《The Reality of it All (Completed)》Keeping Up with Mason
No more characters that should be seen Comin up, sorry.
It been two weeks and I've been going to the stupid trial against Mason. He hasn't made it easy for me to testify with his death glares and glances at my growing belly. I'm like midway into my fifth month right now. It will be six in two more weeks.
I'm now sitting at home watching tv in the living room eating pickles. I have no idea why, but I have been craving pickles and cookie dough ice cream. I literally get a new jar of pickles and tub of ice cream every two days.
My job has got me in a billion pieces with some stupid deal they are trying to get us to close. I haven't told Paige and Jake about it, because it will worry them. I will talk to my boss though. I don't know how much that'll do when I really need the money.
I have about 5,000 saved up for her now. I want at least 10,000 so I can be good for a couple of months without my job. I definitely don't want to rely on Jake. That's incredibly selfish.
I started singing along to the song on spongebob when the devil dressed in gray walked in.
"What do you want?" I asked, lowering the volume. Hayden stood there with a smirk on his face. He looked so hot, but he's a huge ass. Why does he have to be hot???
"You're hella pregnant," he said smiling. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the tv. See the ass part?
He walked over and sat down next to me. I ignored him until he started staring at me. I can't believe Paige is still with him. She seems totally in love, but she doesn't even know the real Hayden.
"What?!" I asked frustrated. He smirked and met my eyes.
"You're way prettier than Paige," he said.
"Shut the hell up and go away," I said irritated. He sighed and turned his attention to the tv.
"I want you," he muttered. I frowned.
"I want you. You may be pregnant, but you're perfect height for me. Not to mention your ass is bigger than Paige's. That's probably because you're pregnant, though," he says matter of factly.
"LEAVE." I said pointing towards the hall. He nods and clasps his hands together.
"Ya know I still got the evidence. Don't even think about telling Paige," he said and stood. I put my leg in front of his.
"And don't even think about eating anther chilli dog because I'm pretty sure your breath killed every living organism in the air,"
I smirked happily and turned the tv back up. He shook his head, leaving the room. Thank you Jesus. If he keeps flirting with me, I'm going to tell Paige. I don't know how, but I need to tell her.
•. •. •. •. •.
Jake and I were at his house just hanging out. We were talking about a lot of things, more or so trying to get to know each other. We haven't done this in a long time, and it feels good to talk about everything but drama.
"So, let me get this straight, you don't like chocolate?" He said smiling.
"No, unless it's in ice cream," i responded. He put his hands in the air and turned around in disbelief.
"I can't believe this. You are not human!" He shrieked. I laughed and shook my head.
"Tell me, have you done anything illegal?" I asked raising an eyebrow. I was trying to get him to tell me about the car and the stuff he did to Mason. If I can't tell him then he has to tell me.
"Well, I've stolen an Xbox game from Walmart when I was 16. I smoked pot. I once beat up my friends car because he stole $ 100 from me," he said and shrugged. I laughed and looked back at him.
"That's it?" I asked. CMON. Tell me about Mason. He looked at the wall.
"That's it," he said and turned his gaze back to me. I could tell he was lying. I sighed and looked down at the counter. This was going to be harder than I thought.
"What about you?" He asked. I shrugged.
"I've stolen food from target, of course. I've stolen a shirt from Macy's." I said.
"That's it?" He asked.
"Oh and I keyed someone's car because they stole my parking spot,"
He chuckled and nodded.
"I hate when people do that. Then act all innocent"
"I didn't steal your spot," I mocked in a deep voice. He laughed and nodded.
Suddenly a knock came from the door and we turned. Jake walked over to answer it and I stayed in my seat. I was thinking of ways to try and get it out of him. We need to talk about this.
"Megan, these are the rules..." I heard Jake say. I immediately stand and walk over to the door.
Megan was showing a little bit. There was a tiny bump visible under her crop top and skinny jeans. I wonder what she'll do when she's as big as a watermelon. She puts the capital S in slut. She spots me and gives me a glare. Jake notices and turns around.
"You can't do that! Megan, you aren't allowed here, at my job, in my car, or AROUND MY GIRLFRIEND," Jake said, putting the emphasis on girlfriend.
"She's not your girlfriend. She's just temporary until you realize what you want," she said angrily.
"NO. She is and I need you to respect that. I understand that baby may be mine, but I want to keep this strictly professional," he confirmed. She squinted at him and looked back at me.
