《Daughter of the Falcon》Chapter 3
:::Mesogog's Lair:::
Elsa had arrived back with John Ford in tow when Zeltrax walked over to her. "How is this whelp gonna help us take down the rangers." He demanded.
John looked right at him. "My dad is gone because of that bitch that invaded my family I don't care what you need me to do as long as she suffers I am happy." He snarls at him.
Zeltrax looks at him then back to Elsa. "He is more insane than you are." Zeltrax says to which Elsa hits him with her staff.
With that Mesogog walks in and see's what Elsa brought back with her. "So Elsa how will he be of any use he is nothing but human." Mesogog snarled.
"Hmphh do whatever you need me to do as long as I get to hurt her and she suffers for what she did to my family I am happy." John says as Mesogog smiles and leads him over to the machines he has.
Mesogog gets some jars down and place's them into the machine and then hits the control the jars are lowered in and a beam hits John Ford after it is done John looks at himself.
"What's the deal here Cobra commander I look the same and I do not feel any different at all." John says.
"Focus your hate and rage." Mesogog says as John does and a blast of energy comes out of his hand and blasts the mirror apart.
"Whoa cool." John says.
"You have great strength as well boy now go with Zeltrax and my Tyranodrones and destroy the power rangers." Mesogog orders.
:::Tommy's House:::
The guys are all sitting in the living room now talking with the Dino Thunder team telling them stories of Tommy when he was a teen when all of a sudden the alarm from the lab go off causing Tommy to run down there followed by the teen.
Tommy gets to his desk to see Zeltrax and drones attacking in the park downtown.
"Sorry to cut this reunion short but we are needed are you guys ready to go." Tommy says as they nod and morph Tommy also had Jason contact Hayley who flew over there to help.
The rangers arrived on their bikes to see Zeltrax and his drones there. "Ah the great Tommy Oliver shows up you ready to die?" Zeltrax demands.
"Have you not figured it out yet Zeltrax you can't beat me." Tommy said taking out his Brachio staff.
"Oh you're not my target today black ranger but your precious daughter is." Zeltrax says as all of a sudden John ford appears out a invisiportal.
Kira sees him and is shocked. "John what the hell you doing with them they will kill you." She yells.
"Oh dear fake sister your caring words fall on deaf ears now I get to do what I wanted when you caused my idiot mother to throw my father out or when you cost him his job." He yelled at her when he fired a energy blast at Kira hitting her square in the chest knocking her to the ground.
"Shit Trent go to my left Ethan to my right let's get him down." Conner orders and they do so and they take a run at him only to get tossed like ragdolls.
"Oh McKnight when I am done with the bitch your next you all ruined my life." He snarled as he grabbed Conner by his throat and picked him up off the ground and threw him at Tommy.
Kira got back up and pulled out her Ptera grips and started charging at John. "I am done with you treating me like your personal punching bag you sick fuck." Kira yelled as she cut through a few drones before going to land a blow on John only for him to grab her by the wrist and knee her in the stomach.
"You can't even beat me with powers dumb bitch when are you gonna realize that you are unwanted and should have been a abortion mommy ranger did not want you she dumped you on us and we did not want you, and look your own dad won't even get up to rescue his daughter." John said as Kira looked around.
But what she saw was not the others trying to get to her and rescue her she sees Kim laughing as she is taken away and Tommy walking away. "Come on Kim she is a mistake let's get away while we can she is not worth it." She hears Tommy say.
The other rangers are trying to fight to get to her only to see her being held in place by a Glare from John Ford.
Kira all of a sudden falls to her knees and demorphs there is nothing but tears streaming down her face. "NO DON'T ABANDON ME PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND AGAIN NO! She just starts yelling.
"Kira we are right here all of us your dad all of us are here Kira." Conner yells as he runs up and stares her in the eyes having tossed his helmet on the ground.
All he sees is her blank eyes, he turns back toward John. "Telepathy this Mesogog knows good powers all she sees right now is what I show her." He snarls when all of a sudden Kira just passes out.
Zeltrax grabs her and they all disappear into a invisiportal.
"KIRA!" Tommy yells as he runs for the portal.
:::Mesogog's lair:::
They all reappear in the lair in front of Mesogog. "Very good you have broken her mind now I can make her mine." Mesogog snarled.
"No I get to hurt her more correct." John demands only to be hit by a blast from Mesogog.
"No human you have served your purpose now you will be sent back from where you came and I will wipe your mind in case I ever need to use you again." Mesogog states as John is hit by a beam then disappears.
Kira is brought to the main lab where she comes to and she see's Elsa who is holding a rod with a small stone on the end of it that is glowing a faint red. "What do you want from me." Kira demanded.
"To give you what you want my dear you have been abandoned again." Elsa stated.
Kira looked around and burst into tears. "They promised they would not abandon me I should have known better than to trust them they ran off on me, they hurt me." Kira stated as she cried more and more.
"What do you want to do to them for that my dear." Elsa asked as she held the stone above Kira as it glowed brighter.
Kira looked up with a red energy flashes in her eyes. "I want to make them pay I want to destroy them all."
