《Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 3》Roommates
I was standing in the kitchen of my flat making popcorn for the movie Sabine and I were going to watch. "Babe, Louis isn't even going to come out of his room. We won't even know he's here." I said pulling the bag out of the microwave. Eleanor had gone to visit her family and since Louis had to be in the studio he wasn't able to go with.
"But we could be at my flat, alone." Sabine said running her hand down my arm.
"But you don't have a theatre room." I said kissing her quickly.
There was a knock on the door, "Will you get that please? And I'll get the popcorn just the way you like it." I said opening a cupboard to find the salt.
Sabine groaned and made her way to the door. "Is Harry here?" A girl's voice asked, she sounded like she had been crying.
"Yeah, but he's busy. We're watching a movie."
"Please, Sabine. I just need to talk to him." It sounded like...Kiersten?
"No. I'm sure you're fine. Bye, have a nice night." Sabine said and the door closed. Sabine walked back into the kitchen.
"Who was at the door, love?" I asked.
"No one important." She said leaning against the counter.
"Kiersten is a pretty important person, to me." I said handing her the bowl and walking towards the door. I opened it and Kiersten sat against the wall. She had tears streaming down her face and her make up was running.
I stepped towards her but Sabine stopped me. "You're seriously going to pick her over me?" She asked.
"She's my best friend, Sabine." I said "Lou!" I yelled into the quiet apartment, "Get out here!"
"Whatever, Harry. Nice knowing you." Sabine said grabbing her jacket and walking away.
"Bye, Sabine! I won't miss you!" Louis yelled appearing behind me, but then he saw Kiersten. "K?"
Kiersten whimpered and held her arms up like a child. I bent down an picked her up and she wrapped her arms and legs around me and cried into my shoulder. I carried her to the guest bedroom and laid her down on the large king size bed. I laid down on one said of her and Louis laid on the other. Kiersten burried her face in my chest and Louis rubbed her back.
She cried herself to sleep and when I was sure she was out I looked at Louis. "Do you know what happened?" He asked.
"No. But we should probably call Liam and Zayn to go check and make sure Niall is okay."
Louis nodded and we called Liam and Zahn and they said they would go check on Niall.
I went to my room and dug around in one of my drawers where I had a pair of Kiersten's sweatpants and a t-shirt. I don't know why I had them, but I did.
I went back to the guest room and slipped the sweatpants on under her dress. Louis slipped her jacked off and then unzipped her dress. I put the t-shirt on over her head and fit her arms in the sleeves. I pulled the dress of her. I folded it and set it on the chair with her jacket. I then climbed back in next to Kiersten and Louis and I just lay there watching her sleep. "What do you think happened?" Louis whispered.
"I have no idea. I'm almost afraid to find out."
Louis nodded, "I miss Kiersten, the real Kiersten."
"I miss her too." I raspy voice said from inbetween us.
I looked down and Kiersten watery blue eyes looked back up at me. "Do you want to tell us what happened?" I asked brushing some of her hair out of her face.
She nodded, "Can I clean up my face a bit first?"
"I have make-up remover wipes in my bathroom. They're El's. I'll be right back." Louis said pressing his lips to her forehead then running out of the room.
"Yes, love?"
"Did Sabine leave you?"
I nodded, realization sinking in.
"I'm so sorry, Harry." Kiersten said tears spilling from her blue eyes.
"Don't be sorry, doll. No one liked her anyway." Louis said getting back on the bed. Kiersten sat up and reached to take the wipes from Louis but he shook his head. He got up on his knees and carefully took all of the make-up off her face. "There a bazillion and two times more beautiful." Louis said kissing her nose. Kiersten smiled shyly and hugged him tightly.
"Are you ready to tell us?" I asked rubbing her back.
She nodded and sat against the headboard. I handed her a throw pillow with fringes because I knew she would need something for her fingers to do. She smiled at me and wound her fingers in the fringe. "So um the modeling agency has been trying to get me to loose weight. And get a nose job, and they've been making me do photoshoots with creepy men and I just feel uncomfortable but whenever I say anything they just tell me that I have to do it, because my contract says so. And if I breech it, I have to pay them twenty-two million dollars. They have been controlling everything. They forced me to start smoking unfiltered cigarettes. They have me on super strict diet and if they think I've eaten more than what I'm allowed they force me to throw it up. And they always think I've eaten too much. The only thing I've eaten in the past three days, is a diet bar. Only one. I've started partying constantly because being drunk all the time is easier than feeling so disgusting and used. I came home wasted, and Niall was going to confront me about the smoking, at least that's what I think he was going to do. He dumped my purse out on the table and then he-he saw the bag of cocaine. That the agency had given me." Kiersten said her voice cracking, I heard two gasps and I realized one of them had to be my own. "I never did the stuff. I just pretended. The bag hadn't even been opened. And now I've lost Niall. Who is worth so much more than twenty-two million dollars."