"Got something to say?" I asked. I walked closer to the door but Jake put a hand in between us.
"Goodbye, Megan," he said and slammed the door in her face. I released the breath I seemed to be holding and turned back around with my hand on my belly.
Jake put his hands on my shoulders and started rubbing them.
"Can you please, stop with Megan?" He asked me softly. I sit down on the couch.
"I'll try, but if she does something you know it's game over, right?" I asked. He chuckled and continued massaging me.
"Yes, babe, I know it's game over. You've got quite a record of fights," he said. I nodded. I used always get into fights in high school with the Catty bitches who always tried stuff. I was always the victor.
The massage continued for a while until he finally got tired of doing it. I was lying on his chest listening to his even breathing. He was sleeping so soundly under me, although the tv was still on. I can't believe I've been with him for over three months. Our four month anniversary would be next week. Doesn't that sound crazy?
I really do love him with all my heart. It was a deeper love than the way I loved Mason.
I think this anniversary, I will be doing the planning. I know just what to get him, too. It's going to be great.
Another week has passed. I just came back from court, again. I had to testify one last time and I filed away some papers. The deed was done. I can't believe that would be the last I see of Mason. Lacey is still very much in jail. Mom is disappointed in her and can't bring herself to go see her. I haven't gone either.
I was standing in the kitchen chugging down some water in my professional work suit. It didn't fit like it used to, so I had to change the shirt.
"We need to take you shopping," Paige said from behind me. I turned to see Paige sitting at the counter and Hayden standing behind her. The stupid Hayden.
"Why you say that?" I asked defensively. Both of them raised their eyebrows and Hayden smirked, taking a seat.
"Because we aren't blind sweetheart," Paige responde. Hayden nodded and I rolled my eyes. Couln't Hayden just go away?!
"We could go now," he said to Paige. I glared at him and he sent me a wink. This couldn't get any worse.
"Alright, c'mon Spence," Paige said, holding out her hand. I sighed heavily and she walked over and dragged me from my position. We walked to her car and I sat in the back seat while they both sat in the front. Hayden kept looking at me through the let down mirror he pretended to be using. It was getting really annoying.
We finally approached the store and went straight to the maternity section. I automatically hated it. Paige and Hayden were looking through the racks for something to buy and I had enough. I decided to walked over the plus size section and found tons of cute stuff.
"Guys, LOOK!" I exclaimed, walking back with racks. They raised their eyebrows.
"You think you can fit into plus size?" Paige asked. I shrugged and nodded.
"Can't hurt to try...right?" I said. I turned and started walking towards the fitting room. The first thing I put on was a pair of skinny jeans that actually buttoned and a floral shirt. I was nice and loose fitting.
I walked out and met Paige and Hayden. Their eyes looked me up and down, taking it all in. I did a little spin and flipped my hair, smiling.
Paige applauded and Hayden smirked, raising an eyebrow. I bowed and went back to try on more. It went like this for a while. Some clothes were simply too big, and had to be put back, but others fit. The last outfit was a light pink dress. It hugged my body perfectly as I looked at myself in the mirror. It shows my bump and my butt, which has gotten bigger, might I add.
I walked out to see Paige and Hayden making out.
"Guys!" I said and they let go of each other. As soon as their eyes hit the dress, their mouths dropped. I was surprised at this, especially with Hayden. He seemed utterly shocked as he looked me up and down.
"Oh my god," paige whispered standing up. She walked over and spun me around a bit.
"You look absolutely gorgeous! Hella sexy dress!" She exclaimed. I smiled and did another curtsy. I looked over at Hayden who immediately dropped his eyes to the floor. Guess you better not say anything or Paige will suspect.
Paige's phone begins to ring and she picks it up.
"Oh this is my mom," she says and leaves. I walk back into the dressing room and stare at myself in the mirror. It was an absolute gorgeous dress. I may just end up wearing it for Jake.
Suddenly, I see a foot under the stall door and I back up against the wall.
"Get out!" I yell. They continued to back themselves into the stall. Only when he stood up did I see Hayden. I rolled my eyes.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I asked. He smiled and looked at me.
"That dress is absolutely amazing on you," he whispered. I rolled my eyes and reached for the zipper. To my dismay, it was on my upper back, impossible for me to reach.