"Very good my dear and we will as long as you pledge to serve3 my master Mesogog." Elsa stated as the rock glowed even brighter.
"I would serve Satan himself right now to get my revenge." Kira stated evilly.
:::Tommy's basement:::
Everyone one the girls and they guys are all there now as Tommy is off in the Connor beating the hell out of a heavy bag blaming himself for what had happened.
Kim was crying being comforted by Hayley while Billy was searching for Kira using their sensors.
Conner walks over to Billy. "Mr. Cranston any sign of her?" Conner asked as Billy nodded no.
"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" They hear Tommy yell as hits the heavy bag nearly destroying it.
Jason runs over to him. "Tommy bro calm down this is not helping man, look Kim is a wreck and Billy is wracking his brain trying to find her you need to calm down." Jason pleaded trying to get his best friend to calm down.
Tommy glares at him and there is a flash of green in his eyes a remnant of when he was Rita's evil green ranger.
"CALM DOWN JASE, I JUST FIND OUT I HAVE A DAUGHTER THEN I LOSE HER IN LESS THAN A WEEK!" Tommy yells which scares Kim and causes her to cry even more.
Jason finally resizing that talk will not get through Tommy slams him against the wall.
"Goddamn it Tommy this is not the way to handle this man and if I have to beat it into you I will man." Jason screams at him.
Tommy glares at him some more before breaking down and falling to his knees.
"Jase what kind of dad am I, huh I could not even protect her I just find her and now I lose her Kim and Zordon were right to hide her from me." Tommy said as he started crying.
Kim walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "No Tommy you are a good man you always were that is why the power seeks you out because of how good you are you not knowing about her is my fault and mine alone, but I know that if anyone can save her it is you." Kim says as Tommy looks up at her.
There is a beeping sound coming from the computers as Billy turns around to see that there is a new attack but who is leading it surprises them.
"What is that Kira working with Zeltrax?" Trent asks.
"I am afraid so." Billy says looking at the screen to see a un morphed Kira using her Ptera scream to cause destruction.
Tommy stands up and looks at the teens. "Guys Jason and Kim are right we can save her we got to save her let's do it." He says as they all nod and morph heading to where they are.
They arrive in the downtown district where Zeltrax and Kira are attacking they come face to face with Kira.
"Kira what are you doing?" Trent asks.
She looks at him with a evil glare. "Getting revenge my birth parents are power rangers and because of that they abandoned me to hell and torture and now they do so again I am gonna destroy you all for it." She snarls and then she uses her Ptera scream on him knocking him back.
Tommy runs up to her and grabs her shoulders. "No Kira we did not abandon you Mesogog is playing with your mind we tried to stop them." He said as she kicked him in the gut.
"LIAR I watched you walk away from me when John attacked me." She screamed at him.
"No Kira we did not we tried to get to you I swear we did." Ethan says.
Kira glares at him before lifting her wrist bringing her morpher out. "No you did not and now I will use the power to destroy all that brings me pain, DINO THUNDER POWER UP." She says as she morphs .
Her suit is a darker tone of yellow than it was before she then pulls out her Thundermax blaster and fires at them causing a explosion that knocks them back.
Conner getting up looks over at the others and sees Tommy pull his Brachio staff out and he charges after Kira. "Please forgive me Kira but I got to stop you." He says as he attacks her.
She pulls her Ptera grips out and parries most of his attacks realizing that his attacks would cause very little damage if any smiles under her helmet.
"What's the matter dad to scared to hurt your daughter that you helped abandon, that's a shame because I don't care if you get hurt or die." She says as she blocks another attack.
She then slashes him across his chest before spinning around to hit him in the back so hard that he hits the ground and demorphs.
He is on his knees in pain as she raises her weapons to deliver a killing blow only to be blocked by Conner.
He looks right at her neither of them noticing Kim has arrived on the battle field and is helping Tommy up using her Ninja ranger mode.
Tommy looks over to her. "Kim no using that power can kill you Zedd destroyed those coins that power is draining your life force." Tommy says weakly.
Kim having removed the hood and mask. "I don't care Tommy if I die at least I did it to save my baby girl." She said.
While that is going on Kira and Conner are fighting each other Conner a little more fierce that Tommy but still making sure none of his blows will be to damaging.
"Kira listen to us we care about you please come back to us." Conner pleads as he blocks a slash from her grips.
"LIAR you don't care I am unwanted by any of you." She says as she does a roundhouse kick to his helmet.
'Ok time to end this" Conner says to himself and jumps back and fires a energy blasts from his staff hitting Kira and causing her to demorph.
Kira now back in Civilian mode glares up at Conner who takes his helmet off and tosses it to the ground.
He runs up and grabs Kira and looks her straight in the eye. "Kira you are wanted I want the old Kira back the girl that became my friend the girl that helped convince me being a power ranger was worth come back to us." Conner pleads as a few tears run down his eyes.
Kira glares right at him and fires off her Ptera scream on him, which knocks him to the ground she then pulls her Ptera grips out even without morphing and goes to hit him in the head with them.
Kim seeing this runs over and pushes Conner out of the way taking the hit on her shoulder she falls to the ground with blood trickling down her arm.
