《My Sweet Bodyguard Randomness》MSB: MHFTB Extra- Visiting my Home Country
In the SP room, the bodyguards were talking among each other. "When's Kendall coming?" Sora asked. "Soon. She said she needed to do something before coming here." Mizuki said. "Was it something she needed to do after class?" Kaiji asked. "I'm not sure. Her exact words were 'I need to do something real quick, and then I'll come in the SP room ASAP!' She didn't specify." Mizuki said. "Maybe she has a surprise." Subaru said. "Ooh! I hope she brings in her homemade chocolate chip cookies again! Those are delicious!" Sora said. "Although she just buys them frozen at the grocery store..." Subaru said. "Haha. Does she even know how to make it from scratch?" Kaiji asked. "Hey! Don't talk about her like that!" Mizuki exclaimed. "It's not anything serious, man!" Kaiji said. "Can't you all just be quiet for five minutes..?" Katsuragi asked. "I do want to ask her about something..." Mizuki mumbled.
Soon after, Kendall peeked her head through the open door. "Hey ya'll! I'm here!" Kendall said. "Kendall!" Sora said running up to her and hugged her. "Sora..." Mizuki said in a cold tone. He quickly broke the hug. "Sorry... So... Why are you wearing your hood over your head?" Sora asked. "You look like some criminal who's trying to hide their face." Kaiji said. "Or you're having a bad hair day?" Subaru asked. "Actually it's the opposite." Kendall said. The five guys were all curious.
She snorted at their reactions. "Well... Since you all are curious. I'll show you." Kendall said and took off her hood. Expecting they would be surprised, their jaws dropped. "Whoa! It's so short!" Sora exclaimed. "You look very mature, Miss Ferreira." Katsuragi said. "Thank you." Kendall said. "What made you decide to cut your hair?" Subaru asked. "Because most of my hair was unhealthy and dead anyway, and it's always getting in the way and it's so hard to take care of. So I figured, why not? I like it." Kendall said. "Your hair used to cover your back, but now I can see all of your back." Kaiji said. "I think it suits you really well." Mizuki said. "Thank you Mizuki!" Kendall said.
He went over to her and touched her hair. "It really compliments your face shape, and it makes you look even cuter." Mizuki said. She blushed and looked down. "You're too sweet... Oh god! Haha! You make me blush!" Kendall said. "That's my job, isn't it?" Mizuki asked. "Hey! No flirting!" Sora said. "Get a room, you lovebirds." Subaru said. "You're making us feel bad." Kaiji said. "I swear... You all don't know the definition of 'Be quiet.' Your breaks are almost over, so I suggest you start getting back to work now." Katsuragi said. "Aww! But Kendall just got here!" Sora whined. "Sora!" Katsuragi exclaimed. "...Yes, chief." Sora said.
"Hey Kendall. Can I ask you something?" Mizuki asked. "Go ahead. I'm all ears." Kendall said. "I've wanted to ask you this for a while, but... Can we visit where you grew up?" Mizuki asked. "Really? You want to visit America?" Kendall asked. "Yeah. I would love to see where the one I love grew up most her life. I've never been in America before, so this is also a great opportunity to go there." Mizuki said. "Yeah! I would love to do that! Wow... Now that I think about it... I've never mentioned where in America I grew up in to you. Well, I'll explain now. I was born and raised in California, but in the beginning of high school, I moved to Tennessee." Kendall explained. "Oh wow! You moved where Elvis Presley was!" Mizuki said. "Haha! That's what most people say when Tennessee is mentioned. How about we make a flight for both California and Tennessee?" Kendall asked. "Yeah. I can't wait to travel with you, Kendall." Mizuki said. "Me too! I'm so excited to show you where I grew up! I'm also going to show you the best spots!" Kendall said. "Hehe. I'm sure you're glad to be visiting home." Mizuki said. "Yeah! It's even more exciting since you're going to be with me. I'm going to make plans tonight!" Kendall said.