"I got it, sweetcakes," Hayden says and unzips the dress slowly. It was extremely awkward. Why did he just call me sweetcakes? I notice him eyeing my butt in the mirror and turn around.
"Get. Out. Now," I said firmly. His hazel eyes watched mine in delight.
"You're hella sexy when you play boss. You should do it more often," he says.
I rolled my eyes and the next thing you know, I'm pinned against the wall. Hayden is kissing my face and neck at an amazing speed and I'm so shocked, I don't know how to react. He's lifting the dress and squeezing my butt as he continues. He hits my sweet spot, only it doesn't feel right, because it isn't Jake. I feel his lips lower down to my boobs and that's when I snap out of it.
I push him onto the bench of the stall and he falls back with a look of eagerness.
"Get on top," he says breathless. How can he be this delusional!
"That's it," I said. I yanked the stall open and marched back into the store. Hayden trailed behind me, seemingly surprised.
"She won't believe you," he whispered into my ear. I ignored it and walked right up to Paige was standing in front of a mirror.
"Paige, Hayden kissed me. Not even kissed, he pinned me up against the wall and assaulted me," I said with wild eyes. She looked at me and then at him.
"She's lying," he said. I shook my head. I should've know he would play this.
"You know I would never want to hurt you. She's the one that's always trying to judge you with your boyfriends
And you know it," he argued.
"He's fucking lying!" I yelled. Paige looked at me and then at him. Please Paige. Please tell me that you see the truth.
"She told me that she wanted me. The next thing you know, she pins me against the wall and kisses the day lights out of me," Hayden says. I'm getting extremely angry now.
"ACTUALLY, it was the other way around!"
"You know you want me! You're always eyein me and one time you even tried to undress yourself in front of me!"
"OKAY. you have a tattoo of an infinity sign right above your belly button. Not to mention, the belly button is pierced," he said. How did he know that? No one knows that but Paige, Mason, and me.
I'm left speechless.
"So it's true," Paige says. She looks angry.
"No Paige, it's not! I-"
"Just shut up!" She yelled.
"I would never hurt you in any way, you should know this by now!" I argued. She rose her hands to face.
"Shut the fuck up, Spencer,"
"Paige, I never ever try to judge-"
"No! You do! Every time I get a boyfriend you judge me and him! You, you feel uncomfortable with them, they aren't worth my time, I'm being a slut!" She yelled.
"I KNOW that we have had differences about who you spend your time with, but I always want the best for you!" I argued.
"No you don't! You always want the best for you!" She yelled in my face. She grabbed Hayden's hand and I looked up at him. He was smirking right in my face.
"We are done. Don't call me, don't visit me, don't talk to me. You and the damn baby get on my nerves," she said and walked out the door. I feel the stares of the other customers on me.
Now I've just lost Paige. Who will I lose next?
"Excuse me, ma'am. If you're not buying anything, please-"
"I got it," I said and marched my way back into the stall. Hayden said she wouldn't believe me and now I know why. He's been feeding her lies about why I always judge her boyfriends so harshly. I should've seen this coming.
I feel tears on the verge of falling out and I quickly sniff them back up. None are falling today. Tears are only for the weak and I've been through too damn much to give in now.
•. •. •. •.
Well, it's been two days. Paige has continued to ignore me since the day at the store. I haven't seen Hayden at all either, but it's all good for me. I don't care, I just want to be left alone. Jake is out on a business trip and won't be back until later today. These days have been terrible.
My mom keeps asking about Paige and I lie to her every time. I'm getting sick of it.
I want to tell Jake about Hayden. If I don't tell him, he'll be mad but if I do tell him, he will be mad. There
Really is no way out of this. I also just want Hayden gone. I want to him be shipped off to China in a billion pieces or something.
Talk about the number of murderous thoughts I've experienced.
I was sitting in Jakes house going over how to say this. Either way I put it, it sounds bad. I'll just come out with it.
Suddenly, the doorbell rings and I open it. Here goes nothing.
It was Hayden. He just barged in and stood in the living room. He looked out the window as if he was on a timer and turned his attention back to me.
"If you're planning on telling jake, you know he's going to jail right?" He asked with seriousness.
"How did you even know I was here?!" I asked. He shook his head and turned.
"Doesn't matter. You want to tell Jake, I tell the cops," he says firmly. I walk over to him.
"I don't give a fuck anymore. Call the cops. We will get through all of it, at least you'll be gone," I said.
