《Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 3》Nick
I moved my hands to his hair, it felt so good. I hadn't been kissed in weeks. And I hadn't kissed Harry in almost a year. And let me tell you, Harry Styles is a damn good kisser.
I was loving kissing him but as he slowly started massaging my tongue with his own, I couldn't help but feel guilty.
i pulled away and he came back after me, " Harry, Harry stop."
Harry's emerald eyes opened and searched my face with concern, "What is it? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry."
"No, no. It was amazing. I just can't do this."
Harry sat up and pulled me into his lap, "I'm sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn't have done anything. You and Niall just broke up two weeks ago!"
Shit, I have to add Niall into this mess too? I thought to myself. I suddenly became so overwhelmed I felt hot tears dripping down my face.
"Hey, hey. Why are you crying?" Harry asked wiping them away just as fast as they were coming.
I was almost sobbing now. It probably had to do with the fact that I had just started my period but my emotions were out of control. I started hiccuping, "It's just Samie," hiccup, "And Nick." hiccup, "And I didn't even think of Niall." Hiccup, "And I'm such a horrible person." I said hiccuping and crying all at the same time.
"Did you just say Samie? And who the hell is Nick?" Harry asked pulling away so he could look at me.
"If you go," hiccup, "get me," hiccup, "chocolate I'll tell you everything."
Harry nodded and sprinting out of the room. He returned with a chocolate bar, cookie dough, peanut butter, and Nutella. "Okay let's calm down and talk about this." he said climbing back onto the bed. I nodded grabbing the Nutella from him and a spoon. "My first question is, does all of this," He said gesturing to the food lying on his bed. "Because of the same reason that you cried this morning when you found out we were out of Greek yogurt?"
I nodded slowly opening up the cookie dough and trying to figure out how to dip it in the Nutella.
"I'm so glad I'm a guy." He mumbled under his breath. I had always been an extra moody person when I was on my period. And for whatever reason that comment pissed me off.
"Me too." I said hitting him in the balls.
He groaned and dropped down to his side, "What the hell was that for?" He squeaked.
I would have told him not to piss me off but I was laughing too hard. "You think is funny?" Harry asked and I nodded. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me so I was next to him, but my hand smashed into his face causing Nutella to be spread all over his cheek, making me laugh harder.
I finally calmed down and Harry looked at me, "So...where do we start?"
"Samie is the shortest. She regrets denying you, but she was scared, because she didn't know if she couldn't handle the distance. So you should call her later. She's done with classes in a few hours."
"Wait, seriously?" Harry asked excitement growing in his eyes. I knew he wasnt over Samie, Sabine was just to get his mind off her.
I nodded brushed a curl away from his eye.
Harry grinned his excited grin and then threw his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. "And who is Nick?"
I took a deep breath unsure of how Harry would react, "Its Nick Jonas. We um started talking on Twitter and we've been Skyping. And he asked me if I would go to his movie premiere with him...as his date. It's in a few days. In NYC."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Harry said sitting up fast, "You're going on a date?! In New York?!"
"Who's going on a date?" Louis asked coming in the room and picking up Harriet.
"Kiersten is!" Harry said groaning slightly as he moved around.
"With who?" Louis asked literally throwing Harriet across the room at Harry's face.
"Hey! Don't throw my cats!" I said chucking a pillow at Louis. He came over and just flopped down on top of me.
"Nick Jonas." Harry said bitterly as Harriet sat on top of his head batting his curls.
"Why the hell would you go out with him?" Louis asked.
"I happen to like him. He's a really nice guy. And we aren't going out. I'm just his date to his movie premiere. It's nothing serious."
"If you're going all the way to New York it must be pretty serious." Harry said playing with Eugene.
"Why are you guys being like this?" I asked.
"We're just worried. You don't need to be going off to New York to meet some creep you've never met." Louis said sitting down on the bed, causing Meatloaf to pounce on him.
"I have met him. And I'm bringing Bob with me." Bob was my body guard that Harry and Louis insisted on hiring. He comes every where with me. And it gives me a piece of mind. The fans have gotten pretty rude and violent and having Bob there with me was nice. "So what's the real reason?" I said pulling Frank into my lap, who snorted happily.
"You've met him?" Harry asked.
