either. I find myself listening to this one all day long.
It takes me a good hour to get there. When I arrive, I have my car taken by the valet and I enter a royal palace. It was big and elegant....CLASSY.
"Hi, how can I help you?" Someone asked. I turned around to see a guy at the desk. He looked about early 20's. I walked over to him.
"My name is Spencer Shapel. I have a room here," I said.
"Okay, please wait one moment," he said. He was bad looking but he wasn't my type. Wait... shut up Spencer. This is a trip for you and Peanut only. VIP.
"Okay, we have you in the suite. You take the elevator to the third floor and its the last room of the hall," he said. He handed me a key card with a small smile. I took it and nodded.
"Thank you," I said.
"You're welcome,"
I walked over to the elevator and pushed the button. I didn't have to wait that long. I waited for some women to get off and got on the descent sized elevator. There was even the cheesy elevator music playing like in the movies.
You chose right, Spencer.
I got off on the third floor and walked down the hall to the last room. Unlocking the door, I opened it slowly and turned on the light. The room was amazing. There was a huge canopy bed to the left and a flat screen on the wall to the right. There was a balcony that over viewed the beach. There was a small kitchen area with a microwave, mini fridge, and cabinet.
The bathroom door was to the left next to the bed. I pushed it open to see a huge tub on marble floor. The mirror was huge and shiny over the sink. It was exquisite.
"Not bad at all for 300," I whispered to myself happily. I squealed a bit and put my bags under my bed. I don't like unpacking because I forget things too much.
I sat out on the balcony and watched the waves. There was an amazing breeze blowing that wasn't too hot or cold. It felt really good.
Here goes a week of relaxation.
•. •. •. •. •.
Jake's P. O. V.
I haven't managed to bring myself to work. The whole thing with Spencer has got me really messed up and I wish things didn't happen. As soon as I saw her kissing him with his hands wrapped around her waist, I don't know. Something snapped. The next thing you know I'm beating Hayden's face in.
It's funny because tomorrow is our 4 month anniversary. I had the whole thing planned out. I was gonna ask her to dinner and I even bought her something. Now everything is screwed up.
I admit, part of me regrets yelling at her to get out. I wanted her to stay. I wanted her to ignore what I said and play boss.
Funny thing is I wanted to be with her throughout my business trip. She was all I thought about. I wanted to kiss her and hug her until she couldn't breathe. I want to rub her belly and listen to Peanut move around.
Then another part yells she cheated on you. She's not worth it. The pain, suffering, misery.
Love is like hell.
I'm sitting in front of my tv just staring at some stupid show. It was in a totally different language, anyway. I had a beer in my right hand and ice pack in my left. The busted lip wasn't going to heal itself.
I hear a knock at the door and I don't get up to answer it. No mood for company is available at this moment.
I instantly knew the voice. MEGAN. She came back after I told she to never come back here again. Why oh why does she not get the message ?
She opened the door and walked in hesitantly.
"What do you want?" I ask grumpily. She looked at me with shock and rushed over to the couch. She was in some skinny jeans, heels, and shirt that flaunted her boobs.
"What happened Jake?" She asked softly. I picked up my bottle and took a long drink.
"It was Spencer wasn't it? I knew she would break your heart," she said. I ignored her and continued staring at the screen. I feel a sudden brush of her hand on my jaw.
Turning to face her, I meet her Green eyes. She looked like she honestly wanted to have sex. Lust was fuming off of her body like steam. I snatched her hand from my face and forced it down to her lap.
"Jake, I'm trying to make everything better," she explained. She scoots in closer to me.
"Don't you want me to make everything better," she cooed in my ear. Her voice sounded so sexy.
I turned to look at her again and I held her gaze. We were only about an inch away from touching lips. I mean, why can't i just screw her and get it over with? Shouldn't be that big of a deal.
She puts her hand Slowly onto my crotch. My heart beat quickens and I feel something come over me.
My lips smash into hers and the next thing you know I'm on top of her. Her nails dig into my back as she pulls the shirt off of me. Not losing leverage, I continued kissing up and down her neck. She ran her fingers through my hair and I thought of Spencer.
Spencer used to do that all the time.
I shook my head, pulling her shirt up. She sat up. Tugging it off in one motion, she revealed her Victoria's Secret bra that fit her wondrously. I pushed her back down and trailed kisses up and down the top part of her body.
Only when I hit her stomach did I reach my brain.
She's Pregnant.
Not only that, but it could be mine.
I paused and stood up from the couch. What was I doing? I don't want to have sex with her or anyone for that matter except Spencer! There is no way Im doing her with that baby in there, anyway.
Megan sat up and straightened her hair.
"What's wrong, babes. Why did you stop?" She asked, breathless. I stood there in front of her with my hands on my hips.
"You need to go, like now," I said. I picked up her shirt and shoes and lifted her off the couch.
"Wait! What? We were almost there!" She argued. I shook my head. As she reached the door, she pushed her body away, holding back.
"Stop! What is it wrong?" She asked.
"You're pregnant, that's what's wrong! And you know what, I don't even like you!" I yelled. She frowned and I opened the door. I pushed her belongings into her chest and held the door.
"Spencer cheats on you and you're still in love with her?!" She yelled furiously. I sigh heavily and hold my head in my hands.
"Megan, get this. This was a one time thing. I was lonely- depressed...nothing happened. Nothing ever will," I explained and shut the door before she could say anything else.
I walked back over to the couch and sat down in my same position. I want Spencer.
Only now things are screwed up and I can't help but feel like dirt.
