《The Reality of it All (Completed)》Life...Really?
Above is a pic of her baby shower 👽
"Spencer, just calm down," Paige said. She was rubbing my back. I was having some form of a panic attack after I ran into Mason.
"It was Mason. He was here...he said he'd get rid of it and he walked out," I said, tearing up. Jake was sitting next to me, holding my hand.
"Babe, he won't hurt you. I'm right here," he said in my ear. I looked at him and nodded.
"Yeah, we got your back," Paige chipped in. I wiped my eyes and sat back, rubbing my belly.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I said and walked off.
•. •. •. •. •.
Jakes POV
"I swear, I am going to kill Mason," I whispered to Paige. She looked at me.
"Don't. You already did some illegal stuff. Don't get caught up," Paige said. I sighed.
"It just kills me that Spencer is this scared. To know the one person you love is scared out of their mind, and you can't do anything about it...its torture," I said, leaning back. Paige sighed and looked down.
"Yeah...it is,"
I pulled out my phone to see a text from Megan. Megan was about two months now. She was showing a bit, not like it stopped her from wearing what she does.
Is she okay?
I texted her back and told her she was fine. I'm still not used to this whole nice Megan thing she's doing.
I put my phone back in my pocket and thought.
"We need to make Spencer feel safe. Make her feel comfortable," Paige murmured next to me.
"And how do you suppose we do that?" I asked her.
She shrugged.
"The only thing I can think of, is getting her to admit what happened on national TV,"
I paused.
"There is no way we would get her to agree to that," I said hopelessly.
"Think about it. If we have her tell her story on tv, so many jobs and places would know what to look out for, how to be safe, how ensure security. It would be a wake up call for everyone," she said.
She's right. It's just getting Spencer to do it is the problem.
"I'll do it,"
I frowned. Looking up, I realize she's not standing near us. I think she's still in the bathroom.
"Where are you?" I asked.
"In your pocket,"
I immediately blushed. I must have butt dialed her. Great blow, Jake. I wonder how long it's been on this call for.
"Sorry. You will do it?" I asked her.
"If you guys think this is the best way out of paranoia, let's do it," she said. I smiled.
"There's the tough Spencer I know," I said smiling.
"Let's get this over with," she said.
"Are you sure about this?" I asked her. I hate forcing her to do stuff she doesn't want to do. She walked outbid the bathroom.
She nodded. Taking my hand, we walked back into the room and identified the second kidnapper. There was no more chanting and no more weird stuff.
It is extremely weird the way they all just chanted at the same time. Mason is a man of many connections.
I was honestly happy there was a glass separating the men from us because I don't think is would've been able to conceal the anger that rose. The only thing stopping me from doing anything is Spencer's hand in mine.
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
We were sitting at a table in subway. I had my own foot Long and a cookie. you could tell how hungry I was. I scarfed down within ten minutes.
"So when do you feel you would be ready to get on national TV?" Paige asked. I hesitated, playing with the left over lettuce.
"Let's make just do it tomorrow," I responded. I wanted this to be over as soon as possible. Waiting for it to happen would just make me scared.
I need to do this.
"So soon?" Jake asked. I nodded.
"Get it over with,"
The next day came by really fast. We had set up a meeting with Oprah Winfrey and she said she would make it an extra part of her show.
I was dressed in some dark blue skinny jeans, a white shirt and a soft pink blazer. For the shoes, I went with wedges. I was going for more of a professional look I suppose.
I was standing right behind the curtain, waiting for her to introduce me. Jake and Paige were in the audience.
This will be the first time telling the story.
"Please welcome a woman who has been through a lot these past few weeks, Spencer Shapel,"
An applause rose and I walked onto the stage. I gave a small smile and shook her hand. I took a seat down on the sofa and prepared myself for a million questions.
"So, tell us how have you been?" She asked.
"Well...if I'm being honest with you...I've been a complete wreck. Between my paranoia, the press, and my baby hormones, its world war 3," I said. A bunch of awws came from the crowd.
"I know sweetie. It has to be hard. We haven't all been in your situation, but I feel your pain,"
"Thank you,"
"So...Are you comfortable with telling us about your relationship with Mason?" She asked.
