《Daughter of the Falcon》Chapter 5
:::Tommy's house the next morning:::
Connor had woken up surprised that Kira was still at his side he heard a noise and glanced over to see Trini checking his IV.
"Oh Connor your awake good as soon as Kira wakes up we can remove the IV you seem to be healing quite well." She said.
"Though I did say not heavy activity in this condition." Trini said with a smirk on her face causing Connor's face to turn as red as his ranger suit.
"It did not go that far Dr. Scott I swear to god." Connor said causing Trini to laugh.
"Oh it's not me you have to convince it's captain Technicolor upstairs." She said.
"I HEARD THAT TRINI!" Came a yell from Tommy upstairs which caused Connor to flinch.
Kira started to stir after her father yelled down into the lab she looked up and saw Connor smiling down at her, she gasped and jumped up noticing she still had her clothing on her memories of the night before came flooding back to her.
"Hey rock star are you ok?" Connor asked.
She looked up at him nodded she was and ran up the stairs and to her room.
Connor looked over at Trini confused. "What was that about?" He asked.
Trini just nodded as Tommy and Kim came down the stairs they walked over to Connor as Trini finished removing the IV.
"How are you feeling Connor?" Kim asked.
"I'm feeling better but I'm almost confused at why Kira just acted like that?" He asked.
Tommy was sitting in his chair glaring over at Connor, Trini and Kim noticing.
"Tommy please be gentle with him." Kim pleaded.
Tommy sat more forward still looking straight into Connors eyes. "So you mind telling me what happened last night while we were out?" Tommy growled at him.
Connor having just had all the color in his face drain out gulps. "Listen Dr. O it did not go that far I stopped before it did I swear to god." Connor stammered out.
"Mmhmm ok care to explain to me what happened then." He asked again.
Connor explained everything that happened and after he finished up he looked Tommy right in the eyes.
"Dr. O I'm not like that all I mean I have never even gone that far ever I did not want to rush if we did do that I want it to be special I swear to you dude." Connor finished.
Tommy still glaring at him. "First don't call me dude second I do believe you Connor and thank you for being honest as well." Tommy said smiling now.
Connor sighed. "Though I am still curious as to why she ran off like that." Connor said.
Kim got up. "I will talk to her and find out what's wrong." She said as she headed upstairs as Trini finished the exam she was doing on Connor.
Kira was in her room crying her eyes out she was startled by a knock. "Kira honey it's me can I come in?" Kim asked through the door.
Kira got up and opened the door and went back to her bed, Kim looked at her noticing the tears in her eyes.
"Want to tell me what's wrong sweetie?" Kim asked.
"Connor hates me." Kira said which shocked Kim.
"What makes you say that Kira?" Kim asked her.
"Because I moved to fast for him last night." She said through the tears.
Kim a little worried placed a hand on her shoulder. "Kira why would you think it would be ok to move that fast?" Kim asked.
Kira pulled back putting her back against the wall.
"Mom there is something I have to tell you I am not a virgin mom." Kira says with more tears welling up in her eyes.
Kim a little shocked given Kira's age. "Sweetie that is ok want to talk about it more sometimes it helps getting it out." Kim asked.
"The first time was with a boy I was dating last year he more or less conned me by saying you are not serious with a boy unless you are so I gave in to him." Kira said looking down at her bed.
"Yeah after that happened he left me for another girl did not surprise me given what everyone tells me." Kira said.
Kim looking at her knowing she is hiding something. "Kira what was the other time sweetie you can tell me anything." Kim said.
Kira started to cry even more this time like she was almost afraid to say anything at all. "I can't tell you he will hurt me again." Kira said.
"Kira I promise you no one will hurt you." Kim said.
Kira just shook her head burying her head in her knees. "No if he finds out I told you he will hurt me Connor Trent and Ethan I can't let them get hurt." She said.
Kim now realizing what must have happened gets a wave of anger looks right at Kira. "Sweetie I promise you he holds no power over you, you have me your dad your Uncle Jason and Connor Trent and Ethan that will protect you." Kim said.
Kira looked up at her. "Yeah right they find out they will think I am weak and dad will take my morpher away from me for being so weak." Kira said.