Katsuragi cleared his throat. "I'm aware that you two are discussing plans, but Mizuki needs to get back to his work now." Katsuragi said. "Sorry for holding him up. Off you go, Mizuki!" Kendall said. "You're like someone who's releasing an animal out in the wild." Mizuki said. "...Bae. Just do your thing." Kendall said. "Haha! I was only messing with you. I won't be long, so you can sit down over there. You don't mind Kendall being here, right chief?" Mizuki asked. "I don't. Miss Ferreira is always welcome here. You can sit in this chair right here." Katsuragi said. "Ok. I won't be disruptive. Just pretend that I'm not here." Kendall said and sat down.
She took out her phone and went on tumblr. "It's so hard running a blog that no one cares about. I have all of these followers, but barely get anything in my inbox. Also, how do inappropriate blogs even find me when all I reblog is purely anime and otome? I don't know what to think of this website, but I go on it every day." Kendall mumbled.
She then took out her headphones and went on Youtube. "I love this guy!" Kendall said as she went on one of his videos. The Mickey Mouse whistle occurred in the beginning, and the same guy who was on all four screens in the videos was singing mashups of Disney song. "Just... Whistle while you work!" Kendall sang and whistled after. "Uh... Kendall." Sora said.
She took off one of her earbuds. "Oh! Was I singing? Sorry... I love this video and it's hard to resist to not singing along to it." Kendall said. "Are you on that website again?" Subaru asked. "Yeah. What? I love going on Youtube." Kendall said. "What are you even watching?" Kaiji asked. "Mashup of Disney songs that this guy does! It's amazing! It's the evolution of Disney songs!" Kendall said. "She's always on her phone whenever we're relaxing at home. It's quite adorable that she sings and dances along with the video." Mizuki said joining. "Pffff! Only little kids do that!" Kaiji said. "You're the one to talk! I've heard from Subaru that you still play with toys!" Kendall said. "N-No I don't!" Kaiji exclaimed. "Yes you do." Subaru said. "You..!" Kaiji exclaimed. "She got you good, Kaiji!" Sora said. "It's ok to admit to it, Kaiji. I play with your toys with you sometimes." Mizuki said. "Together. Together. Together. Everyone~! Sorry..." Kendall said. "All of you! Leave Miss Ferreira alone and get back to work! Now!" Katsuragi shouted. The five guys all scattered away, and went back to their posts. "Anyway... Let me plan this trip out." Kendall mumbled.
About a week later, Kendall and Mizuki boarded on an airplane to go from Japan to California. "Wow... It'll be at least 12 hours until we get there. The most I've been in an airplane is 6 hours." Kendall said. "Do you get jet lag?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah... I have it pretty bad. Oh man..." Kendall said. "Don't worry. I'm here to help you." Mizuki said. "Thanks. I'm gonna need it." Kendall said.
About 12 hours, half of the day, they finally landed in the state of California. "Where are we?" Mizuki asked. "We're in Monterey. The area I was born and raised in." Kendall said. "Really? Hehe. Now... We got reservations to this big hotel called 'Embassy Suites'?" Mizuki asked. "Aww! Your English! Ahem! Uh... I called in a chauffeur to come pick us up. Ah! There he is!" Kendall said pointing and grabbed his hand to go to the person who will be driving them to the hotel.
Dropping them off at the hotel, she felt the familiar aura of home. "Man! It's been so long the last time I was here! And to think I'm here with you!" Kendall said. "Hehe. You look happy which makes me happy." Mizuki said. "Let's go inside. To be hoest, this is my first time going into this hotel, but I've passed it millions of times." Kendall said.
They checked in their room, and settled their suitcases down. "This is a nice room." Mizuki said. "I know! I expected it to look nice but not this nice. It's feels comfortable to be in here. Now..." Kendall said pulling out a piece of paper from her purse. "What's that?" Mizuki asked. "I made a short list of the places I would like you to see. Let's see... Obviously there's the beach, the fisherman's wharf, the outdoor mall, the aquarium, and once we're finished visiting these places in a few days, we'll be flying to Tennessee. I'm preparing a short list for that." Kendall said. "Hehe. You know everything around here, don't you?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah! I grew up here, you dork! I know you must be looking forward to the aquarium the most since, well... You love animals." Kendall said. "I am! I've done some research, and the aquarium here is really good! I can't wait to see all of the animals!" Mizuki said. "Me too! But since it's already the late afternoon, I'll call this a relaxing day since we just got off that long flight. I'm exhausted." Kendall said. "You're right. We don't want to push tire ourselves from our vacation. We'll do something tomorrow." Mizuki said. "Yeah. I don't know about you, but I'm going to take a nap." Kendall said. "Mind if I join you?" Mizuki asked. She patted on the bed, gesturing him to join.
