《Daughter of the Falcon》Chapter 4
:::Tommy's House:::
Mr. Ford was standing at the door while being given death glares from Tommy, Jason, and Conner.
"I don't think she wants to talk to you after what you and your sick son have put her through." Tommy snarled at him.
Mr. Ford backed away slightly from Tommy's directness. "I'm not here to hurt her or to belittle her Dr. Oliver I just want to apologize is all, may I at least get that chance." Mr. Ford Asked.
Tommy turned to Kira who nodded yes but remained in Connors arms, Tommy let him in but none of the past rangers were gonna leave that room while he was there.
He walked up to Kira and sat on the little otter man that was in front of the chair she was sitting in with Connor, he had his head hung but he looked up to her.
Kira looked him right in the eyes and did not see anger or hate just sadness. "Listen Kira these last 4 years I have treated you poorly hell worse than poorly, I got myself in a bad situation and I took my aggression out on the person that deserved absolutely none of that aggression, and I am so sorry." Mr. Ford said sadly.
"Why what was so bad that you had to hurt me reject me?" Kira pleaded.
"When I lost my Job at NASADA it was not for the reason you have been told Kira and this somewhat involves everyone in here right now." Mr. Ford stated.
Everyone glared at him even worse thinking he was blaming them for what he did to Kira.
"As you might have guessed I know that everyone in here is either a former power ranger a current power ranger or someone that supports them, you see I was NASADA's direct contact with Zordon of Eltar we worked together to develop the shuttle that the turbo rangers took into space we designed it to link with the megaship." He explained.
"When he had Alpha come to me with Kira I saw it as a blessing seeing as I could not produce children myself after John I was so happy to have you in our family so I said yes and it was explained that I had to hide her from Zedd and Rita." He said as he kept going on.
"Your mother my wife was at first very happy she did not know the extent of my work at NASADA seeing as it was classified, anyway everything went very well with our family till that day 4 years ago." He said as he hung his head.
"You see I was working on a new project for the current team of power rangers the ones from the future, anyway I was in my private office at home working on a few designs you had come in wanting something I forget what it was but I left the office to get it and your mom went in and found out I was working for the rangers." He said.
"She was very angry at me for not telling her I told her it was classified and she started blaming that for me not being able to have more children well anyway she got angry and left you see she had been having a affair that whole time with a man from work who did not know of the ranger connection he was not to know, she went to his house and told him he told work I was fired." He said.
"I went to the bar afterwards and got drunk and kept thinking about everything and I blamed you for it all stupid right but I was not thinking straight and I took everything out on you, yes I kept it hidden from her but she found out, and she got angry at me for it on top of now hating anything ranger related due to it." He said.
"As time went on John found out about the affair and that this man would take her in but not both kids only one so John wanted to make sure he was the one and that is why he attacked you, hoping that child services would take you out of the house." He said.
"The night before she threw me out well she found out you were a ranger not sure how she did but she did and well that set her off she threw me out called child services and arranged to have you sent to Boston." He said.
"Wait she told us you called and she did not act like she knew that Kira was a ranger." Adam said.
"No it was her I gave them permission to release the call to you from a friend that works there but yea she did, but besides that Kira I came here because I am getting help now for my drinking and one of the steps is to seek forgiveness from those I hurt I don't expect you to give it to me I have done nothing to earn it but I came here to let you know that you in my eyes when I was sober and clear headed not unwanted." He said as he started crying.
"I just wanted to let you know and I am so happy you found your birth parents and Ms. Hart , Dr. Oliver I am sorry that this happened I was a good dad for the first 10 years we had her in our lives but I let one thing that had nothing to do with her just a daughter that wanted her dad to get her something and twisted it into 4 years of hell." He said as he got up and went to walk to the door and turned back to Kira.
"Mr. Ford I am sorry your life went south but as for forgiveness I can't give that right now the pain still hurts I am happy you are getting help and I do hope you finish it because you were a good dad before the drinking maybe in time I can forgive you but not now thank you for telling me though." Kira said as she got up from Connors arms and walked upstairs to her room.