"Yeah. We were doing photoshoots in the same building and ran into each other in the lobby. Way back before I met you." I said crawling over to Harry who was lying on his side with his head propped up on his hand. I rested my back against his stomach and I knew he wouldn't say anything. "So why don't you want me to go?" I asked poking his cheek.
"You belong with Niall! You can't replace him!" Louis yelled suddenly.
"I'm not trying to replace him Lou. I don't want another Niall, I want a Nick. And even if I was, I'd just be doing the same thing as him." I said crossing my arms.
"I-uh you, you know?" Louis stammered obviously suprised.
"Of course I know! I'm not stupid! I see magazines, I see the news. I know he's seeing other girls. Weird how they all have blonde hair and blue eyes isn't it?" I said scratching Frank's head and refusing to look at Louis or Harry, afraid I'd start crying.
"I guess I'm fine with it, as long as you promise you're going to be safe. I want to talk to him though." Louis said tilting my chin up to look at him.
"Thanka, Lou. I'm Skyping with him in twenty minutes so I'm sure you can talk to him." I said as he kissed my forehead. "Harry?"
He just shrugged and I could tell something was wrong. "Lou? Can you give us some privacy please?"
Louis nodded, "I'll feed the monsters." He said scooping up all four kittens, "Come on Frank you too." He said holding the door open. Frank snorted and trotted out the door and Louis shut it behind him.
I laid down on my back so Harry's front was pressed up against my side. "What's going on with you?"
He shrugged, "I'm fine."
"You do know that you are the worst liar ever right? Now come on tell me what's on your mind. Is it the kiss because it was heat of the moment and I think we both know it didn't mean anything." I said tracing the veins in his arm.
"No it's not that. While the kiss was wonderful, as they always are with you. We're just friends, best friends, but nothing more. It's just I'm afraid that I'm going to lose you again."
"What do you mean?" I asked snuggling closer to him.
"I mean we've gotten so close lately and I like that you sleep in the same bed as me. And with Nick and Samie I just don't want anything to change between us. I can't lose you, you disappeared for too long. You didn't talk to me for almost a month. I can't lose you again! I just dont want what we have to end."
"Ohh, Harry," I said wrapping my arms around him, "You're not going to. I'm not going to stop sleeping here. I feel safe here. When I have a nightmare I just have to wake up and see you lying there and I feel better automatically. You don't even have to wake up. No one has control over what I do. Nick's not my boyfriend, and even if he was it wouldn't change anything. There's nothing wrong with what we're doing. You're one of my best friends, Harry. I dont want to lose you either. Stuff is going to change, stuff is always changing, but I promise you that I'll always be here."
"You're one of my best friends, too. I love you." Harry said squeezing me so tight I could barely breathe.
"I love you too." I said kissing his cheek. "So what are you going to do with the kittens when you go on tour? Wait never mind. I'll be here to watch them." I said putting my head in the crook of his neck.
"Kiersten we just talked about not losing each other. You seriously think you're not coming on tour with us? It's seven months long!"
"I might as well. I don't think I'll be modeling for awhile. But that still doesnt answer my question."
"I'll bring them with. You brought Frank with."
"I hope you talk to Paul first. I'm not sure how they're going to feel when you show up with a cat carrier with four kittens in it."
Harry laughed, "I've still got a couple weeks. Now dont you have a Skype date to get ready for?"
"I'm really excited to see you, Kiersten." Nick said giving me a shy smile.
I smiled at my computer, "I'm really excited, too."
"How long will you be here?" He asked his chocolate brown eyes were warm and comforting.
"My plane lands at ten New York time, and I'll be there until the next morning, than Bob, my body guard, and I are taking a train to Philly to see some of my friends. Then I have to be back here for meetings with Lawyers and stuff." I said.
"Well, I'll make sure to plan a great day for us." Nick said smiling warmly.
The door to my room flung open and Harry ran in with three kittens hot on his heels, Meatloaf was missing, "Kiersten!" He yelled jumping on top of me, "Samie's coming to London for her spring break!"
"That's great, Haz!" I said mouthing an apology to Nick who just smiled and nodded.
"She's going to hang out with us on tour, too!" He yelled very loudly.