The next day, Kendall rented a car and drove her and Mizuki to the beach which was only a block away. "The roads are different here. You drive on the right side? Not to mention the driver's side is on the left?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah. I know Japan drives on the left side and the driver's side is on the right. Welcome to America." Kendall said. "It's strange but interesting." Mizuki said. "Today is the beach and mall day. Tomorrow is the fisherman's wharf and aquarium day. I saved the best for last!" Kendall said. "I'll go wherever you go. You know this area better than me, so lead the way, my tour guide!" Mizuki said. "Ok, my tourist!" Kendall responded.
At the beach, they laid a towel and put up an umbrella. "Look! A seashell!" Mizuki said picking it up. "Those are around a lot. Feel free to walk around. I'll watch our stuff from here." Kendall said. "It's a shame that you can't come with me, but don't keep your eyes off of me, ok?" Mizuki asked. "Ok bae. Have fun!" Kendall said.
After a while, they arrived at the outdoor mall that was nearby. "They have my favorite stores and favorite ice cream place here, so hope you don't mind walking around everywhere with me." Kendall said. "It's fine. I see they also have a movie theater here. I heard that one dinosaur just came out. Can we watch it?" Mizuki asked. "Yes! Let's go do that first and then shopping!" Kendall said.
After watching the movie, they came out with Kendall clinging onto Mizuki's arm. "Are you ok?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah, why?" Kendall asked. "You were jumping and screaming throughout the dinosaur parts." Mizuki said. "That's because they're so loud and there were some jumpscares, ok?! I'm not good with that." Kendall said. "It's ok now. Don't you want to do some shopping?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah! Forever 21 is calling my name!" Kendall said.
After shopping at several stores, they went to Cold Stone to get some ice cream. "What did you get, Kendall?" Mizuki asked. "I got my usual mint mint chocolate chocolate chip! I always get this when I come here." Kendall said. "It looks good. I got the banana caramel crunch. Let's try a bite of each of ours." Mizuki said. "Well... Since I love you... I'll share." Kendall said. At the same time, they scooped their ice cream with a spoon, and fed each other. "Mmm~! Delicious!" They said at the same time and laughed afterwards.
The next day, they headed towards Monterey's famous spot: The fisherman's wharf. "Hey Mizuki. Want to ride those bike things?" Kendall asked. "That looks fun! Sure!" Mizuki answered.
They rode the bike saddles down the long path, enjoying peddling and looking around the scenery. "This is what you got to see every day?" Mizuki asked. "Not every day, but mostly every day. But then I moved..." Kendall said. "Why did you move?" Mizuki asked. "It's really expensive to live here, anywhere in California to be honest, and my parents were struggling, so my parents decided to live where they can afford to live." Kendall said. "Will we see your parents in Tennessee?" Mizuki asked. "Uh... I don't think so. They travel a lot, so they're not home." Kendall said. "I see. I was hoping I would meet them so that I could tell them how much of a wonderful person you are. You're my whole world, Kendall." Mizuki said. "Aww! That would make me happy to see their reactions that I've finally met a guy that truly loves me. Finally!" Kendall said and laughed. "Can we go into that crowded area?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah! That's where all the free samples of clam chowder is! Come on!" Kendall said getting off the bike saddle.
Tasting a lot of clam chowder samples and eating frozen yogurt, they headed towards the aquarium. "The aquarium here is well known for the otters so we'll most likely see them." Kendall said. "Is there any hand-ons exhibits?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah. There's a station somewhere where we can touch starfishes and stingrays. I can touch the starfishes no problem, but I'm scared to touch the stingrays." Kendall said. "Hehe. Then I'll help you conquer that." Mizuki said.