Mr. Ford looked to Tommy as he walked towards the door he turned around just before he exited.
"Thank you Dr. Oliver for letting me apologize I hope in time she does forgive me." He says as Tommy Curtly nods and he leaves.
The others look at each other. "Something is weird about all this." Adam says.
"When I talked to Mrs. Ford Adam she seemed like she really cared for Kira but she said she was sending John to a Military school for what he did to her, I honestly think she wanted them both gone but had some connection to stop the hitting I don't know I really don't." Tommy said.
"I can go to child services tomorrow morning to see if I can confirm who called them about Kira." Tanya said as they nodded.
"We need to thread carefully guys child services can still take her to Boston at anytime on a call." Tommy said.
Kira ran back to her room crying hearing only part of what Tommy and the others were saying having started to come back down the stairs.
"We need to get the paternity set for you guys at least." Tanya said.
"We will handle it in the morning guys let's get to our hotels and get some sleep." Rocky said.
They all agreed Hayley and Billy looked over at Kim. "Kim you still staying with us?" They asked as she nodded yes.
"I want to go upstairs and say good night to Kira first if that is ok?" She asked.
They said they would wait while Tommy Jason and Connor figured out sleeping arrangements seeing as Connor was gonna crash there for the night and Tommy forbade him from staying in Kira's room with her which Connor understood.
All of a sudden there was a scream from Kim as she came running down the stairs she had Kira's Dino bracelet and a note in her hand with tears coming down her eyes.
"Tommy she is gone I found these on her bed her window open." Kim said through the tears.
Connor on hearing this ran out the door at super speed trying to find her.
"Hayley is there any way to track her?" Jason asked Hayley shook her head no.
Tommy reading the note his head just fell. "She must have heard part of what we were talking about and thought I was giving her up again." He said sadly.
Billy grabbed the note and read it out loud. "Dear Dr. O and Kimberly I am sorry I was not a good enough daughter for you two and I will save you the trouble of sending me off I heard you guys talking about calling child services and sending me to Boston, please tell Connor I am sorry for leaving him as well.
Signed Kira"
Kim was crying while Hayley tried to comfort her, Tommy walked over to the phone to call the police to report her missing.
After he got off the phone he brought his bracelet to his face and activated the communicator on it calling Trent and Ethan letting them know what had happened and that Connor ran off trying to find her.
The boys had gone out to try and help find her hoping to get to her before Mesogog or John Ford.
After the police took the report Jason Kim Billy Hayley Adam Tanya and Tommy just sat there unsure of what to do next.
"This is gonna look bad with child services isn't it?" Kim asked Tanya still crying.
"This can be explained with the emotional state Kira is in this can be overlooked as long as she does not get hurt." Tanya explained.
"Tommy do you think the boys can find her?" Adam asked.
"Connor has the best chance being able to move at super speed but he cannot maintain it for too long." Tommy explained as he hung his head blaming himself for this happening.
:::Reefside Forest:::
Kira and the dirt bike she was riding on came to a stop it had been almost 2 hours since she left her father's house.
The dirt bike was out of gas at this point she was tired she went and leaned against a tree nearby.
"Why do they hate me why did he have to come back into my life and make my parents my real parents think of giving me back to child services like this I hate this nobody ever wants me hell Connor probably would leave me the minute another girl in a skirt flirted with him." She said as she was crying into her hands not noticing the figure approaching her in the shadows.
The figure stepped forward startling her and breathing like he was out of breath and over exerted.
"You know something Rock star my mom always told me if your gonna eavesdrop, eavesdrop correctly." The figure said as he came into the moonlight.
"Connor?" She asked as he stepped forward smiling that he had found her.
"Yea Kira it's me and I'm so happy I found you, you scared us all." Conner said.
"Yeah right I heard about them calling child services on me wanting to send me away." She snarled at him.
Connor walked closer kneeling down in front of her to look her in the eyes.