"Love, why didn't you tell Niall? Why didn't you tell anyone?" Louis asked exactly what I was wondering.
Kiersten sniffed, "You guys have been working so hard on the album. And what was someone going to do? Walk into the agency and tell them off?"
"Sweetheart, we're going to get you a lawyer and we're going to make sure you never have to deal with them again okay?" I said stroking her cheek.
"We'll call off recording for the next couple days and make sure that you get better. You can stay here. This is your room now, until you and Niall make up."
Kiersten shook her head, "You didn't see the look in his eyes, Lou. He's never going to want me back." She said throwing herself into my chest.
I held her tight, and I wondered, we're they really over? "Hey, we've got to focus on getting you better first. Getting you back to the girl we love. Now I do believe we've got things to wash down the garbage disposal." I said getting off the bed.
Kiersten nodded and grabbed her purse off the floor. We walked to the kitchen and Kiersten pulled out a package of cigarettes and I dropped them in the disposal. She turned the water on and then flipped the switch. She reached back in her purse with her eyes closed. She pulled out a baggie full of white powder and dropped it in the sink without opening her eyes.
"It's gone." Louis said taking her hand and leading her to the living room. Kiersten curled up on the couch against him and in seconds she was asleep. Louis and I just sat there staring blankly at the TV.
There was a knock on the door and I opened it to find Liam and Zayn with boxes. "Is she here?" Zayn asked quietly. I nodded and let them in. They set the boxes on the floor and walked into the living room. I saw a tear escape from Zayn's eye when he saw her, but he wiped it away quickly.
"He wants all of her stuff out. Like now. We walked in on him trying to throw a chair off the balcony. But he wouldn't tell us what happened. He just said it was over and he never wants to see her again." Liam said running a hand through his hair.
"We tried reasoning with him but he just kept saying it was unforgivable and then kept breaking stuff. Did she tell you what happened?" Zayn asked messing up his perfect hair.
I nodded, "He found cocaine in her purse. But she didn't do it. The modeling agency told her she needed to lose weight and that if she didn't do what they said she would owe them twenty-two million for breeching the contract. She didn't know what to do. She was so lost."
"Well come on! Let's go tell that to Niall! I'm sure he'll take her back, then!"
"I'll stay here with her. You guys go. But make sure you find Frank and bring him here. He's probably scared out of his mind." Louis said from the couch.
We nodded and sprinted to Niall's flat.
The door was open and there was glass everywhere. Niall was sitting on the floor in the guest bathroom a picture of her from a photoshoot before she had joined the agency. "Niall! You've got to listen to Harry!" Liam said as we stepped over broken glass.
Niall just looked at me and so I explained everything. Liam and Zayn were shocked at what they had been forcing her to do, but Niall just laughed darkly. "She's lying. She's got you wrapped around her finger, Harry. She could tell you anything and you would believe it. All of you would."
Niall was hurting and I could see it. I think that it was because he couldn't believe that his sweet and innocent princess had turned into this mess. "I'm sorry that you don't believe it Niall. But Paul gave us two days off. But management wants you two to say it was mutual and that you're still friends you are both just too busy." Liam said.
"Fine whatever. Just get her shit out of my flat." Niall spat ripping her picture in half.
"Niall, do you know where her modeling contract is? It's important that I have that." I said crouching down to face him.
"There's a safe in the bottom right drawer of her desk. All of her contracts are in there." Niall said sighing.
Liam picked Niall up, "Come on mate, you can take my guest bedroom until this is all cleaned up. I'll be right back guys." Liam said leading him out the door.
Zayn and I got to work. Zayn found Frank hiding under the bed. He ran him back to Louis, while I searched for the safe which I eventually found. I set the safe in a box and started throwing stuff into boxes. If it looked like Kiersten's it got thrown in a box. Liam came back and in an hour and a half we were done. We carried all of the boxes to my flat and put them in the storage room. I set the safe on the counter and thanked Liam and Zayn and told them I would talk to them in the morning.
Louis was asleep on the couch so I woke him up and told him to go to bed.
