《My Sweet Bodyguard Randomness》MSB: MHFTB X LLFTX: Black Foxes
On a Friday afternoon, Kendall was working at her part time job at LRN. She was washing the dishes, and could faintly hear the guys' voices outside of the kitchen. "Are you serious?!"
That shocked expression caught her attention. Not turning off the sink so they wouldn't notice, she tip-toed near the open doorway to try to listen to their conversation.
"I thought the former Prime Minister was done for?!" Hiro exclaimed.
"Apparently not. He's making his next move." Riki said.
"That guy never gives anything a rest! How irritating..." Takuto scowled.
"What is he planning to do?" Kenshi asked.
"He's going to try to frame the current Prime Minister Hiraizumi that he's involved with the black market. His reasoning is my guess... Trying to take back his place as Prime Minister."
'Oh no! This is bad!
"His current location is at an abandoned storehouse off of the pier. Tomorrow night will work best. Takuto, check the current status."
"On it."
Trying to get back to the sink, she tripped over a loose board on the floor, failing her eavesdropping at the end. "Kendall! Are you alright?"
"I'm alright, boss."
"Hey! Were you eavesdropping!" Takuto exclaimed.
"Liar! You wouldn't be over here if you weren't!"
"I'm sorry... I was."
"How much did you hear?"
"Seriously?! Man... This is bad..." Kenshi said.
"Guess we have no choice since she heard everything..." Riki added.
"Kendall! Do you promise to keep this a secret?" Hiro asked holding out his pinky finger.
"I think I already know your 'secret'. You guys must be the Black Foxes I keep hearing about."
They were silent at the unexpected answer. "I know that name, because at times the new bodyguard that also works as a detective keeps mentioning how much he wants to capture the Black Foxes."
"Should've known."
"Is that detective known as Tatsuro Togoshi?" Atsumu asked.
"Yeah. He became a bodyguard recently and joined my fiancé's team."
"Who's the new member you all were talking about?" Kendall asked looking around.
"Sorry I'm late!"
She turned around and saw it was someone familiar. He sat down next to Katsuragi. "Miss Ferreira, this is-"
"Oh my gosh! You're Tatsuro Togoshi!"
"Huh?! You know him, Kendall?"
"How do you... Know me?"
"Uh... You look like a Tatsuro. Your last name was just a lucky guess." She tried to laugh it off.
*Flashback end*
"I know him very well you could say..." She rubbed the back of her head.
"You're not going to reveal us to your buddies, right?" Riki asked.
"No! Of course not! I understand that you guys don't steal. You retrieve back the stolen art that was paid with dirty money. It's like you're the good guys in the shadows that everyone misunderstands."
"Pretty clever for a kid like you."
"I'm not a kid! I'm a grown ass adult!"
"What you said is true. We try to retrieve stolen art to go to its rightful place. At the moment, the former Prime Minister had a lot of stolen works, and he's trying to find a way to frame the current Prime Minister that he's behind all of it."
"Are you sure we should be telling her this?" Takuto asked.
"There's no point in trying to make her forget about what she heard."
"I promise that I won't tell anyone! Not even the bodyguards!"
"You're willing to keep something like this from your fiancé?" Hiro asked.
"You just said to for me to not tell anyone! Quit trying to confuse me!"
"Haha! I was just kidding! But seriously... Not a word."
"I got it the first time! Also... Since I know you guys are the Black Foxes, am I able to still work here?"
"Of course you can still work here! That's no excuse!"
"Should've expected that from boss..." Takuto said.
"But she does such a wonderful job with her work."
"I agree with you there, but that's not the point. We need to focus on the upcoming mission." Riki said.
"Kendall, will you help us out with this?" Atsumu asked.
"Me? I don't know... I'm not good at sneaking as you saw earlier."
"We're aware. We just want you to go to your fiancé's workplace, and see if they mention anything related to what we're talking about. It'll help us a lot, you know."
"Well... Ok. I guess I can do that."
"We really appreciate it. We want as much information as we can get. This will really help us if they know something."
"Understood. I'll help you out."
"Look at you! We're counting on you!" Hiro said.
'It looks like I'm temporarily part of the Black Foxes... I just got to make sure I don't get caught by the guys or who knows what will happen...'
After work, she made her way to the SP room to check in on everyone. "Good evening, Kendall. How was work today?"
