《Love on Top》Ch.19


It was the day of Sidney's rehearsal and she was acting like a bitchy bridezilla that was out for blood. I was really starting to get irritated with her antics and her freaking attitude. Not to mention that her maid of honor, Becca, was saying some slick shit about me every time I passed by. As of now, we were taking a break from all this rehearsing. I headed towards the bathrooms. When I got near them, I spotted Fredrick sitting outside in a chair placed against the wall.

"Fredrick, what are you doing over here? Sidney's looking for you," I informed him.

"Let her look," He sighed loudly.

"Fredrick, is everything okay?" I asked worriedly.

"It's great unless you count the fact that my soon-to-be wife is a total narcissistic, maniac who cares for no one, but herself," He explained.

"I'm sorry, Fredrick. Sidney has always been like that since we were kids. I don't know why," I said.

"Has she always been like that to you, Daphne?" He asked. As much as I wanted to tell the truth, I couldn't. It'd be wrong to do that to Sidney even though she deserved it.

"No actually. We used to be really close," I lied. He gives me a look that said he was unconvinced.

"Okay. Fine. Yeah she's always been like that," I tell him.

"Lying was kind of pointless," He remarked.

"Yeah well I didn't want to ruin anything between you guys," I responded.

"You can't ruin what's already ruined," He said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm having second thoughts about Sidney. She's a really pretty girl and all, but she's just too much sometimes. I couldn't stand the way she talked down to me nor could I stand the way she treated you or your sisters because it was her 'special day'," He sighed. I stood up and stretched a little.

"If you don't love her then you don't. No one is going to hold it against you if you just leave. You didn't hear this kind of advice from me, Fredrick," I patted his shoulder then I went into the restroom.

When I returned from the bathroom, I saw Sidney and Fredrick arguing.

"Damn it, Sidney! You think it's all about you, but it's not!" Fredrick yelled at her.

"It is about me!" She yelled back.

"Goddamn it, Sidney! You are the most evil and most narcissistic woman I have ever met! You don't care about anyone else, but yourself. For years I haven't said a damn thing about the way you treat your older siblings, Daphne, or your father's parents! If this is what you act like now then I don't think we should get married. If we had and we had kids some time in the future then I would feel bad for them because their mother is a-"

"Don't you say it," Sidney warned.

" -bitch!" He bellowed. She walked over and raised her hand to slap him, but he grabbed it and placed it at her side.

"Sidney, the wedding is officially off. Sorry not sorry," He tells her. Fredrick walks down the aisle and towards me.

"Take care, Daphne," He pats my shoulder. I nodded.

"You'll regret this, Fredrick! You'll regret breaking up with me!" She screeched. Sidney's eyes landed on me.

"You ruin every fucking thing! You miserable fat ass bitch! I bet you were sleeping with him the entire time and I bet that Samuel is a cover!" She hissed. My blood started to boil as she started ranting on and on and on about it.


"Sidney, what's going on here?" Mother asked as she entered the church.

"Your fat ass pig of a daughter made Fredrick call off the wedding!" She screamed.

"You what?!" Mother yelled. She stormed over and turned me around.

"What the hell have you done?! You couldn't be happy yourself so you just had to make your sister unhappy as well?! Just because Samuel doesn't want you that doesn't mean that no other man doesn't! You are going to grow up miserable, fat, and alone," She hissed. I was getting a little bit tired of her and Sidney's shit. I became so angry that I punched my mother in her face. Everyone in the church gasped, including the preacher. I stormed over to Sidney and punched her dead in her eye. She fell back on her ass and then I looked at Becca, who looked ready to jump in and defend Sidney, but she backed up like a coward. I grabbed my things then I headed out of there.

"YOU BITCH!" Sidney yelled at my back. I put up my middle finger and raised it high. I heard everyone, except for my older siblings, gasp. I left the church and I got into my car and drove off to Samuel's house.

When I arrived there, I see Samuel and Dave outside. Samuel was checking the mail while Dave sniffed around the yard looking for a place to do his business. Samuel grabbed the mail and headed over towards me.