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencer POV
Well, I've spent three days at this hotel and it is amazing. I'm really sad I only have four days left here. I could honestly stay here forever. Just away from the stress and...well...friends.
I'm sitting in my room with a ton of food on the bed beside me. I got ice cream, a hamburger, fries, cake, and pie. I didn't know which one sounded best. My cravings were spiked inces I read the options for room service.
I shut the TV off, not wanting to watch anything else. I run to the bathroom and release everything that I drank. I held that in for a while. I sat there and thought about names for my baby.
Jasmine? Nah.
Definitely not Susan. Too common and boring.
I gave up and stood to wash my hands. Suddenly I heard a door shut. I stripped in my tracks and listened for any more sounds.
There were footsteps.
Someone was in here. I ran over to the tub, pressed up against the wall. I slowly slid the curtain closed and crouched down in the tub. I heard the footsteps come closer and the bathroom door opened.
I clamped my hand over my mouth, trembling at the thought of a robber. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me.
The footsteps fade away and I slowly bring myself to my feet. I peep from around the curtain to see the door halfway open and no one there.
My eyes bounce around in horror, looking for a way to get help. More importantly, a fighting weapon. The only thing I was able to spot was the toilet brush.
This is gonna be harder than I thought.
Think, Spencer. THINK!
I let out a silent breath and look up at the ceiling, pushing my hair away from my face and that's when it hit me.
The shower rod!
I put my feet on the side of the tub and reached up. I slowly and gently pulled the rod down and removed the curtain. I twisted it down to the perfect size and practiced swinging.
I'm ready.
I slowly walked towards the door, overhearing them on the phone. Peeping my head around the door, I spot them on the balcony facing the water. I run over towards the door and stay planted against the wall.
"No, I told you I was here!"
"Well, how is that my fault?! Maybe it was you!"
Long pause.
"Babe, I am getting real tired of you coming to me crying about this. You said we were in the same situation,"
Babe? It hit me. The voice is Hayden's. Him and Paige are still together?
I get from behind the wall and slide the door shut, locking it. This seems to have gotten his attention and I look at him through the glass. He hands up his phone and puts his hands on the door.
"What do you want, Hayden?" I asked. He said nothing, but gestures towards the lock on the door. I shrugged and started walking away when I heard a bang. I turned back around to see him with his hands in a begging position.
I roll my eyes and unlock the door.
"What the hell are you doing here? Get out!" I yell at him. I begin to push him towards the door.
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay," he said. I paused.
"What the fuck is your problem. You tell Paige a lie and make me lose my best friend, you break up my relationship, and your FLIPPIN bipolar!" I yelled at him. He smiled and shook his head.
"Believe it or not, I really do care about you babes," he said. I raised my eyebrows and let out a delirious laugh.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for everything that has gone wrong,"
I chuckled and looked down. He walked closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"You belong with me and you know it," he whispered. His hazel eyes stared deep into mine. Suddenly, he started leaning in.
I kissed him and he pulled back shocked.
"I know baby. I want you meet someone," I whispered. He smirked and kissed me again.
I smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the elevator. Once we got in, he cornered me.
"I thought you were going to reject me," he whispered into my ear. I smirked and looked up at him.
"Wait til tonight," I said with a wink. His eyes widened.
"Ohh, okay. I must tell you, I'm great in bed," he said confidently. I laughed as the door opened and we reached the lobby. Pulling him towards the front desk, I rung the bell.
"Hey, Spencer!" Kyle said. He and I became close over these few days. He's the guy at the lobby desk. He was into dudes so it was totally cool.
"HEY! Listen, this is Hayden, the love of my life, and Hayden this is Kyle," I said with a wink. Kyle nodded and held out his hand.
"Hi! I'm kyle, the fashionista!" He introduced himself. Hayden laughed and shook his hand.
"Hayden," he said simply. I removed Hayden's hand from mine.
"I'll be right back, daddy." I whispered. He smirked and I could see the red raise to his cheeks. He turned and put his arms around my waist, pulling me forward.
"Get ice cream. My man is standing up down there and he really wants to play," he whispered huskily into my ear. I smile at Kyle and he raised his eyebrows.
Letting go of Hayden, he hit my bottom as I walked off.
I walked over to a stand at the back of the room. I put some ice cream in the bowl with whipped cream, chocolate fudge. Then I topped it with some sprinkles and a cherry. Then I put a slushie in a cup.
Perfect for bed.
As I walked back over, I put up two fingers and Kyle started talking to him. As I approached behind him, I raised the cup and poured the slushie all over Hayden's head.
"What the fuck?!" He yelled. He turned to face me, angry. Only then, I smashed the bowl of ice cream in his face. Kyle bursted with laughter. The bowl fell and Hayden's face was priceless.
"That-is for sneaking into my room and thinking it was okay to kiss me. This-," I said and smacked him hard across the face.
"Is for slapping my butt. You should know by now that I'm clearly not interested,"
That earned many stares from the women in the room.
"And voila! Your ice cream is served!" Kyle said taking a picture on his phone. I smiled at him.
"Wait!" I said. I took the cheery and placed it on top of his head.
"There YA go! Kyle, please don't let him enter my room at any time. LADIES, HES AN ASS! HE MAY BE HOT BUT DONT LET THE LOOKS FOOL YOU!" I Warned the women that were still staring.
Hayden stood there with a shocked look on his face. I smirked and suddenly his face turned angry.
"You bitch," he said.
"Yeah I know," I said happily. ( nicki minaj song in my head 😂💯).
He turned around and stomped towards the exit. Letting out a shout, he walked out the door and Kyle and I cracked up with laughter.
Talk about an epic showdown!
•. •. •. •. •.
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