"No they wouldn't and no he won't baby girl tell me who raped you." Kim asked.
Kira still sobbing looked up at her you could see the fear in her eyes only uttered 2 words before she started crying into her knees again. "John Ford."
Kim was surprised by this wrapped Kira up in a hug. "Sweetie tell me what happened there is more to this how many times has he done this to you." Kim asked as Kira was crying in her chest.
"3 times he told me if I told anyone he would kill me and then them but the worst part was he got me pregnant too that was last month, when I told him what had happened he beat me till I collapsed and the baby miscarried while telling me I was worthless and that no one wanted me he then stormed out of the room." Kira said crying her eyes out at this point.
"Kira how did you get to the hospital how did the fords not find out about this." Kim asked.
"I took a cab and I told them to not say anything I had a fake id that said I was 18." Kira sobbed.
Kim stroked her hair not noticing that Tommy and Jason were just outside the door and heard it all.
"How do I tell Connor he is gonna think I'm just a slut just like John told me that guys would think of me." Kira said still crying.
"Kira baby Connor is a very sweet and caring man he will understand I promise you." Kim said.
Kim was sitting there consoling her daughter when she all of a sudden heard something crash downstairs startling her.
She got up and told Kira to stay put while she checked it out, Kim got downstairs and saw Tommy freaking out.
She ran up to him. "Tommy calm down." Kim said as she grabbed him by the arms he looked right down at her his eyes flashing green like when he was the evil green ranger.
"I'm gonna kill him Kim he hurt my little girl if I get my hands on him he is dead." Tommy growled.
"Tommy calm the fuck down that will solve nothing upstairs is a scared little girl that needs loving parents right now she needs her dad being level headed and you have a power ranger team whose leader is downstairs recovering they need you to now CALM THE FUCK DOWN TOMMY!" Kim said.
The sudden rise in Kim's voice caused Tommy to snap out of it when Trini also comes up the stairs.
"Anyone want to tell me why my husband is downstairs beating on a heavy bag while morphed?" Trini asked.
Tommy having now calmed down looked at Trini as Kim ran down the stairs to see that there is not much the poor bag can do to defend itself.
Kim takes in a deep breath and motions to Connor to cover his ears. "JASON LEE SCOTT WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!" Kim screamed.
At the sound of Kim screaming at him Jason goes rigid and slowly turns around to see a very pissed off Kim.
He powers down and walks over to Kim. "Sorry Kim I needed to blow off some steam." Jason said.
"So the both of you eased dropped what my daughter tells me in private." Kim snarls at him.
"Sorry Kimmy." Jason said as he walked up stairs.
Connor now putting his shirt on. "Ms. Hart is everything ok with Kira?" Connor asks.
"I can only say that she really cares about how you think of her but as for why she has to tell you head upstairs." Kim says.
Connor got up to the living room as Kira came down stairs she avoided any eye contact with Connor at all.
Connor not liking the way she looks walks over to her. "Hey Kira are you ok?" He asks as she pulls away from him.
She looks up at him and realizes she has to tell him. "Come outside Connor so I can talk to you." She says leading him out as Jason and Tommy go to get up only to be intercepted by Trini and Kim.
"No this is something she has to alone." Kim snarls at both men as they back away.
Once they are in the back yard Kira keeps her back to Connor. "Connor what I am about to tell you I only ask that you do not judge me and please wait till I finish." Kira said as Connor nodded.
"Ok here is why I ran off I was at first afraid that I would lose you unless I went that far and then this morning I felt you were angry at me for moving too fast I am gonna be truthful with you I am not a virgin Connor and I will understand if you don't want to be with me because of that I understand." Kira explained.
For a minute there is nothing but silence Kira just stares at him. "Connor hello Connor." There is no response Connor just standing there with no response.
Kira just runs back into the house leaving Connor outside still speechless Tommy looks out in the back yard and gets a look of anger goes to say something to Connor but is stopped by Kim.
Kim goes outside and gets in Connors face. "Care to tell me what the hell just happened and why my baby girl just stormed out of here?" She demanded.
