《Love on Top》Ch.21


I received a call from my Mother about her wanting to meet me so we could talk. Yeah right. She's probably going to insult me some more like the evil witch she is. As of now, I was on my way to the country club to meet her and I was on the phone with Samuel who I had told what was going on.

"You can back out of it if you want to. I won't judge you if you do," He said.

"I know, Sam. I just want to see what she has to say and if she says some crazy ass shit then I'm going to order the most expensive food on the menu and leave the bill for her to pay," I explained. He chuckled at my last statement.

"How evil of you," He teased.

"I know right," I giggled.

"After you have lunch with your Mother, do you want to head to the beach?" He asked.

"The beach?" I asked.

"Yes the beach," He answered.

"I don't know. It's kind of chilly outside," I said.

"Well it is October," He tells me.

"I know that, but how are we going to dry off?" I asked.

"We will only stick out feet in the water," He tells me.

"In that case, I'll go," I smiled softly.

"Good and make sure you bring Cristian. I haven't seen him in a while," He tells me.

"You saw him yesterday, Sam," I rolled my eyes.

"I miss my best friend," He tells me.

"And I miss mine," I responded.

"Dave doesn't like you," He joked.

"Cristian doesn't like you either," I countered.

"The lies you tell, woman," He mumbled. I giggled. I pulled up at the country club.

"I will talk to you later, Samuel," I said.

"You too," He murmured.

"Bye-bye," I smiled.

"Bye-bye," he chuckled before hanging up. I turned off my car and handed the keys to the valet before heading inside. A maitre d'hôtel cake towards me.

"Your Mother has been expecting you," Hs informed. I nodded and followed him to where she was. He leads me to a more secluded and private area in the country club. I see my Mother sitting down with John and a woman I expected to be his mother.


"Diane," I clenched my teeth. She looks up at me with a smile of feigned joy. She gets up to hug me, but I stood there stiffly.

"Behave," She hissed into my ear. I rolled my eyes and pulled away form her. I sit down next to John who gives me a small smile. His hand goes to my thigh and I, with a disgusted look on my face, removed it from my thigh. He has no right to touch me. No right at all. Only Samuel can touch me, and not in that way, pervs.

"Daphne, my name is Cecilia. I'm John's mother," The woman said with a look of disapproval on her face.

"Okay. And? Should I be bowing down and kissing your feet? Wait. Do you want me to kiss your ass while you bend over? Honestly, I don't care if you're his mother or not because I don't want to date your boring ass son, lady. In fact, I already have a boyfriend anyways so don't get all snobby with me when I can clearly see those damn tracks hoe," I hissed.

"How dare you? You ungrateful little girl," She hissed.

"And you are an old ass, pompous bitch," I shot back, "What else is new."

"Daphne," Mother hissed.

"Shut up, Diane. You've pissed me off enough by luring me here to meet with some man I don't have the slightest interest in. Now don't make me jump over this damn table and punch you again," I hissed.

"You disrespectful, whore," She hissed.

"Mrs. Chambray, please calm down," John said. She smiled at him.

"Daphne, why are you so disrespectful to your Mother? She is only trying to help you be happy," He said.

"John, if you don't butt the fuck out of my business," I snapped. I turned my attention to my Mother.

"I'm happy with Samuel, Mother. I'm happier than I've ever felt. You've been trying to ruin that happiness by putting doubts into my mind and by playing at my insecurities. It's not going to work this time," I explained, "Don't talk to me, don't call me, don't message me, and don't even communicate with me in any other way shape or form because I won't answer at all."


"You are making a big mistake," She hissed.

"And you made the biggest one of your life. You lost me," I snapped. I stood up and left without saying a damn thing to John or his Mother. I walked outside and the valet's pulled my car around. I tipped them with a fifty dollar bill before driving off from the country club. I went home and changed out of the dress I had worn to the country club and into a pair of dark colored skinny jeans, a black t-shirt that said The 1975 in white letters, and a pair of light green Puma suede classics. I grabbed a light denim oversized coat with a gray hoodie with pockets. I decided to pull my hair back into a ponytail. I called out to Cristian and he came bounding towards me. I hooked his leash to his collar before taking him outside to do his business. When he finished, I drove to Samuel's place. He had texted me earlier and said that we should ride there together. I agreed to do so. When I got to his house, I rung the doorbell with Cristian in my arms. The door opens and Samuel stood there with Dave right behind him.

"You baby him too much," Samuel said.

"No I do not," I shook my head as I held Cristian close to me.

"That's babying him," He tells me.

"Geez. I wonder how you're going to act around our kids," I mumbled.

"What?" He asked with an amused smile on his face.

"Nothing. You didn't hear anything," I answered.

"No. What did you say?" He queried.

"Nothing. It's nothing," I shook my head.

"Our kids? I'm pretty sure you said something about our kids," He teased.

"Gosh. You're annoying," I replied. He chuckled and let us inside of his house. He closes the front door behind us. I set Cristian down on the floor and Dave runs over to him. Dave places his paw on Cristian's head. Cristian's tail starts wagging.

"Let me grab Dave's leash so we can go," He said. I nodded and he leaned down to kiss me softly on the lips before heading upstairs. Dave walks over towards me and jumps on me. I smiled and petted the large dog. Sam car downstairs a few moments later with Dave's leash in his hand.

"Let's go," He said. I nodded and we all walked out of the house. I put Cristian into the backseat with Dave before Samuel drove off from his house.

When we got to the beach, I noticed that it was pretty much empty except for us and an elderly couple or two. We both put Cristian and Dave on their leashes before walking out onto the beach with our shoes off. We had our feet in the water and our free hands were holding the other.

"So my parents want to meet you," He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. My mother, especially, is very excited to meet the woman her son is going to marry some day," He replied.

"What's wrong with that?" I chuckled.

"My mother can be a little dramatic," He replied.

"Samuel, everyone's mother is dramatic," I giggled.

"Yeah, but mine is like Broadway actor dramatic," He tells me.

"And? I can handle it," I said. He sighed.

"Maybe I'm just worried for nothing," He looked down at Dave and Cristian who were enjoying the beach.

"No you're not worried for nothing. You are worried because you feel as if your parents won't like me at all and it's okay because I'm worried about that too," I explained.

"What did I do to have such an understanding girlfriend like you?" He smiled down at me.

"You let me ask you out," I joked. He laughed.

"Yes I did," He smiled. He kissed me on my forehead.

"Let's take these two off of their leash. I think the elderly couple left so there is no chance in heck that they will try to go home with someone else," I murmured.

"You're right," He nods. We let Dave and Cristian off of their leashes so they could enjoy the beach. They both ran a few feet away from us. We continued walking hand in hand right behind those two.

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