"No Kira he was saying we needed to tread carefully with them so they did not lose you to them is what they were talking about you only heard part of it roc star." Connor said as he enveloped her in a hug.
"Now come on let's get you back to the house and how the hell you make it out this far in a short time I ran out of energy running at super speed." Connor asked her.
"I found this dirt bike behind the house sorry Connor." She said as all of a sudden a Invisiportal opened up and out came Zeltrax and a squad of Tyranodrones.
They both got into a fighting stance Kira remembering she left her bracelet behind. "Shit Connor I can't Morph." She said as Connor activated his.
"Stay behind me Kira I won't let them get you again." Connor ordered as he activated his morpher.
He drew out his Tyranostaff and started fighting the drones and Zeltrax, Kira helped as much as she could being able to take out three or 4 of the drones before getting knocked down.
Connor was busy fighting Zeltrax while also worn out from exerting his super speed to find Kira, he holds his own for a bit till a drone surprises him from behind and knocks him to his knees as Zeltrax hit's him with a blast the causes him to fall back and demorph.
He is laying on the ground groaning in pain as he gets back on his knees Zeltrax actually stabs him with his sword just under his right shoulder he falls to the ground.
Kira runs over to him seeing him badly injured thinking she has to help him in anyway glares at Zeltrax and there is a red energy flash in her eyes, she takes a deep breath and lets out a Ptera scream that is so powerful that the drones are disintegrated and Zeltrax is hurt badly.
"You may have won this one yellow ranger but at least I took out the red." Zeltrax growled as he vanished into a portal.
Kira grabbed at Connors wrist and activated his communicator not caring who heard her on the other end.
:::Tommy's house :::
The group was still sitting there hoping to hear from someone that they found her when all of a sudden Tommy's Communicator goes off he brings it up.
"DAD TRENT ETHAN SOMEOPNE PLEASE HELP ME!" Came Kira's voice with a lot of fear behind it.
"Kira it's your father where are you how are you calling we have your bracelet?" Tommy says without reliezing that she never said Connor.
"Dad please come help Zeltrax stabbed Connor he is bleeding everywhere hurry dad he is dying please hurry." She pleaded as Billy was tracking Connors gem he gave Tommy the coordinates he Morphed and heading out at full speed on his atv.
"Kira calm down its Hayley your dad is on his way right now." She said as the line went dead.
:::Reefside Forest:::
Kira was pressing on the wound with all her strength to stop the bleeding. "Please hang on Connor I am so sorry this happened to you it is all my fault everyone around me gets hurt, please don't leave me Connor." Kira pleaded as she took his head onto her lap cradling his head.
All of a sudden she heard noises and looked to see lights approaching her when they got to her it was revealed to be her father and Trent as well as Ethan on their bikes.
"Trent Ethan get Connor on Trent's atv and get him back to the lab Kira you ride with me." Tommy ordered as they did as they were told.
They took off at full speed to the cave.
:::Tommy's house:::
There was a loud noise as a small craft landed in the front yard, this is one of the main reasons Tommy likes to live in a secluded area.
It was a light speed rescue craft and out came Carter Grayson and his fiancé Dana Mitchell, they ran into the house and got down into the lab just as the others were getting back.
Dana got Connor on the lab bed and examined him while Carter hooked up Iv's to him after running a large scanner over him and double checking everything with the computer she goes up to everyone.
"He has a collapsed lung and is gonna need a lot of stitches I am going to want to keep him out of action for at least one week but this will be hard to explain to his parents." Dana said as she went to work on Connor.
Tommy made everyone but Billy and Hayley go upstairs so as not to get in there way down there.
Once they were upstairs Kim just grabbed Kira and pulled her into a hug. "Please don't scare us like that again." Kim says as Tommy stands there as Kim releases her she turns to her father.
"Please Kira you can talk to us about anything ok you had us very scared you were out there without your morpher of communicator please don't do that again just come and talk to us." Tommy said pulling his daughter into a hug.
"Oh god I'm so sorry dad and now Connor is badly hurt because of this and now what are we gonna tell his parents." Kira cried.
