《My Sweet Bodyguard Randomness》MSB AU: Senpai Noticed Me!
I'm Kendall and I'll be starting my high school life in Japan! I came from America, but I signed up for the 'foreign exchange student' thing, and here I am! The high school I'll be going to is called... I don't even know the name. Well shit. Oh well! It's not important so let's move on!
The new student was walking on the campus of her new school. She also adored the school uniform since it was cute and comfortable, unlike the uniforms back at her home country which were just plain. She stood out from the crowd since everyone was looking at her like she was an alien. 'Ugh... I hate being new... It's so weird.'
She stepped into the classroom and tried to find a seat. "You can sit over here." A girl said. "Thanks." Kendall said coming over and sat in the desk. "My name is Sayuri, and this is my best friend, Kenta." Sayuri said. "Nice to meet you!" Kenta said. "Nice to meet you. I'm Kendall." Kendall said. "Where did you come from?" Sayuri asked. "I came from America. I'm a foreign exchange student." Kendall said. "Wow! That's amazing!" Kenta said. "Since you're new, I'll tell you all about the different kinds of groups here." Sayuri said. "Groups? Like the popular and nerds kind of groups?" Kendall asked. "Something like that. I want you to know, so that you won't run into any trouble." Sayuri said. "Oh... Thanks." Kendall said. "I know it's your first day and you're nervous, but don't worry! We're your new friends!" Kenta said. "Friends. Yeah." Kendall said. 'I already made friends, and it's only been five minutes. Things are going pretty smoothly.'
At lunch, the three sat at a table. Sayuri was drawing a chart of the different types of groups at each table. "See here? You have the athletes, the class clowns, the delinquents, the greatest people you will ever meet..." Sayuri trailed off. "You're labeling that as yourselves?" Kendall asked. "Yes. And then there's the school idol." Sayuri said. "School idol?" Kendall asked. "Mizuki Fujisaki. He's a famous pop-star that goes to our school." Kenta said. "Oh... Never heard of him." Kendall responded. "And then there's the worst. The plastics." Sayuri said. "The... Plastics? I'm confused, what?" Kendall asked.
"The plastics are the most popular girls in school." Kenta said. "Um... Sounds fake, but ok. Continue." Kendall said. "There's Kuh. She is one of the most dumbest girls you'll ever meet. She also claims that she runs a famous blog, and all her fans adore her." Sayuri said. "Her blog is about Mizuki." Kenta said. "Somehow that doesn't surprise me." Kendall said. "Then there's Mei. Her family is rich, and she thinks she's all that." Sayuri said. "She also knows everything about everyone, especially about Mizuki. That's why her hair is so big. It's full of secrets." Kenta said. "Oh wow. And is there one more?" Kendall asked. "Yes. Evil takes a human form in Ayumi. She's an actress and also Mizuki's ex-girlfriend. She is a life ruin-er so I advise you to stay away from her." Sayuri said. "I'll... Take you up on that. Thanks." Kendall said. 'It's only been a few hours, and I already know the groups. I'll take Sayuri's advice to stay away from the plastics who are overly obsessed with this idol.'
On her way to class, she accidentally bumped into a delinquent looking guy. He had his bag over his shoulder, and looked at her directly in the eye. "Watch it." He said. "Sorry! I'll watch where I'm going next time." Kendall said. "Subaru! Don't be like that!" Someone said coming over. "That's none of your business, Sora." Subaru said. "I can't believe you would threaten a cutie like her. Are you new?" Sora asked. "Yeah. I'm a first year." Kendall said. "Then we're your senpais! Subaru and I are third years." Sora said. "Cool. I'm Kendall. It's nice to meet you two." Kendall said. "If you have any questions, don't be shy to ask us, kouhai!" Sora said. "Not me. Look at a map or read the student handbook." Subaru said. "Come on, Subaru! Be nice to our new kouhai!" Sora said. "I don't want to if I don't have to. Let's go." Subaru said beginning to walk away. "I'll catch you later, kouhai~" Sora said and followed Subaru. 'I guess I have senpais now...'
She entered the class which was still a little empty. "May I help you?" A teacher asked. "Yeah. This is class 2-B, right?" Kendall asked. "It is. According to your schedule, you're a first year. It's very rare that a first year is enrolled in a second year class." He said. "So I've heard. My name is Kendall, and you are..?" Kendall asked. "Mr. Katsuragi. It's very nice to meet you, Miss Ferreira." Katsuragi said. "Likewise, sir. Which seats are available?" Kendall asked. "Hm... These are the available seats I have." Katsuragi said showing her a seating chart.