"Oh yes...there really is no story. I um...We were dating for a good two years until the day I found out I was pregnant," I said meekly. I got a bunch of sympathy from the crowd.
"I told him and he basically called me a slut. He said the baby WASNT his, I was sleeping around with other men, and he was just...yelling at me," I said.
"What a jerk," she responded. The crowd cheered. There was interest in her face.
"Yeah tell me about it...but that day I told him, two guys that I didn't know came up to me and told him to leave the store. They didn't like that he was yelling at me, so they immediately reacted," I said. There were tears in my eyes.
"Aww, sweetie, do you want some tissue," she asked.
"Yes, please," I said. She handed me a box and I picked up a piece and wiped my eyes.
"Honey, Mason is a jerk. No...Mason is an ass. For him to yell at you and call you a slut when you've been together for three years is astounding to me...astounding," she said and an applause sounded. I smiled.
"Yea...but what really got to me was that these complete strangers stood up for me as if I knew them...and it was really hard...YA know?" I asked. Tears were falling down and a bunch of awws came from the crowd.
"Well, don't worry. That's old news, you are done with him, aren't you?" She asked. I shook my head vigorously.
"I'm actually have a boyfriend now. He's right there," I said pointing. He smiled and rose his hand. Everyone turned to look.
Another round of applause.
"That's great, Spencer. How long have you two been dating?" She asked.
"About six months now," I said.
"Oh so he came in as soon as you found out you were pregnant?"
"Yes. Actually, he didn't know until Mason interrupted out first date and told me off in the store,"
A bunch of ooo's from the crowd.
"That is ridiculous,"
She asked me more questions about Jake.
"Jake is an amazing guy, he really is. I feel safe with him, he shows me affection, and he's still attracted to me with my ever growing waistline," I said and earned a bunch of laughs.
"He looks like a great guy. I am happy for you,"
"Thank you,"
"If it's comfortable with you...what exactly happened that day you were kidnapped?" She asked
Shit. I knew this was coming. I took a deep breath.
"Bear with me, this is the first time Im telling anyone this," I said smiling.
"Of course, Spencer. Take your time,"
I took a deep breath and looked up.
"I was in the Parking area, I had just got down with my overtime. I had a fat paycheck in my hand so I was really happy. Anyway, I hear a noise and I turn around to see nothing. So I continue walking...i hear another noise and this time when I turn around I see a man in a black hoodie...."
I told them the story in the parking lot. They all gave me looks of wonder.
"What happened after that?"
"Um...well I had passed out after that last slap so I have no idea how long I was in that car. All I know is I woke up in a room with pictures of me everywhere. Pictures of Jake and I, pictures of me with my family, of me at work...everywhere," I said.
I swallowed hard.
"Then I saw the knives. There was a table full of knives to my left...one curvy, one straight, one looped...anything you could imagine. Here I am sitting with my legs and arms tied up," I said.
"In comes the guy in the black hoodie and some tall buff guy who looked like a guard. So, the guy in the hoodie tells me to call him Pay," I said.
"Yes Pay. I don't know, why...but that's what he said. He takes off his mask and I see its Charles," I said. tears started forming again.
"Charles is Masons best friend. The funny thing is, I remember him asking me about the baby and Jake earlier that day..."I said tears falling.
"Take your time,"
I sniffled.
"So he tells me that this is an interview and I have to answer the questions right. He asked me a bunch of questions about the baby, who I've been with, and why I'm not getting an abortion," I said.
"Sounds to me he's been talking to Mason,"
"Exactly. I was answering every question, I thought right, until he asked me, 'have I slept around during my relationship with Mason'..."I said and tears really started coming down.
She got up and gave me a hug.
Awws filled the air.
"Thank you," i said. She nodded and sat back down.
"I told him no and he said I was lying. He gave me three seconds to tell the truth... and then the guard took the knife and stabbed me in my leg," I said.
"Oh my gosh,"
"Yeah...uh...he let me suffer like that for about a good hour or two, before finally deciding to put a belt around my leg to stop some bleeding," I said.
