《My Sweet Bodyguard Randomness》MSB: Halloween
The day of the colors, orange and black is almost here. The bodyguards and I are having a Halloween party, that is drawing near. What costumes are we wearing, you ask? You'll find out eventually, I know that waiting is no easy task. And so, it starts off at the SP room as it always goes. Why am I speaking in Christmas story mode? Nobody knows.
The day before Halloween, Kendall was at her home, double checking everything on her costume. She was excited, because this would be the first costume where she got all of the things to complete it without having substitutes. A wig and the complete outfit was just enough to make her want to have Halloween come today. Her phone began to ring, and it was none other than her boy toy. "Hello?"
"Hi Kendall, are you at home?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Can you come over to the SP room? We need some help decorating the room."
"Oh! Sure thing! I'll be right over!" With that, she hung up the phone, grabbed her jacket and purse, and went on her way to the residence.
Once she arrived there, she saw that a good part of the room was decorated and the other half was still in a working process. "Good evening, Ms. Ferreira."
"Good evening to you too, Katsuragi! Where are the guys?"
"There are getting decorations from the supply closet from down the hall."
Not even a minute later, Subaru and Sora walked in, carrying stacks of boxes. Setting down the box, Sora smiled at Kendall. "Hey! You're here! Mizuki called?"
"Haha yeah! You guessed it!"
Instead of responding, he tackled her in for a hug. Subaru gave him this 'Boss is going to get angry' face. "Sora! Get off of Ms. Ferreira at once!"
Soon after, Kaiji and Mizuki walked into the room carrying stacks of boxes. "Hey, is Kendall-" He paused seeing Sora hugging his girlfriend so tightly. He set the boxes down and stomped towards them, forcefully grabbing Kendall away from Sora. Mizuki stared down Sora with a cold glare, making Sora feel his wrath. Subaru and Kaiji were taking stuff out of the boxes to avoid this situation while Katsuragi sighed. "Sora..."
"I'm sorry!" He clamped his hand together. He's done it. He made the poker face bodyguard angry and there was no way out of it. That was a personal rule among the other bodyguards: Don't make Mizuki angry. Too late for that though.
"I suggest that you walk away..."
He did as he was told, and went over to the other bodyguards to help decorate, still a little shaken. Mizuki then looked at Kendall, still having his angry face on. "Why were you letting him hug you?"
"Uh... Excuse me?"
"You didn't even try to break the hug. It was almost like you were enjoying it."
Kendall threw her hand up in the air, giving him the 'wtf' look. "What?! Are you blaming me for this?"
"No, I'm just asking why did you let him hold you like that? How would you feel if I held another girl like that? That would make you feel horrible now, would it?"
"Why are you acting like this? I came down here only because you asked to help you guys, but if you're going to be a sourpuss and keep on blaming me for this, then I'm leaving!"
"No, you made the choice to come here, so you're going to stay and help. And I told you I'm not blaming you."
"Then why do you sound like you are?!" The bodyguard were putting up decorations while at the same time listening to their argument. "Why are you making such a huge deal out of this? So if Sora hugs me next time, you just want to just break the hug? Will that make you happy?"
"Yes. No other man should hold you like that! Not even Sora!"
"You sound so controlling right now! You know what? Screw this! I'm leaving! Have fun doing this on your own!"
"Fine then! Just go!"
"I will!" Kendall turned around and headed towards the door. She stopped and kicked the trash bin over and stormed out of the room. The three bodyguards all looked at Sora.
"What? What did I do?"
"You know what you did, you idiot." Kaiji retorted, crossing his arms.
"You know... You're the one who caused those two to fight. Do something about it." Subaru said.
Sora sighed. "Alright..." He went over to Mizuki, who was sitting at the table with his face in his hands. "Hey Mizuki... Sorry for... You know... Holding Kendall like that, but don't blame her for this, put all of the blame on me. I know that you acted that way, because she's your girl, and you don't want another man stealing her away. So..." Sora slapped his hand on Mizuki's back. "Go after her."
Mizuki slowly got up and walked out of the room without making any eye contact with anyone. "Now we just leave the rest to those two..." Katsuragi said. The bodyguards nodded in agreement.
Kendall was at the store, buying some stress-relief snacks, chocolates and ice cream for herself. She felt like crying, but had to hold it in until she went outside. After making the purchase, she went out to go to her car to drive home. Letting out a sigh, she was about to get out her keys until she felt someone grab her wrist, and forcefully twisting her around, making her drop the bag of snacks. "What the hell?!"
Turning her head around, she saw that it was a thug, giving her a smug look. "Why the long face. Did you get into a fight with your boyfriend?"
"That's none of your business now, is it?"
"I can make you forget about it. Come with me so we can have some fun."
"Oh... Ok whatever." He smirked and put his arm around her waist. Then, she grabbed his arm that was holding her, and flipped him over her shoulder. "Bitch you thought."