Connor looks at her still a little surprised at what happened. "I'm, I'm sorry Ms. Hart it took me a minute to take in what she just told does she really believe I am that shallow that I would leave her for that." Connor said.
Kim taken aback at what Connor just asked her. "What she tell you?" Kim asked.
"That she was not a virgin that is it, I don't care about that all I care about is making her happy and her." Connor said.
"Oh god we thought she told you the other thing listen what I am about to tell you she should but before you go back in I think you need to know Connor she was raped by John 3 times and one of those times he got her pregnant." Kim said as Connor stepped back and got awash of anger over his face.
"To make it worse Connor when he found out he beat her so bad that she miscarried, Connor she has been through so much these last 4 years she is fragile, I honestly believe she relished becoming a ranger was to try and in her eye redeem herself." Kim said as Connor was now seething with anger.
"I am going to fucking kill him, listen Kim Kira means a lot to me up until 4 years ago me and her were good friends growing up but once she hit ten she pulled away from me and we did not even talk to each other more her avoiding me than anything till we became rangers." Connor stated.
"I am happy to hear that Connor but going after John right now will not help Kira you need to go up and show her how you feel." Kim says as Connor nods and heads up to her room.
He gets up to her door and knocks on it there is no answer. "Kira it's me Connor listen I am sorry for not saying anything downstairs, I want to talk." Connor said.
There was still no answer. "Listen Kira I really want to talk to you I lost you once 4 years ago as my best friend now I don't want to lose you again I will be downstairs if you need me, and Kira I really do love you." Connor said as he walked off when the door opened he turned around to see Kira.
He walks over to her and she lets him in he see she has been crying. "Listen Kira I was speechless because I was trying to grasp what you had said and that you would think I am that shallow I would not leave you for something like that Kira, and your mom told me about John and no I don't think any less of you for it." Connor explains as he wraps his arms around her she buries her face into his chest still crying.
"Oh god I'm such a wreck why would anyone want me hell I don't even know why I'm a ranger Connor what have I ever done to deserve you, hell to even deserve Trent and Ethan as friends as well I'm a mental wreck." Kira cried into his shirt.
"Listen to me Kira you are a kind caring girl that even with what you have been through you have still suited up and came to our rescue you have fought by my side and ours we trust you with our lives Kira, you are strong enough to get past this cause you a good person and the girl I love." Connor said to her.
Kira looked up and smiled at Connor. "Ok maybe your just a slightly less dumb jock than I originally thought." She said with a smile she then grabbed a change of clothes and headed for the shower.
"I'm gonna shower then meet you down stairs." Kira said as she headed into the bathroom.
Connor joined the others downstairs Jason looked over at him saw the smile on his face.
"She feeling better there rookie?" Jason asked.
"Yea old timer she is taking a shower and will be right down." Connor replied back with a snide look.
"Wait did he just call me a old timer hey kid I ain't that old." Jason snapped back.
"That's what you get for calling my mentor Captain Technicolor granted he has been almost every ranger color." Connor said causing Trini and Kim to laugh.
"ok enough of my color changes here how is she feeling." Tommy asks.
"Well Dr. O I honestly think she is holding a lot in but she opened up to me and Kim and she just wants to be with her friends that she honestly thinks she does not deserve, I told her otherwise." Connor said.
"Thanks Connor I appreciate it." Tommy says.
"Well in a couple of days school starts for the week and you Connor no soccer this week till you heal seeing as I am good friends with your coach that should not be a problem and Jason will help out in the field if Mesogog decides to attack during your healing." Tommy says.
Kira at this points comes down the stairs and looks at everyone. "Listen I wanted to apologize to everyone here for me acting completely like a mental case these last few days, it has been hard for me to get over a lot of this but with all of you I think I can." Kira said.
Tommy was the first to approach her. "Listen princess you have nothing to be sorry for we are here for you no matter what that is what family does and everyone that has worn the costume is our family." Tommy says as he wraps her in a hug.
"Thanks daddy." Kira says as there is a light knock at the door and it opens in comes Trent and Ethan followed by Tanya and Aisha.
"Hey guys." Trent says.
