《Daughter of the Falcon》Chapter 2
:::Tommy's house:::
Jason looks over as Kim and Tommy wake Kira back up after she fainted.
"I swear Bro what is it with girls fainting around you?" Jason asked trying to lighten the tension in the room.
Tommy looks over at him with a slight smile. "Don't know you can ask these 2." He says.
Kira looks at both Kim and Tommy. "Tell me you were joking you're my birth father Dr. O?" She asked again.
He sighed and looked her in the eyes. "Yea kiddo I am I just found out not to long ago to be honest." He said she then looked at Kim.
Kim backed away a little bit and she just looked at Kira you could see the sadness and pain in her eyes, she couldn't say anything she just turned around and ran out of the house.
Tommy and Jason just stood there for a second till Tommy started chasing after her, Kira just stomped over to the couch and sat down followed by Jason.
He looked over at her. "Hey listen kiddo I know I shouldn't really say anything seeing as I have known this whole time and never told him, but this was for your own protection it really was." Jason said.
Kira looked at him there were tears running down her face. "You don't know what I went through these last 4 years, the family that took me in after Mr. Ford got caught stealing equipment from NASADA and lost his job he blamed me for it." She said.
"When he got caught he told Mrs. Ford that he had to do it to afford having me at the house even though they made more than enough money, that was when the drinking and the beatings started, it was hidden from Mrs. Ford though when she found out she tried so hard to protect me finally it got to bad and she threw him out." She kept going.
"That was when John started attacking me blaming me for the way his dad turned out if it wasn't for Dr. O I would be on my way to Boston this weekend and now to hear that he was my dad ad he did not even know, it hurts it really hurts to think I have had my dad here this whole time and i did not even know he was." She kept going tears flowing down her face.
Jason wrapped his arm around her. "Hey listen kiddo I'm so sorry for what you went through I really am and if I had know that was happening I would have been there right away to rescue you no one hurts my little niece and gets away with it." Jason said.
"But I know for a fact that your mom loves you very much Kim has been beating herself up these last 14 years looking for you, I know your angry Kira but all I'm asking you is to give them a chance ok." Jason said.
Kira looked up at him and smiled slightly. "Hmphh I guess I could I feel bad now but I need to get that out thank you for listening to me vent Jason I appreciate it." She said giving him a hug.
Jason returned the hug. "Hey it's Uncle Jason there shrimpo." He said.
She pulled back giving him a mock angry face. "Who are you calling shrimp?" She huffed.
Jason laughed. "What it's what I call your mom your tiny like she is." He said they both started laughing.
At the door were Kim and Tommy just watching what was happening with Jason and Kira, Kim looked over at Tommy as he glanced back at her.
"He sure has a way with kids doesn't he?" Tommy says.
Kim nodded then decided to walk in. "Yea so what if I'm tiny I could still kick your butt If I wanted to." Kim said as she walked in and sat on the chair across from the couch were Kira was sitting.
"Yeah you know what I'm gonna head into the kitchen and call my wife let her know what's up last I need is a double beating from Ptera rangers." Jason said as he went into the kitchen with everyone out there laughing at him.
"Listen Kira I am so sorry I gave you up it was the hardest thing I ever had to do at the time your dad was still a active ranger, Lord Zedd one of our enemies had found out and targeted us we did not want you to get hurt." Kim explained.
"So I went to our mentor Zordon and he came up with a way to protect you he thought the ford family would be a good choice I guess he was wrong, but everything was covered up so as to not have Zedd find you, then after the big invasion that cost our mentor his life Zedd was gone but so was any hope of me finding you." Kim explained as she started crying.
"I have spent all these years looking for any sign of you I finally found out your last name last week and found a ford family living in Reefside so I came here I had no idea Tommy even lived here till Jason told me on the way here." Kim stated as she broke down into full tears Kira walked over to her and hugged her.
"Listen I'm sorry I yelled at you I just have a lot going on and finding this out is a lot to take in." Kira said as she held Kim's hand.
"Listen Kira, Tommy I am so sorry I really am I understand if you both hate me for doing this but I did what I thought was the right thing to do to protect our daughter, Tommy I did not tell you because I knew you would go running to find her, and that would have compromised the protection." Kim explained.
Kim got up and started heading for the door only to have Kira grab her wrist. "No listen I don't hate you I kinda understand being a ranger myself please don't go." Kira said as Kim looked and saw the fear of rejection in her eyes.