A ringtone blasted out of the computer speakers and Harry's head turned quickly to look at it. "Oh! You're talking to Nick." He said and I nodded. "Louuuuuu!" Harry yelled at the top of his lungs and I sighed as Louis ran in the door wearing a cape.
"Kiersten, out. Your mother and I have some very important things to discuss with this young man." Louis said taking off his cape and straighting out the tie he was wearing over his sweater.
"Yes, dad. Nick, I'm apolgizing in advance for whatever they say to you."
Nick just laughed.
"Hey! Wait!" Harry yelled, "Why am I the mother?"
I snorted grabbed Pepito off the keyboard of my computer and strolled out of my room.
I plopped down on the couch and saw Harry's computer opened to his Twitter. I smiled thinking of a great idea.
I pulled the computer into my lap and started typing away.
@Harry_Styles: Never look at your poo after eating mac & cheese. Ew.
@Harry_Styles: @Real_Liam_Payne you put the yum in LeeYum.
Eleanor plopped down and giggled as she saw what I was doing, she set Meatloaf on the floor and he ran away. "Meatloaf was with you? I thought you were asleep." I said trying to decide what to tweet next.
"Lou put him on my face while I was asleep. I have an idea for Niall, gimme." I happily headed the computer not wanting to do one for Niall anyway.
We finished up and were both happy with our results.
@Harry_Styles: @NiallOfficial heard your a vegan now. Good for you, mate.
@Harry_Styles: @zaynmalik1D I lost my boxers that match yours :(
@Harry_Styles: @Louis_Tomlinson Aww! Look our Twitter names match! How cute are we?"
@Harry_Styles I'm thinking about getting another tattoo. Maybe a reindeer on my bum.
@Harry_Styles: @anne42cox Hi mum! I soiled my pants can you come wash them for me?
We heard Harry and Louis say goodbye to Nick so we quickly shut the laptop and started talking about shoes.
"You have our complete permission to go see him. Now the computer is facing your slowly tipping panties drawer so you're going to want to hurry and get back to him before they spill all over the floor." Louis said.
"Louis!" I screeched and ran to my room where I slammed my underwear drawer shut and grabbed my laptop. I apologize to Nick and then told him I had to get to bed and that I would see him in a couple days.
I got ready for bed and then crawled in between Harry's sheets. He was still in the bathroom so I checked out the Twitter trends and I was very happy to see three of them involving Harry's tweets.
I was giggling at them when Harry walked out of his bathroom and smirked when he saw me. "You think it's funny to hack my account, huh?" He asked slowly approaching the bed.
"I didn't hack your account. You're just an idiot who left your computer open to your Twitter page. And El and I are pretty darn clever." I said as he sat on me.
"Oh so now I'm an idiot?"
"An idiot who looks at his poo, has matching underwear with Zayn, thinks Liam is yummy, wants a reindeer tattoo, and soils himself!" I said laughing as Harry glared at me.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah you're so funny." Harry said rolling off me and sliding under the blankets.
I threw my arm over his chest and planted a kiss on his cheek, "You love me an I'm your favorite person and you know it."
"Ahh, well that's true." Harry said slipping his arm underneath me and turning me so my head was resting on his chest.
I played with the material of his black v-neck. "This is weird," I muttered.
"What's weird?" Harry asked as all four kittens suddenly jumped into the bed. Frank snorted and Harry's long arm reached down and scooped him dropping him on the other side of me.
I shrugged, "You're wearing a shirt." I said looking at him.
"Would you like me to take it off?" Harry asked giving me a cheeky grin and a wink.
I punched him, "You're such a perv." I said rolling over, "I'm cuddling with Frank tonight."
"Noo!" Harry whined, "Who am I going to cuddle with then?"
I grabbed Pepito who was pouncing on Frank and then dropped him on Harry's chest.
I woke up with start "Just another nightmare." I mumbled brushing the hair out of my eyes, it must've been pretty bad but I couldn't remember what it was. Ever since the incident with Jason at the club I had nightmares. Not just about that, about everything. They got less frequent for awhile, but once I'm in a high stress situation they come right back. And Niall ending it, the trial, and all of the rumors and stuff had brought them back full speed ahead.
I turned at looked at Harry. The moon light shone in on him and I smirked when I saw he was shirtless. I took in his pale skin and as weird as this sounds the sight of his four nipples relaxed me. I laid back down and placed my head where his torso meets his arm. I stretched my arm across his chest and his breathing changed and I knew he was awake.