"You and me both. Paige is done with you already. If I'm next, your still out," he says smirkingly. I sigh and turn away. He's right.
"Get out," I whispered.
"Look. I came here for a deal. Are you all ears or what?" He asked with raised eyebrows. I looked up and shrugged. A deal can't be as bad right ?
"Alright. To shut me up for good, all I'm asking for is a kiss," he says.
Hell to the no. I am not kissing him for anything. Things are already screwed up as it is.
"One click on this phone and the message is sent to the cops," he says, pulling out his phone. I looked at the screen and saw some pictures. He really did have evidence. I wonder how.
"CMON, Spencer. Just one kiss. When you're married to jake, this kiss won't even matter," he says licking is lips.
The future is something I didn't like to think about with relationships. I'm just so damn worried for Jake. He shouldn't have to go to jail for me.
Hayden looks up at the clock and sighs.
"You got 3 seconds,"
"ALRIGHT! FINE!" I yelled. I was going to regret this, for sure.
I walked up to him in despair and placed my lips on his wet slimy ones.
He was prepared for this kiss, I could tell. His breath smelled minty fresh. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in closer.
Suddenly, I hear a creek from behind me. I release Hayden and turn around.
Jake was standing there with Paige right next to him, the door wide open.
"Jake..." I started.
HAII GUYS!!! How's it been? Happy saint Patrick's day! 💚 anyways, I'm sorry for this short chapter. School has been cray. 👹 I want to personally thank those that followed me. You are like my little life savers 😂💯
-Paige and Spencer may end their friendship😭 or you know Paige could give in and believe spence. Never know
-the hot ass, Hayden will be involved in the upcoming. Stay tuned. He will be important for the plot 👐
-MASONNNNNN will be in the chapter after this one! SOMETHING SHOCKING WILL BE REVEALED😵
Stay tuned loves. 💙 hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you want to stay in tune with this book, hit that follow button 🍉 otherwise please comment and vote. I would really appreciate this 🗿
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Taking Over the Villaness' Body: 365 Days to Live As I Like!
Ann, a corporate slave in the modern life, suddenly couldn’t resist her body’s drowsiness and fell asleep after working non-stop for... who-knows-how-long. Her sleep wasn’t a good one as she was overly worried she wouldn’t be able to finish her work. When she finally woke up, she was greatly shocked. An unknown room, an unknown man with his icy expression, and moreover, the man addressed her as “Arlea”, and not “Ann”.And then she finally realized. She somehow ended up in the body of “Arlea”—a villainess in the fantasy/romance otome game she had played in the past, when she still had free time to relax. To make things worse, she remembered that in the next one year, she—Arlea—was fated to die. ‘In such a situation, what should I do?’‘Let’s think seriously of a way to overturn the situation?’‘But hold on, what if I can’t change the scenario? Why bother?’ Having lived her days in the modern life as a serious and restrained woman who became a corporate slave to her death, Ann finally decided... to spend her additional 365 days to live freely as she likes! Little did she know that her decision would cause everyone who knew Arlea to be very surprised and alarmed with her change.What happened to the villainous, hateful woman called Arlea? Why did she become like this? What is she scheming now??Let's see how long she can keep up her pretense! - This novel is influenced by Japanese LN/WNs, so there will be the use of Japanese suffix (-sama, -san) and terms! - This novel is originally posted in my site, and can also be accessed in CreativeNovels. If you're not sure you're reading the most up-to-date chapter, feel free to check there. If you want to support this series, gain access to rewards such as advanced chapters, and help in increasing this series' update rate, please check my Patreon page~. - Thanks for reading! Please don't hesitate to leave a comment and review, especially if you enjoy it, as it will boost my motivation ^^
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I always had a "thing" for older guys.You know, like, when I was 16 I couldn't imagine being with someone younger than 18. Or, when I hit 18, men under 20 were no go!But Eric is "quite" older than me. His grey hair makes it pretty obvious. And I would go away from him If, you know.. he wouldn't turn me on so fucking much! DISCLAIMER‼️Due to the mature content( sex, swearing, alcohol, violence, etc.) of this fictional story, I don't recommed it to be read by persons under the age of 18❗️Names and all the information and characteristicts of the characters in this story are pure fiction❗️Not allowed to copy this story ❗️ Copyright © sandraxx❗️Bookcover: a model Jeremy Pflaum
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