《A Bet (Completed) ~ [English]》Part 11


It's been a few days after Bever started their full training.

Physical exercise in the early morning and strict practice in afternoon. Even he very worried at War especially after last incident, he can't skip his training.

War tell him that he's fine and will always stick to Benz, so he finally calm down.

Bever don't know, if War getting close to Yin.

They always come together now, Yin will pick War in the morning, but not enter their school together.

In break time, War will always have a lunch with Benz. But, after school, War and Yin will meet somewhere they agreed before and spend their time with plays anything.

Benz just believe when War give him a lot of reason.

War sometime feeling guilty doing this in their back, but he want to learn open his self to another people too.

It's their last year in high school. He cant always have them to protect him.

Night? Of course they will talk with chat, call or sometime video call, even War just display his eyes, not his entire face.

War feeling happy and somehow comfortable. He very thankful because Yin don't push him and understand his wishes to not seen in front another people in their school.


"War go with me tonight nah... I want show you a great place" Yin tell War when they meet after school.


"Just come with me and you will see"

"Not crowded place right?"

"Of course, I know you War, I don't want make you uncomfortable"

"Okay then"

"Get ready at 6pm, I will pick you up" Yin said brightly.

War nods and then Yin take him home.


Yin bring War to a hill top, little far from their city. It's a quite place, nice and cleanly. They can saw view of their city from there plus the wonderful night sky with moon and stars.

"Woah.. That's great!" War scream when they arrived. He rare to go out and prefer to stay at home.


Yin smile happyly when saw War bright face with his spark eyes. He let War explore all over the place before ask War to sit with him.

"You like it?"

"Very very like it.. Thanks Yin. How do you know about this place?"

"Its my father property, you saw a villa there? It's a gift for my mother from him" Yin sigh and continue, "Before she leave us, we always spend time here in holiday".

"Leave? You mean?"

"Mom pass away five years ago"

"Oh sorry Yin, I don't mean to bring up this" War feel guilty.

"Its okay, I accept it already. I saw her in so much pain when she struggle with his illness. So maybe its much better for her to leave, she cant fell the pain again" Yin said.

"Yin, look up.. She is there now" War point at sky" Watch on you, so now your job to make her smile and proud"

"Hmmmm...You right...." Yin smile softly.

"War, what you think about this place?" after silent a minute Yin ask War.

"Its very beautiful, the view is amazing, have fresh air, quite too.. its perfect for me" War look at the sky.

"Yeah.. Its more perfect to me now" Yin say while look at War


"Its perfect in past, but now its more complete to me"

"Why?" War turn his head and meet his eyes with Yin's.

"Because I have you with me now" Yin said while look at War deeply.

War stunned. He look at Yin eyes, looking for the truth there.

"War, be my boyfriend? Will you?" Yin take War hands and hold it tight.

"Yin..." War whisper.

"I like you War, my mind always thinking about you, I miss your presence, i'm jealous when you close with someone else even its your bestfriends"

"But i'm not good for you" War still whisper and look away.

"I tell you to not look down at yourself War."


"With me, you cant have normal relationship"

"Like what?"

"The simplest, seen together in front people"

Yin holding War face and make him to look back at his eyes. "War, I'm happy with you and its enough for me"

He take a deep breath and continue, "But just refuse me if you don't like me, no need to make a silly excuse"

War sighs. "Yin, honestly I like you too.... But..... I'm scared"

"You scared of me?"

"No, you know that's not I mean"

"It is about people think? Why we must care about others? Let's them talk, don't make it affect to us. We not doing anything wrong" Yin try convince War.

"Is this not too fast?" War still have a doubt.

"Why? You like me too in this short time, so why I cant do that too?"

War bite his lips. "I want tell you one secret Yin"

"What it is?"

"I've been watching you for a long time, before you approach me" War admit shyly.

"What? Really?" Yin eyes got wider.


"Why I don't know?"

"You busy flirting anywhere" War pout his lips. "and last time you call Benz flirty guys like you don't do it"

Yin scratch his un-itchy nape. "But i'm not do that again since I'm close to you"


"Just believe me please" Yin said pleaded.

"Can you give me a time to tell double B by myself?"

"That means you accept me?" Yin hold war shoulder.

"Hmmm..." War humming.

"I need word War"

"Yeah" War nod shyly.

"Yeah what" Yin smirk.

"We are boyfriend"

Yin smile happily and pull War in hugs. "Thanks baby.. I will wait until you can tell you love me"

"Its cheesy you know" War said and hugs back.


"The word baby" War complained

"But I like it. Bear with it... baby..." Yin whisper the last word in War ears.


This morning it's a little different. War is with Yin in their parking area, but he don't get out immediately as usual.

"I'm sorry Yin" War whisper and plays with his fingers.

"Why?" Yin ask confused.

"I still can't walk with you"

"Baby look at me" Yin hold War hands so he can give Yin full attention "We agreed to take this slowly, I'm really okay with that"

"Please wait a little" War look at Yin.

"I will, I promised to you right?" Yin reassure him.

"Thanks Yin"

Yin caress War cheeks "Baby, can I request something?"


"Call me by my middle name, Anan" Yin wink.

War raised his eyebrows "Why suddenly?"

"I'm envy. You have dearly name for Bever, I want it too"

War laughs. "It's just because more simply to me to call people with one syllable. Bever is to long".

"Call him Bev then"

"He don't like it, he said it like beef"

"But Be is to soft" Yin pout.

"They always soft to me, why I can't do that too to them"


"They are my bestfriend, I'm sorry if you don't like it but i won't trade them for anything, and I'll never change just because I have a lover, include how I call them, never." War cut him.

"I don't tell you to choose between us, because I can't do that too. I'm sorry if I make you feel like that" Yin said softly now."So call me Anan nah?"

"Hmmm.... Anan" War said and poke Yin nose make Yin smile wider now.

"Oke, you go first, i'll wait a little before go out too. Lets meet here after school okay?"

"Yups, see you" War take a look around before open the car door.



Yin peck War cheeks when War look back, makes him blushing so hard. He frozen and then hit Yin softly. Yin just wink his eyes.

After take a moment for calm himself, he finally get out in very light mood.

But they don't know, one pair eye watch them from a far.


Yeay.... Congrats YinWar... 🎉🎉🎉

Should we stop here ???



Lets clear anything...

For the best....


And who you think saw them..???



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