《My Sweet Bodyguard Randomness》MSB: MHFTB- A Baby On Its Way (Part 2)
Ok basicallyI almost died, because I had a disease called preeclampsia which is a pregnancy condition that raises your blood pressure, and the mother could most likely die during childbirth, but I miraculously survived! I gave birth to a baby girl and named her Krystine, and that was the happiest day of mine and Mizuki's life! That story just popped in my head, and this second part I'm about to write also popped into my head!
Skipping to five years later, Kendall and her five year old daughter Krystine were walking in the hallway of the Prime Minister's residence. Krystine had the same color hair as Mizuki, and it was long and wavy. They brought along their dog, Link, who was a Golden Retriever, but Kenta offered to walk him and let him wander around, so Kendall accepted that. "I can't wait to see papa!"
"Haha! I'm sure you are!" Krystine is a total daddy's girl. Of course she loved her mother very much, but if she was given the choice to go to her mother or father, she would go straight to her father. Kendall touched her stomach which had another child inside. 'Please be a mama's boy! Most sons are!' Since she has been living a healthier lifestyle, delivering this child won't be a problem like the last time. In addition, Kendall graduated from college and became an elementary school teacher, but is on a long break, because of her pregnancy.
They entered the SP room, and Krystine looked around for her father. "Where's papa?"
"Your papa went out to get some files, but he will back any minute." Sora leaned down to her, holding out a toy. "Look what I got for you." Krystine looked at the toy in awe, and Sora showed her how it worked which amazed her more. He handed the toy to her. "Go on, try it." She tried to work the toy, but it ended up bonking her on the head, leaving a little mark. Sora put his hands over her to have the toy go the way she wanted. In result, she was able to do it which made her happy. 'Sora is good with kids... Well duh! He grew up with them!'
"Hey kiddo, how have you been?" Kaiji gave Krystine a soft noogie which made her pout. "How's judo going for you?"
"I just started so I'm still learning! But when I do learn more, I promise to become a black belt so I can protect my baby brother!"
Kaiji slightly chuckled. "You'll do good, kid. I believe in you. If you ever need help, you know who to ask." She nodded and saw a snack offered to her.
"I went to the store earlier and got you these." Subaru said with a smile. She took the snack out of his hand, and was about to open it, but stopped and looked at her mother. Krystine gave her a look asking if she can eat it. Kendall nodded and not even a second, Krystine opened the snack and began munching down.
"Krystine, what do you say?"
"Oh!" She bowed in front of Subaru. "Thank you very much!"
"Don't sweat it."
Katsuragi walked into the room, and spotted Kendall near the doorway. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Fer- I mean Mrs. Fujisaki."
"Good afternoon, Katsuragi."
"I apologize for almost calling you by your maiden name again."
"It's ok! I understand that you've first called me 'Ms. Ferreira' and to suddenly call me 'Mrs. Fujisaki' is like 'Wow!'." She laughed off her lost words since Kendall is bad at wording things. ) Katsuragi felt something wrap around his legs, and looked down to see his co-worker's daughter hugging him. "Are you alright there, Katsuragi?" She snickered slightly.
"Y-Yes. I'm fine." He knew what she was waiting for, and so he took something out of his pocket and handed it to her. It was a pack of stickers.
"Thank you, sir!" She let go of his legs and saluted to him. At times, she saw her father doing that to Katsuragi so she copied him. Kendall couldn't help but laugh at that point.
Another person walked into the room. "Finally done..."
"Papa!" Krystine ran towards him, and hugged him with all of her might. He picked her up and kissed on the cheek. "Papa look! New stickers!"
"Hehe! I see that. Hey Krystine, can you tell me why you have crumbs all over your mouth?"
"I do? Where?"
"I got it." Mizuki took a napkin out of his pocket and wiped her mouth. "There! All gone!" He spotted Kendall looking at him and Krystine with adoring eyes and smiled back. "It's so nice to have the whole family visit. Did you bring Link?"
"Yeah, but he's with Kenta right now."
"Oh, that's good. It is a nice day so that's probably why he wanted to stay outside."
"I still can't believe you named your dog after a video game character." Kaiji grinned.
"Hey! That's my favorite video game of all time!"
