《Daughter of the Falcon》Chapter 7
:::Mesogog's Lair:::
Mesogog was walking around his lab with John right at his side. "Master when do we strike again?" John asked.
Mesogog glared at him. "You will strike when I give the order to strike not a moment sooner we will wait till our little spy gives us the Intel we need." He hissed.
Zeltrax stepped up this time. "Lord Mesogog it has been 2 weeks since we sent her in how do we know she has not turned on us." Zeltrax stated.
Mesogog stared at him. "Because if she did she would be in immense pain I have a telepathic bug in her head to keep her in line and she knows this." He hissed.
Before anyone else can speak up there is a whooshing sound as a invisiportal opens up and Emily appears before them.
"Ah my little spy what do you have to report to me little girl." Mesogog hisses as he brushes a claw under her chin.
Emily cringes at his touch. "They each have a paralyzing fear and from what I can gather Kira's is being abandoned, Conner's is he won't be able to protect Kira, Trent's is the death of his father by either you or himself, Dr. Oliver's is him hurting all those closest to him and Ethan however does not have one." She reports.
"Very good my little servant now you will remain here while we attack the rangers." Mesogog hisses at her.
"As you wish my master." She replies as she turns away a single tear falls down her cheek.
"Zeltrax prepare all drones this will be a large scale attack we destroy the rangers once and for all." He commands.
"You might want some help with that." Says a new voice as he walks in.
"What are you doing here Lother do you wish to die?" Zeltrax hisses as he draws his sword pointing it at Lother.
"Nonsense I just want to aid you in defeating the rangers." He says with a smile on his face.
Mesogog stands there and then smiles. "No this could work very well I got a better plan now John Zeltrax you will take a few drones with you and launch a small attack on the rangers, and John I have increased your telepathic powers you are to force them to live there worst fear." Mesogog hisses.
Both John and Zeltrax bow and head out not noticing the small teen standing there listening to everything.
Mesogog turns to Lothor. "Now as for you we will use whatever you can offer after this little adventure because I have a feeling Dr. Oliver called in reinforcements." Mesogog hisses as Lothor smiles
:::Dino Lab:::
Conner, Trent Ethan and Kira are sitting in the basement command center as Trini gives Conner a clean bill of health and allows him to return to duty.
Kira looks around then back at her father. "Dad where has Mom been this last week?" She asked.
"In Angel Grove getting the rest of her things to finalize her move to Reefside." He says.
Trent goes to say something as the alarm goes off causing Tommy and Hayley to check the computers.
"Looks like our reprieve from Mesogog is over Zeltrax and John are attacking the shopping district." Tommy says as the ranger all make there Morphers appear.
They morph and head to the district, arriving there they immediately engage the drones while Tommy goes for Zeltrax.
John stands back watching the battle as Trent and Ethan take out at least 8 drones while Conner is downing his 9th he raises his arm and fires a energy blast at Ethan hitting him at the feet do to him shifting at the last second.
The force of the explosion throws him back as Trent goes to engage John, John dodges Trent's strikes and grabs his wrist and using his leverage to throw Trent into Conner.
They both land on the ground Trent looks down at Conner. "Hey fancy meeting you here." Trent says.
"Why thank you care to dance." Conner asks putting his hand out.
They both jump up and use each other to launch attacks on Zeltrax to aid Tommy.
Kira is finishing off the last of the drones she had to deal with and the guys take Zeltrax out of the fight, John then steps forward and pools his energy into the center of his body then releases it in a wave knocking all the rangers on the ground.
He then pulls his hood back and activates his telepathic powers which due to the increase allows him to hit all the rangers at once.
They all fall to the ground each in their own nightmare except Ethan who gets up pulling out his Thundermax saber goes to strike John only to be knocked to the ground and knocked out by Zeltrax.
In Trent's mind he sees Mesogog come on to the battle field carrying a dead Anton Mercer.
"NO DAD!" He screams.
"Look at you white ranger you chose to betray me now look at the price of that betrayal." The fake Mesogog states.
In Connors mind he sees Zeltrax kick him back then attack Kira. "Now you will die whore and there is nothing the red ranger can do to stop us." John snarls as he and Zeltrax both stab her through the chest.
