《My Sweet Bodyguard Randomness》MSB Scenario: The Handsome Merman
A young girl named Kendall Ferreira was walking on the shoreline, admiring the waves as the sun was setting, complementing the scenery. She bent down to collect some seashells that washed up on the shore, and stored them in her purse. She then sat on the sand, letting out a sigh. "I love the ocean so much. I wonder what's at the bottom of it." Kendall mumbled. "Hey, you." Someone called out.
She turned around and saw her really good friend who she thought as a brother, Kaiji. "Figured that you would be here." Kaiji said and sat down next to her. "Heh... How'd you know?" Kendall asked. "Idiot. You always come down here every day. Why is that?" Kaiji asked. "Well... It's just that... The ocean is really beautiful, and I..." Kendall trailed off. "And you what?" Kaiji asked. "I want to explore in the ocean one day." Kendall said. "All there is is a bunch of coral and fish. Nothing special, really." Kaiji said. "Who knows? There could be more than just that. That's why I want to explore." Kendall said. "Jeez... You're so obsessed. Anyway, if I were you, I would go home. I know how your dad is when you're out so late." Kaiji said. "Yeah... I always get a scolding from him..." Kendall said. "I'll walk you home." Kaiji said.
After Kaiji walking her home, she was getting confronted from her dad afterwards. "Where were you?" Katsuragi asked. "I was, uh... Hanging out with Kaiji." Kendall said. "Don't lie to me, young lady. I know you were at the ocean again." Katsuragi said. "Well... Yeah. What's wrong with that?" Kendall asked. "It's dangerous. What if you get swept away by the current? You can't save yourself, because you can't even swim!" Katsuragi exclaimed. "That will never happen, dad! I don't know what your problem is with oceans, but I love the ocean! Who cares if I can't swim? It helps calm me down by just looking at it." Kendall said. "Find yourself a new way to calm you down, because you are forbidden from ever going to the ocean again!" Katsuragi exclaimed. "But dad I-" Kendall said. "Understood?!" Katsuragi exclaimed. She looked down, fighting back tears, and ran out of the house.
She went back to her favorite place, you guessed it... The ocean. It was late at night, and there were a bunch of stars out. She sat on the sand, and began skipping rocks, letting out a sigh. "Why can't he understand that this place makes me happy? If he really does care about me, he would let me come here without complaining so much..." Kendall said throwing a rock which made five skips in the water. She skipped some more rocks until she heard a splash that a tiny rock wouldn't make.
She looked around, but saw nothing. "What was that? I swore that I heard something..." Kendall said. She looked back at the ocean, and saw a flipper go into the water. She stood up and tried to wait for it to rise up. "I knew it! I knew I heard something!" Kendall said. She was waiting for whatever it was to show itself.
From a distance, she saw a few dolphins jump above the water, making happy noises. "Oh! It's dolphins! But... What are dolphins doing here this late at night..?" Kendall asked. As the dolphins were jumping out of the water again, she then noticed that one of them looked different. "That one isn't a dolphin... But it's..." Kendall said squinting her eyes to get a better view.
In the middle of the dolphins, she was in fact right. It wasn't a dolphin, but a person. Not just any person... A merman. "Whoa... I thought they were myths, but I'm seeing one before my very eyes. He's also really handsome..." Kendall said feeling her heart skip a beat and her face getting crimson colored.
The merman and the dolphins jumped out of the water, and were at the spot in the middle of the moon. Even from a distance, she could see his face as the moon illuminated his features. "Wow... I think I'm... I'm- No. I won't say it. It's so cliché." Kendall said as she was still staring at the mysterious handsome merman. "But still... I felt like it just hit me. Like lightning." Kendall said.
As she said that, the sound of thunder occurred. "I had to say that..." Kendall said. Soon after, it started pouring down hard and the waves were going out of control. "I need to get out of here..!" Kendall said struggling to get out of the dangerous weather. She looked out at the ocean, and saw the merman holding onto a rock for dear life. "Oh no! He's in trouble! I wish that I could save him, but... I can't swim!" Kendall exclaimed.