"It was good, Mizuki. What are you all up to?"
"We're in a really tight spot right now." Sora said.
"Did something happen?"
"Not yet, but we received a threat addressed to the Prime Minister."
"A threat? Do you know from who?"
"It's nothing you need to worry yourself over."
"But the Prime Minister is in danger. How can I not worry over this?"
"Don't try to sugarcoat it, Sora. What he really means is... It's none of your business. I apologize if I'm coming off as mean, but it doesn't involve you so you don't need to get yourself involved." Subaru said.
"It's true that I have nothing to do with this, but-"
"Please stop talking about it. Let us do our job."
"Hey. He doesn't mean any harm. He just doesn't want you to get involved so that you won't be in danger. It's nothing against you." Kaiji said putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Thanks Kaiji."
Soon after, Katsuragi and Tatsuro stepped in the room. "We received more detail on the culprit." All at once, they sat around the big table. "Miss Ferreira, we're going to have an important meeting. Please step outside."
"Ok. Um... Good luck." She closed the door behind her. Knowing that she can't leave, she leaned close to the door to try to hear what the bodyguards were saying.
"Who is trying to threaten the Prime Minister?"
"It's a black market organization. All they want is for the Prime Minister is money. If denied, they quoted that they will shoot him dead."
"Why would they only want money? They're a black market organization, don't they already make a lot?"
"Yes, but not legally. They must be scheming something to hide the real reason."
"I wonder what the real reason is... It's strange."
"Since a black market is involved, they most likely sell stolen art. Those thieves will most likely show up."
"The Black Foxes?"
"Yes. We might be dealing with two things at once."
"You're right. For now, our top priority is to keep the Prime Minister safe. We will move him to another location where the culprit will least expect."
"The PSD will be on scene so they will capture the culprit who's behind all of this."
"Take a look at this. The letter says that the culprit will be at this abandoned building off of the pier tomorrow night."
"We can't go in there blinded. We need to make sure the area is secure before going in."
Gathering enough information, she went into her car, getting out her phone out of her purse. She went to her contacts to call one of the guys. "Hello?"
"Hey Riki. I listened to the bodyguards' meeting, and it was their top discussion."
"Anything new?"
"Sort of. They don't know that the former Prime Minister is behind this, so they keep referring him as 'culprit'. Also, they got a letter from him saying the Prime Minister should give them money or else they'll kill him, but that's obviously not the case. They're planning to move the current Prime Minister to his private room, and the PSD is involved in this as well. They said that they were going to go to the pier tomorrow night."
"I see. This will be difficult to deal with if both the SP and the PSD will be there. Can you come to LRN tomorrow afternoon?"
"Sure. I'll be there ASAP."
"Good. Whatever you do, don't blow your cover. Don't let anything slip out, got it?"
"Yeah I got it."
"Ok. We'll discuss later. See ya."
She put away her phone, and saw Mizuki step outside, heading her way. 'I'm sorry I'm keeping this from you, but I have no choice...'
The next day in the afternoon, she went over to LRN to discuss more of the mission that was happening tonight. "Kendall, try this on." Atsumu said handing her folded clothes.
"Huh? What's this for?"
"You're coming with us on the mission!" Kenshi said.
"What?! I can't do that! I don't want to take that risk! The bodyguards will recognize me if they see me with you guys!"
"That's why..." Hiro put a mask on top of her folded clothes. "You should wear this."
"Are you sure you want me to come along? Because I'm not sure if I should. There's a lot of obvious reasons why I shouldn't."
"Remember you told us your story about how you met the bodyguards?"
"Yeah. So..?"
"The gang that's after you is involved. They broke out of prison, and helping the former Prime Minister with this whole scheme." Riki explained.
"Wouldn't that put me in danger as well since the gang is still pissed at me for ruining their chance to pay off a loan illegally?"
"The gang is fully aware that you're with the Prime Minister's bodyguards, so they're trying to take you out along with the Prime Minister. They were going to jump you if you were going home tonight, so that's why we need you to come with us."
"The bodyguards doesn't know that the gang that's after me is involved in this. How did you get this information?"
"Takuto hacked their building's system so we can watch and hear them. Along with eliminating the Prime Minister, they plan to do the same to you."
"So... Who's going to protect me?"
"I volunteer~"
"Of course you would Hiro..."
