《The Falcon And The Winter Soldier: Made This Way》Teenager Highjinks


An: I'm doing some more extra scenes, set after the Falcon and The Winter Soldier and after Gabby comes out. Gabby will be 16.

Wilson Residence

No one POV

Sam was on the phone with Bucky and Bucky said "She's still not home, she left pillow under her bed, her window was open, I think she."

Sam said "Snuck out? Yeah" and Sam laughed and Bucky said"Why are you laughing, she's not answering her phone, she could be hurt, it's 11:00, and she's still not home, this isn't funny."

Sam said "It's a little funny" and Bucky said "What would make her act like this" and Sam said "I know. Your too much of an old man, Buck, it's different being a teenager nowadays."

Bucky said "She's not like that, she's responsible" and Sam said "She's also a teenager, she's 16, this is what teenagers do, it's teenager highjinks, we knew it was bound to happen, it's a good thing."

Bucky said "How is this a good thing" and Sam sad "Gabby has always had a lot of responsibility and for a while, she couldn't really be a kid, with Hydra and everything, and then becoming an avenger, she felt like she always had to watch out for everyone, Oliver, and she helps Sarah. She's acting like a normal teenager. It's not the worst thing."

Bucky said "So, you don't want her to get in trouble" and Sam said "Oh no, she's going to get in trouble, we slack, she'll think she can get away with it, but your going to have to take care of that since I'm halfway across the world. Can you handle it, or do you want me on the phone?".

Bucky said "I can handle it" and Sam said "Good luck. Good, because I found her."

In a Party

Gabby was dancing with another girl and they twirled around and Gabby smiled and Gabby said "Thanks for inviting me, Karla."

Karla said "Of course, did you sneak out, I mean come on" and Gabby said "I had to, Sam's out of town, and he said and I quote I don't want you going to parties while I'm halfway across the world."

Karla said "Have you ever sneaked out" and Gabby said "First time, I've always been a goody two shoes, long story, and I can barely hear you with the music."


Karla said "Maybe we can talk about it outside" and Gabby said "Okay."

They walked outside and Karla said "I saw you on the news a lot, very weird for an Avenger to be breaking rules, isn't that against protocol."

Gabby smiled and said "No, it's not against protocol, last time I checked, and Sam always goes on and on how it's okay to be a kid, so."

Karla said "Well, congrats, why did it take so long" and Gabby said "I you know I save the world, and stop bad guys, and I don't have a lot of free time on my hands, and I guess you know for a while, I was in a place where I had to be obedient, and if I wasn't."

Karla said "Hydra, sorry those guys are asses" and Gabby laughed and said "That's one way to describe them."

Karla said "Those are the only reasons why you don't allow yourself to have fun" and Gabby said "Not that, I also have a little brother, and you know I'm his big sister, I have to take care of him, you know. And two younger cousins that I live with."

Karla said "I get it,I have siblings too, three younger siblings" and Gabby said "Really?" and Karla said "Yeah, um my little brother Jimmy, he's 10, my other little brother is 5, and my baby sister she's 9 months old."

Gabby said"Three siblings? One's a baby" and Karla said "This isn't really my scene either, but I leanred that I need to have fun. Something you can also learn."

Gabby said "I have fun" and Karla said "Yeah, yeah I'm sure I don't get to kick criminal butt, or get to save the world from robots."

Gabby smiled and said "Well, it's more of a mix of fun and stress, because you can't really mess up" and Karla said "No wonder you don't know how to have fun."

Gabby laughed and Karla said "I'm kidding" and Gabby said "I know, but this was fun"and Karla said "Your lucky you got me."

Gabby smiled and they heard a loud honk and they turned around and saw Bucky by the car and he waved.

Gabby smiled back and waved and Gabby said "I am so screwed" and Karla said "Let me guess, parent."

Gabby said "Guardian, yeah" and Bucky said "I'm glad you had fun, because you are going back home where your supposed to be."