She couldn't look away as the merman looked like he was losing consciousness. Afraid but determinate, she ran towards the raging waters and jumped in. She struggled to get to the surface at first, which was successful, and made herself kick her legs and attempt to doggie-paddle. Struggling to swim, she was getting close to the merman who was starting to lose his grip on the rock. "Don't worry! I'll save you!" Kendall shouted.
Miraculously, she made it to the rock where the merman is. She took a close look at him, and looked like he was out for the count. She took a hold on him on her back, and tried to swim back to the shore. At the same time struggling, she was also blushing as she felt his toned chest on her back.
Suddenly, a huge wave was headed her way, and lost control of her swimming and the merman. "No!" Kendall screamed and went underwater to retrieve him back. The merman was slowly falling deep into the ocean as she was trying to swim as fast as she could to get him back. She felt herself getting lightheaded from the lack of oxygen, but was determined to save the merman.
Her vision was growing weaker as the merman was regaining consciousness. She couldn't handle it any longer, and blacked out as she opened her mouth and started to drift off. The merman swam fast to save her, and tried to get her to the surface as fast as he could. He made it up on the surface, but she was still out of it. He swam as fast as he could to get her safely on the shore.
As he reached the shore, the storm finally calmed down and so did the sea. He gently laid her down on the sand, still showing no signs of waking up anytime soon. "You tried to save me, didn't you? Thank you." He said stroking her cheek with his finger. He then took off something around his neck, and put it around hers. "That's for you for being so kind. You're the first human I've ever saw this up close." He said petting her hair.
He then heard footsteps, and quickly jumped into the water without being noticed. "Is this the girl?" One of the guys asked. "Yeah. Let's take her." The other guy said. The merman peeked behind a rock, seeing two guys carry his human acquaintance away.
Kendall was slowly opening her eyes, seeing two figures in front of her. "You decided to wake up, huh?" One of them asked. "Who are you?" Kendall asked.
The two guys looked at one another and looked back her, forcing a smile. "I'm Subaru." Subaru said. "I'm Goto." Goto said. "Oh. It's nice to meet you. I'm Kendall." Kendall said. "We know." Goto said. "So... Why did you bring here?" Kendall asked. "Because our leader said so." Subaru said. "Leader? Who's your leader?" Kendall asked. "The master of magic, Sora." Subaru said. "Sora? Isn't he that psychic that just opened up a fortune telling place recently?" Kendall asked. "You're right. He wants to see you." Goto said. "But I don't even know him. How does he know me?" Kendall asked. "He'll tell you himself. Come on." Subaru said. "He's an impatient man." Goto said. She hesitantly nodded, and followed the two mysterious men into a dark and eerie place.
She looked around inside the shop only to see things that she never saw before, finding the whole place weird. "Come in. Come in, my child." A voice said. She entered through the bead doorway, seeing someone sitting in a chair in the shadows. She slowly made her way closer to the mysterious person. "Y-You wanted to see me..?" Kendall asked. "Glad you got the message." He said standing up and stepping out of the shadows. "Oh..." Kendall said. "What?" He asked. "I thought you would've been a grown up, but... You're like the same age as me." Kendall said. "No I'm not! I'm way older than you! Don't talk down on me!" Sora exclaimed. "Sorry. Please excuse me." Kendall said. "I'll let it slide this one time. I wanted to see you, because I want to offer you something." Sora said. "What kind of offer?" Kendall asked. "I know that you have a love for the ocean." Sora said. "How do you know that?" Kendall asked. "Didn't you read the sign outside?! I'm a psychic!" Sora exclaimed. "...Yeah." Kendall said. "I also know that you have met a merman." Sora said.
A blush ran across her face. "Oh~! You like him, don't you?" Sora asked. "N-No!" Kendall exclaimed. "Just admit it. There's no use in lieing." Sora said. She let out a defeated sigh. "Yeah... So what? I'm never going to see him again. Besides, we would never work out. He's a merman that's absolutely handsome and flawless, and I'm just... A plain human girl with nothing special." Kendall said. "Don't put yourself down. You're a special girl, Kendall. And there is a way to see him again." Sora said. "There is?" Kendall asked. "It's the offer I'm about to give you. The offer of turning you into... A mermaid." Sora said. "What?! Me?! A mermaid?! Really?!" Kendall asked. "Yes. I also known that you can't swim that well, but if you're a mermaid, you can swim naturally." Sora said. "Wait. What's the catch?" Kendall asked. "There's no catch. I'm doing this out of generosity." Sora said. "But... If I do this, then my father and my friend will be worried about me." Kendall said. "I knew you would say that. Guys." Sora said.
