《The Falcon And The Winter Soldier: Made This Way》Deleted Scene: The Therapy


An: So I have recently wanted to write this story, so I thought I would do some deleted scenes. This will be a scene set during episode 2 when Sam and Bucky have to do therapy , well in this scene, Gabby also has to do some therapy with Dr. Reynor. This was one of the ideas I thought of doing when writing that chapter. Kind of like what if the therapy focused more on Bucky and Gabby.

Interrogation Room

No one POV

Gabby, Sam and Bucky were sitting down with Dr. Raynor sitting on the other side of the table and said "So, who would like to start?".

Gabby said "Question, why am I doing this? I have a therapist already, and I'm straightforward with her, so don't really need the extra therapy sessions."

Sam said "Yeah, look, Dr. Raynor? I get it, why you want me to talk to Freaky Magoo over here. But I'm 100 % fine."

Gabby said "Yeah, me too, I'm fine. "

Dr. Raynor said "It is my job to make sure that you're okay. And so, yeah, this may be slightly unprofessional, but it's the only way that I can see if you're getting over whatever's eating at you. Both of you."

Dr. Raynor looked at Gabby and Bucky and said "You two have a long complicated history, a history that cannot be easy to get over, a history full of emotions and pain."

Gabby looked down and Dr. Raynor said "And you two are working together, you need to let that out."

Gabby said "We can work together, it's fine" and Bucky said "We've done it before" and Dr. Raynor said "What about when you were framed by Zemo, everyone was looking for you and while you were escaping the police, you came after him."

Gabby looked at her.

Flashback to Civil War

Bucky had jumped down a level and walked into the street away from the cops, Black Panther and Gabby jumped down in front of him with her powers.

Gabby looked at him, her eyes turned purple and she said "Going somewhere?" and Bucky looked at her and said "Kid, get out of my way."

Bucky and Gabby fighting, Gabby appeared a ball of purple energy and said "Because , you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this."

Bucky grabbed a metal bar and threw it at her and Gabby held up her hands and held the metal bar off levitating it using a sonic wave and Gabby said "Really, wow. Nice try."


Gabby dropped it on the ground and Gabby threw a sonic wave at Bucky and he was thrown back to the underpass.


Gabby looked back at Bucky and Gabby said "That was years ago, and it was different" and Dr. Reynor said "You had been looking for the winter soldier for a while, because in Hydra the thing that kept you going was revenge on the man who you saw murder your parents."

Gabby said "Hydra murdered my parents, yes the winter soldier did it, but that person's gone" and Sam said "Do they really have to talk about it, I mean Gabby's made process."

Bucky said "Things have changed" and Dr. Reynor said "You forgave him, so you have let go of that anger, you have powerful powers, Gabby, it is my job to know that he will be fine, but can you two work together."

Gabby said "Yes" and Dr. Reynor said "Then there's no harm in trying this" and Gabby said "This is stupid."

Bucky said " Yeah. I agree."

Dr. Reynor said " See? Making progress already. So, who wants to go first? No volunteers? " and Sam said "So, am I?".

Dr. Reynor said "We'll get to you" and Dr. Reynor said "Still no volunteers? Okay, Gabby, when you look at Bucky, what do you feel?".

Gabby said "I feel like I don't understand why he stares at me like he's a robot" and Sam smiled and Dr. Reynor said "A serious answer. What do you want from Bucky?".

Gabby said "Less staring, it's weird" and Dr. Reynor said "Okay, Bucky, what about you, what do you want from Gabby?".

Bucky said "Less talking" and Gabby smiled and said "Oh my god, I was going to say that too, Boomer."

Sam laughed and Dr. Reynor said "Alright,fine, you two have a lot of history, a lot of feelings, a lot of anger, you told me she was part of your efforts to make amends, why is that."

Gabby looked down and Dr. Reynor said "Look at each other" and Gabby and Bucky looked at each other and Dr. Reynor said "I'm sorry, but we don't have a lot of time, I need to be direct. Why do you need to make amends with her, face each other."

Gabby and Bucky moved their chairs to face each other and Bucky said "Because the Winter Soldier murdered her parents and kidnapped her, and that was me."

