《Daughter of the Falcon》Chapter 8
:::Mesogog's lair:::
Mesogog is at a table that has many vials of chemicals as he mixes them together while Zeltrax, The White Ranger clone, John, and Lothor watch him with interest.
"So lizard man what are you making there and how will that help us destroy the rangers?" Lothor asks.
Mesogog finishes mixing the chemicals and looks up at the other 4 and then downs the liquid.
The others watch as Mesogog starts to convulse after a few minutes of this convulsing on the floor is Anton Mercer while Mesogog stares down at him with a smile on his face.
"Finally to be of that weakness once and for all." Mesogog hisses.
"Zeltrax look him away now." Mesogog orders as Zeltrax goes to comply only to be stopped by John Ford.
"Why even keep him alive we should kill him and deliver his body to his son and the other rangers to show them that we mean business." John says pulling out a small sword pointing it at Anton.
Lothor grabs his arm. "Know your place boy he is more valuable to us alive and as a hostage than dead." Lothor explains.
John glares at him. "Yeah I'm gonna take advice from you the one who lost against the Ninja Rangers yeah no thanks I say kill him now." John snarls as he pulls his sword back to kill Anton.
He goes to plunge the sword forward only to drop it and grab his head in pain. "Lothor is right boy know your place." Mesogog hisses at him.
"What's the matter boy surprised that I am strong enough to stop you. Did you not think I would not notice what you were doing to me, foolish boy trying to do something another tried before, by separating from Mercer I have regained all my strength and stopped your plan." Mesogog hisses as he intensified the mind blast to John.
John gripping his head on the ground. "you stupid fossil you just want to return the dinosaurs I want to kill everyone and everything on this planet." John snarled
Lothor glared at him. "Boy you are one messed up kid yeah we want to destroy the rangers but not kill everyone there would be no one to rule then." Lothor growled hitting John with his Ninja magic to aid Lothor in subjugating the boy.
John gripping his head finally fell onto the ground completely, panting and sweating he glares at Lothor and goes to hit him with his telepathy only for nothing to happen.
"No more mind powers boy, I gave you those powers I have taken them away, once when your free nature was a aid to me now you will be my servant." Mesogog hissed.
John fell back gripping his head screaming in pain as Lothor and Mesogog laughed as they continued to torture John Ford.
:::Dino Thunder Command Center:::
They Dino Thunder team was sitting around the base with the others as Emily was sitting in the center of the room looking scared.
Jen Scott was glaring down at her. "So let me get this straight girl you mean to tell me that your former foster brother willingly joined this Mesogog and was given powers and is now also the reason Mesogog is becoming weaker, why is he doing that and why should we believe you." Jen said to the girl getting into her face.
Emily very scared just looked back at Jen. "I was looked over at the island fortress and John was stating it to the White Ranger clone, something about wanting to have enough power to wipe the world clean of all life." Emily said.
This caught the rangers by surprise never before has any of their enemies ever wanted to glean the whole Earth of life before.
"And how do we believe you?" Jen snarled at her.
Trip stepped up grabbing Jen's arm pulling her back somewhat. "Jen calm down she is telling the truth I can sense it." Trip said.
Jen spun around and glared into Trips eyes only to reveal a glare right back at her she just sighed and looked down on the floor.
"Sorry Trip, sorry guys I did not want to go overboard but this is serious the enemy of the last team of rangers have joined this enemy and to top it off is this John." Jen said.
Billy stepped up. "Emily do you think Mesogog knows of what is happening to him?" He asked.
Emily nodded yes. " Yes he does and from what I was able to hear John was taking his energy due to Mesogog having a human half but why would this John want to do this I remember it was just to get revenge on Kira here but to kill everyone." Emily stated.
Billy looked over at Hayley then the others before looking up and over at Kira.
"Kira do you know was John on any meds or seeing a doctor?" He asked.
She looked over at him. "Yes when John was younger he was kind to me then he changed around 8 Mr. Ford took him to a Doctor a lot, but this made Mrs. Ford angry sometimes and resulted in arguments, and after the beating started John would blame me for everything wrong." Kira said showing pain in her eyes from recounting this.