Zeltrax then pulls his sword out and decapites her. "KIRA NO!" Conner screams as he tries to get up to help but can't move.
Kira is seeing her family abandon her again only with Trent and Conner joining Mesogog and attacking her.
However in Tommy's mind he is seeing not just his team dying but all his friends dying not just at Mesogog's hands but every enemy he has ever fought.
"Yes that is it black ranger let's see how far I can incapacate you." John snarls as he intensifies Tommy's visions.
Tommy's visions get worse and worse then it comes to one of Jason and Kim on their knees with Zeltrax standing behind them.
"Now watch black ranger as I take everything from you like you took from me." The fake Zeltrax hisses as he raises his sword and plunges it through Jason, then he raises it above his head and swings down cleaving Kimberly in half.
"NO!" Tommy screams till they are replaced by Kira being held up by Zeltrax for John to torment, which he does all the while calling her a mistake a broken condom a unwanted burden he then grabs her neck and twists it around till her neck breaks and she drops to the ground.
Seeing this vision had a opposite effect than Zeltrax and John had planned on, there is a low growl and then Tommy pounces on them causing them to jump back.
Ethan coming too sees Tommy trying to kill John and Zeltrax runs over to stop him ends up tackling Tommy to the ground.
Ethan hears as 3 of the original rangers jump in and take on Zeltrax and John, the duo seeing that they trapped the rangers in there nightmare jump into a portal.
Jason and Billy look at all the rangers trying to survey what is going on when they hear a loud roar, they look over and see Tommy now with his helmet off his eyes glowing a bright green.
"Oh fuck this is bad he has gone over green." Jason said.
"Jase how is that possible holy shit he looks like a wild animal." Kim jumps back.
Tommy walks up to Kim and stares at her then he growls as he reaches back to attack but is stopped when Jason hits him on the back of the head with the Power sword knocking him out cold.
"Hayley this is Jason Ethan is injured the others are out cold and Tommy has gone so green not even Kim can get him out." Jason said into his comm.
"I got the riders on route get everyone back here I got a force-feed for the Technicolor wonder." Hayley said.
:::Dino lab:::
Ethan woke up and looked over at the others Kira Trent and Conner were laying there covered in sweat twitching and Tommy is locked in a force field trying to punch his way out.
"Um Hayley what's up with everyone." Ethan asked.
"I'm not sure Ethan Tommy is going crazy and the other three are out cold there brain waves are all over the place almost like they are having a nightmare." Hayley said as Billy was running a scanner over them.
"Ok they are trapped in a nightmare that is repeating over and over again." Billy said.
"Then we just wake them up right?" Ethan said.
"I'm sorry Ethan it is not that simple they are locked in and if they stay in too long their hearts will stop." Hayley said going over Billy's scans.
"Then how do we fix them?" Jason asked.
"We will need a telepath to go in and fix it." Billy said.
"Great so do any of you happen to have professor Xavier's number or maybe we can call Phoenix." Ethan said trying to lighten the moment.
The others glared at him then Jason clicked his fingers together. "Hayley contact Wes Collins tell him we need Trip here." Jason says.
"I'm sorry who?" Asks Ethan.
Jason looks at him. "He is from the future and the Time Force green ranger and he is telepathic." Jason explains.
Ethan just nods and goes to get up but is hampered by a pain to his chest, Hayley swings around in her chair.
"Careful Ethan you have 3 bruised ribs." She said as he finally got up.
"Thanks for the heads up Hayley." He shoots back looking at his friends then over at his mentor who is in lack of better terms acting like a wild animal wanting a kill.
:::2 Hours Later:::
Trip came in with the other time force rangers Wes looks over at Tommy first due to the growling coming from him.
"Um what happened to Tommy?" Wes asked.
"Long story short Kira has a abusive foster family Tommy got her away from them found out he is her biological father and Mesogog turned her foster brother into a telepathic freak and set him loose on them now they are stuck in a never ending nightmare." Jason explained.
Wes just nods and turns to Trip. "Can you fix them Trip?" He asks, Trip nods that he can and heads over to Trent first.