She was still confused. "Perhaps you'll need some assistance. Akizuki." Katsuragi called over. "Yes?" He asked coming over. "Would you please help Miss Ferreira find her new seat?" Katsuragi asked. "No problem. Come on." He said.
She followed the guy to her new seat. "This is it." He said. "Thank you very much." Kendall said. "I'm Kaiji by the way." Kaiji said. "I'm Kendall." Kendall said. "New student, huh? Must be tough switching schools as a second year." Kaiji said. "I'm not a second year, I'm actually a first year." Kendall said. "What?! How did you even get into this class?!" Kaiji asked. "Well... I'm a foreign exchange student from America, and I maintained a 4.0 or higher throughout my whole school life, and so I was given the option to enroll in one higher class." Kendall said. "Nice. You must be proud of yourself." Kaiji said. "Yeah. I've always wanted to come to Japan, and... Here I am." Kendall said. "Anyway, this class is going to start soon, so I'm heading to my desk. Ask me if you need any help." Kaiji said. "Thank you. I will." Kendall said.
As he was walking away, she noticed his jacket that was wrapped around his waist that read 'Judo Club'.
Soon after, someone sat in front of her that caught her attention. 'How lucky am I?! A cute guy is sitting in front of me!'
She was soon snapped out of her thoughts when a bunch of girls were squealing. "Mizuki! Look over here!" "He's so dreamy!" "Notice me please!"
'Hold up! THIS is the idol I keep hearing about?! That means... I sit behind the school idol?! Can't blame them that he's cute, but he's just like every other person to be honest.'
Lost in her thoughts, her pencil rolled off of her desk and touched the side of the idol's shoe.
He picked up and faced towards her. "Here. You dropped this." Mizuki said. "T-Thanks." Kendall said. "I never seen you before? Are you a new student?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah. My name is Kendall, it's nice to meet you." Kendall said. "Your name sounds foreign." Mizuki said. "I came from America, so... Yeah." Kendall said. "I see. Have you made any friends yet?" Mizuki asked. 'Wow... I'm actually having a conversation with this guy...' "Yeah, I made a few." Kendall answered. "That's good. If you need help with something, I'll try my best to help you. Ok?" Mizuki asked. "Uh... Ok. Thank you." Kendall said.
She felt eyes on her and she dared to not look. She knew that the jealous girls were glaring at her, and if she looked now, there will be no way out.
The next day came, and she was talking to Sayuri and Kenta in her first period. "How was your first day yesterday?" Sayuri asked. "It went well. I enjoyed it." Kendall responded. "Have you seen the school idol yet?" Kenta asked. "I have. I sit behind him in one of my classes since I have one second year class, and we talked for a bit." Kendall said. "You what?! You got to talk to him?!" Sayuri asked. "Yeah, but it wasn't for very long. It was just casual talk for a few minutes and that was it." Kendall said. "You're lucky! He doesn't talk to anyone!" Kenta said. "Not even the plastics you mentioned?" Kendall asked. "Well yeah, but it's not his choice to talk to them. They're the ones who always go up to him and try to engage him in conversation." Sayuri said. "That must be tough..." Kendall said. "If he talked to you, that must mean that he's comfortable around you." Kenta said. "I don't think that's the case. I dropped my pencil so that's what started it." Kendall said. "Usually that kind of thing leads to something more." Sayuri said. "No... I don't think so. I'm just here to focus on my studies, not searching for a boyfriend." Kendall said. "You don't have feelings for him? Not just a little?" Sayuri asked. "He's cute and all, but he's just a person like the rest of us are. If I were in his position, I would dread coming here if I knew that some clique was always keeping track of you, because they have nothing better to do with their lives." Kendall said.
Their jaws dropped at her speech. "Never thought of it that way..." Kenta said. "You're really cool for saying that." Sayuri said. "I'm only speaking the truth." Kendall said.
It reached lunch, and she was on her way to the table with her friends. "You, girl. Come over here for a minute."
Kendall looked over at her friends at the table, eye signaling them that she was going to sit with 'The Plastics' for a moment.
She went over to the table and sat down. "Yes?" Kendall asked. "There's been a rumor going around saying you sit behind Mizuki in the second year history class." Ayumi said. "Yeah, is that a bad thing?" Kendall asked. "Move to another desk. We don't want any girl getting close to him." Ayumi said. "Ok... First of all. He is not your property for you to control what goes around him. Second, he can do whatever he wants since he is his own person. And third... You can't even tell me or anyone else what to do for your own selfish desires." Kendall said.