His arm curled around me as he hugged me into his side and he stroked my hair with his other hand, "You okay, love?" He asked groggily kissing the top of my head.
"Mmhm. Thank you, Harry."
"You're welcome, babe." He said his voice drifting away as we both fell back asleep.
I stepped off the plane with Bob and texted Nick telling him I was there. He said he was waiting in the pick up part with his car.
I grabbed suitcase off the baggage claim and it almost knocked me over it was so heavy. Bob steadied me laughing. "That's not mine." I said blushing and trying to put it back on the belt. Bob lifted it with ease and dropped it back on the belt.
He grabbed the next one, "This is yours." He said patting me on the head and grabbing another suitcase.
We walked to the pick up area and I saw Nick leaning against a black Bently. He stood up and hugged me tightly. I smiled as i wrapped my arms around his strong shoulders. He smelled amazing. It wasn't a heavy cologne sent, it just smelled like soap and man.
"I'm so happy you're here." He whispered and I just smiled at him.
"This is Bob, my bodyguard. Bob, this is Nick." They shook hands and Bob slid into the rather tiny backseat.
"I would have brought a different car if I had known he was so...big." Nick said as we walked to the passenger door.
I laughed, "This is big for him. You should see him try and fit in my Porsche." I said as he opened my door for me.
Nick laughed and I slid into the leather seat. I turned around and grinned at Bob, "How ya likin' it back there?"
"It's lovely. Very nice leather." He said sticking his tongue out at me.
I laughed, that was thing I loved about Bob, he could joke around and have fun but then the next second he could be yelling at the paparazzi, and if one of them says something mean to me, he gives them a look at says if you don't back up and shut your mouth I'm going to put you straight through that brick wall.
"So I thought we could go ice skating at Rockefeller Center." Nick said grinning at me.
I gasped, "I've always wanted to do that!" I said wiggling in my seat, "How do you feel about ice skating, Bob?" I asked laughing at the image of my six foot, five inch tall, two hindered and seventy-five pound black bodyguard twirling around on figure skates.
"I think I'll find myself a hotdog stand and sit this one out." He said causing Nick and I to laugh again.
Nick parked the car and we walked to the ice rink. Bob found a food stand and waited in line, while keeping an eye on me.
We rented our skates and found a bench. I slipped off my favorite brown riding and put on the figure skates. "Want me to tie them for you?" Nick asked since he already had his on and tied.
I nodded, "Thank you."
Nick knelt down in front of me and quickly tied my skates. "Tight enough? Too tight?" He asked before standing up.
"Perfect." I said smiling at him.
He stood up and held his hand out. I took it and stood up and we hobbled over to the entrance. "Have you ever been skating before?" He asked as we waited for the family in front of us.
"I used to be in the figure skating club, back when I was like twelve, but I haven't been in ages."
"Well don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall." Nick said winking and stepping onto the ice. I adjusted my cream colored beanie and followed him.
Nick took my hand and we started gliding across the smooth ice. "So, I know we've talked a lot but I feel like I barely know you. So, tell me about yourself." I said looking into his warm brown eyes.
"Well, I'm a huge sports fan, and I obviously love music, I'm really close with my family, I owe all of my success to them." He said grinning at me. "How do you feel about sports?"
"Living in England absolutely kills me. I have the ESPN app on my phone just so I can check the scores. I miss football, baseball, and hockey so much. They play a lot of golf there though, so that's nice." I said.
"That is so attractive." Nick said looking at me in awe.
I laughed and shrugged, "I grew up on sports. It's weird in my family not to like them."
"What's your favorite baseball team?" He asked as we rounded another corner.
"I have three. I know it's awful, but I can't decide between the Brewer's, the Cub's, and the Phillie's. You're a Texas boy aren't you?"
Nick just had a giant grin on his face, "Yep, I'm a Ranger's fan. So why those three teams?"
"Well, I went to college for a year in Philadelphia, I grew up in Wisconsin, and my mom's family is all from Chicago."
Nick just grinned at me some more. We continued skating around and getting to know each other even better.
It started snowing lightly and Nick and I had slowed way down. He pulled me into a more isolated area and we were standing really close together.
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