《Forget it || Wendy x Suga ||》Club pt.2


As i got out of the car i got a message from Mark telling me he was waiting at the bar.

I quickened my pace and entered the club trying not to catch any attention.

I told the girls that me and Mark were gonna meet up after our preformance. Though they did teased me about it and wiggled their eyebrows as they did so i immediately said we were just friends.

The girls had always though me and Mark had some feelings towards each other but i knew both of us were far from that.

We are extremely close, no denying that but it's nothing more than us being best friends.

Just thinking about me dating Mark makes me wanna gag and i'm sure he feels the same way.

I found him sitting at the far end of the club, with a drink already held in his hands.

I told Mark to meet me here. Why, you ask? Because he is the only one that knows about me and Yoongi.

He had found out once when i was drunk and blabbered it all out to him. Unfortuantly for me he was sober and remembered it all too well for my liking.

Though him knowing isn't something i'm complaining about. Being able to talk about it with someone was really helpful.

But i do feel guilty that i still haven't even told my members about it. And i'm not planing on either.

It may sound harsh but all of this was between me and Yoongi, there is no need to bring others in our problems.

But since i had told him about my past with Yoongi, Mark hated the guy he once was friends with.

Mark tried to ignore bangtan most the time and i told him he didn't need to but the guy just replied saying that he only ignored them because he was worried that he might punch Yoongi in the face and starting a fuid between Got7 and Bangtan.


That clutz.

I sat besides him and he looked over, sensing my presence.

"What took you so long?" he asked ordering a drink for me. "Thr girls kept pestering me" i replied simply as he chuckled.

"Thay still think we like each other?" he asked amused as i replied "Yup. Never stopped and i don't think they ever will" i said as he laughed.

I took my drink as Mark paid for it.

This guy never let me buy things with my money when we were together. I tried telling him multiple times that there was no need but the guy was just too subborn for his own good.

So i just gave up and he'd always pay for our food. I did pay secretly sometimes though, I'm not that heartless.

"So, is everything okay?" he asked knowing very well something was wrong.

At some point i wanted to lie saying everything was fine and i just missed him but then what was the point? He'd know i'd be lying in an instant.

He knew me too well and sometimes it scared just how well he could see through my lies.

So why bother lying when i know it won't work either way.

"I saw him today..." i said in a soft voice but i knew he heard me as he just signed afterwords.

"Well you can't expect not to see him. Both of you are in the same industy. There obviously will be a time you'd see him face to face." He said and my heart ached.

"It hurts Mark" i said as he took another sip of his drink and looked around the crowd of idols.

His eyes widened for a second but he regained his posture quickly. "I really wish i could punch that guy in the face. I never knew he had the guts to be so heartless even if he was known as a cold and distant person." he said which made me smile.


You know what? Why do i even bother sulking on that heartless fucker? I should have some fun espiciously since i'm with my best friend right now.

"You know what?" i said as he pulled his full attention on me. "Lets have some fun. Today i wanna forget about that piece of shit and have some fun!" i said as he looked amused at my choice of words.

"Who are you and what have you done to my Wendy?" he asked and i slightly blushed at him calling me his.

What the fuck Wendy?

"Lets get drunk!" i said in excitement as he smiled.

Fuck you Min Yoongi.

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