The three looked at her astonished. "You think we're controlling Mizuki?! We don't do anything like that!" Kuh exclaimed. "You're the one to talk! You're telling us what to do!" Mei exclaimed. "I was going to be nice about this, but since you're acting this way... We will make you move away from Mizuki." Ayumi said. "You weren't even nice about it in the first place! You just told me straight up to stay away from him just because you don't want any girl near your 'precious' Mizuki, because if he somehow falls for that girl, ya'll would be butthurt and have nothing better to do." Kendall said. "You're such a bitch!" Kuh exclaimed. "You think you know everything but you don't!" Mei exclaimed. "You're just jealous that we're popular and get to talk to him whenever we want." Ayumi said. "I could care less if you do. Besides, popularity isn't everything. Is it going to matter in a couple years? That's a big fat no." Kendall said. "Can you like go now?" Kuh asked. "You're so lame." Mei said. "You can't sit with us." Ayumi said. "Good, cause I don't want to be all up in here wasting my time, and I don't even want to sit with you bimbos anyway." Kendall said getting up and grabbing her lunch.
"What's a bimbo?" Mei asked. "Like I don't know..." Kuh said. "What did you just call us?!" Ayumi exclaimed. "Look it up." Kendall said and walked away.
She finally joined Sayuri and Kenta. "What were you talking about with the plastics?" Sayuri asked. "They kept telling me to move to another desk because they don't like the fact that I'm sitting behind Mizuki. They're wasting their breath. I'm not even trying to make a move on him." Kendall said. "You don't need to worry about them. You got us to be there for you!" Kenta said. "Thanks you two." Kendall said.
She was heading towards her second year class. When she arrived there, she noticed that her desk was missing. She heard a few snickers and knew that it was their doing. "Really? Wow... They're so immature." Kendall mumbled.
She ended up finding her desk in the back of the classroom, and it had messages written all over it. 'Bitch' 'Whore' 'Worthless' 'Cow' 'Stay away from Mizuki!' 'Die!'
'Holy shit these girls have problems. They're calling me these names just because I sit behind their beloved idol and talked to him once. ONCE! Don't they have anything better to do than bully people? It's a whole load of bullshit, because I know for a fact that none of the names they called me are true.'
"What are you doing back here?" Mizuki asked coming over. "Oh! Hey Mizuki. What's up?" Kendall asked. "I was wondering why you're back here, and your desk is missing." Mizuki said. "I know and this is it." Kendall said. "What..? Who wrote all of that..?" Mizuki asked. "I have a good idea. But don't worry, none of it bothers me." Kendall said. "That's a terrible thing! Who would do this to you on your second day?!" Mizuki exclaimed. "Low lifes." Kendall said. "I'll help you clean it off." Mizuki said. "It's fine. I can do it." Kendall said. "Please let me. It'll be too much trouble for you if you do it alone." Mizuki said getting a towel out of his bag. "Ok... Um, thanks a lot." Kendall said. "Friends help each other out, right?" Mizuki asked. "We're friends?" Kendall asked. "I think of you as a friend." Mizuki said. "Well alright then. We're friends." Kendall said.
They were scrubbing off the awful messages with wet towels, and when the got it off, he helped her put the desk back to its rightful place.
After school, she was walking towards the gate of the school where she was suddenly grabbed by two large guys. "Hey! Let me go!" Kendall exclaimed, trying to struggle out of their grasp.
They didn't walk too far, and threw her on the grass. "What the hell is your problem?!" Kendall exclaimed. "You're the problem." A familiar voice said.
She looked up and realized she was cornered by the plastics. "If you brought me because of our earlier conversation, then you're the problem." Kendall said. "Shut up!" Kuh exclaimed.
Ayumi stood her up by grabbing her shirt collar. "Listen. I'm going to tell you one more time. Stay away from Mizuki."
"Give a good reason why I should." Kendall said. "Because he's too good for you!" Kuh exclaimed. "We heard about you being his 'friend' but we know what you're really after." Mei said. "Oh please do tell what I'm after." Kendall said. "You're just trying to get Mizuki all to yourself." Ayumi said. "Are you three really that conceited?! FOR THE LAST GOD DAMN TIME I'M NOT TRYING TO GET WITH HIM! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND MOVE THE FUCK ON WITH YOUR LIVES!" Kendall shouted.
Ayumi threw her down on the ground. "You asked for this. Girls." Ayumi said.
Mei was holding a bag of flour and Kuh was holding a couple carton of eggs. "Do what you want with her." Ayumi said.
