《A Bet (Completed) ~ [English]》Part 12


"War... hmmm can we talk?" a voice with hesitant tone make War and his friends turn around.

They was in break time and want to go grab their lunch, War and Benz to canteen meanwhile Bever to training hall because their prepare their diet menu there.

"Me?" War ask shocked after seeing who was talking to him.

"Wow.. hai pretty... More better if you talk to handsome man like me right?" Benz wink when notice the person.

Bever rolls his eyes and slide his body between them.

"Just two of us please?" She ask again ignore Bever and flirty Benz.

"No, if you want, talk here!" Bever refused.


"He don't go with stranger" Benz says now, still remember how War when with Yin last time.

"Ah... it's okay... we will just talk, don't worry" War cut them quickly, they know who's the girl. Yihwa, one of Yin friends.

War have feel Yihwa want talk about Yin, and he don't want his friend hear. Not now. So he lead Yihwa to the side one of their school building.

"So....?" War ask when Yihwa still not talk after a while.

"Hhmm.. Eh, i.. i.. want.. hhmm... Sorry.." stuttering Yihwa start to talk, but seem she don't sure now.

Even feeling un-easy, War still waiting.

"I saw you earlier in parking area" Yihwa finally says what bothering her.

War freeze, he always try to be careful when get out from Yin car. He don't know someone will caught them this fast.

"You and Yin..?" Yihwa ask when War still silent.

"Can you don't tell anyone?" War request after aware about the situation.

"Just if you tell me, what your relationship now?" Yihwa answered.

"We are together" War admit shyly.

He don't feel jealous aura from a girl in front him, but War see her scared eyes. It make him nervous.

Yihwa sigh. She scared. She confused. Should she tell War? Or should she not meddle with them?.


"I don't want people know about us, I'm not ready, can you help me?" War says again.

Hufftt.. Yihwa sigh. Again. She looked at War.

"Just ask him to clear everything. Don't be hurt nah" She said thinly and make her leave. Not decide what she will doing now.


"What this is about?" War startled with Bever voice. He and Benz standing there, not far from him.

War squeeze his hands. He know he must tell them, he feeling bad to keep it behind them. Maybe this is the right time.

"Its your live, we not have a right to set it, but just remember War, we are your friend, we care about you and if you don't think we not deserve to know, don't tell us" Bever says when War still silent.

"I'm.. I'm sorry, I just try to open up with other people" War says while walking towards them.

"So, what it is?" Benz ask.

With stutter, War whisper to them "I and Yin is together now"

Benz blink. "Why I'm feeling like a dumb?"

"I'm sorry, I don't want always be your burden. I try learn to take care of my self, you two are always with me" War says very fast.

Benz shook his head. "Are we banned you to close to other people?"

"No.. not like that. Please I don't mean hide this for you" War says pleaded.

"If Yihwa not bring up this now, we will still like a dumb, try protect you from your boyfriend? It is funny for you?" Benz still ask,his voice turn be cold.

"I'm sorry.. I really-really plan to tell you, Benz please, you know I don't like to get attention" War says with trembling voice. He feeling guilty.

"What? You just think about your self. Are you think about us? You not believe us? We always protect you, so you can not be a center of attention, and now you say what?" Benz raise his voice.


"Benz I'm sorry. i'm really sorry" War eyes start teary.

Double B never mad at him, they always stay with him, protect him, make him comfortable, but now he make them disappointed because his lying.

"So all your reason when refuse me to take you home is lying?" Benz ask flatly.

War tears fell but he quickly wiped it.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." War just can says it now with his thin voice.

Benz sighs.

"Be...." War call Bever who just said nothing.

Bever close his eyes. Sigh. And open his eyes again.

"I need to go.. My team wait me.. I will not back to class, we need go to register our team" Bever says "Benz just go have your lunch with him. Oh I forgot you don't need Benz anymore.. hehe..." Bever continue and rush walk away.

"Be..." War called but Bever just ignored him.

"Benz.." War whispered.

"Just go there War, you can have lunch with your boyfriend without lying to us anymore" Benz sigh again and start walk away too, leave War alone.

War very understood why they mad at him, he feeling so guilty and start sobbing. He cant hold it anymore.

They never lying each other before, and now he do it just because his ego. Ego for be with Yin use 'try start to open up with other people' mask. War know its just his excuse, he clearly lying to himself too.


Benz walk to hall where basketball team doing their training.

All of them busy to eat their lunch. Benz see Bever sit in corner, separated from his friends.

"Broken heart?" Benz ask while sit beside Bever.

Bever just shrugs his shoulder.

"You don't want try confess to him?"

"I feels strange Benz, i think i like him, but instead of jeaolus, i more feel scared now, I'm not angry but i'm worried Yin just playing with War heart. I don't understand what i'm feel now" Bever says after take a deep breath.

"You sure?"

"Like i said, I just worried, and if i think again, I'm never imagine have sexual activity with him. Ew.. , just think of it make me cringe now" Bever says with disgusted face.

Benz laugh loudly.

"Maybe you just turn to be his brother..or father instead"


"So, you don't sad if War with another man?"

"Suprisely, i'm scared but not hurt"

Two of them just sighs over and over.

"So, What we are doing now? Yin is playboy" Benz broke the silent.

"Like usual , be there for him, but for now, just keep our eyes watch them"

Benz nods. "It will chaos if people know right?"

"He must know it when decide to accept the famous kid" Bever says.

"Shit" Benz mumbled.


After school, War decide to talk with Yin, so they can meet double B together. He don't want lose his friendship. They are important person to War.

When War reach parking area, he saw Yin with his friends there so he hide beside pillars.

War focusing his hearing when he heard his name in their conversation.

"Yin, I tell you to stop right?" War heard Yihwa voice.

"About what?" Yin asked.

"War. I saw you this morning with him here" Yihwa says make Yin startled.

"Wow.. You really don't want lose your car huh" Bonz laughs.

"You want my car so bad bro" Prom join them.

"I think we done talk about it Yin."Folk ask confused "and he have lover already right?"

"Don't you dare to make him hurt" Yihwa warn them.

Yin want talk when he saw War come out from behind the pillars with disapointed face.


Hai all...

Meet double B..

Uh... I need time to make this scene.. My heart bleeding because make War sad. 😭

Stay with me guys...

Lets get closure...


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