"Hmm I will need to confer with Mr. Ford but I believe John suffers from mental disorders one being split personality disorder." Billy explained.
"You think he is off meds or something Billy?" Trini asked.
Billy nodded as Kira and the others looked at her with confusion.
"Mrs. Scott what do mean I never John taking medicine growing up?" Kira asked.
Trini looked at her. "His parents could have been hiding it but split personality disorder and other mental conditions can cause a lot of what you said has happened and the meds would have stabilized his mind." Trini explained.
"Wait Hun you mean to tell me that he might not be in control of the way he is acting and what he is doing?" Jason asked his wife.
She looked over at him. "No Jason while there is a part of him that does not want to do this however he is not completely blameless for his actions, for example he knows if he goes off his meds he will act like this and there is a part that wants to act like this, however he has been empowered by Mesogog which makes him more dangerous." Trini explained.
Billy goers to say something when the alarms go off Hayley spins back around to the computer to see what is going on.
"What are those fighting with the Drones?" Ethan asks.
"Those look like the foot soldiers that had attacked Blue Bay Harbor last year they are working with Zeltrax and the drones causing problems downtown." Hayley explained.
"W have to go and stop them." Conner stated getting up and bringing forth his morpher as Ethan and Kira did the same, Trent tried to get up but fell back on to his butt.
"Trent you're a wreck right now get some rest we can handle this." Conner said to him as Trent nodded.
Wes and Eric got up and walked over to them. "Your not going alone and we are itching for a fight, the rest of you guys stay here in case back up is needed." Eric said as the other time force rangers nodded.
They all morphed and headed to the battle.
:::Downtown Reefside:::
The rangers appeared at the park and started to attack the drones as Eric went straight for Zeltrax, the other rangers while dealing with the drones also had to deal with the other foot soldiers.
"Damn these things are tough." Wes said as 4 Kelzacks and 2 drones attacked him.
Eric was doing better than the other rangers only dealing with Zeltrax only to get hit from behind by the now appearing white ranger clone.
"Come red ranger face me if you want a real challenge." The clone said to Myers.
"First I am the Quantum ranger not the red ranger and second big mistake attacking me from behind not knowing who I am." Eric snarled at the clone before unleashing several blasts from his Quantum defender.
The blasts hit the clone sending him flying back as sparks flew from him and lighting was coursing around him causing him to fall to his knees, he grabbed Zeltrax and jumped into a portal leaving the Drones and Kelzacks to deal with the rangers.
The rangers were having a tough time dealing with all the Kelzacks on top of the drones Wes was about to call for back up when all of a sudden the Kelzacks were knocked to the ground by a sudden gust of wind.
Conner looked around to see what had happened when the drones he was fighting was hit by massive lighting attacks, and Kira's opponents were hit by a blast of water.
Eric was looking around while trying to fend off 2 Kelzacks and a Drone when all of a sudden the ground beneath them was cracked open and out jumped a boy with sandy brown hair and a leather outfit with yellow markings on it.
Going next to him were 5 others in similar uniforms only with different colors on the trim the Drones and Kelzacks ran off as the new team turned to the rangers.
"Sorry for the sudden interruption but Kelzacks can be a pain in the ass to deal with sometimes." The one with the bright red trim stated.
He stuck his hand out to Conner. "Hi I am Shane leader of." He started to say before Ethan interrupted him.
"The wind Power rangers!" He said gleefully.
They all smiled and nodded as Conner and Wes stated that they should head back to Tommy's house.
:::Mesogog's Lair::
Mesogog was glaring at Lothor. "You said that your Kelzacks would take out the rangers and who were those 6 that showed up." He snarled.
"Those were my pains in the ass The Wind Ninjas, the Thunder Ninjas and my annoying nephew, however with the 2 of us working together we can destroy all of them we just need some more muscle." Lothor stated.
Mesogog looked at him then called for Zeltrax to enter the room, Zeltrax came in and looked to his master.
"Yes my master how may I serve you." He asked as he owed before him.