"A cutie like you is in danger, so I want to keep you safe as your number one bestie!"
"Thanks. I'll go get changed to see if it fits me."
"You can use the first room on the left upstairs."
"Thanks Boss."
Soon after, she came downstairs in her thief outfit, holding the mask in one of her hands. "Wow Kendall! That outfit makes your curves looking bangin'!"
"Thank you..?"
"Stop that, Hiro! That's harassment!"
"Don't you think she looks good, Takkun?"
"N-No! Shut up!"
"Let's explain the plan to her. Kendall, take a look at this map and follow my finger." Riki said. He showed her the place where she will be at, and the time where she needed to move. "Got it?"
"If the bodyguards do find out that you're with us, you know what to say, right?"
"Yeah. I know."
"Good. Now... Let's go."
It was pitch black already, and the van hid in the trees, nearby their designated location. "Here's your transceiver." Takuto said handing it to her.
"Thank you."
"Do you have your mask?"
"I do."
"Put it on."
She put the mask on which hid her whole face. 'Can't breathe...'
Takuto was typing on his laptop, scanning the location. "The back isn't guarded, so it should be fine sneaking in there."
"We need to sneak past the guards in the front and the sides, although they're doing a sloppy job of guarding." Riki spoke up.
"The guy's inside the building on the top floor. There are guards in each floor that will try to get in your way if you get caught."
"Thanks a lot, Takuto. Is everyone ready?"
They nodded in response. "It's show time!"
They ran out of the van except for Takuto. Atsumu, Riki, and Kenshi went one way while Hiro and Kendall went the other way. "Guys... They're coming." Takuto said over the transceiver.
"The bodyguards?"
"Yeah. They're heading your way, Hiro."
"This way, Kendall!" He pulled her behind a crate, checking his surroundings. "Don't make a sound." She peeked out and saw the bodyguards trying to sneak in the building. They were swift in their movements, and went around towards the back.
"Guys! The bodyguards just went towards the back of the building."
"Shit! We're already in the building! Takuto, can you see where they're heading?"
"They're still on the first floor. Three of them are going down the hall, and the other three are heading upstairs right now."
"Got it. Keep tracking just in case."
"Yeah, got it. Hiro, go in whenever."
"Over and out."
Still outside, Hiro signaled her to follow him towards the back of the building to get in. As they were going in, they heard footsteps heading where they were. He pulled her along with him to hide under the stairs.
The footsteps were getting closer with every second passing. It was a couple of guards talking among another.
"They didn't find the girl?"
"No. Damn... I thought we would've had a chance to finally get her. We're in deep debt because of her! It's her fault for breaking that damn expensive artifact!"
"Don't worry, we'll find her and make her pay."
"She's going to be real sorry when we find her!"
They were passing by their hiding spot, and the coast was clear. "Is it safe to go upstairs, Takuto?" Hiro asked in his transceiver.
"Yeah. No one is up at the second floor right now."
"Ok. Come on, we're moving."
They made it to the second floor with no problem at all. "Hiro! Someone is coming around the corner!"
He tried to find a place to hide, but it was too late. "There's another one of those thieves!"
"That means... They saw those three..."
'Oh crap! It's Kaiji and... Mizuki. Oh no!'
"Aren't you one of Kendall's friends? What are you doing here?"
Hiro whispered in her ear. "I'll hold them off. You run that way to escape." At the other side of the hallway, there were people on their way over where they were. "When they get closer to us, you bolt as fast as you can and go up those stairs to meet with the guys, ok?"
"I don't know if I can do it..."
"Yes you can. Trust me on this."
She inhaled and exhaled. "Alright..."
Mizuki and Kaiji were getting closer to them. "...Go!"
She charged right at them and literally pass through them, running for dear life. "Go get that one, Mizuki! I'll handle him."
"I don't think you can handle me."
"Why are you doing this? I thought you were on of Kendall's friends at her work? Even those guys back there from Kendall's work..."
"You don't need to know."
Kendall was running up the stairs to try to get to the top floor to meet with the guys. "Stop!" She looked back and saw her fiancé chasing after her. He had a very serious expression, determined to catch her. 'Oh god! He's right on my tail!'
Fortunately, she made it in the top floor, but now all she had to do was make it to the room. 'I'm getting worn out, but I'm almost there. I'm sorry about this, Mizuki! I hope you'll understand why!'