"I thought you were at the wedding rehearsal until....." He checks his watch, "....nine?"

"I was, but something came up," I responded.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Oh you're going to love this story," I responded. He chuckled.

"Well go inside and wait for us," He tells me. I nodded and walked towards the door of his house. I hear a groan from behind me and I giggled before going inside. I headed towards the living room then I set my things down onto the couch then I sit down onto the couch myself. I take out my phone and I see that I have at least twenty text messages from both Sidney and my Mother. Sidney was threatening me and calling me all kinds of bitches and hoes then my Mother was doing the same thing. She even went as far as telling me that 'disrespectful girls like me deserve to be fat and lonely'. I shook my head then I blocked and deleted their numbers. Samuel come in moments later with Dave. He sorts through the mail before sitting down next me on the couch.

"Alright now tell me what happened," He said.

"Well...here is how it went down..." I went into explaining the entire situation to him. He listened intently to what I was saying and he stayed silent the entire time. I could tell that by the time I finished retelling the events of today, he was in shock that it had happened.

"Wow," He said.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"I can't believe you punched your own Mother," He murmured.

"Me either, but it felt so good to do that," I tell him.

"I know that it must have felt good to do so, but next time don't resort to violence when it comes to things like this. Just calmly walk away from the conflict," He explained.

"Fine," I mumbled.

"Good. Now since the rehearsal dinner is cancelled, what do you want to do?" He asked.

"We can go out to eat ourselves. There's no need for me to waste a good dress," I explained.


"Of course. We wouldn't want you to waste a dress," He rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, Samuel," I giggled. My phone buzzes from my purse and I take it out. I see that Chad is calling me. I pressed accept.

"Hello," I greeted.

"Hey. We are all going out to eat tonight since the rehearsal was cancelled," He tells me.

"Hold on for a minute, Chad," I said.

'Okay," He responded. I took the phone away from my ear.

"Chad wants to go out to eat. Do you want to go?" I looked at Samuel.

"Sure," He nods. I placed the phone back to my ear.

"Hey, Chad. We're going to go with you guys," I informed.

"Sam is coming with you?" He asked.

"No. Cristian is," I sarcastically replied.

"Daphne, don't get snippy with me," He said. I chuckled.

"Sam is coming with me, you dolt," I said.

"Alright, knucklehead," He replied.

"Wait. What restaurant are we going to?" I asked.

"Umm...Regina said that she wants to go to some restaurant called Calle Ocho," He responded.

"Oooh! I love that place," I excitedly said.

"I bet you do," He murmured.

"Shut up, Chad. We'll see you there," I tell him. He laughed a little.

"Oh okay. Bye," He responded. I hung up my phone and then we both got up.

"I'll be back. I'm going to go home so I can change," I tell him. He nods and walks me to the door. I kissed him softly on the lips before going out to my car.

When I arrived at home, Cristian came to greet me at the door. I smiled and petted him before heading upstairs to my room. I stripped out of my clothes and then I walked towards my bathroom. I turned on the shower before stepping in. After my shower, I dried myself with a towel and I started on my hygienic routine. I got dressed in a black spaghetti strap fitted romper, a burgundy cardigan, and a pair of black converse. I decided to wear a gold layered necklace and hoops. I decided to just leave my hair like it was, a neat ballerina bun. I decided to take Cristian outside so he could do his business. After that was done, I said goodbye to him then I grabbed my purse and keys before leaving. I arrived at Samuel's house and I parked right beside his car this time. I went straight to his door and I rang the doorbell. He didn't answer so I got on my toes and looked for the key. When I found it, I unlocked the door then I placed the key back into its rightful place. I closed and locked the front door behind me. I headed upstairs to Samuel's room and as soon as I go in, Dave walks over and he jumps onto me.

"Hey, Dave," I said. I petted him for a minute. I hear the sound of the bathroom door opening. I looked up to see the surprise of my life. Samuel was naked and he was hung too. I guess I had been staring t it for too long because Samuel cleared his throat causing me to look up.