"For the last 4 years I have been told by that man that I was unwanted and a burden and now I find out who my birth parents are, I cannot deal with it if you walk out that door." Kira said crying as Kim embraced her in a hug.
Kim looked up to see Tommy with a few tears as well. "Kira it hurt so much to give you up as a baby I just finally found you I'm never gonna reject you or walk out on you ever." Kim said.
"Listen kiddo you have always been wanted and welcomed here and just because you turn out to be my daughter doesn't change that ever." Tommy said.
Kira placed her head on Tommy's chest. "Thanks mom dad." She says as she falls asleep.
Tommy carried her up to her room and placed her in her bed and walked back down stairs. "I guess she got all worn out by what happened today." Tommy said.
"So Tommy what about us?" Kim asked as Jason walked out into the living room.
"Wow Kimmy not wasting any time are you." Jason said.
"Shut it Jase I need to know where I stand right now." Kim said and she looked back at Tommy.
Tommy sighed and looked right at Kim. "Listen Kim I don't know where we go from here you lied to me broke up with me and while I understand why it was done you could have told me after Zordon died so I could look for her." Tommy said.
"And what ruin your chance in college Tommy you were going for your PHD I did not want you to give all that up for my mistake." Kim said.
"Kim to be honest it is only because of Kira I can even stand to look at you right now maybe in time that will change but not now I'm sorry." He said as he got up and walked out to his yard.
Jason looked at Kim and saw the sadness in her eyes and then back over to where Tommy was at the moment.
He then headed out to Tommy. "Hey bro listen man." Jason started only to be interrupted by Tommy.
"Don't Jason don't stick up for her what she did was wrong I understand when she was first born but after the threat was gone and the fact that you all knew about this and said nothing to me that hurts even more man." Tommy said.
"Listen Tommy I was stuck in between all this trying to decide which friend I betray I could not make that choice I have been on her ass for the last 4 years to tell you even more so when you almost died on the godforsaken island." Jason said.
Tommy just looked at him. "Look I'm not saying you 2 should hook back up all I am saying is at least give her a chance again man hell she still wears that fucking bracelet you 2 gave each other she never stopped wearing it." Jason said which caught Tommy by surprise.
Tommy smiled a bit then looked Jason right in the eyes then flashed a similar bracelet on his wrist to him which caused Jason to smile. "So you too huh all this time." Jason said.
"Bro I never stopped it's just she has to re earn my trust ok bro." Tommy said.
"That I can live with but what about us." Jason asked.
"You ever keep a secret like this from me again I am feeding you to my red rangers zord got it." Tommy said causing Jason to smile as they embraced each other in a hug.
They walked back in Tommy walked over to Kim and knelt in front of her. "Listen Kim I'm sorry for what I said while I still have feelings for you I don't know where to go or if I can trust you right now so please give me time I will not keep you away from Kira she is our daughter." Tommy said as Kim nodded and walked out to the front porch.
Tommy looked over at Jason who just shrugged.
Kim stood out on the porch looking out into the woods when another car pulled up and out stepped Hayley.
Kim looked over and thought oh great here comes the next lecture, as Hayley walked over to her but Hayley did something Kim was not expecting she hug her.
"Billy told me everything I am so sorry but is it true is Kira really?" Hayley asked.
Kim nodded yes.
"Is everything ok?" Hayley asked.
Kim explained everything including Tommy yelling at her then she started crying again.
"Kim stay out here for one minute if you see Jason run out scared then you know what I did worked." Hayley said with a evil smile.
With that Jason went running out the door and to Tommy's car he got in it and locked the doors Kim started laughing and walked into the house.
She saw Hayley standing next to a counter with a dinosaur Skelton on it Hayley saw her and pointed down.
"He is hiding in the lab right now." Hayley said smiling.
"Yeah whatever you said to him before yelling scared Jason to hiding locked in Tommy's car." Both women started laughing as the noise had woken up Kira as she walked down the stairs to see the commotion.
Hayley what's going on?" Kira asked half asleep.
"It's ok Kira Tommy was being a jerk to Kim so I felt like I needed to scare him a little." Hayley said which caused Kira to smile she had seen Hayley use that tactic on Conner and Ethan before.
After that Kira went back up to bed.