"How has it gone gaining us new allies to destroy all the rangers?" Mesogog asked.
"The Mutant known as Ransik spat in my face my lord so I dealt with him how ever I have found the remnants of a leader of the Machine empire on the moon I believe if we can get him he would be a most valuable ally." Zeltrax stated.
Mesogog smiled at him. "And how goes things with my newest pet Zeltrax and have you tracked where the traitor has run off to?" He asked.
"My lord the human know as John is now under your full control and the whereabouts of of Elsa is still unknown also master there is a problem with the White ranger clone it appears that he and Trent are causing each other to weaken due to straining the Morphin grid my lord." Zeltrax explained.
"Hmm then it seems we need to either get the Dino gem from the Trent boy or kill him, Zeltrax start preparing the genome randomizer for several mutates." Mesogog ordered.
"At once my lord." Zeltrax ordered.
:::Tommy's House:::
Everyone was now upstairs so as to not be too cramped Billy and Hayley had their laptops connected to the computer systems downstairs as Cam was with them going over everything they knew so far.
"So far Mesogog has Lothor working with him and you said the White ranger Clone was weaken somewhat?" Tommy asked his students.
"Yeah Dr. O it was strange it was almost like Eric's blasts were enough to nearly destroy him and then he and Zeltrax ran off." Conner explained.
"The main problem is that he has Lothor and his Generals working with him he could be planning for something huge at this point and I was surprised that John did not make a appearance this time." Tommy stated.
"That is strange I thought he would jump at a chance to attack me." Kira said.
Shane stepped forward. "Well with Lothor now helping your enemy we are here to help even though our powers are gone." Shane said.
With that Cam's head shot up. "Actually Shane I have been working with Dr, Cranston and Ms. Zicktor here and I was able to repower permantily our Morphers so yeah we do have our powers." Cam stated as he handed the Thunder rangers and Wind rangers there Morphers.
Jason was going to speak when there was a crash and a scream at the door which caused the guys to run to the door.
When they opened it what they saw surprised them it was Nadira holding her dad as he was covered in blood and a startled Kim and Aisha.
Jen and Wes ran up to them. "Nadira what happen?" Jen asked her.
They got him downstairs and had him hooked up to the ekg machine as Trini went over the cuts.
"He was approached by a dark Cyborg of some sorts and was demanded that he join in trying to kill the rangers my father refused, saying he would not harm those that gave him a chance at a new life." Nadira explained.
"Then this thing attacked him my father fought back as best he could but was over powered, that thing started to power up a blast I used my powers to block it and got my dad out of there and searched for you guys." Nadira said crying as Lucas came over to her.
"It's gonna be ok Nadira Dr. Scott will help him I know it." Lucas said calming the girl he was dating.
Nadira then placed her head on Lucas's chest as Kim turned to Tommy.
"Do you think she means Zeltrax?" She asked.
Tommy nodded his head. "This means Mesogog is recruiting past enemies this is really not good he might be trying for a dark specter like attack again." Tommy explained.
As the others were discussing what to do they heard a groan come from the medical table as Ransik got up.
Jen looked over to him. "Not so fast Ransik your still hurt." She said.
"Thank you for your concern Miss Scotts but I am ok for the most parts." Ransik explained.
"Ransik what did Zeltrax want with you?" Wes asked him.
"He wanted me to join him in destroying the rangers and helping him return Earth to the age of the dinosaurs, I told him I was not like that anymore and then I spat at him not the smartest thing I have ever done he then attacked me and now I am here, I want to help you stop him to attone for my crimes." Ransik explained.
Jen looked at him. "Ransik you are in no shape to help us and you lost your powers when you attacked the Mut-Orgs." Jen said.
Ransik smiled. "No my dear Jen they only cured me of the out of control mutation that was ravaging my body I however still have my powers as a mutant I can just control them now please rangers allow me and my daughter to aid you, I owe you all that much." Ransik stated.
The rangers all looked at each other and nodded that Ransik and Nadira would join them.
Right after a small alarm went off on the laptops, Billy and Cam looked over the info on the laptops.
"Guys it seems that Lothor is heading for the moon not sure why though." Cam says.
