《My Sweet Bodyguard Randomness》MSB: Bumping Into the Ex
It was 2 in the afternoon, and Kendall was done with classes for the day. She was walking out of the campus like she was a zombie. "I need caffeine..."
"Kendall. I'm over here." She turned to her left, and saw her boyfriend leaning against the wall, holding something in his hand. "Here, I got you a frappe with extra espresso shots. I had a feeling that you would need it today."
"Thank you so much! You're a life saver!" She snatched it out of his hands, and started to slurp it down. "That's the stuff..."
"Hehe. I'm glad you like it. How was classes today?"
"I don't even want to answer that question..."
"Why? Did something bad happen?"
"No. I just don't like going to school. No matter how much sleep I get, I'm exhausted every time I come to this place!"
"I know, you say that every time. Do you have work today?"
"Yes I do. Luckily, I get to go home early today so as soon as I'm done, I'm going to crash."
"Really? I got both of us a surprise that I got in the mail today."
"...What surprise?"
He pulled out two tickets to go on a two night cruise. "I ordered these a while back, and they finally arrived. I was going to surprise you with this when it came."
"Hehe yes. Both of us have been working so hard lately that we barely get to see each other. So I planned a cruise for the two of us tonight."
"Did you know that you're the best and that I love you?"
"I do. I love you too."
She looked at the time on her phone. "If we move now, I'll make it on time."
He held out his hand. "Then let's go." She took his hand, and headed towards her workplace. "This is nice weather, don't you agree?"
She nodded in agreement, and faintly heard a sound of a cry. "Hey... Do you hear that?" He stopped and looked around his surroundings. "I think it's coming from over there."
They headed over towards the sound that sounded like a muffled cry. At the corner of an empty alleyway, they found a little girl that had her face buried in her knees. Mizuki kneeled down to her, and asked in a soft voice, "What's wrong?"
The little girl lifted her head up, wiping away her tears. "I want my mommy..." Tears were falling from her face, and hiccuped a few times.
"We will help you find your mother."
The little girl looked at him surprised, and wiped her tears away with her sleeves. "You'll help me find my mommy..?"
He nodded. "Of course. We will look for her together." He held out his hand, and in response, she looked down.
"What's wrong?"
"Well... My legs are tired."
He let out a light chuckle. "I'll give you a piggyback ride then." Her eyes brighten, and got on his back eagerly. On the other hand, Kendall was just watching the whole thing and couldn't help but grin and blush, enjoying the beautiful moment. 'He would make a great dad oh my god...' He caught her staring at him and smiled. "What are you smiling about?"
She snapped out of her daze. "N-Nothing! I wasn't thinking about how you would make a great dad or anything!" 'That sounded so tsundere... That's Kaiji's job!'
"We're going to find your mother. So please don't cry anymore." The little girl vaguely nodded, and rested her chin on his shoulder. "You're such a strong girl. What is your name?"
Watching this, a warm smile appeared on Kendall's face. Seeing the one she loved with a small child just makes her heart skip a beat. She had never seen him around a child before, so she didn't expect how he would act like, but he did his part perfectly in her eyes. After her little montage, they began to search for the little girl's mother.
About 20 minutes has passed since they have been searching, but there was no sign of any woman looking like she was searching. At the same time, Hana fell asleep on his back. "Hehe. It feels like we're a family. We look like young parents caring for their daughter."
That comment made her blush like crazy. "Y-Yeah. I agree with you there... You really know how to handle children well. I thought Sora was the best at that, but it look like you can do that too."
"I can handle just about anything pretty much."
She sighed. "Of course you can, Mr. I-can-do-everything. Isn't there something you can't do?"
"Hana!" The voice made the two turn their heads, seeing a middle aged woman getting closer to them. "Hana! Oh thank god you're safe!" She ran up to the both of them, wiping a tear away.
Hana slowly woke up and the first thing she saw was her mother. "Mommy!" Mizuki let her down so she could be reunited with her mother. "I'm sorry! I won't run off again!"
