《My Sweet Bodyguard Randomness》MSB x 10DWMD AU: I Meet My OC!
After attending class, Kendall made her way over to the Prime Minister's room, entering the SP room. "My head hurts..." Kendall mumbled. "Kendall-! What's wrong?" Sora asked.
"I just have a minor headache from class. The lecture was too much for me today..."
"Need some ibuprofen?" Subaru asked coming over.
"No, I'll be alright. Thanks for the offer though."
"Hey, you. Don't push yourself too hard now." Kaiji said.
"It's kind of hard at the moment if you're trying to pass."
"It's almost that time of year for finals already?" Sora asked.
"Yeah... Can you all do me a favor and just kill me now?"
"No! Are you crazy?!"
"Why would we want to do that?!" Kaiji asked.
"Don't say things like that." Subaru said.
"You should choose your words carefully, Ms. Ferreira. Saying things like that makes us worry about you." Katsuragi said.
"Sorry... I just feel stressed is all." Kendall said.
"Maybe you should do something that will keep your mind off the stress for a while." Mizuki said coming up behind her.
"Oh hey Mizuki. And what should I do?"
"Oh! Oh! I wanna tell her! We're all going to a film festival soon!" Sora said.
"We're going to see a film that's not out yet. The Prime Minister picked it out." Mizuki said.
"Of course we'll be there naturally to protect the Prime Minister. Mizuki, you guard Ms. Ferreira in case any of the guys who are after her are there as well." Katsuragi said.
"Yes, sir."
"I guess I'm going..." Kendall mumbled.
"What was that?"
"Nothing. Just talking to myself."
Later that day, they arrived at the film festival. "What's this movie going to be about?" Kendall asked. "Demons." Mizuki answered.
"Demons, huh?"
"Are you interested in them?"
"You could say that I guess. I never knew the Prime Minister was into demons either."
"Same here! Crazy, right?!" Sora said butting in. "Sora! Get back over here!" Katsuragi exclaimed. "Whoops! Gotta go! See ya Kendall!" Sora said running off.
"Well that was awkward..." Kendall said.
"He's like a dog going back to its master." Mizuki said.
"You really had to compare Sora to a dog? HAHAHA!"
"Wait... Weren't you just over there a second ago?" Kaiji asked coming over.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"You were just... Never mind." He said and walked away.
"Ok then..."
"Maybe you have a doppelganger." Mizuki said.
"I don't know... I've never met someone who looks like me before, and it's not going to start now."
"Oh! It's starting!"
The lights slowly dimmed, and the movie was finally starting.
After the movie, Kendall excused herself to the restroom. When she was done, she came out of the stall and saw a girl that looked exactly like her. "Oh!" They both exclaimed.
Kendall and the girl were in front of each other, doing mirror movements. "Kendall? Is that you?" The girl asked. "Huh? How do you know my name?" Kendall asked. "Because I'm Ariana." Ariana said. "Ariana..?" Kendall said gesturing Ariana to answer. "Hanasaki. Ariana Hanasaki." Ariana said.
"...HUH?! B-But..! You're my OC I made up! How is this possible..?"
"Well... This is the fictional world after all. But I should be the one confused, what are you doing here?"
"Long story short, I kinda got shot in the real world and woke up in this world, so... I basically live here now."
"I see. Are you with Mizuki?"
"Your guessed right, sister. Where do you live?"
"I live in the Demon House."
"What?! You were on the toasting list?!"
"I was... But now I'm no longer scheduled to be toast."
"Ok good. I was worried there for a minute. So... You're with one of them or someone else?"
"I'm with Shiki."
"Oh wow. He's a close second to Meguru."
"I know that your favorite is Meguru, and Shiki is in second place, but that's how it ended up for me. I have my own life that I live just like you mentioned."
"I know you do. Before you ended up living in the Demon House, where did you live?"
"I was living with my parents and my 16 year old twin brothers. The guys wiped their memory of me when I was on the toasting list, but since I'm not toast anymore, I got to go back to my normal life. I was going to start college soon after that, so I've decided to move out and permanently live with the guys and yeah..."
"Wow... So you're living in the '10 Days with my Devil' life. Meanwhile, I'm living in the 'My Sweet Bodyguard' life."