"To the point where you made your own daughter wear a shirt of it..."
"She picked that out herself! Krystine enjoys watching me play Legend of Zelda. Right, Krystine?"
"Yeah! And the boy is super cute!"
"See? She gets me!" Although Krystine enjoys watching her mother play video games, she would much rather prefer negotiate with animals with her father. She claims that she can talk to animals just like he can, and is not afraid to touch any animal she comes across. Of course Mizuki informs her about the animals she can't touch because they could be poisonous or attack without mercy.
"So... This next one is coming soon?" Subaru asked standing next to her.
"Yep. He could come out anyway now."
"Have you thought of a name?"
"Still thinking about it."
Mizuki went over to her, still holding his daughter. "Kendall, I'll be done as soon as I'm finished with this paperwork."
"Aw... We have to leave already..?" Krystine gave him the puppy eyes, telepathically saying that she wanted to stay with him.
Mizuki couldn't help but smile. "I'll be done soon. Wait for me with your mother. I promise when I'm done, I'll take you out to get a sweet treat."
"Really?!" Her eyes sparkled and she signaled him to put her down. "See you soon, papa! Have fun working!" She went over to her mother and grabbed her hand. "Mama! Can we go outside and play with Link?"
"Of course." Kendall turned around and smiled. "Bye guys! Bye Mizuki! We'll be waiting!" She could feel her five year old daughter pulling her out of the room. "Ok! Ok! I'm coming!" Afterwards, she laughed and they disappeared from the SP room.
Once they reached outside, Kenta layed out a blanket on the grass for Kendall to sit on. "Are you alright sitting like that?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern though." Nearby, Krystine was playing fetch with Link. "And thank you for watching Link."
"Oh, no! The pleasure's all mine! He was really good the whole time."
"That's good." She let out a sigh and looked down at her stomach. "I can't believe I'm having another child. He wasn't an accident or anything!" She laughed off the awkwardness.
In response, Kenta rubbed the back of his head, feeling bashful. "U-Um... Congratulations once again."
"Aww! Thank you! As you may know, Krystine is very attached to her father so hopefully this child is very attached to me. Link has been very attached to me lately since he knows I'm pregnant, and animals tend to get overprotective if they notice their owner's hormones are different."
"I heard about that!"
The both of them heard footsteps headed their way, and it was none other than her husband. "I'm all finished."
Not even a second, his daughter ran up to him and hugged his legs. "I've missed you, papa!"
He couldn't help but laugh. "It's only been 30 minutes, silly Krystine!"
Kenta helped Kendall stand up. "Thanks Kenta."
"It's my pleasure."
"Thank you for watching over my family, Kenta."
"I-It's no problem!" He bowed to show his respect.
"Papa! Can we get that sweet treat now?" She asked pulling on his sleeve.
"Hehe! Why, yes. I promise that, didn't I?" He took a hold of her hand. Krystine looked at her father and blushed, still believing that her own father was a prince. The two have told her that her father used to be a pop-star, and asked tons of questions about it. At the end, she respected her father's choice of becoming a bodyguard, because it makes him happy, and that is how her mother and father met. They even told her that one time her mother had to be protected, because bad guys were going after her, and the thought of a bodyguard falling in love with a client that was different from the rest seemed romantic to her. With that thought, they headed towards the car.
On one of the days, Kendall was walking Link with her daughter. They were on their way to drop off Krystine at preschool. "Will papa be with you to pick me up?"
"Yes. He should be off work by then." Krystine's eyes sparkled and couldn't wait for the end of the day to come. As mentioned, she's a total daddy's girl. They arrived at the preschool, and Kendall saw her daughter walk through the gate. Krystine turned around and waved, then proceeding to go towards some kids her age. 'My little baby... They grow up so fast...' Soon after, Link started to growl viciously. "What's wrong, Link?" He was a pretty tamed dog that rarely growled or barked, so something was definitely wrong. Afterwards, he started to bark loudly. "What are you barking about..?" A second later, she heard a scream coming from the preschool. "Krystine!" With that, they ran inside the preschool.
Out on the playground, there were these thugs that were all over the playground, and cornered the teacher and some kids. The only one who wasn't in that group was her daughter. She looked around and shortly spotted Krystine held by one of the thugs. "This is the woman's brat, right?"