The two guys pulled strings to open a curtain. It was her closest friend who was tied up on the chair. "Kaiji!" Kendall exclaimed. "Kendall! What the hell is going on?!" Kaiji exclaimed. "Let me explain. If you agree to become a mermaid, you will have three days for the merman to fall in love with you, but he will have to be the one to kiss you, and your friend will be saved, and you will live happily ever after with the merman. If..." Sora said. "If... What?" Kendall asked. "If the merman doesn't kiss you at sunset on the third day, you and your friend will lose your life. Also, if you don't agree to do this, the same bad result will happen. It's all up to you." Sora said.
She looked at Kaiji and looked back at Sora. "I'll do it." Kendall said. "Are you an idiot?!" Kaiji exclaimed. "What choice do I have?!" Kendall exclaimed. "Don't think I'll make this easy for you. In exchange for you turning into a mermaid, I want... Your voice." Sora said. "Why..?" Kendall asked. "You can't blurt everything out to this merman. Besides, you can use body language to communicate." Sora said. "Kendall! You don't have to do this! I don't care what happens to me as long as you're safe!" Kaiji said. "Didn't you hear what I said? I said both of you will lose your life. It's pointless either way." Sora said. "All because of your stupid love for the ocean! And what else?! Oh right! You've fallen head over heels with this merman who might not even like you back!" Kaiji exclaimed. "I'll try my best, ok?! So please just trust me on this!" Kendall exclaimed.
Sora rolled out a contract on the table. "If you're done, then please sign this so we can get this started." Sora said. "Where's the pen?" Kendall asked. "Kendall!" Kaiji exclaimed. "Shut him up." Sora said. The two guys held him down, and put duct tape over his mouth.
He gave her a pen. "So we have a deal?" Sora asked. She looked at the contract stating that she will turn into a mermaid, and if she doesn't reach her goal by the end of the third day, she and Kaiji will die. She put the pen closer to the contract and signed her name.
Soon after, she felt herself losing consciousness once more. Kaiji was struggling and making loud noises. "Don't worry. You will know soon enough." Sora said. Kaiji lowered his head down in pain, also losing consciousness. "Get them both out of here." Sora said. Subaru carried Kendall and Goto carried Kaiji out of the place, heading towards the ocean.
She was slowly coming to. She tried to speak, but couldn't for some reason. She stared down at her legs which were no longer legs, but a mermaid fin. She tried to talk again, but couldn't. She then remembered that Sora took away her voice in exchange of becoming a mermaid. She was happy that she is able to experience life in the ocean, but anxious about accomplishing her goal. "Hey!" A familiar called out.
She looked around and saw no one. "Down here, idiot!" He said. She looked down and saw a crab. She didn't know animals could talk, well now she knew. "Are you ok?" He asked. The voice sounded familiar, but it couldn't be...
The crab crawled closer to her. "If you're trying to figure out who I am, I was the person who's always been there for you. Does that ring a bell, Kendall?" He asked. How did he know her name? Why does he sound so much like... Kaiji? Then it hit her. Her close friend has turned into a crab.
She had 'realization' written all over her face. "You figured it out, huh? Also... You can't talk either, huh?" Kaiji asked. She shook her head in response."Do you even know where this merman is?" Kaiji asked. She looked down and hesitantly shook her head. "Idiot. You're going to waste your first day trying to find him. How do you expect to find him in this huge sea?" Kaiji asked. She didn't even know herself.
Just then, a group of fishes were swimming by. She could hear them talking about an event going on at a place called Atlantis. She's heard of that place, but it was believed to be a legend. She wanted to see for herself. "You want to follow them?" Kaiji asked. She nodded, and scooped him up, swimming after the fishes.