He places his hand on Trent's head and closes his eyes after several minutes he opens his eyes again as Trent wakes up covered in sweat twisting his head around trying to figure out where he is.
Trip looks over at Jason and the others. "Whoever did this has a sick mind that was intense." Trip says as he leans towards Trent.
"You need to tell them they would understand and maybe will help." He whispers to Trent not noticing that Kim seemed to hear what he said.
Next he went over to Conner and repeated the same thing as he did with Trent and after another few minutes Conner sat up quickly.
"KIRA!" He yelled out as he realized he was in the Dino lab and looked over and saw Kira laying there by him.
"Thank god it was just a nightmare but it felt so real." Conner said as he looked up and saw Trip standing there.
"And who are you and why is your hair green, Halloween is like a month away." Conner says which causes Ethan to snicker a little.
"My name is Trip I am a telepath and you were trapped in a telepathic nightmare that is why it seemed real." Trip explained which caused Conner to growl in anger.
"I am going to gut that fucker when I get my hands on him." Conner states.
Trip then walks over to Kira and once again repeats the process and after about 15 minutes Kira jumps up scared out of her wits till she sees Billy, Hayley and Jason she just sighs.
Conner seeing her awake runs over to her. "Kira thank go." He goes to say only to be interrupted by a screaming Kira who runs till she is backed against the wall.
"NO STAY AWAY YOU BETRAYED ME TO MESOGOG STAY AWAY FROM ME." She screams as she grabs for her blaster not realizing she is unmorphed.
Conner steps back as Kim runs over to her. "Baby girl calm down it was just a nightmare it was not real."Kim says trying to calm her down.
Kira is beyond frightened at this point when Conner and Trent walk up to her.
They go to say something to her to comfort her till she screams at Trent and then kicks him in the stomach to get him away and then uses her Ptera scream to throw Conner back.
"Stay away from me Trent you lied to us you still work for Mesogog I saw it you and Conner both do you tried to kill me and he is your father Trent I saw it all." Kira screamed as Trent was shocked that she found that out.
Everyone at that point looked at Trent as he stepped back, everyone then focused on Kira as Conner step toward her again she let loose another Ptera scream only to have Conner use his super speed to avoid her then he grabbed her and embraced her in a hug.
"Kira I would never ever hurt you no matter what I would rather kill myself than hurt you I love you too much." Conner said as Kira kept trying to push out of the embrace.
She heard his soothing words and calmed down and looked at the hurt in his eyes, tears welled up in her eyes as she buried her face in his chest.
"God I am a wreck and a idiot." She said.
"No you're not Kira John used your fears against you and the rest of us his powers are getting stronger god knows what Mesogog did to him to make him like this, but you are not a idiot." Conner said reassuring her.
He sat with her for a few more minutes till she calmed down and then turned towards Trent with anger in his eyes.
Trent seeing this just stood up. "Yes she is right Mesogog is more or less my father but my father Anton Mercer is at his mercy and has no control over Mesogog my father is the one that freed me of the Dino gems control, I'm sorry I did not say anything sooner I was trying to figure out a way to separate my father to save him he is a good man." Trent explains.
"How can I trust what you're saying how is he not in control of his own body?" Conner snarled.
Trent went to say something but Billy stepped up first. "Conner let me ask you have you ever heard of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde before?" Billy asked.
Conner nodded Billy then continued. "Very good this seems to be what is happening here a very good hearted Anton Mercer not having any control over another aspect of himself which is Mesogog, Trent's father is not to be blamed for Mesogog's actions." Billy explains.
Trent thanks him then looks over at Conner. "Conner look if I could go back and change things I would but I can't all I can do is fight by your side and help protect everyone from Mesogog and hope we can save my father." Trent says.
Kira looks up from Connors chest and looks at him. "We will free your dad Trent I promise." Kira says.
Then there is a loud scream which turns everyone's attention back to Tommy whose eyes are a bright green, he is trying to break through the force-field.
"Sir can you fix my dad?" Kira asks Trip.
He looks at her. "I will try but I am not sure his mind is very feral there is a lot of pain in there." He says.