"Can you hand me my underwear? It's on the dresser," He said.

"Okay," I nodded. I walked over and grabbed the Calvin Klein briefs. I handed them to him and he thanked me before going into the bathroom.

"Nice butt," I mumbled.

"I heard that," He said from the other side. I giggled with a smile on my face.

"Sam, I'm going to wait downstairs," I said.

"Alright," He replied. I headed downstairs with Dave on my heels. I sit down on the living room couch and I take out my phone then I started to play Candy Crush while waiting for Sam. Just as I got to level one hundred and two, he comes downstairs dressed and ready.

"Ready?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I nodded as I stood up, "Bye, Dave." Dave barks in response and I smiled softly. Samuel and I go out to his car.

"I don't know where that place is so do you mind driving?" He asked.

"You want me to drive?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah. Is there a problem with that?" He looked at me in confusion.

"No it's surprising because most guys don't even let their girlfriends drive their cars," I explained.

"Well I am a grown man and I say that you are allowed to drive," He tells me.

"Okay," I grinned.

"But please don't crash my car," He remarked.

"Sam, no one wants to crash this car," I rolled my eyes. He chuckles then hands me the keys. We both get in and I placed my purse in his lap. I backed out of the driveway then I drove off from his house and out of his neighborhood.

"You just wanted me to drive," I murmured.

"Yep," He nods.

"Lazy," I mumbled.

"It's kind of sexy anyways," He said.

"What is?" I asked.

"You driving my car," He replied. I felt my cheeks start to heat up as I continued to drive. When we got to a stop light, I felt Samuel's hand on my thigh. I felt butterflies in my stomach from that simple gesture.

"I'm conflicted," He sighed.

"Why?" I looked over at him.

"Because that outfit you're wearing and the fact that you're too beautiful is why," He answered.

"Really, Sam?" I asked. He chuckled and the light turned green.

When I arrived at Calle Ocho, I parked the car then headed inside with Samuel. I see my siblings and their significant other's sitting down while waiting.

"Hey, everyone," I greeted,

"Don't you look cute," Marcela tells me.

"I wish I had curves like you so I could wear something like that," Regina sighed.

"Me too," Chastity added. I shook my head then I sat down right next to Chastity.

"How long have you guys been waiting?" I asked.

"We all got here like eight minute ago," Kim, Chad's wife, spoke up.

"Oh," I nodded.

"How long is the wait, Chad?" I queried.

"Thirty minutes," He answered.

"Oh," I nodded.

When we were finally seated, I was relieved. I sat on one side with Sam, Regina, and Tommy then Bryson, Chastity, Marcela, and Xavier sat on the other while Chad and Kim sat across from each other at the ends of the table. We all started talking to each other about some things that involved our careers and then we talked about high school or whatever before the waitress came to take our orders.

After having dinner with my siblings, Sam and left after paying. The entire time while I was driving, Sam's hand was on my thigh. He would move it up inch by inch until he just caressed my inner thigh. My breath had hitched in my throat and I tried to concentrate on driving to his house without even killing us both. Damn you, Sam. When we finally arrived at his house, I was relieved because now the torture was over. I got out of Sam's car with my bag and he got out as well. Sam comes around to the driver's side of the car where I hand him back his keys.

"That was fun," He smiled down at me.

"For you, but not for me," I muttered.

"Why wasn't it for you?" He asked as he feigned innocence.

"Asshole," I mumbled under my breath. He chuckled then he kissed me softly on the lips. His arms wrapped around my waist as he continued to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my toes to kiss him. We pulled away and I pecked his lips softly. He smiled.

"I'll call you when I get home," I tell him.

"Alright," He nods. I kissed him again before going to car. I got in then I backed out of his driveway. I waved to him before driving off to my house. When I got home, I called Sam to let him know that I made it. After that, I went to my bathroom and showered before going to bed with thoughts of Sam my mind.

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