"I don't know princess I don't know we will deal with that when it comes up right now him getting better and you are my only concerns." Tommy says as Kira nuzzles into his chest after hearing him call her a princess.
"Gee Dr. O I see where we rate." Ethan says as Trent nudges him with his elbow as Tommy and Kim glare over at them.
"Sorry Dr. O just trying to lighten the mood." Trent says as they all smile a bit.
"What about your parents Ethan Trent?" Jason asks.
"My parents think I am spending the night at Trent's and his dad is out on business so we are ok for now." Ethan said.
"And if they call Trent's house?" Tanya says.
"That's ok I got the phone there set to forward the calls to my cell phone." Trent explains.
Jason looks over at Tommy. "Bro they so got it easier than we ever did dude." Jason said,
This caused them to laugh till Ethan pointed something out.
"Hey how can he call you dude but not Connor?" Ethan asked.
"Because you guys are my students and Jason is not that is why." Tommy explained as Kira watched the playful banter with a slight smile on her face but still was afraid for Connor.
After a hour Dana came upstairs. "Ok I was able to save his lung he got 14 sutures I gave him some pain killers to help him sleep he should sleep through the night but he will be ok, his connection to the grid is speeding his healing up but it will take at least a week for him to be fully healed."Dana explained.
She handed Tommy a bottle of the pain killers she had given him and told him to make sure the wound gets cleaned daily.
"Thanks Dana for coming out here and doing this." Tommy said.
"It's not a problem Tommy we all have to look out for each other." She said as she and Carter left.
Kira ran down the stairs she came to a stop at the sight of Connor laying there sleeping no shirt on the stitches in his chest, she walked over to him using her hand to brush the hair out of his eyes as he laid there sleeping.
Tommy brought her a chair over for her to sit in as she watched over Connor when they heard the door upstairs open up and heard Trini call down to them.
They went up stairs to tell her what had happened as Kira stayed with Connor. "I'm so sorry Connor you got hurt because of my stupidity I always get someone hurt no matter what I try and do." She cried as she cupped his face with her hand.
She did not hear Kim some down the stairs, Kim walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder causing Kira to look over at her.
"Listen baby girl I head what you just said it's not your fault it really isn't Connor was protecting you kinda like your father would sometimes do for me when we were your age." Kim said.
"But mom if I had not run off without my morpher then I could have helped Connor more." Kira said with tears in her eyes.
"No Kira while what you did was a little foolish we all understand you are going through a tough time right now and when we realized you were gone Connor did not even wait he flew out at the door to find you, if this is anyone's fault it is Zeltrax's for hurting him not yours." Kim said.
"Will any of this ever get easier I mean what if he had died tonight I could not live with myself if he had died." Kira said.
Kim looked at her. "I can't promise you it will get easier but I can promise you that every ranger from me and your dad to your teammates will be here for you, every step of the way there is a saying in our line of work once a ranger always a ranger." Kim says.
"Listen baby girl I'm gonna be going back to Hayley's and Billy's for the night Jason and Trini are staying here and your dad will be upstairs if you need anything just call ok." Kim said kissing Kira on the forehead and heading upstairs.
Kira just sat there holding Connors hand watching him as he rested and after awhile exhaustion had claimed her as well.
Early the next morning Trini had come down stairs to check on Connor her being a Dr. as well as Dana Connor had awoken he just looked over at Kira who was still sleeping, Tommy had joined them.
Connor explained that he was awake long enough to see Kira let loose a Ptera scream that actually damaged Zeltrax and destroyed the drones.
Kira started to stir awake as Connor looked over at her she woke up and looked up to see Connor awake she was so excited that she jumped up to hug him forgetting his injury.
"Ow hey watch it there rock star I'm a injured man." He says with a slight laugh as he kisses her forehead.
"Kira how did you do that powerful of a Ptera scream last night?" Connor asked.
"I don't know I saw him stab you and I lost control of my emotions and just focused it into my scream and let it loose not sure how it was that powerful." She explained.
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