At the destination, a guy in glasses held a long list in front of himself. "I hereby announce the prince of Atlantis, Prince Mizuki." He said. Mizuki came out on the stage, putting his hand on the guy's shoulder. "Thank you Ishigami." Mizuki said. "Yeah... Well..." Ishigami said adjusting his glasses. "I'll tell them the news." Mizuki said.
The megane sighed. "I don't get paid enough to do this job..." Ishigami mumbled. "I heard that." Mizuki said. "Sorry, your highness." Ishigami said. "After this, I'll have Catherine give you pudding." Mizuki said. "That creature?! Don't be ridiculous!" Ishigami exclaimed.
Kendall made her way to a seat where she saw the familiar merman on stage. She pointed to the familiar merman who was on stage. "I heard that guy say he was a prince. You fell in love with a merman that's also a prince?!" Kaiji exclaimed. She covered his mouth with her hand, shaking her head.
She looked up at the merman, making her heart race that she couldn't look away. "I have big news to tell all of you. I have to get married soon in order to fulfill the throne, but at the moment, I don't have a partner. I'm not sure how I'll get married in time if I don't have anyone to marry yet, but I will." Mizuki announced. "Hey. Did you hear that? He's looking for someone to marry. This could be your big chance." Kaiji said.
Marry? Sure she had feelings for him, strong feelings, but marriage? If it's the only way to get to him before the third day, she'll have to follow his lead. "He's getting off the stage! Quick! Follow him!" Kaiji said. She got out of her seat, and swam after him.
Mizuki was swimming out of Atlantis, and towards a huge rock where he sat. He let out a huge sigh. "I don't actually want to do this..." Mizuki mumbled. She hid behind a coral reef where she can see the back of him. "What are you waiting for? This is what you came here for. Don't chicken out." Kaiji said. She gulped and slowly got out of her hiding spot.
She was slowly approaching him, and turned around quickly, surprising each other. "Oh! I thought someone was following me." Mizuki said. She tried to apologize, but remembered that she couldn't speak.
He went close to her face, making her heart skip a beat. "You look familiar. You look like that human girl I saved the other day." Mizuki said. She looked down, wanting to tell him that he's right. He saw the crab on her shoulder. "Is this your little friend?" Mizuki asked. "I'm not so little, buddy." Kaiji said. "Oh!" Mizuki exclaimed and laughed. "You mean to tell me you fell for this guy?" Kaiji whispered in her ear.
Mizuki looked at her, and something around her neck caught his eye. "Where did you get that?" Mizuki asked. She looked down, placing the necklace on her hand, still around her neck. She wondered where it came from. She couldn't answer him even if she could talk. "I gave the human girl that exact necklace. Strange... You look like her and have the same necklace. It's a coincidence I guess." Mizuki said.
She felt her heart getting squished that he doesn't know. She wanted so badly to tell him who she is and explain everything. "Anyway, we don't even know each other's names. My name is Mizuki, and yours?" Mizuki asked. "It's Kendall." Kaiji answered. "Kendall... That's a cute name. Do you want to eat dinner at the castle with me? I always eat alone, so it'll be nice to have some company." Mizuki said. She nodded in response. "I haven't heard you talk yet." Mizuki said. "That's because... She has laryngitis." Kaiji said. "Oh... You poor thing. I'll make sure you have tea. I heard that helps." Mizuki said.
She bowed, showing him gratitude. "Come on. I don't want to be out too long. I bet you're hungry." Mizuki said. "So far, so good." Kaiji said.
The next day, Mizuki invited Kendall to hang out with him for the day. He showed her around the castle, explaining what each room is. After the tour, they went out of the castle to explore. "I'll show you to my favorite place." Mizuki said grabbing her wrist. "Hey! Don't pull her like that!" Kaiji exclaimed on her shoulder.
He took her to an abandoned ship, still underwater. "Where did you take us?" Kaiji asked. "I come here to get away from people. You're the first person that ever came here with me." Mizuki said. "That's great." Kaiji said sarcastically. "Kendall, have you ever watched Titanic?" Mizuki asked.