They saw a bunch of fascinating fishes and a shark. They watched the short penguin performance that was going on. Then they went over to the hands-on station. Kendall put her hand in the water to touch the starfish. "Hey Patrick. Long time, no see." Kendall said and giggling. "Kendall, look." Mizuki said. She peeked over and saw a stingray poking out of the water. "And of course the stingray is attracted to you. What's your secret, Mizuki?" Kendall asked. "I don't have a secret. I just get along with animals really well." Mizuki said. "I was joking..." Kendall said. "He says that he wants you to pet him." Mizuki said. "Uh... I'll try." Kendall said slowly making her hand go toward the stingray.
In an instant, it started to flap its fins. "Oh jeez! What?!" Kendall exclaimed holding her hand away. "It's ok. He's just overwhelmed." Mizuki said grabbing her wrist, and having her pet the stingray. "He feels really slimy." Kendall said. "See? Now you've petted a stingray." Mizuki said. "Yeah... That wasn't so bad I guess." Kendall said. "Want to see the outside?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah! We can see the ocean again!" Kendall answered.
The next day, they were boarding on a plane from California to Tennessee. Kendall was trying to think what was there was over at Memphis, and started to write something down. "Where are you planning?" Mizuki asked. "Since our hotel is in downtown, we're going to just walk around, and it's called Beale Street where the blues music occurred. I also want to take you to the zoo, I know you'll love that. Also, you mentioned Elvis Presley, so we're going to Graceland. And... That's all I got. Not much to do to be honest. Those are the major hotspots pretty much." Kendall said. "I'm excited either way!" Mizuki said. "That's what I like to hear. I'm glad you're having fun visiting where I grew up and where I moved a while back. It means so much to me." Kendall said. "It means so much to me too! Maybe later in the future, I'll show you to my hometown!" Mizuki said. "It's in... Shibuya, right?" Kendall asked. "Right! You remembered!" Mizuki said. "We only have a few days, but only two official days. The third day is going on an airplane again, going back to Tokyo." Kendall said. "That'll be a longer flight." Mizuki said. "Oh god... I'm going to get bad jet lag. I can already feel myself getting exhausted already." Kendall said. "Here. Use my lap as a pillow if you want." Mizuki said. "Thanks bae." Kendall said laying her head on his lap. "Good night, Kendall." Mizuki said stroking her hair. "Good night, Mizuki." Kendall said feeling herself dozing off.
About six hours in, they landed in Memphis. "And there's our chauffeur." Kendall said. "The hotel we're going to is 'The Peabody'?" Mizuki asked. "Ah! Cute English! I mean... Yeah. It was so hard getting reservations there because it's so expensive and I needed to get it ahead of time, but luckily I got us a room in time." Kendall said. "I heard that hotel is famous for its ducks. Is that really true?" Mizuki asked. "Yes it is. Sometimes they will put the ducks in the fountains that's in the inside of the hotel." Kendall said. "That sounds fascinating! I would love to see that!" Mizuki said. "Hopefully they have them out." Kendall said.
About a half hour, they made it to the huge hotel. "I've been in the inside once, but never inside the rooms. I've been up on the roof before, and you can see the whole city." Kendall said. "Can we go up there?" Mizuki asked. "After we check in our room. You seem excited." Kendall said. "Do I? Oh..." Mizuki said looking away blushing.
After checking the room, they headed up towards the roof. "Wow... This is..." Mizuki said."What did I tell ya? Amazing, huh?" Kendall asked. He went over to the railing. "It's beautiful from up here." Mizuki said. "Yeah. And to think we'll be walking around down there tomorrow. I'll take you to a good restaurant." Kendall said. "Hehe. I can't wait." Mizuki sand put his arm around her. They enjoyed the cool evening breeze while watching the scenery as the lights slowly started to turn on.
The next day, they were walking on Beale Street. "Look! There's a horse ride!" Mizuki said pointing. "Oh yeah. That's for transportation for this huge street. Want to go on it?" Kendall asked. "Yes! It reminds me of Cinderella since it's attached to a carriage." Mizuki said. "I was thinking the same thing!" Kendall responded. "Don't go losing you shoe or else another guy will find it and will go around to each girl to see who fits the shoe. The guy could be a prince for all I know!" Mizuki said. "Haha! Bae! Don't worry! I'm wearing converse anyways, and I won't let any other guy steal me away from you, because all I want is you. You're so silly." Kendall said. "Sorry. I have thoughts like that, and it makes me feel jealous." Mizuki said blushing. "Aww! It's only your imagination! Literally. Now... Are we going to ride the horse or not?" Kendall asked. "Yeah. Come on." Mizuki said grabbing her hand.