Gabby looked and Bucky looked extremely guilty as he said that and Dr. Reynor said "Gabby, how does that make you feel."


Gabby said "I'm fine, I couldn't stop it, and Hydra is disbanned, my parents got justice, I'm fine."

Dr. Reynor said "How does that make you feel,your parents, what happened to you, how does that make you feel?".

Gabby said "I don't know, a lot of things, I can't really" and Sam said "Is this necessary" and Dr. Reynor said "You two are going to work together, your going to look at each other, and to do that you have to trust each other, I need to be sure your both able to do that, and with your history."

Gabby said "I'm fine, I can handle it" and Dr. Reynor said "You attacked him, you personally said you would never forgive him, and you were angry at him. Yet you forgave him, why?".

Gabby said "Because it wasn't his fault, it wasn't him" and Dr. Reynor said "Is that how you feel."

The lights started flickering and Gabby took a deep breath and Dr. Reynor said "Or is that how you think your supposed to feel."

Gabby said "I know how I feel" and Dr. Reynor said "Bucky, when you look at Gabby, what do you feel?".

Bucky said "Guilt" and Dr. Reynor said "And why is that?" and Bucky said "I'm sorry" and Gabby looked at him and said "It's not needed."

Bucky said "I am, she should hate me, she has every right to, and she should attack me however many times she needs. I wish I could take it back."

Gabby looked back and Dr. Reynor said "Gabby, how do you feel about that" and Gabby said"I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times, I do forgive him, it wasn't his fault."

Dr. Reynor said "Okay, How do you feel about your family, about your life, the way it was."

Gabby said "I was 10."

Dr. Reynor said "What does that make you feel over what happened to your family" and Gabby said "Sad."

Dr. Reynor said "Sad" and Gabby said "Yeah, sad. I used to be really angry over what happened to me, I used to look at him with anger, and hatred, and wonder why did he do that, why did the Winter Soldier destroy my family, Then I realized he was a prisoner too, he had no choice. I am sad over what happened, because ".

She stopped and Dr. Reynor said "Keep going" and Gabby said "My brother doesn't remember my parents, He doesn't, and I really miss them a lot, I miss my dad's jokes , his typical dad jokes."

Sam smiled and Gabby had tears in her eyes and she wiped them away and Gabby said "Every day, I miss them, I miss my mom, I miss her so much, her stories, her smile, They're never gonna get to see me graduate, they never saw my little brother ride a bike, My dad's never gonna get to walk me down the aisle, they're never gonna get to meet my kids, see me go to college, or do all those things. That was something I had to accept, and I did, I don't hate, Bucky, and I don't blame Bucky, it wasn't his fault, I can work with him. Hydra is responsible for what happened to me, for my childhood, taking away every belief I ever had, and I did not deserve what happened to me, but it's because of Steve that I was saved."

Dr. Reynor said "Bucky, what do you have to say to that" and Bucky said "Steve believed in you, He trusted you just like he trusted Sam."

Gabby said "Yeah, he did" and Bucky said "That's why he saved you, he took you in" and Gabby said "Steve was family to me, He gave me hope when I had none, He gave me a reason to keep going when I literally had no resolve, he saved my life, I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for him."

Bucky looked at Gabby and Gabby looked back and Gabby said "Just like he believed in you" and Dr. Reynor said "You were both prisoners in Hydra, in your own way."

Gabby said "Yeah, I remember" and Dr. Reynor said "What do you think when you think of that time."

Gabby said "I think of how much I want to rupture Strucker eardrums and how much I hated that stupid Alexander Pierce, and how many times I thought about blasting him back and wiping that smile off his stupid face."

Bucky said "Ditto."

Dr. Reynor said "You see Dr. Fuller" and Gabby said "Yes, and before you say anything, I have PTSD, I know, I also have panic disorder, and I take medication for it, it's under control."

Gabby looked at her and said "Okay, we've acknowledged our feelings and past history, can we stop now? We can work together."

Dr. Reynor said "I see it, Sam Gabby switch seats" and Gabby looked at Sam and said "Your turn, good luck."

Gabby got up from her seat and Sam said "That was good of you" and Gabby said "Let's just do this, so we can get back to kicking ass."

Sam laughed.

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