《A Bet (Completed) ~ [English]》Part 13


After school, War decide to talk with Yin, so they can meet double B together. He don't want lose his friendship. They are important person to War.

When War reach parking area, he saw Yin with his friends there so he hide beside pillars. War focusing his hearing when he heard his name in their conversation.

"Yin, I tell you to stop right?" War heard Yihwa voice.

"About what?" Yin asked.

"War. I saw you this morning with him here" Yihwa says make Yin startled.

"Wow.. You really don't want lose your car huh" Bonz laughs.

"You want my car so bad bro" Prom join them.

"I think we done talk about the bet Yin" Folk ask confused " and he have lover already right?"

"Don't you dare to make him hurt" Yihwa warn them.

Yin want talk when he saw War come out from behind the pillars with disappointed face.


"No" War raise his palm when he saw yin want to talk.


"Don't say anything" War voice trembling.

"Baby, listen to me first" Yin come near War.

"No, I don't think i can believe anything coming from your mouth now" War says while moved backwards.

"Please believe me" Yin says frustated.

"Don't.ever.near.to.me" War push every word and rush run from there.



My cold mask is totally gone now.

I cant stop tears keep falling even i trying to hold in.

My eyes is blur when i run from there as fast as i can, luckily i manage to go home alone.

I lock my self in my bedroom.

Mad, disappointed, sad, and guilty feeling mixed together.

I don't have anyone, my family always busy and my bestfriends who always with me is mad now. I don't have face to meet them. They are right when they tell me to not get close with Yin.


Why Yin do it to me?

It's everything he told me is a lie?

It's just a bullshit?

He just playing with me?

I just cry and cry again, feeling ashame to my self.

This is what I'm get after lying to my bestfriends.

I'm ruin our friendship just for used as a people bet.

This why i must not trust people easily. They just prank me over and over again.

It's not the first time people make a fun at me, but why I'm feeling so hurt now?

Why i must lying to Bever and Benz? They are always protect me. They must feel something not right when Yin start approaching me.

Why I never good at judging people?

Why I'm so stupid?

Is i'm not deserved to be happy...?

It is karma because i be a selfish bastard?

I want to scream...

I want to cursed...

I want doing something...


i don't have energy anymore.

I just hit my chest when i cant endure the pain.

Hugged my knees, i let my self suffer.




I'm standing in front War home.

I try text and call him but seem War phone is off.

I press the doorbell, but no one come out.

I rakes my own hair, frustated.

War disappointed face and hurt eyes can't get over from my head.

Started it with a bet, i know it's a mistake. But i need chance to explain anything.

Even just a little chance, i would like to have it.

But now, what should i do?

I don't have access to contact War or his friends.

Even i don't know, where is War now.

I press the doorbell again and again.


But still...

No one come out.


3rd POV

This morning, War is not present even their class is already started. It's not usual for War to not come without notice.


Benz and Bever trying call him, but he didn't pick up his phone.

They worried and want ask to Yin but the teacher is throw his glare make them need to wait.

When time to break, Yin rush get out from the class before they can ask him.


"They bet they car? Wow they really rich,like a car is nothing to them" one of their classmate shout.

"Yup, I heard it myself yesterday in parking area. Prom lose his car because Yin can make someone they choose to be his lover" involve War name make double B look at them.

"You know who is they choose?"

"No, i didn't clearly hear when he said the name"

Bever and Benz looked at each other.




Clearly in their eyes.

Seem they know the situation now.

Without make a scene, they get up and start to walk out when they saw Yin walk back into their classroom.


Yin rush left their classroom in their break time.

He take out his phone and try to dialing War number.

His feet couldn't stay still.

He walks back and forth behind their class.

Its connected but no one pick up there.

Yin dialing the number again.

But still same.

Double B. Their name pop up suddenly.

Yin hit his own head.

"Stupid" Yin mumbled and running back to the classroom.


Huhuhu... 😭

Be stronger....



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