"Mind explaining how he became your bodyguard?"
"When I woke up in this world, I bumped into some thug, and made him drop something really expensive that he stole. He got mad at me saying that piece was going to finally pay off the loans that his gang owed. That's when the bodyguards swept in and saved me, and of course being the closet fangirl, I chose Mizuki to be my personal bodyguard. Then Mizuki's crazy fangirl came in, and was involved with the gang and tried to kill me. Everything's better now though."
"We've been through crazy things, haven't we?"
"Tell me about it..."
Ariana had a light bulb go over her head. "Hey, I just thought of an idea."
"What is it?"
"What if we switched places for a day?"
"What?! But then we'll be tricking the guys."
"Exactly. Don't you want to know how it feels to be in my position? I want to know how it feels to be in your position."
"Are you sure about this..?"
"I... Uh... Sure."
"This will be so much fun! Since we know about the bodyguards and demons, we're good to go!"
"This is some parent trap shit going on here..."
"Haha right! Now... Let's discuss this."
Soon after, they got out of the bathroom at different times. Kendall went towards the demons and Ariana went towards the bodyguards. "Hey Ariana, we're going to go now." One of them said. "Uh... Yeah. Coming." Kendall said. She saw Ariana leaving with the bodyguards, going the opposite direction.
She arrived at the Demon House. "It's weird seeing the Demon House in person..." Kendall thought. "Ariana, are you alright?" The youngest, Meguru asked.
"Me? Yeah, I'm fine."
"Why are you staring off into space?" The oresama, Kakeru asked.
"What are you talking about? I'm always staring off into space."
"Are you still thinking about how scary the movie was?" The teasing flirt, Satoru asked.
"Yeah... I was surprised by the jumpscares."
"It's alright, you're safe and sound here!" The happy-go-lucky, Haruhito said.
"Thank you... Haruhito."
"I'm going to take a bath. The people over there stinks." The lazy Shiki said and walked away.
"Aren't you going to join him?" Satoru asked teasingly.
"Uh... No."
Ariana was at a headquarters, of course with the five bodyguards. "Did you enjoy yourself, Ms. Ferreira?" Katsuragi asked. "Yeah I did." Ariana said. "Hey, are you feeling better?" Sora asked.
"You complained you had a headache earlier. Does it still hurt?"
"Oh! Yeah... It's gone now. Yeah..."
"Are you sure? You seem out of it." Kaiji said. "Are you sure you're feeling ok?" Subaru asked.
'Am I really acting different? I need to try to act like her or else they'll find out right now.'
"Earth to Kendall!" Sora exclaimed. "I'm sorry. I'm just... Tired." Ariana said. "Well then, let's go home." Mizuki said.
"Home? My home?"
"Our home."
"Man! I need to piss!" Kendall said and went into the bathroom.
She saw that Shiki was still in the bathtub... With headphones on.
Once he realized he wasn't alone, he took them off. "Hey..."
"Sorry! Is there any other bathroom in this house?"
"Yeah... Right."
"You forgot?"
"Just for a minute. I'm kind of brain dead tonight so please excuse me." And she slowly walked out of the bathroom, letting out a sigh.
Later, Kendall was laying in the bed in Ariana's room with Shiki.
'This is so weird...'
"That's me."
"Why aren't you sleeping?"
He embraced her, and used her as a body pillow.
"Shiki, what are you-"
"I always do this."
"Yeah I know that."
He kissed her, making her face go entirely red. "Then shut up and go to sleep."
"Shiki I-" She said but then realized he was already fast asleep.
'Sorry Ariana!'
They arrived at the house shortly after.
'Oh wow. This is a nice place.'
"I'm worn out. Are you going to go to bed also, Kendall?"
"Uh... Yeah."
They went into the bedroom, and Mizuki started to take his blazer and unbuttoning his shirt.
"I'm just... Going to lay down." She said and went on the bed.
He soon after joined her.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm perfectly fine. I'm going to sleep now ."
"Before you do that." He said and kissed her, making her blush.
"No reaction?"
"Uh... I guess I'm not in the mood right now since I'm tired."
"I see. Get some rest."
"That's what I'm gonna do! Good night!" She said turning away.
'Oh my god I'm so sorry Kendall!'