After riding the horse and eating at a famous restaurant called 'The Rendezvous', Kendall got a rented car to drive to the zoo which wasn't too far, but it would be if they walked. "We're at your favorite place on Earth, bae." Kendall said. "I love the zoo!" Mizuki said. "I know. You've said it thousands of times. Let's go in." Kendall said.
They walked around the zoo, hand in hand. "Look at the lion cubs play fighting!" Mizuki said. "Aww! That's so adorable! Little Simbas!" Kendall said. "Simba? From The Lion King?" Mizuki asked. "Yeah. I assumed you've watched it before, right?" Kendall asked. "I have when I was little. I loved that movie! We should see it together when we get back in Japan." Mizuki said. "Sure! I would love to watch it with you! Although a part will make me cry, but other than that, I'm down!" Kendall said. "Then it's a date!" Mizuki said. "I love dates! Only with you! No one else!" Kendall said. "I feel the same way." Mizuki said.
The next day, they made their way to Graceland. They were given headphones to listen what was in the mansion. "It's huge..." Mizuki said. "Wait until you see the other rooms, it's awesome!" Kendall said.
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Ultima Deus - The Last God
After the Great War, humanity has managed to survive through the passage of the controversial NCRA act and the advent of "Project Deus", or "Project God" - The creation of a Virtual Realm, "Aeterna". Praised as the salvation of mankind and the fulfillment of its grandest ambitions by some, others revile it as a tool to enthrall and enslave the minds of humanity's most vulnerable individuals. Project Deus promises to grant divinity to the select few who rise to the highest ranks in Aeterna, effectively becoming Gods and Goddesses. Forced to enter Aeterna, one man swears vengeance by becoming the Ultima Deus, or Last God. The God to end all gods. This is his story. Please note the following: Mature content, mostly gore and gratuitous violence. No immediate ultime power-ups. This is a grindy, feisty slugfest starting off from the very bottom of the pyramid, and measured, progressive and very deliberate upgrades. UPDATE: Hiatus is over, regular chapters incoming!
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Life is not a game. Nor is it something to enjoy. No. What it was is a challenge. A challenge to us, to see who can live longer. My first work, if you have suggestions as to writing style, please tell me in the comments. I also wont update that regularly. I am after all simply a normal person writing his first story, please be lenient.
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Tale of the Bloodstained Hero
To succeed is to forge a path of your own, liberated by your own hand to combat fate in a way that you decide. To fail is to walk the corpse-riddled road of the Bloodstained Hero, tethered by a fate you cannot control, and doomed to walk it forever alone. After managing to stumble his way into a fantastical new world, twenty two year old Cyr is almost immediately tricked into an alleyway and jumped by a brutish thug out for his head. Bloodied, beaten and near death, Cyr is saved by a strange power that temporarily allows him to copy his opponent's fighting style. After leaving to join an affluent mercenary group known as the Adventurers Guild, he is soon contacted by a mysterious figure that sheds light on his eventual destiny of warring with an enemy of overwhelming, near godly power. Follow Cyr's adventure in his rise to Herohood for the Seynith Dynasty all while slowly uncovering a plot with roots spread deeper than ever thought possible. It doesn't take long for him to realize just how brutal and unforgiving this new world can truly be. This is an edited version of the original, which is where new chapters will be found. The unedited release can still be found on my page, but it will no longer be updated.
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3 years later; Moon was still living with Zach, Gray, Karen and Scott. Zach was finally moving out whilst Moon decided to stay for Gray's sake. Spending time with Owen and helping him work on his wooden cabin. When Claire shows up and asks the pair to return to the island to capture Blue, both males refuse but decide that night to go anyway to make sure the female raptor is not majorly harmed in any way. Suddenly, Moon, Owen and Claire are thrown into yet another dangerous event. But who will come out on top this time?{Jurassic World; Fallen Kingdom does not belong to me. Only Moon does}
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