Kim looks over at the wound on her shoulder then back up at Kira who has frozen in place.
Conner runs over to Kira again and looks her straight in the eyes. "Kira see you froze just now I know the real you is in there the one that would never kill another human being he froze up cause you just hurt your mom." Conner yells.
Kira looks at Conner then over to her mother who is now joined by Tommy and the others. "Why why did you take that hit it could have killed you why?" Kira asks showing that her real self is trying to break out.
"Because she could not let her daughter become a murderer." Ethan said.
Kira started to back up the red in her eyes flickering till all of a sudden Elsa appears holding a staff with a stone on it using it to reapply the spell affecting her mind.
Kira's eyes go full red again. "FOOLS I don't care if I kill you all." Kira spits at them.
She charges at them again only to be stopped by Conner again. "Goddamn it Kira fight it your strong I know you are strong fight there control, you mom and dad need you the team needs you I NEED YOU!" Conner yells at her.
Kira looks at him with the red in her eyes starting to flicker slightly. "Oh and how would you know Conner all you care about is soccer." She snarls at him.
"No Kira I do not I care about you remember I was about to leave the team just to protect you god damn it Kira don't make me say this." Conner pleads.
"Say what Conner that I'm useless or unwanted don't worry I already know." Kira says.
She push's him back and pulls out her weapons again about to go for a death blow on Kim, till Conner runs up and gets between them again only this time grabbing Kira and pulling her into a kiss.
Afterwards with everyone looking in shock he pulls away. "It's because I love you Kira that is why you have showed me there is so much more to life than sports and being popular you helped me become a better guy." Conner says as Kira starts to fight the spell again.
Elsa angry that she is losing control goes to fire a powerful blast at Kira.
"NO!" Is all anyone hears before seeing Tommy jump up in from the blast and falling to the ground Kira looks at what just happened and break's free of the spell.
She runs up to Tommy. "Why did you do that why." She pleaded as Tommy was laying on the ground as Kira tried to pull him up to her lap.
"Because you are my daughter and I would give my life to make you safe." Was all Tommy could say before passing out from his Injuries, Kira starts crying.
Conner looking over at what just happened, all of a sudden could hear Elsa and Zeltrax both powering up another blast that could kill them both is over come with rage.
"YOU SON'S OF BITCHES I WILL DESTRY YOU FOR THAT, TRIASSIC POWER!." Conner yells having his Triassic power coming online.
"Triassic shield!" He yelled as he charged them both.
He starts attacking them with a flurry of sword strikes they block most but become overwhelmed by his attacks.
They fall backwards as Conner starts to charge at them again. " You win this time red ranger but you will not next time." Zeltrax says as they disappear into a invisiportal.
Once they are gone Conner Ethan and Trent get them all back to the Lair where they are examined by Billy and Hayley.
"Tommy will be ok but he has a broken rib Kim on the other hand need sutures and you cannot use that morph again it almost killed you Kim." Billy explained.
While Kim and Tommy were getting taken care of Conner looks over and see's Kira in the Connor avoiding everyone crying, he decides to walk over to her.
"Hey rock star you ok?" He asks as he places a hand on her shoulder.
She turns around and see's him she then looks down at the floor. "No I'm not Conner I almost killed them today I just found them and I almost killed them, they used John and Mr. Fords abuse on me to manipulate me." She said as she started crying into his chest.
"Kira that was not you that was a spell you are a good person." He says as he runs his hands through her hair. She looks up at him and smiles.
"How can you be so sure I am a good person Conner." She asks.
"Because I know if the situation were reversed you would do whatever it took to save one of us." Conner said.
"I guess but I have to ask did you mean what you said to me." She asked.
Conner started to blush a little. "Yeah rock star I did I'm sorry I did not say it sooner but I was afraid you would reject me." Conner said.
Kira laughed a little. "It seems we are both afraid of rejection." She said as she hugged him.
"Don't worry Conner I can't reject you, you proved to me there is more to you than just a dumb jock today." She said as she buried her face into his chest with her head turned towards her parents.
They smiled at her and she broke away from Conner and walked over to them. "Thank you both of you I am so sorry for anything I said or did, i let what Mr. Ford and John put me through get to me to the point I broke." Kira said as Kim pulled her into a hug.
"It is ok Baby girl just know that we are back in your life now even if your father hate's me for what I did at least I know my little girl is in good hands her dad's" Kim says kissing her on the forehead.
"Listen Kira I took you in before any of this was found out and that has not changed at all I would do the same thing and while me and your mom have our problems it does not affect the way we feel about you." Tommy said weakly.
Kira smiled and hugged both her parents. "And I don't hate you mom we just got to take things one step at a time is all." Tommy finishes.
Kira smiles and goes to sit down when there is a doorbell ring which causes all of them to get up.
Once they are upstairs Tommy goes and answers the door.
When he opens it Kira retreats back into Connors arms as he gets really angry at who is at the door.
Tommy glares at him. "What are you doing here Mr. Ford?" Tommy snarls at him.
He looks up at Tommy. "I would like to speak to Kira.
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