"I can't believe what I'm hearing right now," she said. I nodded, dabbing my eyes.
"So...besides that I got cut in the arm for saying that I loved Jake. He said I was supposed to love Mason,"
"You were supposed to love Mason? Wow. That is messed up right there. He needs a mental evaluation done,"
Another applause from the crowd and a couple of cheers.
"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing,"
"So, what about food and water?" She asked.
"He gave me food sometimes. other times..." i suddenly broke down. I couldn't stop the tears from falling.
Awws filled the air.
I suddenly felt a strong pair of hands on my shoulders and saw Jake. He sat down next to me and whispered in my ear.
"You can do this...do it for Peanut," he said. He put his hand in mine and I wiped my tears away.
"Uh..there were times where I would argue with him and he would let me starve for the night. I remember being so angry at myself for trying to stand up against him. I'm carrying a baby and I tell myself that I need to just fall in line to keep her alive. She was basically my only motivation during this time,"
The air filled with claps again.
"That was a mature decision go make. You are a wonderful person," she said.
I smiled.
"So what happened after all this?"
"Well um...the last day I was there, they were planning on going somewhere. They forced me to drink something and the next thing you know, I black out. I never woke up again until I was at the hospital," I said. She nodded.
"Thank god you are okay. You and your baby. It takes a lot of courage and strength to fall in line to stay alive,"
"I can tell you will be a great mother,"
"Thank you,"
"Jake, how did you react when you found her?"
Jake leaned forward.
"Uh...when I found her... I got immediately angry. I ran over to her, untied her, and the walls were the last thing I noticed. I didn't know how persistent Mason was until the day I found out she was missing," he said.
"Yes... he is very crazy and I think he needs to just spend time with himself a bit. It sounds as though he has an anger issue," she said.
"I don't know anything about that, but seeing Spencer so pale and skinny really struck something in me. Seeing her now is just as hard for me to deal with because I can't stop her from being paranoid. It kills me how scared she is all the time. She always looking over her shoulder and I truly love her so there are times when I wish I could just make it all stop," he confessed. The crowd let out awws and clapped.
"You are so sweet. To stick by her and help her through this time shows what a man you really are," she stated. I nodded, squeezing his hand.
"Thank you," he said.
She continued asking questions. I answered them without anymore break downs.
"So what's your plan for the future?" She asked.
"Uh...well...my plan as of now is to put Mason in jail along with my kidnappers and have my baby girl," I said.
"That's good. Do you have any names picked out?" She asked.
"To be honest, no. I do know that it's not going to be Sophia or Mary or Susan...they're too commonly used," I said. She nodded with a smile.
"Yea, I understand. Make it original,"
I nodded, laughing a bit.
"Well, thank you so much for taking the time to tell us your story. I know it was hard," she said standing up. I hugged her.
"No, it felt good to share the story instead of bottling it up," I said. She hugged Jake and turned back to the camera.
"We will be right back, with the final talk,"
The crowd applauded one last time. We sad our goodbyes and left the building. Of course, we ran into the news reporters outside. I didn't say anything to them, we just got in the car.
"Thank you, for being here," I said. Jake looked at me and smiled.
"Where else would I be?" He asked, starting the car. He gave me a peck on the lips and we pulled off.
"Let's get food,"
•. •. •. •. •.
Jakes POV
Well, Spencer's baby shower is here and I have no idea what to get her. Hell, should I even get her something?
"Paige," I said. I walked into her room to see her on her phone. She looked up.
"What's up,"
I closed the door and took a seat on her bed.
"Look, I don't know what to do. Spencer's baby shower is coming up and I don't know if I'm supposed to get her something. And if I am, do I get her something for the baby or something intimate? She I just take her out to dinner? But then what would we be celebrating?"
"Calm down, Jake," Paige said smiling. I exhaled and sat back. I was legit freaking out on the inside.
"Look.. usually the boyfriends don't give the girlfriends presents," she said.
"Yeah, but I want to get her something," I said firmly.
I wanted to show her that I am completely with her and the baby. I know a present doesn't necessarily do that, but it's worth something than nothing.