She nodded. That was one of her favorite movies. "When I was up at the surface once, I saw it playing on a big screen. It was really fascinating. I couldn't take my eyes off of it." Mizuki said. "She's seen it several times." Kaiji said. "Really? Hm... You two seem very close." Mizuki said. "We've been friends since we were kids. I know everything about her and what she does. She tells me everything." Kaiji said. "I see. It's great knowing she has a good friend with her." Mizuki said. "Yeah..." Kaiji responded. "You know, I've always wanted to reenact that scene in the movie where the guy puts his arms around the girl when they're at the edge of the ship." Mizuki said. "Why?!" Kaiji asked. "It looked interesting. Do you mind, Kendall?" Mizuki asked. She nodded, trying to contain herself.
He grabbed her wrist once more, and took her on top of the ship. "You remember that the girl lifts her arms out, right?" Mizuki asked. She nodded and lifted her arms up. He put his arms around her, making her heart pound as she felt him close to her. "Don't think I'll be singing, because I won't." Kaiji said. She was too distracted by Mizuki wrapping his arms around her that she didn't catch what Kaiji said.
- In Serial11 Chapters
It's 2063, and the town along with much of the nation are in disarray. The decay started years before the Great Event. Our town still had hope thanks to the five families, who'd created a blockchain based water distribution system for the locals, a valuable secret hidden from the Global Water Commission and their network of mercenaries. Earlier in the mid-2040's, right after the state secessions of Idaho, Montana, and Texas, the Global Council of Water Commissioners made their deals and moved into towns throughout the country. They called it "the integration." The Commission and their contractors integrated with municipal water departments, using their organized network to invade like parasites on local services. It all coincided with the 29th Amendment to the United States Constitution, later referred to as the Regional Trident Plan. Nova is a story about survival, power structures, the turning of relationships, and the networking between people and the systems to which they belong. It’s about A.I. blockchain possibility, and its potential for human betterment versus our detriment. It’s about the question of whether or not we need to be saved from ourselves, and by who or what? The Great Event at the end of the first chapter might just be what actually saves us. The epilogue will take place in 2517. This scene is fully sketched and the full arc of the novel is set. I expect to finish Nova Interitus by summer of 2023. This is realist hard-sci-fi dystopian fiction. I hope you find Nova to be a challenging and consuming story. This is not something I planned to write. It all came to me in a dream and I haven't been able to stop writing it. This Royal Road posting is basically a beta test with chapters and drafts to get some feedback and see if there's any readership for this narrative. For the full experience read Nova on Substack. I will be narrating a podcast version later this year there. https://novainteritus.substack.com/
8 143 - In Serial74 Chapters
Art of Mortality
New Synopsis after chapter 56: Long long ago, there was a mortal who despised the gods and envied the immortals. Why do the mortals have to die when the gods wish them to? Why do worlds have to perish when the gods say so? Why do only immortals get to live forever, why not mortals like him? As his family, friends, and his loved one died, he lamented. He wailed, he cried. He cursed the immortals, blasphemed the gods, spat at the heavens. But he was just a mere mortal. His curses were pointless, his blasphemous words were useless, and his spits only returned back to fall on his face. At last, he thought, enough was enough, he would definitely do something about it. He decided that it was time for the multiverse to know what a mortal can do. He was the first mortal to cultivate. Eventually, after a long struggle, he killed the Immortals, enslaved the Gods, and shattered the heavens. He reshaped the multiverse and rewrote his fate. In the end, he reincarnated as he decided upon a grand scheme, a scheme to rule 'All and Always'. He came up with the concept of what is known today as 'Paragon'. And with this, all of reality, 'All and Always', was finally reforming, according to a Mortal's Wish. Synopsis (Old): In the vast and complex multiverse, what can a mortal accomplish? In the grand scheme of things, what can a mortal change? In truth, what is a mortal, and what is mortality? Being mortal is being ordinary, the same as being trash, or so says The World. "No, mortality is an art, and a true mortal is a grand artist. Being the root of all, a mortal can become anything.", says a young mortal boy. Meet Edward Alexander, a mortal boy walking the path against gods and immortals, fighting to the end to rewrite his destiny, and change the grand scheme of things. Can he really change the grand scheme of things? Or maybe he himself is the Grand Schemer? To know the answer, follow Edward Alexnder on his journey to demonstrate the Art of Mortality.*******
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