She opened the door to the room she needed to go and slammed it behind her. She saw the thieves confronting the former Prime Minister along with the chief. "Guys! I'm-"
She was interrupted when the door busted open and felt an arm go around her neck. "Who are you?"
'I can't really tell you yet!'
"Mizuki! Were they any more?"
"Yes. There was one on the second floor that Kaiji is fighting, and then there was this one."
"You guys would be the last people I would suspect about being the Black Foxes. Miss Ferreira works at your restaurant unknowingly that you are thieves."
"She knows we're thieves." Kenshi said.
"She does?!"
"And yet... She still..?"
"Please let me explain. Her life was in danger because of this. We're fully aware that this organization wants to get rid of the Prime Minister, and they were going to do the same with her." Atsumu explained.
"How do you know..?"
"She told us about how she met you bodyguards. About how she almost lost her life to a gang. That gang is involved in this... Along with the former Prime Minister."
"It's true, Mizuki..."
He grunted, looking at the person he was holding. "Kendall?"
She took off her mask and sighed. "Yeah... It's me. I'm sorry I kept this from you, but I had no other choice..."
"You knew you were working for the Black Foxes and you knew about all of this..? But worst of all... You hid the fact that your life was in danger?!"
She could tell he was furious with her by his tone. "If I did... It would've affected you, physically and emotionally. I know it's hard to understand why I did this, and you have every right to be angry, but... I wouldn't be here right now if I was heading home tonight."
"That's right. We brought her along with us in order to protect her." Riki spoke up.
Soon enough, the rest of the bodyguards showed up. "It's the Black Foxes!"
"And... Kendall?!" She waved awkwardly.
"We'll explain later. Right now, we need to deal with the former Prime Minister who is getting his hands dirty."
"Why are you threatening the Prime Minister?!"
"Prime Minister, you say? He doesn't deserve that title. I should be the one claiming that name!"
"He took it away from me! He doesn't deserve to be called the Prime Minister!"
"He didn't take it away from you. You just got caught selling stolen art which made you lose that position."
"Shut up! And you! Girl! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be in debt!"
"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. You mean to tell me that you're the leader of the gang that's after me?"
"That's right. I heard from one of my men that a little girl broke an artifact-"
"You stole it! It's your fault for doing that! Besides, it's not right to sell stolen art. That will eventually bite you in the butt!"
"You don't know what you're talking about!"
"Alright. Enough. Come quietly with us."
"No! I refuse! I want the man and that girl dead!"
"Oh look. The PSD finally arrived. Took them long enough." Subaru said.
"I don't want to go back to prison! I refuse!"
"Give it up. All of your men are all defeated anyway."
The PSD came into the room and put handcuffs on the former Prime Minister. He was struggling and complaining to let him go, but to no avail.
Mizuki pulled her in for a hug. "Are you alright, Kendall?"
"Yeah. I'm not hurt anywhere."
"Why is she here anyway?!"
After explaining EVERYTHING to the bodyguards, they all came to an understanding. "So what you're saying is... You knew all along that the former Prime Minister and the gang that's after her was behind all of this, and they would've killed her on the spot if she was going home instead of coming with you guys?" Kaiji asked.
"That's basically it. We wanted to help her out since she's our really good friend." Kenshi said.
"She's not my really good friend, she's my bestie!" Hiro said.
"No way she's my bestie!" Sora cutted in.
"Quiet you two!" The two eldest exclaimed.
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"I Logan Smith, reject you Emily West.", I try to smile. "I Emily West accept your rejection.", I try to say in the most cheerful voice, even though I'm dying inside. I still want to keep it inside. His eyes go wide."You accept YOUR rejection? So easily?", woah I was not expecting that. I nod as cheerfully as I can fake.Emily West ran away when she was rejected by her mate. When she ran away with her best friend, they went to the Open Moons pack. They'll just have to see what the Open Moons Pack has to offer.......This story is not edited, yet. (Probably will never edit it... Unless I really want to...)EDIT: Please don't waste your time, this book is honestly trash. I wrote this when I was super young, and inexperienced. I won't delete it, just in case you don't want to heed my warning and you're willing to waste your time. :) Anyway if you do decide to read it, I hope you at-least laugh at how bad and random it is.
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