"Okay then...well if you're going to get her something, don't get clothes. Let the women stick to that,"
"Yeah...i can't shop for girl clothes anyway. You guys are really picky," I said sighing. She punched me.
"Not every girl is,"
I rubbed my arm and looked her.
"Just get her something cool for the baby. Meaning...no clothes...no bottles...and no diapers. That would be hella awkward," she said. I nodded and stood up.
"Thanks. I'll find something,"
I walked out of the room. Later on that day I did find something for Peanut. It is perfect! I think Spencer would love it.
•. •. •. •. •.
It was time for Spencer's baby shower and she personally asked me to be there. I told her itd be awkward but she didn't care. The plan was to give it to her later on that day, but now I'm going to be handing it to her in front of everyone.
She was wearing a long green and white dress and sandals. Her hair was done into those nice beach waves Ive missed, flowing down her back.
She looked gorgeous.
"How do I look?" She asked, flashing a nervous smile. I chuckled and shook my head.
"Absolutely gorgeous," I said and stood up, pulling her in for a kiss. I felt her stomach, push into mine. Suddenly I felt a little bump. She laughed.
"She's kicking," she said smiling. She grabbed my hand and put it on the area she was consistently kicking.
"She's gonna make a great soccer player. Ready to be a soccer mom?" I asked smiling. She laughed, her hazel eyes full of delight.
"Sure, as long as she's not better than me," she said cockily. I dropped my jaw.
"How selfish of you to say,"
She laughed again and walked over to the dresser.
"I'm kidding. LISTEN, Linda. Listen!" She said. I shook my head.
"Enough messing around, you got guests down stairs," I told her. She stuck out her tongue and walked towards the door.
"Hurry up," she said.
I nodded and looked around for my phone. I was going to be meeting a whole bunch of family and I'm honestly nervous.
After going downstairs, I was greeted by multiple people. They all hugged me and gave me kisses on the cheeks. Who knew they were so touchy?
The men were more chilled back. I met some guy named Caleb who was the boyfriend of one of the cousins. He was basically the only guy I was able to connect with. He's 23.
It was time to open the presents soon and I watched Spencer delight as she opened them. I loved seeing her like this. So happy and light hearted. I feels like forever ago when she smiled genuinely.
Pretty soon, it's time for me to give her my gift.
"Alright, wait here," I said. I ran to the kitchen closet and lugged out the huge box. I didn't know if I should've wrapped it or not so I just left it as it was.
"She will be riding in style," I said revealing it. The room filled with wow's.
"I saw this in target and I immediately thought about Peanut. It has a remote control, it has a seat walk on the inside, the seat has a cushion on it, and there is still a wheel for her to pretend like she'a driving," I told her.
"Oh my god, this is perfect!" She shrieked. She ran over to me and hugged me.
"Thank you!"
I laughed and nodded.
"Your welcome," I said and turned back around. I'm glad she liked it along with everyone else.
The doorbell wrong and I went to go answer it. I couldn't believe who it was when I opened the door.
"What do you want?"
The next thing he said changed my life.
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
I was talking with some guests when I heard a loud clatter. Caleb jumped up and ran out of the kitchen. I followed him to see the most schooling thing in my life.
Jake was on the floor and an old man had him in an arm hold. He looked up and anger flashed through his eyes.
"You and your baby should just die already!" He yelled, releasing Jake. He ran towards me and tackled me onto the floor. I hit my head on a nearby chair and pain shot through me.
"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!" I heard. It sounded like Jake but everything was so blurry. I held my head in pain and felt a pair of hands on my back.
"Are you okay?"
I couldn't locate a voice. Suddenly I heard screaming and shouting. Someone got in front of me and I felt fingers on my neck.
"We're gonna lose her," someone said.
"SPENCER, STAY WITH US!" Someone yelled.
"That's not gonna help, stop yelling,"
"There's blood..."
I felt a sharp pain branching off from my cheek. Someone slapped me. I bolted up and held my cheek.
"What the fuck?!"
"We need to get her to a doctor,"
•. •. •. •. •.
Paige's POV
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