《The Falcon And The Winter Soldier: Made This Way》Pain Can Change You


An: This will be set during episode during episode 3 in Sharon's Apartment. It will be a scene between Zemo and Gabby.

Sharon's Apartment , Madripoor

No one POV

Gabby was getting ready to leave and was putting on a jacket and Sharon handed her some water and said "Here, sorry most of what I have here is booze, and your what 15."

Gabby said "16" and Sharon said "Wow, well you would be older" and Gabby said "Yeah, the blip changed a lot, that's not news."

Sharon said "How's your brother doing?" and Gabby said "He's good, he's started in soccer, and he's really good."

Sam said "That kid is so fast, I always said it" and Gabby said "He's also excited about this science fair coming up."

Sharon said "Oh, so we have another science lover in there" and Gabby said "What can I say, runs in the family."

Sharon smiled and Sam said "I'm going to find Zemo , he's with Bucky, and the last time I left him alone, he broke him out of prison, so."

Sam walked away and Sharon said "I'm sorry about what I said, that was uncalled for, about your parents, I'm sorry."

Gabby said "It's fine, You have your own reasons to be angry, I'm not going to fall apart every time someone mentions my parents, and me. I know that you don't believe that justice is possible. I know what's it's like to feel hopeless, believe me, I know that, I used to think that, what was the point of being good if bad things still happened?".

Sharon said "What changed your mind?" and Gabby said "Steve."

Sharon smiled and said "Of course he did" and Bucky and Sam walked in with Zemo and Sharon said "I need to talk to you two."

Sam said "Gabs, do you mind?" and Gabby nodded and Bucky said "Wait, wait she's 16, what is she going to do?".


Gabby said "He tries anything, I'll use my very cool and powerful powers" and Sam said "She's got it, come on."

Sharon, Bucky and Sam walked away and Zemo said "It is sweet what Steve taught you, to you, he was like your second father, after you lost yours."

Gabby looked up at him annoyed and Gabby said "You want to know what it's like to be hit with a sound wave, because I'll do it."

Zemo said "I'm only being honest, He saved you, so you saw him as a hero, after being a prisoner for 3 years, you were finally saved. I don't understand why you hate me so much."

Gabby said "Let's see, you kill people, innocent people, you are the reason I was on the run for 2 years from the Law, I was a fugitive because of you."

Zemo said "And my actions brought out Bucky, the person who then you have been looking for, and what did you want to do when you found him, You didn't have to help Steve, you chose to, you could have done what you wanted to do what you almost did."

Gabby glared at him.

Zemo said "We are a lot alike you and I" and Gabby said "And how is that?" and Zemo said "Both of our lives were changed by one event, that took everything from us."

Gabby said "Well, according to your logic, I'm the person who took it from you" and Zemo said "No, you cannot be blamed you were a child, I understand you. Much better than they can."

Gabby said "And how can you understand me?" and Zemo said "I know from experience that ganger like that out of grief, does not go away. No one forgets what happened, I didn't witness my family die. You can act like you forget what happened, but deep down you do hate Bucky."

Gabby said "Shut up, I will never forget what happened, I think about it every day, I see my father being shot, while I'm screaming, I see my mother being shot and then being dragged away by Hydra, Bucky had no choice, He was mind controlled, I blame Hydra, Hydra went down , a lot of them were arrested, some died, I'm good, I forgave Bucky for what happened."


Zemo said "Have you? I saw some interesting footage when you found Bucky, how you fought him, how much you wanted to hurt him for everything he took away from you and your brother, your parents, your childhood, your freedom."

Gabby said "I do not blame him anymore" and Zemo said "Really, so that anger just went down, what did you once tell Steve, I was trapped for 3 years, what do you think put me to sleep at night, rainbows unicorns, you would dream of vengance and justice, revenge. It was what kept you going there."

Gabby said "Yes, then because I didn't know the truth, and I found out, we are not the same. You think that justice is killing, You let anger control you, I chose not to let that pain and that anger define me, yes it changed me, I'm not the same girl I was then, just like you are not the same, but I chose not to change me completely, I chose not to be controlled by it, I forgave and I refused to turn my back on life, I used what happened to me , the power to help others, I refused to let it define by me,that's the difference between us. Not everyone is evil and not everyone is good, the world is not that simple."

Zemo said "So you believe this group of terrosists can be saved" and Gabby said "I believe that not everyone is pure evil, everyone has reasons, they are still human, they can be talked to."

Zemo said "That optimistim is nice and all but some people can't change, you can't talk them down, you have to put them down."

Gabby said "We didn't put you down, we stopped you, there are other ways to get justice" and Zemo said "So there's good in everyone, even the doctors who tortured you, the cops who were payed off by Hydra, and faked your death."

Gabby looked at him and said "The doctor who tortured me is dead, yes he deserved to rot in prison, but he's not rotting in prison, yes people are terrible, but they're not born that way."

Zemo said "So good people are horrible too, you believe your horrible" and Gabby said "Your right, I did want to kill Bucky at one point, I am not all good, it's not that simple, I can be dangerous, I can want revenge, but the difference between us is that I'm not clouded by revenge, there are lines that I don't cross, it's just a choice. Some people don't have one. I made mistakes, I am sorry about your family, if I could have saved them, I would, I'm sorry."

Zemo said "Thank you, but Gabriella, most people in Hydra, who were tortured give in, would have wanted to die, and give up."

Gabby said "I had reasons to survive" and Zemo said "Revenge?" and Gabby said"No, my family, the reason why I fought hard to stay alive was for my family."

Zemo said "Your brother" and Gabby said "How did you, of course you were listening."

Zemo said "It makes sense, you had something to live for, but someone who has nothing to live for has no lines to cross, those lines, they go away, if other people don't care about them why should you?".

Gabby said "Because you have to do what's right, just because bad things happen it doesn't give you the right to do bad things, yes the world sucks sometimes sometimes other people lose more than others, it doesn't give you the right to kill or hurt someone else."

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