"Why you..!" He got up and got her into a half nelson. "You think you can get away with this?! Think again!" His grip was getting tighter by the second to the point where she couldn't breath, and making her feel lightheaded.
She felt his grip loosen and heard him fall towards the ground. She turned around to see who her savior was. "Mizuki!"
He was panting a little, because he ran all the way from where he was to where she was. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine now thanks to you."
He let out a breath of relief. "Thank goodness."
She felt the tears she was holding back earlier forming. "Mizuki, I... I'm sorry that I went ahead and went off. I should've known that you felt jealous, and... I'm sorry for not seeing that..." Instead of responding with words, he responded by embracing her and gently petting her hair.
"No, none of this was your fault. I shouldn't have yelled at you and said those things to you. I'm sorry for making you cry."She sobbed into his jacket while he continued to hold her.
Later that night after making up, they went to Kendall's house to hang out. "Oh my god I can't believe I almost forgot to do this!" She exclaimed, running towards the kitchen.
"What did you forget?"
"I forgot to carve my pumpkin!"
"Hehe. Even you can be forgetful sometimes."
"Oh! Hush you!" She put the pumpkin on the counter, and got out some markers, a knife and newspaper.
"What kind of face are you going to make?"
"I... Have no idea."
"I have an idea. Can you pass me that marker?" Kendall gave him a marker, and he started to draw on the pumpkin. What was he drawing? She was about to find out. "Done." He turned the pumpkin around to show her, and it was a cat face, which was no surprise to her.
"It's so cute! We need to cut the top and take out all of the seeds first before we carve the face."
"Sounds good. Do you need any help?"
"No, thanks. I got this." She shoved the knife on top of the pumpkin, and cut a a perfect circle, and carefully took off the top. "See? I told you I got this."
"I can take out the seeds. You can take a break after cutting the pumpkin."
"Aw~ Ok! Make sure to put the seeds on the newspaper." He nodded and put his hand in the pumpkin, and got out a bunch of seeds in one scoop. After about twenty minutes, he got all of the seeds out.
"Hey Kendall."
"Wha-" Before she could finish her sentence, he splattered her face with pumpkin guts. "Ew! What the hell, Mizuki?!"
"Hehe. You looked like you were about to fall asleep. Did that wake you up?"
"I wasn't falling asleep! Grr..." She grabbed a handful of pumpkin guts, and did the same thing to him. "Ha! How do you like me now?!" That started a pumpkin gut fight where they splattered each other with pumpkin guts. In result, they made themselves and the kitchen a huge mess. "Well... Shit."
The next day, it was finally the day everyone has been waiting for... Halloween! All day, Kendall was making snacks and making cute little Halloween goodie bags for her favorite guys at the residence. On top of that, she was putting on her costume and putting on make up, and making sure everything was in place. Doing all of these things, she had 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' playing while doing those things.
Arriving at the residence, she parked her car and carried plates full of snacks and a bag of goodie bags hanging from her arm. "Do you need help with that?" It was Kenta dressed as a witch and holding a broom. Seems like a fitting costume for him.
"Yes, please. I love your costume by the way!"
"Thank you! I like yours too. It's almost like cosplay or something..."
"I'm supposed to be Hinata Hyuga from Naruto."
"Oh wow! I watch that show when I have the time!"
"Really! That's awesome!" She let out a laugh, and handed the aluminum foiled plates full of snacks to Kenta, and went inside the residence.
They arrived in the SP room with all the bodyguards and the PSD guys were all there in their costumes. "Hey Kendall..."
"Hey- Whoa! Oh. My. God. Who are you supposed to be, Sora?" She asked while snickering a little.
"I was supposed to be someone from the Taisho era, but since that thing happened yesterday, this is my punishment. I'm supposed to be Taylor Swift from the 'Bad Blood' video." He had one a red wig, a revealing black outfit, and his eyeliner was on point along with lipstick.
"And if someone sings a line, he's supposed to continue it." Kaiji said coming into the conversation. He was dressed up as a mummy... Sort of.
"Cause baby now we got bad blood~"
Sora sighed. "You know it used to be mad love~"
"Nice!" Kendall laughed and went over to the rest of the guys. She saw that Kenta put her stuff down on the table.
"What did you make?" Subaru asked coming over. He was dressed as Sherlock Holmes.
"Just a simple treat. I made smorez and drew pumpkins on the top of each with frosting. And the goodie bags are just caramel apples."
"Not a bad choice. I made rolled up hotdogs that looks like mummies and some pizzas that looks like a skeleton face. I also made some punch to go along with everything."
"That's amazing! I can't wait to try those!"
"What you made is better than Ichiyanagi's." Goto said coming into the conversation. He was wearing as prince uniform.
"Excuse me? Would you like to run that by me again?"
"You should've heard it the first time."