Hayley and Kim went to turn around and head out front. "Kim if you want you can stay with me and Billy tonight." Hayley said.
Kim nodded that she would like that and they got into Hayley's car and left with that Jason got out of his car and walked into house.
There was a creaking noise as Tommy peaked up from the lab." Is it safe is that she witch gone?" Tommy asked.
Jason laughing his ass off. "Yes Rita's twin sister just left with Kimmy." Tommy came out of the lair and glared at Jason.
"Thanks for the back up there bro what the hell." Tommy said as he tossed Jason a beer.
"Dude she has hung around my wife Tanya and Aisha too much I know better than to mess with her she is as evil as the rest of the yellow's" Jason said laughing.
Tommy glared at him "You are aware that my daughter is a Yellow." He stated.
"Yea and that makes it worse bro seeing your temper when you get turned evil dude I'm running to the power chamber she ever goes off." Jason says causing both men to laugh.
:::Mesogog's Lair:::
Elsa walks up to her master. "Lord Mesogog found something interesting today it appears the yellow ranger is a foster child." Elsa started.
"And she is living with Dr. Oliver now." She informs him.
"There is more to it than that Elsa when we had her captive I have found something else out too." Mesogog hissed.
"But my lord we can use her even more now being in his care." Elsa started to say only to be stopped by Mesogog's telepathic attack.
"Are you saying that you think what you found out today and a plan to use it is better than what I have found out Elsa." He snarled.
"No of course not master of course not." Elsa begged him.
"Very well I have found out that the yellow ranger is actually his daughter and thanks to everything we got from the old palace on the moon that she is the daughter of the former pink ranger." Mesogog explained.
"I told you that trip to the moon was not wasted Elsa." Said Zeltrax.
"Oh shut it you walking toaster oven." She spat back at him.
"I want you 2 to use this as a way to demoralize the rangers so we can destroy them and get there gems i don't care how you do it just find a way and do it now." Mesogog explained as both Elsa and Zeltrax saluted him and left to formulate a plan to do so.
:::Hayley's House the next morning:::
Kim Billy and Hayley were sitting at the Kitchen table when there was a knock on the door Billy answered it only to come face to face with Trini, Aisha and Tanya.
Hayley motioned for them to sit at the table. "So Kim said you scared not only Tommy but Jason as well last night?" Tanya asked.
Hayley got a smile on her face and turned on a video on her laptop showing that she recorded it.
All you see is her say something to Tommy he turn and start running while she starts screaming then Hayley turns and glares at Jason and he takes off running for the outside.
The women and Billy were all laughing, then Trini got everyone's attention. "Billy could you take Kim for a tour of the City?" Trini asked as she gave him a death glare before he could say anything back.
Billy Gulped and he and Kim headed out once they were gone Trini looked back at the girls. "Ok most of the guys minus Billy are onboard with operation getting Kim and Tommy back together, Rocky Adam and Zack are on route to Tommy's house now we need to work on Kim." Trini said as the girls all giggled.
:::Tommy's house both Tommy and Jason are passed out in the living room having polished off a whole 30 rack the night before standing there staring at them was Conner Ethan and Trent with Kira standing behind.
"Wow I have never seen a drunk power ranger before." Trent said noticing that Jason at one point morphed and took his helmet off.
Conner took a picture with his phone, Kira looked at him. "Conner what the fuck why did you do that?"
"Easy there rock star it's blackmail so I can pass my next test." Conner said as they all laughed only to hear Tommy groan.
"Conner I swear to god you ever show anyone that picture you will be cleaning every zord for every ranger team for the rest of your life." Tommy said as he woke up with a massive hangover, his statement causing the other teens to laugh.
He was followed by Jason who looked over at Tommy. "Hey man tell me that was a dream that I morphed while drinking." Jason asked.
Tommy shook his head with a smile on his face pointing to himself, Jason looked down to see he was wearing his ranger armor. "Oh god man what was i thinking hey wait a second where is my helmet?" Jason said looking around.
"Conner give that back to him now." Ethan said as Jason spun around to see Conner McKnight wearing his ranger helmet.
"I think mine is cooler." Conner says as Jason powers down making his helmet disappear.
"Awwman." Conner whines as Tommy glares at him.
The kids got that as a clue to head downstairs to the lair which they did.
"So Kira how was your night it must have been intense if Dr. O got drunk with Jason?" Ethan asked.