This caused Wes, Eric, Jason and Tommy to pale. "He must be going to where we fought Serpentera." Jason says.
"But for what reason we destroyed Serpentera there can't be the reason they are going unless oh god." Jason said.
Tommy looked and nodded as the others were confused as to what was going on.
"Listen there are left over cogs up there as well as the possibility of the remnants of the generals we destroyed this is not good if they are getting them, Listen Billy I need you to contact Andros we are gonna need his help on this." Tommy said as Billy nodded.
There was all of a sudden a knock on the door Kim went and answered it, there standing at the door was none other than Mr. Ford.
Kira upon seeing him recoiled into Conner's arms who then glared up at the man standing in the doorway.
Conner and Kira's reaction was not missed by the others. "Conner we asked him to come here about John." Tommy said which did not ease Kira's mood at all.
Tommy took him and had him sit away from Kira who was still terrified of him though she knew that he would not harm her at the moment the memories were still there.
"Dr. Oliver what is it I can do for you?" he asked.
"It is about your son John did he have any mental condition he was being treated for at all?" Tommy asked him.
Mr. Ford sighed and looked down at the table. "Yes Split personality disorder, Bi-Polar disorder and schizophrenia, but his mother did not want him treated for it she stated that it was all because I focused on Kira too much." Mr. Ford stated.
"So let me get this straight Your wife actually hated Kira but she seemed so worried and caring towards her when I met her." Adam at this point stated.
Mr. Ford sighed. "She has a mental disorder as well she seeks sympathy whenever she can and she tries so hard to make everyone think she is a victim when she is not, she is supposed to be on meds as well but she also did not want people to know about John's problem so she kept taking him off his meds, you said Mr. Park when you went there she was screaming at him most likely for almost exposing their disorders, I was able to have her put in a hospital but can't find John anywhere." He explained.
Jason sighed this time and looked over at him. "John is working for Mesogog and has been enhanced by him this is why we are asking listen thank you for your time I will see you out." Jason said,
Mr. Ford got up and started to follow Jason. "Whatever I can do to fix this Mr. Scott, and Kira I am truly sorry I can only hope that you sometime forgive me for my actions and my inactions towards you and I will do whatever I can to help fix all this." He said as he walked by Kira and Conner he then walked out of the house.
Everyone looked at Kira. "I know he means well now it is just so hard to forget what I went through it will take time but in the end I will most likely forgive him, right now I just want to stop Mesogog and save John and get him the help he needs so that I can be a family with my parents." Kira said as Kim walked over to her.
"Baby Girl we will be a family after this is all over with I know I have a lot to make up for to you your father and everything but I will I promise." Kim said as Kira took her into a hug.
"Thank you mom." Kira said as Conner smiled.
Tommy looking at everyone else now. "Guys we are gonna need a lot of what we have to take this guy down and at the moment my team is down a ranger, By the way Hayley have you figured out what was wrong with Trent yet?" He asked.
"Yes Tommy it seems it is because of the white ranger clone is causing a glitch in the grid and is draining power from Trent he is doing the same to the clone, the clone has to go." Hayley explained.
Kim looked over to her. "Yeah that is like what Zordon told me when I got pulled back into the past during the wild west he said to much of one energy is not good." She explained.
"Yea each one of us gets our powers from a different part of the Morphin grid and if one of the powers is duplicated it can spell disaster for the ranger due to the grid trying to stabilize itself." Billy explained.
"Very well still we are gonna need a plan of action here because if Mesogog does what we think he is going to do it will be like the invasion of Astronoma all over again and the only way they could be stopped was for Zordon to die." Tommy stated.
With the mention of Zordons sacrifice the original rangers looked down on the ground sad for the loss of their mentor.
Hayley spoke up. "Guys Andros and the others are on route now they should be here in a hour or so." She explained.
"Good Hayley can you scan for any Invisiportal and ask Emily if you have to when Andros gets here we go straight on the offensive before he can even attack us." Tommy said.
At this point Trent had woken up and walked into the living room. "Dr. O what about my dad?" He asked.
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