"I'm just glad you're safe." She looked up at the two. "Thank you so much for looking after Hana. I'll return the favor somehow-"
"No thank you, m'am. You don't need to pay us back."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." He looked down at Hana, and put his hand on her head. "Don't run away from your mother again, alright?" She blushed a little and nodded. He smiled in response. "Good."
The mother bowed and Hana waved goodbye, and the two watched the mother and daughter walk away. "Aw... You're so sweet. I felt like my heart was going to explode from cuteness overload! Pffff! Remember you saying that about me?"
He looked away, blushing. "Don't tease me..."
"But you always tease me!"
"That's because I like to see you get embarrassed."
"God damn it! You always have to pull that card, don't you?" She laughed at his expected answer.
"I think it's cute."
"But you're more-"
"Is that you, Mizuki?" She got interrupted by an unfamiliar voice who was just a few steps away from the both of them. She looked up at Mizuki who looked look very uncomfortable. "It is you! I've missed you so much!"
'Great... Is she another psycho fan? I already had to deal with that, and I don't want to deal with that again...'
The unfamiliar woman looked at Kendall and frowned. "Who are you?"
Kendall looked at Mizuki giving him the 'Who is this?' look. Reading her expression, he let out a sigh. "This is Rin. My ex..."
'Whoa... Talk about awkward... Uh... What should I do? Do I just stand here and say nothing? But she looks like she still has feelings for him... Er...'
She could tell that Kendall and Mizuki were a couple and looked down. "So... You're with her now now, huh? And I've wanted to tell you this for so long..."
His eyes wavered, telling what she was about to say. 'Is she going to say what I think she's going to say?'
"Mizuki I... I still love you!"
Silence fell between the three. That was the expected answer, but it still struck through the heart. 'What is he going to do..?' She looked up at him, and he looked out of it. "I'm sorry, Rin, but that was in the past. I have someone else now." That must've struck through her heart, so instead of feeling angry that she confessed, she felt bad for his ex. After all, she's been in the same situation before.
She looked down, shaking a little. "I understand... I just wanted to let you know. You don't have to return my feelings." She turned away, and walked away looking like she was about to cry. Poor girl, to think she still had lingering feelings for however long, and seeing him with someone else must feel terrible.
She looked at him once more, and by his expression, he looked like he felt bad too. "Um... Mizuki."
He shook his head. "No, I don't want to discuss this. What's in the past is in the past. If you don't mind, can you go to your job by yourself today? I need to do something right now..."
That's the code word for 'I want to be alone right now.' Understanding how he's feeling, she nodded in response. "Alright. I'll go straight to your work when I'm done, ok? Don't let this thing bum you out for the rest of the day. Don't you remember? We're going on a cruise tonight, so let's enjoy ourselves then."
He gave her a little smile. "Yes, you're right. Thank you for understanding. I'll see you when you get off work."
She nodded, and went their separate ways. 'It must feel weird but also hurt a little to bump into your ex that still has feelings for you and to see them with someone else. Poor her...'
At her part-time job at Le Renard Noir, the restaurant was pretty empty at the moment, only one Kujo brother was sitting at the table. The regular guys were going to run a little late, because of their personal schedules. Kendall was wiping down the table and couldn't stop sighing every five seconds.
Sipping on tea, he gently put it down on the coaster. "Ok. What's wrong? Why do you keep sighing like that?"
She looked towards Hyosuke, and put on a smile. "Nothing. I'm just tired."
He only frowned. "I know that's not only it. Something is on your mind, what is it?"
She knows that she can't win against him, so she gave in and sat at his table. "Well... It's about my boyfriend."
"Had a feeling it was about him. Continue."
"Well... We bumped into his ex on the way here. She confessed that she still liked him which made things awkward. I don't feel angry, I actually feel bad. And he looks upset about it, and told me indirectly that he wanted some time alone, so... They must have a lot on their mind."
"I see. He might be feeling nostalgic about seeing her again, and for the girl... She just wanted to let out what she has been holding in for a while, and she didn't threaten you in any way to break up with him, so she's not that kind of person. When he feels comfortable enough to explain this more to you, he will."