Aisha walks over to Kim and whispers something into her ear which causes Kim to smile.
Kim then looks to the other women they all nod except for Kira who has no idea what is going.
Kim then looks to Tommy who nods. "Listen me and Tommy had a long talk yesterday while we were out with our friends and we have decided to give our relationship a second chance, and before anyone asks no it does not mean I am moving in to his house right away, I will be staying with Billy and Hayley while I find a job and me and Tommy rediscover ourselves. Kim explained as Kira got a huge smile on her face.
Everyone clapped. "Um mom I see Tanya and Aisha here but I don't see Coach park or Mr. Desantos." Kira says.
Aisha steps up. "Hey kiddo for what we plan to do today we don't need soccer boy and the human garbage disposal." Aisha said.
"Wait what are we doing today?" Kira asked.
Kim looked at her. "baby girl I thought maybe if you wanted to you could come on a all day shopping trip with us." Kim said.
Kira smiled and nodded that she would go.
Connor went to step forward which caught both Jason and Tommy's eye they panicked and rushed him. "Ms. Hart if you would like I could com." Was all Connor got out before the two veteran rangers tackled him.
"Dr. O what was that for?" He asked.
"You never ever volunteer to go shopping with Kim even more so when she has Sha and Trini with her." Both men said at the exact same time.
"Oh come on Jase I am not that bad." Kim said.
Jason looked right over at her. "Yes you are even more so when you are with my wife." He said as he ducked Trini throwing something at him.
After about tem minutes the girls left leaving the men behind.
"Ok Trent Ethan and Connor I want you guys keep a close eye on Kira incase John tries anything or Mesogog takes advantage of anything." Tommy asked his three remaining rangers who all nodded.
Trent walked up. "Listen Dr. Connor Ethan thank you for taking me on the team it means a lot to me even after what I caused." Trent said.
"My point is though I will keep a close eye on her for you guys." Trent said.
Connor spoke first. "Trent since you came to us after the Gem was purified you have proven to be a great asset here and thank you." Connor said.
After a few hours of chit chatting the girls got back from the mall with tons of packages and by this time Hayley and Billy have come back to the house as well.
Tommy looks over at Kira. So how was the shopping trip are you feeling any better?" Tommy asks.
"Yea dad it was great I got a new guitar some new cloths and it was fun I feel better thank you all of you." Kira said.
"Ok well it is getting late listen Trini and Jason are staying here till they get a new house they have announced they are moving to Reefside Kim will be with Billy and Hayley, Zack and the rest of them are heading home Connor you're here till you go to school on Monday that was what your parents asked me they are in Blue bay harbor for the weekend." Tommy explained.
"Oh Connor Kira you guys can stay in your room tonight trust you both and I do not want that trust betrayed ok got it anyway everyone get some sleep." Everyone either heads out or to the rooms they are staying in when there is a sound from the front of the couch.
They look over to see Ethan and Trent just laying with their heads against the couch having fallen asleep, Tommy looked at Connor and Jason. "I guess those two are sleeping there." Tommy said.
:::Mesogog's lair:::
Elsa and Zeltrax as well as the White ranger clone are all kneeling in front of Mesogog.
"The red ranger is recovering, I am tired of your bumbling and the failures I want results so I have retrieve someone who alone was successful." Mesogog hissed.
"who master?" Elsa asked.
He turned to show them as a figure approaches them. "Him, master his hold over her did not last he is only human and we have no Dino gems." Zeltrax said.
"Silence he does not need one I have restored his memoires I took from him and I have granted him new powers similar to the Dino Gems please Mr. Ford show them." Mesogog hissed.
"Yes master of course." John said as he lifted his arms showing a black wrist band .
He pressed a button on the band he was enveloped by green energy that when it dies down it looked like the white rangers costume only more wild black and there is no helmet just part of the costume framing his face.
For you all see he is loyal to me with no brainwashing no mind control he craves power I give it to him he serves me willingly." Mesogog hisses.
"But master we can do better." Elsa said.
Mesogog hit her with his mental energy. "Fool you would have failed again now I will lock you away for now I have other reasons for you to live." Mesogog says as Elsa is dragged away.
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