《Daughter of the Falcon》Chapter 6
:::Reefside High School:::
Ethan, Trent, Conner and Kira are walking through the hallways getting ready to head to their first class when there is a announcement that Principal Randall has died in a car accident.
Conner and Ethan look at each other. "Whoa wow she is gone I mean she was mean but I would not wish death on anyone." Ethan says as the other 3 agree with him they head to Dr. Oliver's class first.
Watching them from a distance is John ford gleefully smiling as he case his targets.
It was a mournful day but a day nonetheless as the teens had just finished there last period and talked about meeting up at Hayley's later.
Conner and Kira were walking next to each other when all of a sudden Kira grabs on to Conner in fear, Conner looks up to see John Ford approach them.
"What's the matter Kira something scare you."John says as she takes a defensive posture behind Conner as Trent and Ethan move next to Conner to help him.
"What the hell do you want John leave her alone." Conner says.
John looks at Conner and smiles. "Oh are you her new boy toy McKnight, hmm Kira how long till you bed this one or did you already." John says.
Conner gets a scowl on his face as he glares at John. "Back off John right now." Conner says.
John just laughs. "What's the matter McKnight did you not know my sister gets around." John says.
Conner having handed Kira to Ethan gets in John's face. "Back the fuck off Ford or you will regret it." Conner snarls at him.
John just laughs and pushes him making sure to hit here his wound is. "yea like you could take me McKnight hey you want to be with my sister just know others have been there before you." John says as he goes to walk off.
As John is walking down the hall he all of a sudden trips and falls flat on his face causing his nose to bleed, he gets up and notice blood is trickling out of his nose he walks off.
"Wow he can't even walk, wait where is Trent?" Ethan says noticing the white ranger is missing.
Trent walks away from the lockers coming into view seeing what he has done caused Kira to smile, "Thank you guys for sticking by me but can we please leave and go to Hayley's?" Kira asks.
The boys nod and they head out of the school and head off to Hayley's cyberspace café, after about a half hour they arrive.
"Hey guys how was school today?" The person behind the counter asks them.
"It was good Dr. Cranston until the end of the day." Ethan said.
Billy laughed. "Please guys I am not one of your teachers you can call me Billy." Billy said laughing slightly.
"But as for the end of your day what happened?" Billy asked.
"We had a run in with John Ford." Trent said as he came out front after punching in.
Billy was confused. "Wait I thought his mom sent him to Military school why is he still at Reefside High?" Billy asked.
"I don't know Billy but he was there and it was not a good effect on Kira." Conner said as Kira was sitting at a table strumming on a guitar.
"Wait Billy where is Hayley?" Ethan asks.
"She is with Kim right now helping her find a new job I told her I would cover here." Billy said.
"Aw how sweet Billy you are a good man for Hayley." Kira said causing Billy to blush a little.
"Thank you Kira anyway guys sit down enjoy your selves I will get you some shakes." Billy said.
The teens sit down when all of a sudden there cominicators go off Billy hears this and nods to them as they get up and head outside.
They round the corner when Conner brings his bracelet up to respond. "We read you Dr, O." Conner says.
"Guys there is a disturbance in the park I need Trent Ethan and Kira to meet me and Jason there Conner you can come back here or stay with Billy but no morphing or battles for you." Tommy says as Conner groans at the fact he is still off duty healing.
"We are on our way dad." Kira says as she heads to the park after kissing Conner on the cheek.
"Be careful out there Rock star." Conner says as he heads back into the café.
:::Reefside Park:::
Kira Ethan and Trent run up to Tommy and Jason as they are fighting drones.
"You old men look like you need a hand." Kira says with a smile as she hits a drone in the head with a roundhouse kick.
"WE ARE NOT OLD!" Jason yells as he uses a spin kick to take out 2 drones.
"You however will be dead when I am finished with you." Says Zeltrax as he appears on the battle field with a cloaked figure.
"You ever gonna get a new line Zeltrax cause you sound worse than a broken record." Trent says just before he is hit with a kick to the gut knocking him to the ground temporally.
"My creator will say as he please false ranger." Says the new player to the game as the white ranger clone has appeared on the battlefield.
Tommy looking at the cloaked figure, Zeltrax and the white ranger clone as well as the drones he falls into line with the others as Kira and the teens cause there Morphers to appear while Jason reaches behind him pulling his power morpher put.
"You guys ready?" Kira asks as they all nod and press the button on their morpher to start the sequence.
They all yell and they stand there ready for battle.
The white ranger clone goes for Jason first as Zeltrax goes for the kids the cloaked figure engages Tommy though the figure just mostly dodge Tommy's attacks.
The white ranger clone pulls his Drago sword out as Jason calls forth his power sword and engages the clone, the teens all tag team on Zeltrax keeping him at bay.
