《Her Final High [C.Cullen]》8.


Carlisle tenses pulling the phone from his ear. His mate was in direct danger and his adoptive daughter in law was kidnapped under the same roof. Maybe, he was too soft. He should've chased and killed them.

His muscles flexed as he pulled on his pants. His perfectly pale abs flexing to give him strength.

"Carlisle?" Destiny's sweet voice rang in his ears.

"Am I too soft? Should I have killed them?" He asked. Her warm hands rubbed against his back.

"No. I like how reasonably you acted." She whispered. "It shows maturity."

"Maturity." He chuckled.

"Don't laugh at my word choice. You're probably 20 times my age." Her eyes fluttered closed at the coolness of his skin.

"I would never. Also, I'm only about 13 times your age." He whispered kissing her forehead.

"She's probably scared and hurt. I feel so terrible." Carlisle grabbed her hand securely rubbing it with his thumb to calm her.

"We'll save her, I promise."

"Bring her back safe." She added.

"Let's go. Emmett will be waiting for us."


"Where would he go?" Esme questioned.

"I see a building and blood... Lot's of it" Alice began sketching from her vision. Destiny watched.

"Oh my god. That's a hotel in downtown Seattle."

"Pretty far from where I saved Bella from those guys. About 2 hours from what my GPS says." Edward said reading Destiny's thoughts and putting the address in his phone.

"How did you know?"

"My father owns it..."


"Daddy!" Destiny cried in fake excitement.

"Hello, Princess. Haven't heard from you since you smashed your mother's wedding ring and called her a whore."

All the vampires covered their mouths to hold in their laughter.

"Yea... About that. My friend's daughter was kidnapped and I need the tenants of your hotel in Seattle for a investigation."

"Should've known. How's your police job."

"This is serious."

"I am as well. Is it so bad that we want a call every now and again? Your mother is worried sick."

"Is it so bad that you need to give me this information for an investigation? If you refuse then I will get a warrant." She said in a serious voice. She didn't want to speak about that wanton whore she called a mother. Dad didn't even know that she sold herself for money. Destiny found out the hard way. She had sent her away so she wouldn't have to pay the hospital fee.

"That could take too long." Emmett whispered. Destiny muted herself putting her dad on speaker.


"He hates the government. He's gonna crack because he hates government interference." She informed confidently.

"Fine. Meet me in the front. Tomorrow, it's midnight."

She unmuted "I'll be bringing some friends. I'll see you there."


9:00 am the next day

Carlisle led Destiny out of her seat.

"I got my gun." She whispered. Carlisle seemed surprised.

"A gun."

".50 cal. Got it from Charlie when I was 21 over a beer. He gave me my first beer and I gagged."

"I see." He chuckled "Be careful."

"Shooting vampires in the face..." She hummed in thought playfully "I'll try"


"Oooh. Cursing. Such a naughty boy, Carlisle." Destiny cooed before walking towards the entrance.

There at the entrance sat a middle-aged man with a salt and pepper beard. His black hair was thinning and he was looking at his hotel.

"Daddy. This is Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, and Alice." She introduced remembering that Rosalie stayed with Jasper, who didn't want to freak out from bloodlust if Bella was hurt.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Martin Harpool." He shook Carlisle's hand and stiffened.

"You need some mittens. You're frostbitten." He commented. Everyone laughed at the inside joke.

"I'll do my best." He slipped an arm around Destiny's waist. Her father watched the subtle moment but didn't comment.

"Now the newest person to check in is 1 of 3 people. 2 of which came together."

"Who were the 2 that came together."

"Some man under the name, James."

"That's him!" Destiny accused.

"This seems too easy." Carlisle commented.

"You're correct. According to the maids, James hasn't been back to his room in a few hours. He shouldn't be there."

"Fuck." Emmett growled under his breath.

"Is the girl in there?" Destiny questioned.

"I believe so-" the door burst open.

"Sir, we got a problem." One of the head maids yelled. Everyone got up and began walking until they saw the bloodied mangled bodies of 3 maids.

Destiny gasped as Emmett covered her eyes.

"Call the police. Tell them about this James." Her father ordered. Destiny scoffed as she was not acknowledged as the police in her dad's eyes.

"There he is!" Alice yelled point to the hooded man that was jumping off the stairs. He turned and Destiny could see a bit of blood on his lips.

Everyone began running after him at a normal human speed.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, Destiny." Emmett whispered as he ran beside her.

"It's fine. I work for the police. I mean I'm a newbie and just do patrols but I've seen horrific things before. It's in my job description- Oh my god, Emmett!" She screamed and he picked her up and jumped down from the 2nd to the bottom floor.