"You're right. Thanks Hyosuke, I understand a bit more now. By the way, where's Taiga?"
"Brother? He's working. He won't come home until late."
"Oh... Also... How are you two related? Sure you look similar and share the same last name and blood, but you guys act so different! Like if I say, 'You're killing me Taiga!' he would respond with, 'But I'm not hurting you in any way.' Like what?! Also he's blunt like I would say, 'I'm tired.' and he'll say, 'You have bags under your eyes, you look like you haven't slept in a couple days.' You, on the other hand, you can take a joke, heck! You make jokes!"
He only laughed. "I love your impression on my brother!"
She laughed along with him. "Anyway, I need to get back to working. Thank you for talking to me. I appreciate it."
"No problem. Just take my advice and you'll be fine." Smiling, she went back to wiping down tables and replacing all the sauces bottles with new ones.
After work, she went straight towards the residence, going into the SP room. "Hello!"
"Uh Kendall..."
Sora went close to her, and whispered in her ear, "What's wrong with Mizuki? He looks kind of bummed. Did you two have a fight?"
"No. When we were going to my workplace, we... Bumped into his ex."
"Oh! So that's it! Why is he so bummed out over that? He has you to be happy with now."
"I know, but it's a hard feeling to get over. She confessed that she still loves him, but he can't return the favor."
"Wow that's harsh. Does he... Still like her?"
That question made her even question it. Does he still like her like that? Or does he just feel bad? Having it worded like that, it made her had to think twice. What if he did? Then what?
"Sora. Don't put those words in her head." Mizuki said appearing behind him.
"Whoa! When did you get behind me?! You were over there just a second ago!"
"It takes only one second to get from there to here. But anyway, don't say that kind of thing to her. I don't have feelings for my ex, I love Kendall and only Kendall." That reassured her just like that. It's a good thing he spoke up or else she would've gave into Sora's words. Hearing how Mizuki really feels made her feel better. He loves her and nothing will ever make that feeling go away. "I'm done with work now, so we're going to head out now."
"Oh... Yeah. Ok." With that, they left the room leaving a group of speechless guys. They went over to Sora to have him explain what was going on.
That night after packing things for a two night cruise, they were on a boat in their rented room. "This is so nice!"
"I got us one of the luxury rooms on this boat. It was a little hard to get, but I managed to get it."
"Thank you so much for arranging this trip!"
"Let's just forget what happened today, and enjoy now and what the future has in store for us."
"Um... Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"
He looked down and sighed. "If I do, it would only make things worse."
"No it won't. If you talk about it, you'll feel better. It's not good to hold things in, so it's ok to vent. Trust me, you'll feel a lot better."
He looked hesitate for a moment and let out another sigh. "Alright then. Rin and I dated when I was still an idol. She was an uprising actress at the time, so she was still unknown, but when the media found out we we're dating, her recognition increased a lot, but she got a lot of hate from my fans, because she was dating me. It was only a month since we have dated, but we had to break up, because it was beginning to be a disaster. I could tell that she was hurting through a smile when fans of mine were saying nasty things, and I couldn't stop it."
'So that's what happened. That must have been tough. She had to deal with immature fans calling her nasty and rude names, all because she was dating their 'beloved' Mizuki. Man... I feel bad for her even more. She had to deal with so much crap...'
"It's fine now. I'm with you now, and I promise you that I won't leave you and always protect you no matter what. We've been together for a long time and had so many great memories together." He put his hand on her hand. "Let's enjoy tonight and tomorrow night."
She nodded and her blush was getting redder by the second. "Hakuna Matata."
"Hehe. That's a quote from the Lion King. It means 'No worries' in Swahili. That is good advice."
"It is! You have to put the past behind you. That's another quote." Laughing together, they layed in bed together and held each other. "This is the first night, and we're going to spend it on sleeping."
"We always have tomorrow."
Agreeing on that, they both closed their eyes, falling in deep sleep in each other's arms.
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