"No not really it was quiet other than Hayley scareing Dr. O and Jason." She said as the boys cringed a little at hearing what Hayley did having had it happen to them once.
"Guys please sit down I have something I need to tell you all." Kira says.
"What is it Kira is everything ok?" Conner asks.
She nods it is. "Listen we found my birth parents and I met them both already." She said.
"Wow that was fast." Trent says.
"Well to be honest I have been around my dad since we became rangers." She started to explain.
"My mom on the other hand I just met last night, please I don't want to be bombarded by a lot of questions once I tell you who ok." Kira said.
They nodded ok.
"My mother is Kim Hart the first pink ranger and my father is Dr. O" Said as they all gasped in surprise.
"Whoa really your mom was a power ranger,and wait did you just say Dr.o is your dad?." Conner said with a smile on his face as well as a look of confusion.
He then saw she was acting a little depressed he walked over to her and placed a arm around her and asked her. "Are you gonna be ok Kira?"
"Yeah Conner I'm gonna be ok, it's just a lot to take in is all." She says.
They continue talking when there is a knock at the front door they hear Tommy walk across and open the door.
The Next thing they hear is Zack. "Hey the Zack man is here were all the pretty ladies at that want a piece of this." He says out loud.
They start to head upstairs to hear Jason. 'Zack the last time you got a woman at Tommy's house you popped her." He said as they all started laughing at him.
"Ha ha Jason you are never gonna let that die are you." He asked.
"Nope none of us are best bachelor party ever man." Adam said as he patted Zack on the back.
"Besides I think Angela would kill us if you flirted with other women." Rocky said.
"Dude I'm married not dead I can look I'm just not allowed to touch." He said as they all laughed at him.
The kids were snickering off in the corner which caught Tommy's attention.
"Guys I would like you to meet my rangers we got Conner the red ranger, this is Ethan the blue ranger, this is Trent he is the White ranger, and this is my daughter Kira the Yellow ranger." Tommy did the introductions to those that have not met them yet.
Zack looked over at Tommy. "Dude there are 5 rangers on your team who is your black." Zack asked only to get hit in the back of the head by the other 3 at the same time.
"He is genius." Rocky said.
Zack glared at him. "Damn man is nothing sacred with you what's next you gonna get a mastodon zord and name it jumbo too." Zack said causing everyone to laugh.
:::Mesogog's lair:::
Elsa and Zeltrax walked out to their master. "Lord Mesogog we have a idea." Zeltrax said.
Mesogog glared at them. "What is it you simpletons spit out already." Mesogog snarled at them.
"Well master there is John Ford the only true son of the ford family he hates the yellow ranger we could get him to aid us and break her fragile mind from what they did to her." Elsa stated.
Mesogog glared at them again. "And that is one ranger what about the others." He demanded.
"She falls so goes the great Thomas Oliver as well as the Red ranger he has strong feelings for her leaving only the blue ranger and white ranger to deal with my master." Elsa explained.
"I like it begin immediately then." Mesogog ordered.
:::Ford residence:::
John was in his room getting ready to ship out when all of a sudden Elsa appeared right in front of him casing him to jump back.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Someone who shares a interest in demoralizing Kira Ford." She said.
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Be careful when demanding reparations from gods. They rarely own up to their mistakes. Due to a goddess's shortsighted error, Perry finds himself transported to a distant Universe with new proportions and a different identity. Instead of cowering before the deity, he demands she opens a portal home or provides reparations for him and his bereaved family. Unfortunately, standing up for himself doesn't earn Perry respect. Instead, she curses him with cowardice, limiting his combat and magical potential. Little does the goddess know that nothing can stand in the way of Perry's sheer will. If brute strength and arcane might won't get him the justice he desires, wit and creativity will. Perry's first target? A goblin shaman. Then, the world. And so begins, the bard's ballad. Trickster's Tale (Book 1): Is That A Lute In Your Pocket will release on Kindle Unlimited on the 10th of May.Due to KU's exclusivity rules, I've had to take most of book 1 down.Book 1 Bard's Ballad takes place in the same extended Universe as my other story, The Houndsman. It's set on a distant 'disk', though. As a result, the magic system is unique in comparison and has a harder LitRPG system. While the story utilises stats, it doesn't take them seriously and occasionally makes fun of regular LitRPG mechanics.
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