"Sorry." He gave her a sheepish grin.

"Carry me and I'll shoot my gun."

"Gun vs Vampires." He chuckled jumping over a chair.

"Sounds like a game." Edward commented running ahead of them.

Destiny took aim and whispered under her breath calculating her shot. James was jumping and pulling things over to block them. Anyone could hear the sound of glass and dishes crashing to the ground.

"James! It's over. Stop now before the Volturi gets involved." Carlisle growled pushing him against the wall.

He gave the blonde a demonic smile "You think I care about that. My army has just begun and your little friend is my first soldier."

Everyone's eyes widened.

"Bella!" Alice and Esme sped away under the cover of the empty hallways. Edward snapped at him growling before running after them.

"What does he mean?" Destiny's aim didn't faulter in the slightest. Aimed right above his nose, in between his eyebrows.

"Answer her, James." Carlisle growled.

"Carlisle, There's so much blood. Edward and Alice are with her." Esme said returning.

"Where is she?"

"Burn James first." Esme said throwing a lighter towards Emmett. He grabs it before growling at James. Then as soon as that happened, Emmett disappeared with him out the window and into the streets of Seattle.

When the got to the room, Destiny winces hearing Bella's pained gargles from the vemon in her shoulder.

"We need to suck it out." Carlisle stated.

"I'll do it." Edward volunteered.

"Will you be able to stop yourself? If not then Carlisle can do it." Destiny stated.

He nodded replacing his jealousy with a serious expression before clamping his mouth onto her shoulder.

"Alice." The pixie haired girl was breathing in sharply. Esme rushed to her side looking at the suffering that Bella went through.

"He knew me. He turned me." Alice whimpered. She couldn't even cry.

"Edward, the blood is clean." Carlisle informed him. He growled shaking as he fought his body for control.

"Edward! Get off." Destiny snarled pulling at him. Bella's eyes began to roll and she began to sleep.


Weeks later

Destiny sat next to Charlie in the waiting room. The awkwardness was intense between them.

"So... About that kiss?" He broke the silence.

"I'm sorry. I have someone that I like already."

"I heard your treatment went well." He said changing the subject.

"Yep. The tumor shrunk a bit when we checked last week."

"Bella's been healing good. Edward comes over and helps with walking her around the house."

"That's good."

"Dynasty Harpool?"

The blonde looked up.

"Are you ready to go? We're ready for you." She nodded towards the nurse.

"I'll see you, later, Charlie."

"Yea..." He walked away towards the door, "Wait, fishing with me and Billy on Saturday?"

She smiled "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

He smiled showing some wrinkles around his eyes. They went their separate ways for the moment.


That afternoon, Destiny showed up at the Cullen household. Rosalie greeted her.

"How was your treatment?" She asked.

"Less awkward than the last time. Charlie came with me."

"I see. Alice is taking the information that she got pretty hard. Go see her." The golden blonde commanded.

"Love you, too, Rosalie." Destiny giggled before walking into the house and into Alice's room.

"Alice?" She called out.


"What are you doing?"


Destiny sat on her couch next to her. The brunette seemed to be really mulling over something.

"Wanna talk about it?" Destiny questioned.

"Yes, please." Alice tensed her body a bit before looking back towards Destiny. "I was in a mental institution. My family thought my gifts were crazy. It baffles me..."

Destiny shook her head booping Alice's nose. "I think your gift is perfect. Beautifully fitting for you."

"But..." Destiny placed a finger on her lips.

"What did I say?"

"My gift is beautifully fitting for me." She droned.

"And I mean it. Humans are typically judgemental creatures. Remember when my dad said that I smashed my mother's wedding ring and called her a whore."

"Yes?" She said in a questioning voice wondering where I was going with it.

"Well my mother was sending me away because she couldn't handle the fact that I had stage 3 cancer. Nobody in my family could handle it. I was sent away by my mother's request and I reacted... badly." Destiny grimaced

"Badly is an understatement."

"I wrote whore on her car with a knife and ran over her wedding ring with said car before putting it in her seat."

"Oh. Remind me not to get on your bad side." Alice giggled.

"Feeling better at my expense?"

"Yea." They hugged and Destiny went to see the person that she came here for. The blonde haired man working at his desk nibbling at a pen cap.

She walked in with a smile and he looked at her with wide eyes.

"Carlisle, I accept you as my mate."

"And my boyfriend..."

(End of Twilight.)

(Coming Soon... New Moon.)

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