Link ran to the point Kendall lost grip on the leash, and charged straight for the thug who was holding Krystine hostage. He bit the guy's leg, but the guy kicked him hard enough that it sent him flying towards the wall. "Link!" She turned towards the guy at a distance, shouting. "How dare you hurt my dog! And let go of my daughter!"
"We're not gonna."
"Oh my god..! Y'all need to get a life and stop coming after me! It's been years! Get over it!"
"It's your fault!"
Kendall facepalmed herself. "These guys are idiots... I swear..."
"We're here to get payback! And that is to kill your precious daughter!"
"Don't you dare!"
"Mama, help!"
She knew that she couldn't fight in her condition. She was due any day now, and she knew she would lose if she fought. 'What do I do..?' Suddenly, she felt someone's arm go around her. Turning around, she saw that it was another thug. " On second thought, we'll just kill you along with your daughter." He bonked her on the head, making her black out.
Kendall slowly opened her eyes to find herself in some storage room. She was tied up along with her daughter who was still out of it. Near them was Link trapped in a cage whimpering. She felt something on her arm, so looking down, she saw that there was a bomb attached to her. "Oh no..."
The door opened and revealed one of the thugs that captured her. "I have some good news and bad news to tell ya." Link started to bark, but the guy kicked the cage. "Shut up, dog!"
"Don't tell him to shut up..."
"What was that? You want me to set off that bomb right here, right now?" She stayed silent to not put herself in further danger. "That's what I thought. I bet you want me to tell you the good news first, right?" She vaguely nodded. "Well... The good news is... We informed that pretty boy husband of yours to try to come get you. That is, if he can." 'Of course he can!'
"Then what's the bad news?"
"The bad news is... If your husband makes the wrong choice, it's kaboom for all of you!" The thought of a bomb on her getting set off sent a shiver down her spine. Followed by that, she felt a contraction in her stomach. 'Damn it! Why now?!'
"I bet you want to hear your husband's voice before you never hear it again, am I wrong?"
"I... Do..."
The guy had her phone in his hands, and went to speed dial. He put the phone next to her ear and heard it ringing. "Kendall! Kendall, is that you!"
"Yes, it's me."
She could hear him sigh through the phone. "Is everyone alright?"
"Yeah, but we're all tied up. Mizuki, I..." She felt her throat go dry as she chocked on her tears that were coming. 'I'm scared...'
"Don't worry, Kendall! I'll be there soon! I will save all of you! I promise!"
"Please..." With that, the guy took the phone away and hung up.
"He may be a bodyguard that can do anything, but I wonder how he'll do when his family is on the line? This will be interesting..." He left the room, leaving her alone with her daughter and dog. 'Mizuki... Please save us... Krystine wants to see you, Link wants to see you, our unborn baby want to see you, and... I want to see you... I pray to god this isn't the last time...'
Later that day, she heard the sound of sirens coming from outside. 'Oh thank god!' She felt another contraction hit harder than the last time. 'Oh no... At this rate...' The door opened, revealing the group of thugs. One of them was holding a body bag over their shoulder. "Guess what we just caught?" He dumped out whatever was in the bag. At the moment, she swore that she felt her heart stop. It was her husband tied up with a cloth around his mouth. "Mizuki!"
"This fool tried to break in while sneaking away from his group! He still has ways to go, huh?" The guy kicked Mizuki hard in the stomach, making him grunt in pain. Kendall gasped and looked at Krystine who was still passed out. Thank god she wasn't awake to her beloved father getting beat up. The guys circled around Mizuki and started to kick him everywhere.
"Please stop!" Kendall cried out. At that point, Mizuki had bruises and some spots were spilling out a little bit of blood. "...I'll do anything! Just please stop hurting my husband and let my family go!"
The guys all stopped at once and looked at her. "Anything, huh?" One at a time, they all started to walk towards her. "When that other brat of yours comes, give it to us." She gasped at the offer. No... She can't bare to give up her unborn child to a group of thugs to save her family, because her unborn son is family too. "But-"
"You want us to beat your husband up even more and kill your daughter on the spot?"