Gabby said "Bucky, this isn't what it looks like" and Bucky said "Really, so you didn't sneak out to go to a party you were told no to."

Gabby said "Okay, fine it is what it looks like, but you know you this is um normal behavior for teenagers, so technically, I'm kind of doing what you wanted."

Bucky gave her a look and Gabby said "I'll see you at school then" and Karla said "Yeah, it was nice to talk to you, Gabby."

Gabby nodded and they hugged and Bucky fake coughed and said "Car, now."

Gabby said "I'm going, I'm going jeesh" and Bucky said "Take down the attitude" and Gabby said "Sorry."

Gabby walked up to the car and Bucky looked at Karla and Karla said "Hi, um Mr. Banes, right."

Bucky gave her a look and Gabby said "Right, Karla, this is Bucky Barnes, Bucky this is" and Bucky said "Car."

Gabby walked to the car and Bucky gave her a warning stare and Karla looked nervous and Karla said "I'm gonna go back inside and shut up."

Karla walked back inside and Bucky went in the driver seat and Gabby was in the passenger seat and Gabby said "So , just so I know how grounded am I? You know so I'm aware."

Bucky started driving and didn't answer and Gabby said "You know, if you want to yell, it's a good time to do it here, because when we get home, everyone's asleep so if you yell there, you might wake them up, so just yell at me for whatever in here."

Bucky gave her a look and Gabby said "Okay, look I'm just saying we have time in this car ride, just give me the disappointment speech in here and tell me how grounded am I for? Just give me like a number, like is it 5 days, 6 days, is it a week. You know I yammer when I'm nervous, so if your not going to talk to me for this entire car ride, I'm just going to keep talking and."

Bucky drove up to the Wilson Residence and they walked out of the car and walked in and Gabby said "Okay, we're in, go ahead yell at me."

Bucky said "I'm not going to yell at you" and Gabby said "Oh, your not" and Bucky said "No, what were you thinking , sneaking out like that, you know better."

Gabby said "I know but you know I you would have said no if I asked because Sam already did" and Bucky said "Because we didn't want you to, and your solution was to go anyway."

Gabby said "Um,not the best one, and not my best moment in my opinion, but you can't tell me you didn't do things like this when you were my age."

Bucky said "I didn't when I was your age, I never snuck out, I would spend nights like this watching my sisters, and working, entlisting."

Gabby said "Right, forgot who I was talking to, for a second" and Bucky said"And I do understand that this is a different time and you want to have fun, but what if something happen, if someone hurt you, you are an avenger, Gabby, what if someone came at you, and what if you drank there."

Gabby said "I wouldn't" and Bucky said "Someone could have slipped something in your drink, could have peer pressured you."

Gabby said "Sam taught you that one , huh" and Bucky gave her a look and Gabby said "Sorry, and no one could have slipped something in my drink without me knowing, I can read minds, look into my minds, it is impossible to lie to me, I am a human lie detector."

Bucky said "That's not the point, you broke the rules, meaning there are consequences, your grounded for one week."

Gabby said "But" and Bucky said "No buts, no phone no friends over you come home from school, I'm going easy on you because this is the first time you did this."

Gabby said "What about Avengers stuff" and Bucky said "You can use it for those, and you can take a week off, I'm sure we won't have work to do, you can take the phone to school, but when you come back, you give it to me."

Gabby said "But."

Bucky said "Understand?" and Gabby said "That isn't" and Bucky said "Gabriella" and Gabby said "Fine."

Gabby gave him her phone and Bucky said "Okay, now go upstairs, get some sleep it's late, I'll see you tomorrow."

Gabby said "Okay, good night, Buck" and Bucky and Gabby hugged and she walked upstairs.

Gabby went inside her room changing into her pjs and she fell asleep in her bed.

Bucky walked in afterwards and saw her asleep and smiled and he closed the door.

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