Tommy getting a little annoyed at the cloaked figure not realizing who it is."Wow your really quiet today Elsa." Tommy says to the figure trying to get a rise.
The figure dodges another kick from Tommy and then just grabs his fist as Tommy tries to punch him and twists his arm behind his back.
"Sorry black ranger but Elsa is no more Mesogog decided he needed a more competent warrior." He says his face comes into full view.
John Ford stood there holding his arm behind his back. "Though this will be gratifying taking you out since your broken condom has caused my family so many problems though she has been some fun." He says taunting Tommy.
Meanwhile the teens end up taking Zeltrax completely out of the fight when they notice that John is holding Tommy down.
Jason seeing this goes to run over to Tommy till the Clone uses his super speed to intercept him causing some minor damage to his armor and kicking him down.
The teens go running to attack John when he raises his free hand and fires a blast of Green energy at them causing a explosion that knocks them to the ground.
John looks down at Tommy and smirks at him. "I think I will make you watch as I blast your mistake away, and they say you're the most powerful ranger that ever lived and here I'm holding you back with a simple arm lock." John says snidely at him.
He raises his hand and aims it at Kira and starts charging a energy attack, he does not hear the growl coming from Tommy.
Under his helmet his eyes flash green and he kicks his leg back hitting John in the gut.
Tommy spins around pulling his Brachio staff out. "DO NOT CALL MY DAUGHTER A MISTAKE YOU SICK FUCK!" Tommy screams as he starts a flurry of attacks on John.
John's makeshift armor Mesogog has made for him protecting him from most of the blows but he is weakened for the most part.
The White ranger clone launches a laser Arrow attack at Tommy only for it to be intercepted by Trent.
Zeltrax getting up yells over to them. "We need to retreat!"
John dodges Tommy latest attack and runs for Zeltrax as they jump into a Invisiportal the clone stares Trent down.
"This is not over Fernandez I will finish you." The clone snarls as he jumps in the portal as well.
The rangers look around before powering down Tommy his eyes still glowing green is breathing heavily Jason taking notice of this runs over to him.
"Bro calm down she is safe Kira is safe you need to calm down right now." Jason says as Tommy snaps his head right at him and then grabs Jason by the throat not seeming to be in control of his actions just snarls at him.
Jason is having trouble breathing till Kira runs over to him. "DAD Let him go I'm right here please daddy let him go." Kira begs this seems to snap Tommy out of whatever he was in his eyes go back to normal he backs away and sees Jason trying to get back up.
"Oh my god Jase tell me I did not hurt you man." Tommy pleads as he runs over to him.
"I'm ok bro don't worry but what the hell I have never seen that, get that bad before." Jason says.
"I don't know I lost control all I was seeing was John Ford it was not till Kira grabbed me that I snapped out of it." Tommy said as the teens looked at them confused.
"Dr. O, Jason mind telling us what that was?" Ethan asked.
"Not here Ethan back at the café or at the house." Tommy said as they headed for the café to meet back up with Billy and Conner.
:::Mesogog's lair:::
Mesogog had Zeltrax and the clone gripping there head in pain as John stood by and watched fearful that it would happen to him.
"You failed me again Zeltrax and you boy why was the black ranger able to fight you off like that." Mesogog hissed at John.
"I do not know my master he got some surge of energy and he was able to best me it will not happen again sir." John said as Mesogog paced around him.
"And what have you learned from them as the school can the red ranger be compromised emotionally before he recovers?" Mesogog hissed.
"maybe master however my former sister still seems to fear me but McKnight has a short fuse that I can poke at." He said.
Mesogog looked him up and down. "No you cannot you have been discovered working for me again I have another plan I can use." Mesogog said.
"Bring her to me." He called to the drones.
They brought in a small brunette girl who was beyond frighten and trying to escape their grasp.
They bring her before Mesogog and John, he looks down at her. "Master who is this girl?" John asks.
"This was Elsa she is now Emily and her body has been regressed and her mind wiped to that of a 14 year old foster girl." He hissed.
"Please let me go I don't want to get hurt please let me go I won't tell anyone of this place." The girl pleaded.
Mesogog turned to her and motioned to Zeltrax to activate the screen, as he did images of the teens appeared on the screen.
"See those 4 you will do everything you can to emotionally compromise them however you can by becoming there friend and they betraying them, you fail me and I will torture till you beg me for death then I will do more to you am I clear slave." Mesogog snarls.
Emily fearful of what might happen to her just nods as she cries, and is lead away again by the drones.
"Master Mesogog how will we get her into the school they will wonder how a 14 year old girl lives alone." Zeltrax asks.
Mesogog looks at him. "Simple Holograms and a fake history set up in their computer networks you simpleton." Mesogog hisses as John and the Clone nod and begin to do what they can to aid there master.
