《Her Final High [C.Cullen]》7.


Destiny woke up to Carlisle by her side. He held her while looking into her eyes.

"Good morning." She yawned.

"Good morning. Bella wants you to go back to Charlie's." Carlisle said.

"Makes sense." Destiny whispered running her fingers through his blonde mane. He chuckled grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles.

"I'll take you later tonight after you rest."

"But I slept already." She argued.

"For only 4 hours." He stated burying his face in her neck.

"I guess more sleep isn't a bad thing." Destiny whispered laying down on his head and falling asleep again.

After a few hours, Carlisle slid from underneath her and went to work. Alice came in and sat next to the sleeping Destiny.

"I wasn't expecting James and Victoria to attack her. It was a split second decision when they found out she was in Seattle."

"No need to feel guilty, Alice. Even your powers have limits." Carlisle smiled at her for assurance.

"Ok... I hate being blind to the future." Alice sighed.

"Now, you know how the rest of us feel." Alice giggled at that.


"Destiny, We're at Charlie's." Carlisle whispered shaking her. The woman moaned.

"Carlisle..." She muttered in her sleep. The vampire laughed shaking her harder. Her dark eyes shot open and she looked at him.

"Good afternoon." He laughed and she stretched noticing his jacket on her.

"Hello, Carlisle." She yawned.

"Charlie's waiting." He said and she poked out her bottom lip in a pout. The human opened the door and sent Carlisle one last look before kissing him. The two savored the kiss almost not wanting to pull away. She turned and walked over to the man standing on the front step.


"Hey!" She hugged Charlie with a smile. The man pat her head with a forced smile.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow, Destiny." Carlisle said before backing out.

The two stood and the white blonde's smile dropped a bit at his grimace.

"Let's go. This stalker must be pretty adamant." He sighed and led her inside.

Destiny's smiled had become a solid frown as he led her back to the guestroom.

She sat and tried to spark up a conversation. "How have you been?"

"Fine. Is Dr. Cullen treating you well?"

She nods. He looks at her neck as she takes off the jacket.

"You would tell me if he was hurting you, right?"

"Charlie. He would never." Destiny said in a scalding tone.

"You met his family?


"His children?"

"Charlie, why are you interrogating me?"

"Just asking reasonable questions."

"Mhm." She rolled her eyes.

"What about his wife. She works at the elementary school."

"Charlie!" Destiny snapped, "Stop assuming. Just stop."

"What am I supposed to think? You came out of his car with a jacket that's not yours."

"How would you know that? Huh?" She said sassily.

"It's not even your size!" He gestured to the jacket reaching to her knees.

"And is that your buisness? I'm a full grown woman and I'll do whatever I damn well please!" She growled in a snarky voice.

"Fine." He left and turned down the hallway, "Don't get your heart broken by his pretty face."

"You know what? I don't have to deal with this." She stomped down the stairs and opened the front door. Charlie instantly looked regretful and grabbed her wrist.

"Let me go, Charlie. Just let me go." Destiny said harshly slapping his hand away and going out into the rain. Suddenly, there was a scream. They both jumped before running towards Bella's room. The window was broken and there was blood being dragging on the floor.


"Bella! Bells!" Charlie screamed.

"I'll call 911." Destiny ran into the living room and dialed Carlisle's number.


"He's got her. James got Bella."

"What happened?"

"W-We heard her scream and when we got there her window was broken. She's bleeding bad, Carlisle. It was everywhere."

"... Call 911. I'll get Esme over there to protect you. "

"Ok. What about Charlie?"

"Let the ambulance and police handle him."

"Where is she-" the bright lights of the jeep shone into the window. "Imma call 911 for Charlie."

"Goodbye." She hummed a reply already dialing as he hung up.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"I want to report a kidnapping."

"What's your address?" Destiny said Charlie's address.

"Ok. Now tell me about the missing person. I will give the information to the police."

"I'm a friend of her father. He's the police chief so I'll give the phone to him." Destiny informed before going upstairs. She found Charlie on his knees sobbing.

"Charlie..." She bent over and hugged him. "I'm gonna find who did this and I'll make them suffer for you."

"I..." He sniffed before pressing his lips to hers. She backed away to the doorway leaving her phone on the ground.

"I'll be back. Talk to the lady about Bella." And with that, Destiny ran down the stairs to Esme's car.

"He kissed me. Fuck. Fuck." Destiny slammed her head on the jeep. Esme winces from the bang

"I won't tell Carlisle." Esme tried to reason.

"I'll feel worse if I don't tell him. I mean it's not like I cheated..." Destiny lifted her head and walked towards the door that Esme had open for her.

"You didn't kiss back?" Esme questioned.

"I was in too much shock to register that I'd been kissed. I won't take advantage of Charlie. We can talk once Bella is safe."

"Good decision. I'm proud." Esme praised backing out as the sirens blared in the background.

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