One of them lifted her face to have her look him in the eye. "Then just accept the offer, sweetheart." Feeling conflicted, she had no idea what to do. In fact, why are these thugs still trying to threaten her all of these years? And how do they keep escaping from jail?! As she was about to answer, she heard a gunshot. One of the guys fell to his knees, and fell flat on his face.
They all turned around and saw that it was Mizuki who got himself untied, holding a gun towards them. "Step away from my wife."
"Isn't that cute? The poor guy is angry and trying to save his little family!" With that, Mizuki shot that guy, making him fall to his knees.
"Don't make idiotic remarks." The guys slowly back away with fear written all over their faces. Mizuki's eyes had flames in them, furious with the guys that put his family in danger. "Let my family go or else I'll pull the trigger again."
"We won't- ARGH!" Mizuki shot that guy and had him fall to his knees.
"I said let my family go!" There were three more guys still remaining. One of them was about to go towards the rope but instead pushed a button which made the bomb on Kendall's arm start to countdown.
"Think again, pretty boy!" Getting even more furious, Mizuki shot the three guys down, shaking with anger.
"Mizuki! Hurry!" Hearing that, he rushed over to where the bomb was. Three minutes remaining... There were two wires: A red and a blue one. One will turn off the bomb or trigger the bomb. It was a 50/50 chance. Kendall felt a really huge contraction kick in which made her grunt. "Mizuki... Hurry..." Two minutes remaining... He was trying to think which one will stop the bomb, the red one or the blue one? He had no more time to think, and was heading towards the blue one.
"Kendall... I want you to know that I love you so much..."
She looked at him and saw that he had a troubled expression. It seems like he wasn't sure which wire would save them, so he was going to his first choice. "I love you too, Mizuki..." A tear ran down her face. One minute remaining...
"Prepare yourself..." She shut her eyes tightly, heart racing, and shaking in fear. She heard him cut the wire and prepared to have her life end right now. She waited and waited but nothing happened. She heard Mizuki let out a sigh of relief. "I was right... Thank goodness..."
She slowly opened her eyes and smiled with tears in her eyes. "You're always right, Mr. I-know-how-to-do-everything." He smiled at her and untied the rope that released Kendall and Krystine. He opened the cage for Link to get out, and Link jumped on Mizuki, licking his face.
Soon after, the other bodyguards came into the room and saw that everyone was safe. "Good! You're all safe!" Subaru said.
"Mrs. Fujisaki, are you alright?"
She stood up from the chair. "Yes, I'm-" She spoke too soon. Something inside her broke and she began to pant.
"Kendall!" Mizuki rushed to her side, holding her shoulders.
"Mizuki... My water broke..." His eyes widen and not even a second later, he scooped her in his arms.
"You guys! Please watch Krystine and Link!"
Sora was near Krystine who was still unconscious and picked her up. "You got it!"
Kaiji was near Link, petting him on the head. "What are you waiting for? Get going!"
"Mizuki... Are you sure you can manage? You're pretty beat up so-"
"Don't worry about me! Worry about yourself! You're the one who needs to the emergency room!" She looked down and smiled. He bolted out of the room, heading straight to the hospital.
Running all the way from a storage to the hospital, he was still running even inside to get to the ER. "Please move out of the way! My wife is having a baby!" He successfully reached the ER and explained everything to the doctor and nurses. After that, they were able to go in the ER to deliver their second child.
Four hours into labor, Kendall gave birth to a healthy baby boy. "What do you suppose we name our new son?"
She looked down at her newborn son who was in her arms. "How about... Yoichi?"
"Yoichi Fujisaki... That's a great name." She felt the tears coming and run down her cheek. "Kendall? What's wrong?"
"I was just remembering the time when Krystine was born and we dealt with a hardship, and we had to deal with another hardship with Yoichi. My life was in danger again, and had the same feeling back then... When I thought I wouldn't be able to see my first child, but I survived that. And then I thought I wasn't going to see my second child, but I managed to survive that too. I'm just... So happy..."
He smiled at her and wiped her tears with his finger. "That is one of the reasons why I love you. You're so strong, you can overcome anything."
She nodded. "I don't know how I do it..." She looked down at Yoichi and then back to Mizuki. "Would you like to hold your son?"
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