They started to throw flour and drop eggs on her. "The fuck is your deal?!" Kendall exclaimed. "What's that? You want more? Here you go." Ayumi said pouring juice from a bottle on her head.
She proceeded to kick her in the stomach and once on the face, making her lip bleed. "Do us a favor and stay away from him so you won't have to go through this again. Let's go girls." Ayumi said and walked away with her clique.
She felt sticky on the outside, but awful in the inside. She felt completely horrible, and hugged her knees, sobbing in them.
"What happened?" A familiar voice asked.
She peeked out of her knees, and quickly hid her face when she realized who it was.
"Kendall? Is that you?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah... I look horrible..." Kendall said. "Who did this to you?" Mizuki asked.
She didn't respond. "It was Ayumi and her friends, wasn't it?" Mizuki asked.
She sighed and lifted her head up. He clinched his hands into fists. "What awful people... They hurt my friend... Why..?" Mizuki asked.
"Do you really want to know?" Kendall asked. "I already know. Those three favor me and think they know what's best for me, but they don't. I'm really sorry... You're like this because of me..." Mizuki said. "It's not your fault! It was their actions, it has nothing to do with you! You didn't do anything!" Kendall exclaimed.
He looked down and started to take something out of his bag. He kneeled down and started to wipe her face. "You have flour and tears everywhere. Also blood..." Mizuki said. "I feel fine, don't worry." Kendall said. "Don't lie. You can tell me if you're hurting." Mizuki said.
Her eyes dropped down. "Yeah. My whole body aches and feels sticky."
"Thank you for telling me. Why don't you come to my place to clean yourself up? I'm sure the people you're living with will be shocked to see you like this." Mizuki said. "I'll take up on your offer. Thank you so much." Kendall said.
He reached out his hand towards her. "It's what friends do."
She took his hand, and helped her. He then put sunglasses on. "Right... I forgot that you're famous." Kendall said. "So you've heard... Yes, I'm an idol..." Mizuki said with a hint of sadness in his voice. "I don't think of you as an idol, I think of you as a human being." Kendall said. "Really? No one has ever told me that..." Mizuki said. "It's the truth. I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand that celebrities are people too, but instead they only think of them as gods. You're not. You're just like everyone else." Kendall said. "T-Thank you for that... I was right to befriend you. You're really unique." Mizuki said. "So... Are we going to just stand here with the flour drying on me?" Kendall asked. "Sorry! Let's get going!" Mizuki said.
They made it to Mizuki's apartment which was pretty empty. "The bathroom is in here, and you can change into these." Mizuki said. "You want me to give you these back one of the days?" Kendall asked. "It's fine. You keep them." Mizuki said. "...Thanks." Kendall responded. "You can use any of the towels hanging up." Mizuki said. "Thank you. I won't try to take too long." Kendall said.
After showering, she came out wearing the spare clothes Mizuki gave her, and was drying her hair with the towel. "Man... That juice really effed up my hair." Kendall said. "What did they put on you?" Mizuki asked. "Flour, eggs, and juice. Then I got kicked in the stomach several times and once in the face. That's why my lip is swollen." Kendall said. "I have some ointment that can treat it. Let me get it." Mizuki said.
He returned with the ointment, and began to apply on her lip. "Uh... Thank you for doing this for me." Kendall said blushing. "Oh sorry! I must have surprised you by automatically doing this. You can do it yourself if that will make you feel comfortable." Mizuki said. "Ok... That's fine, I guess." Kendall said.
After treating her lip, he offered her a hair dryer. "Here. I wouldn't want you to catch a cold, so dry your hair properly. Mizuki said. "I will. Thank you, Mizuki." Kendall said.
After drying her hair, she saw him pouring tea into two mugs. "I made some tea." Mizuki said. "Oh thanks." Kendall said getting a mug, and drank a sip. "How is it?" Mizuki asked. "It's really good." Kendall said. "I don't get too many visitors, but you can come by anytime." Mizuki said. "Really? Cool. I'll stop by from time to time so you won't be lonely." Kendall said.
He looked down, but looked back up, giving her a smile. "I'll walk you home when you're done with your tea." Mizuki said. "Sure thing. Thank you again for bringing me here so I could clean myself up." Kendall said. "Anytime." Mizuki responded.
The sun was setting, and Mizuki was walking Kendall home. "It's a nice evening." Mizuki said. "Yeah. It is. Not too hot, not too cold." Kendall said. "We're about there, right?" Mizuki asked. "It's just one more block over." Kendall said. "Our places isn't too far from each other. That's a good thing." Mizuki said. "Haha! I know right?!" Kendall assumed.
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8 135