Kendall couldn't help by giggle. "It's like you fight like a married couple!"
"We're not married!" They both said in unison.
"Sure..." She giggled and turned around, seeing Kurosawa getting himself some punch. "Hey! I haven't seen you in ages! How have you been?"
"Hello Kendall! I've been doing well! This party is so much fun! I can see why the bodyguards are called the party police." He was dressed up as the mad hatter from Alice in Wonderland.
"Excuse me..." Ishigami tapped on her shoulder and offered her something. "I got you this while I was at the store today." It was pudding that was the color orange and black.
"Oh wow thank you so much!" She saw him dressed as a priest. "And please don't try to convert me into whatever..."
"You won't need to worry about that." He said as he pushed his glasses closer to his face.
"Uh... Ok then. I'll just eat this pudding now." With that, she sat down on a chair and began to eat the pudding Ishigami gave her.
"Ms. Ferreira." She turned around and saw Katsuragi and Mizuki standing behind her. Katsuragi was a boat captain and Mizuki was dressed as the grim reaper. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
"Um... Yes, actually. Thank you for asking."
"I'm glad to see you and Mizuki are fine now."
"I'm glad too."
"You look really pretty, Kendall." Mizuki said.
"Thank you, and you look... Handsome." She couldn't lie, he looked good dressed as death. With that, Mizuki joined Kendall while Katsuragi went over to talk with the PSD guys. "This is really good pudding. Want some?"
"No, thank you. Who gave you that?"
"That makes sense. I ate one of your smorez, and they're really good."
"Really? Aw thank you!"
"Hehe. You got some pudding on the side of your mouth." He wiped it with his finger and licked it off.
"Oh jeez, Mizuki... Why..?" She was blushing bright red.
"Because I know that would make you embarrassed."
"...I love you so much, but oh my god!" She playfully hit his arm which caused him to laugh.
"Sorry to interrupt you two, but Sora's going to put on a little performance for us all." Kaiji said with a grin.
"Let me guess... He's going to sing Bad Blood?"
"I thought you and Subaru couldn't stand Sora singing those kinds of songs?"
"We usually do, but this time it's different since this is part of his punishment."
Kendall looked at Mizuki and got up. "We wouldn't want to miss the concert now, right?" Mizuki stood up and grabbed her hand. The three went towards the group to see Sora embarrass himself.
Apparently, Kenta wasn't even in the room since he came into the room. "Hey everyone! Something is happening outside!" Curious, all at once, they exited the SP room to see what was going on outside.
Once they reached outside, there was a crowd of people and it seems like they were watching something coming down from the street. "It'a a parade!"
They got closer towards the crowd, and saw some limousines slowly driving down, covered in Halloween decorations. Since it was an open hood limo, people could see who it was. "No way..." Kendall whispered.
"What?" Mizuki whispered back.
"It's the princes from the seven different kingdoms! Oh my god! AHHHH!" She exclaimed while fanning herself.
"Don't be like Cinderella and lose a shoe."
"Pfff! You don't need to worry about that! I have strapped ninja sandals on!" He looked at her a little more seriously. "...I'll just watch quietly." One of the princes throw a rose, and Kendall ended up catching it, which made Mizuki glare. "Uh..." Instead of continuing, she made a run for it, heading back inside the SP room.
Inside the SP room, she panted hard from running, and felt a pair of arms hug her from behind. "Uh... I can get rid of the rose because... You know..."
He let out a sigh. "No... It's fine. And you know what else?"
"We're alone."
"Oh... You're right. Well... The food isn't going to eat itself." Kendall said going towards the food.
"Hehe. You like to eat a lot, don't you?"
"What?" She asked with a bunch of food in her mouth. He went over to her, and pulled her in close. She swallowed the food that she was chewing. "Yes?"
"Since I'm letting you keep that rose, let me do what I want."
"Here?! Can't you wait after the party?"
"Don't worry, once we leave, I'll do more. For now, let me just do this."
"Do... What?" She felt his hand go on her behind. Not even a second later, they heard someone clear their throat. They turned their headed to see all the guys standing at the doorway, some shocked and some giving them the 'really?' look. "Oh god..." She lightly pushed Mizuki away, and covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.
"What on earth were you two doing?!" Ishigami exclaimed.
"Don't look at me! He started it!" Mizuki slightly snickered, and Kendall playfully hit him on the arm.
"Since we were interrupted and you two are done there, Sora still has to sing his song." Kaiji said.
"Wha?! I still have to?!"
"That's part of your punishment."
And so that ends our Halloween night. Everyone ate and retrieve a goodie bag, so everything was alright. Singing Bad Blood made Sora Swift tired, but made everyone let out a chuckle. They made him sing a line that eventually made him scream uncle. The party police and the PSD enjoyed the party all through the night. Even though it was Halloween, there was very little fright.
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