The next day, the two girls were done with breakfast. Ariana was at the headquarters again, and Kendall was sitting on the couch watching T.V.
'I need to text Kendall later so we can switch back.'
'I need to text Ariana later so we can switch back.'
'I feel so uncomfortable...' They both thought at the same time.
They both got up at the same time, and went into a restroom, getting out their phones to text each other.
"When are going to switch back?"
"Now. We need to tell the guys the truth."
"We have to be prepared for their reactions, and they might not believe it at first."
"I'm aware of that, but we have to do this. I'm sorry I got you in this mess..."
"It's alright, excluding the awkwardness, it was kind of fun."
"It is, but now we must go back to our own places."
"Alright, I'll text you when I convinced them and when I'm headed where you're at. Good luck."
"Same goes for you, good luck!"
They put their phones away and went out of the bathroom.
Ariana went back into the SP room. "Everyone... I have to tell you something." Ariana said. "What is it, Kendall?" Sora asked.
"Well... To be honest... I'm not Kendall."
They looked at her in confusion. "Are you sure you're ok?" Subaru asked. "You're such a weirdo." Kaiji said.
"I know that it sounds unbelievable, but I'm not Kendall. My name is Ariana. You see... I bumped into Kendall at the Film Festival, and I came up with this plan where we switched places for a whole day. But now... It's backfiring on both of us. I want to go back where I live, and I'm sure you want Kendall back."
"Whoa! It's true what people say that there are two people that look like you!" Sora said. "You do look like Kendall, and you sure act like it." Kaiji said. "Where is Kendall?" Subaru asked. "She's at the... Diamond house." Ariana said. "Where is this diamond house?" Katsuragi asked.
"I'll give you the directions."
Sora poked her. "You're like a clone."
"I just... Kissed a look a like?"
"I'm sorry..."
"No, it's fine..." He said looking down.
"You what?!" Kaiji exclaimed.
"Nothing. Nothing at all."
Kendall was confronting the guys. "Listen, I have something to tell you all... I'm not Ariana. My name is Kendall."
They all grunted. "What do you mean?" Meguru asked.
"Well... Ariana and I met in the bathroom at the Film Festival, and she came up with this idea that we could switch places for a day just to see how it's like. I know it's hard to believe, I know."
"Wow... You two are identical that even I couldn't tell the difference." Haruhito said. "I like Ariana better..." Shiki said. "Did you... Kiss her?" Satoru asked.
Shiki said nothing. "I'll take that as a yes. You humans all act like idiots." Kakeru said. "Well sorry!" Kendall exclaimed.
"She heard too much, we need to make her forget everything."
"You don't need to do that."
"It's none of your concern. Shiki."
"Got it." Shiki said and went over to her.
"What are you-" Kendall said and was disrupted when she looked into Shiki's eyes, having her pass out on the spot.
Ariana and the bodyguards arrived at the Demon House. "So this is the diamond house?" Sora asked. "It's pretty huge." Mizuki said. "May we go in, Ms. Hanasaki?" Katsuragi asked. "Of course." Ariana said.
She knocked on the door, and Meguru answered it.
"Oh, Ariana."
"Hi Meguru, I'm coming back. They're here to..."
"Get Kendall?"
"Yeah... I'm sorry that we both caused trouble."
"It's ok. All of you can come in."
They all entered the huge house. "Where is she?" Kaiji asked. "Over there on the couch." Meguru said. "Ariana... I never seen you bring home a bunch of guys before." Satoru said. "Now's not the time for jokes!" Ariana exclaimed.
Mizuki scooped Kendall up in princess style. "We'll be on our way. I'm sorry for this misunderstanding." Katsuragi said. "I apologize that Hanasaki caused you guys trouble." Kakeru said. "Too many people..." Shiki said. "Have a good day, and I'll see you later, Ariana." Sora said winking at her. "No." Shiki said hugging her from behind. "Mine."
The bodyguards were astonished while the demons sighed. "I'm wasn't trying to come onto her..." Sora said sulking.
Later that day, Shiki came over to Ariana, and at the same time, Mizuki came over to Kendall.
"Did you kiss him?"
Kendall and Ariana both blushed and shook their heads blushed madly. "No..."
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