:::The Cyberspace Café :::
The teens now having rejoined Conner and having Hayley, Kim and Trini join them.
"So Dr. O what was with what happened earlier?" Trent asked which cause the girls to look over at him with questioning looks on their face.
Jason pointed to his eyes and the girls nodded understanding what had happened.
Tommy sighed. "It is a remnant of when I was the evil green ranger." Was all he said.
"It usually happens when he is angered beyond belief." Trini filled in.
"It mostly happened when one of us was in severe danger more so if it was Kim and now Kira due to her being his daughter." Jason explained.
"The way Zordon explained it to me the first time it ever happened was that I was under Rita's spell for over 2 months that even though Jason destroyed the sword of darkness and broke her hold over me, there remained some magic in me and it seems my desire to do whatever is necessary to protect those close to me causes it to surface and its why my eyes glow green." Tommy explained.
"Jason called it his going green and usually Jason or one of us can calm him but it seems that he almost completely lost control toady." Billy said.
Kira looked at her parents with some worry first her mom who if she used her ninja ranger powers again it could kill her and now her father can lose control and hurt someone just trying to protect her.
"Dad please promise me that you will not lose control like that again it really scared me today." Kira said which caused Tommy to hang his head in shame.
"Sweetie I would not worry about it too much we have counter measures in place if he ever got to the point that none of us could calm him down and besides it's not like it happens every time one of us got hurt otherwise we would have lost him years ago its only when there is a possibility of death." Kim explained to her daughter.
Kira nodded. "thanks mom." She said.
Conner was looking at them. "So John was there and he was stronger than before?" Conner asked.
"Yea and he had what looked like a ranger suit though it was green with some gold accents but no helmet so I'm gonna hazard a guess that it's not like ours and is more just something Mesogog cooked up." Kira explained as she squeezed Connors hand.
"Anyway it is getting late you all should get home that includes you Conner your parents are expecting you home and they know to not let you morph till that wound is fully healed and Dana clears you." Tommy explains as Conner groans.
He turns to Kira and kisses her and she reciprocates, till there is a loud ahem from Tommy. "Conner what have I told you guys about making out in front of me." He says as Conner blushes and they both apologize.
Everyone gets up and heads home Kim goes back to Billy and Hayley's house.
Later while they are all sitting around the table Kim looks up to both of them. "Billy Hayley is there any way to reattach my old power coin to the grid so I can help them I am afraid that Tommy may lose full control and I am worried when they are out there I want to help." Kim said as Hayley and Billy look at each other then back at Kim.
Billy reaches for a box on his counter and places it if front of Kim for her to open it , she does and inside is her pterodactyl coin and her old power morpher.
She picks it up and looks at Billy. "I don't understand." She says to a smiling Billy.
He then reaches behind himself and pulls his morpher out. "After Jason and Tommy's mission to the moon me and Hayley looked into the old command center and power chamber files I had and found a way to repair our old ThunderZords and reattach our dinosaur coins to the grid all of us have our powers back and the ability to access the ThunderZords."Billy said.
Kim was surprised by this revelation. "What about Sha, Rocky and Adam?" She asked.
"Aisha cannot morph at the same time as Trini cause the stress of two of the same powers will tear there connection to the grid apart if it last too long so the two of them at the same time is only for severe emergencies, as for Adam and Rocky they have their Zeo powers." Hayley explains as Kim nods.
After talking for awhile they all head to bed.
:::Reefside High School:::
A man in a dark colored suit is walking a small brunette girl down the hallway till they reach Tommy's classroom.
The man knocks on the door Tommy signals for him to enter which they do Tommy looks over at them.
"What can I do for you Vice-Principle Morris?" Tommy asks.
He looks at the girl then to Tommy. "I am sorry to disturb you Dr. Oliver but this is Emily Danvers she is a recent transfer here from San Francisco and this is her first class of the day." He said.
Tommy looked over at her and got up and walked over to them. "Thank you sir I will make sure she is felt welcome here." Tommy said as Mr. Morris smiled. "Thank you Dr. Oliver." He said as he left.
Tommy looked down at the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder." You will fit in well here, ok Class please make sure Emily is felt welcome." Tommy says to the class as Emily looks for a place to site and is offered a seat by Trent and the others.
She walks over and sits down with them Kira is the first to talk to her. "Hello my name is Kira Oliver this is Trent Fernandez, this is Ethan James and this boy is Conner McKnight my boyfriend welcome." Kira says.
Emily looks around. "I am Emily Danvers nice to meet you." She says with a small hint of sadness on her face.
"If you want we can show you all the classes here you have the same schedule as me."Kira offer.
"Thank you that would be great I appreciate it."Emily says.
"It's no problem." Kira says.
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