:::Mesogog's lair:::
Zeltrax and John are standing before Mesogog. "For once you have done well even if they free the other rangers the back ranger is out of the game for good with what you did to him." Mesogog says happily.
Off in the corner there a small gasp as the young teen Emily starts to run down the hall till she finds a invisiportal and jumps through.
She lands just outside the forest where Tommy's house sits she runs for it. "God what did I do to them they have been so nice to me and I betrayed them." She says to herself as she runs up to the door knocking on it.
There is no answer so she just turns the knob and the door opens she walks in and she hears voices coming from a distance an notices the trap door open in the kitchen.
She walks down it to see the rangers and many others, she slowly makes her way down the stairs only to trip at the last second and fall down to the bottom.
She rubs her head and goes to stand up and see's everyone staring at her. "Um hi guys." She says.
She is then startled by Tommy hitting his field again trying to get out causing Emily jump back in fear. "So that's what they meant by he was out for good." Emily said out loud without realizing it.
This caught everyone's attention Kira walked over to her. "What do you mean by they Emily what is going why are you here?" She asks.
Emily looks down at the floor with tears welling up in her eyes.
"Mesogog he made me spy on you and report it to him or he would torture me till I begged for death I just escaped." She blurted out and started crying.
Ethan just glared at her. "What is it with revelations of our friends having some connection to Mesogog today." Ethan yelled causing Emily to jump in fear.
Trent had morphed and pulled his dagger out at her you hear his helmet hit the floor as he glared at her with his Drago sword at her throat.
"Why are you here to see if your handy work payed off huh give me one good reason right now why I should not remove your head, he has my dad under his control and my best friends in constant fear, so please tell me why I should not kill you where you stand, TELL ME NOW!" Trent snarls then yells at her.
The tears are pouring down her face more now. "I can't give you a reason Trent your right I deserve to die for the betrayal I have done to you four you have shown me nothing but kindness and how do I repay it I give Mesogog Intel to harm you, all I can say is I am sorry." She says as she closes her eyes to prepare for death.
Trent fed up with everything that is going on the personal level of these attacks have taken a small toll on him, he pulls back his sward and goes to swing it at her neck as everyone yells for him to not to.
There is a thud as the sword hits the wall just behind Emily but there is no damage to her at all, she opens her eyes to see a crying Trent.
"When will it stop when can we have some peace." Trent cries as Kim and Trini come over to comfort him.
Emily is shocked at what just transpired. She looks at the others her eyes bloodshot red from the tears.
"If you want to help then tell us what the hell they did to Tommy." Jason said as everyone was glaring at her.
She looked nervous but started to explain to them. "They messed up they did not intend for Dr. Oliver to get this bad they just wanted all of them to be incapacate however Mesogog was happy with the results because mainly he thinks Dr. Oliver will destroy you all, but there is one thing I noticed that Mesogog himself has not mentioned though I doubt he will he is getting weaker I am not sure why though." Emily explained.
"That does not help us get Tommy out of whatever is attacking him." Wes says looking over at his friend.
Kira stepped up with Conner at her side. "You guys said that usually my mom or Jason can get him out of the state even me at some points too right?" Kira asked.
"Yes but your mom and me could not even bring him out he tried to kill us both if I had not knocked him out it would have been game over for your mom." Jason explained.
Kira then looked at Trip. "Mr. Trip could you send all three of us into his mind maybe if we saw what was affecting him we could do something about it." Kira suggested.
Trip looked at her. "Yes it could but his mind is so feral at the moment I cannot do anything at all if maybe he was asleep then I could have us enter and get this fixed." Trip suggested.
"I can flood Tommy's area with a atheistic knock him out." Billy said.
They all agreed Trip explained that he will be in there with them and warned them that if they get hurt in there it will be as if they got hurt outside as well.
They all took seats around Trip and Tommy as Trip closed his eyes he had his mind reach out to the three of them then focused them all to Tommys mind, after a few minutes they felt what seemed like a pull and they entered his mind.
Jason, Kim and Kira were shocked by what they saw, it was Tommy curled up in a ball in a vastness of white.
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