I stripped down and crawled in between my cool sheets. I ran my hand over my face trying to comprehend everything. I had finally relaxed when my door creaked open. I couldn't see who it was, but I didn't have to, i already knew who it was. "What's wrong, love?"
"Nightmare." She said walking towards my bed.
"Well then get in here and cuddle with me." I said holding the blanket up.
She climbed in the bed and I wrapped my arm around her. "You're naked aren't you?" She asked and I could feel her blush against my chest.
"Yup." I said and she just snuggled in to me. "Since when are you okay with me being naked?" I asked looking down at her. The moon was shining through the window and reflecting off her blue eyes.
"I'm not. I just dont want you to stop holding me." She said putting her arm across my stomach.
I chuckled and buried my face in her hair expecting to smell her shampoo, but I more or less just smelled like smoke and alchohol.
"I smell don't I?" Kiersten asked pulling away from me.
"Don't lie to me, Harry."
"You just don't smell like, you." I said rubbing her arm.
"I'm sorry. I would put some spray on or something but all of my stuff is still...you know."
"Actually it's not. It's in the storage room." I said rubbing circles on her back.
Kiersten sat up and flicked the lamp on, "All of it?"
I nodded unsure of how she would react.
"Wh-where's Frank?" She asked her voice shaking.
"He's in Louis' room."
"So you um, you you talked to, you um talked to Ni-" Kiersten's own sob interrupted her.
"Yes, I talked to him." I said pulling her back to my chest, "Please don't cry, babe. You know I hate seeing you cry."
"How is he-e? D-did you tell him I didn't do it?" Kiersten asked as her tears pelted my chest.
"He's a mess, babe. Of course he's a mess." I said deliberately avoiding answering her other question, hoping she wouldn't notice.
She stopped crying, "Harry. Answer the question." Her voice had a sharp edge to it.
I sighed I was really hoping I wouldn't have to tell her. "He laughed. And said you were lying." I said closing my eyes not wanting to she her reaction.
She whimpered but somehow managed to keep her composure. She sat up and I opened my eyes to look at her. "It's really over." She whispered, more to herself than anything. She reached a shaky hand up and took off the necklace I had never seen her without since the day she got it. She slipped the promise ring off her finger and then got off the bed. She walked out of the room without saying anything to me. I sighed and got up throwing on a pair of boxers and following her out of the room.
I found her in the kitchen bent over a piece of paper. I read over her shoulder, Niall when you gave these to me you promised me that you would love me forever and that I would always be your princess. But that's not true anymore. You'll find her someday. I'm sorry that I hurt you. You didn't deserve it. You didn't deserve any of the shit I put you through and I'm so sorry. I just didn't know what else to do. I was so lost. What Harry told you is true, but I know you won't believe it. Please just remember that I will always love you.
I watched as a tear fell on the corner of the paper. She folded the paper up and stuck it in an envelope along with the necklace and ring. She left it sitting on the counter.
Kiersten grabbed wrapped her arms around my torso and I hugged her tightly. "I love you, Harry. Thank you for everything."
"I love you, too. And you know I would do anything for you."
Kiersten nodded and we just stood there in the kitchen hugging each other. I started humming Count On Me by Bruno Mars Kiersten quietly started singing and I joined her.
Kiersten sniffed and pulled away. She walked towards Louis' room and slowly opened the door. "Frank, baby, come here." She whispered. Frank appeared at the door and Kiersten scooped him up. She shut the door and we walked away from it. Frank snorted and kind of whimpered. "I know baby. I miss daddy too. But I screwed it all up." Kiersten whispered holding him close.
We got to my door and Kiersten kissed my cheek, "Goodnight, Harry."
I grabbed her hip, "Hey wait. Do you um, just want to sleep in my bed?" I asked wanting someone to cuddle with.
"What about Frank?"
"He can come too, of course." I said taking her hand.
"Okay but the boxers need to stay on." Kiersten said as we walked into my room.
I chuckled and climbed inbetween the sheets. Kiersten snuggled into my cheat and Frank rested against her side.
We lay there for awhile and I was almost asleep but Kiersten kept wiggling around. "Harry?"
"Yeah?" I asked my eyes still closed.
"This is going to sound really weird but could you um lay on top of me?"
My eyes shot open and I looked at her. The moon lit up her face, "Like on your stomach. Put your head here." She pointed to the crook of her neck, "It'll make me fall asleep. It makes me feel safe."
I nodded and rolled over so I was half on top of her my head in the crook of her neck. Kiersten placed one hand on the back of my neck and then she was asleep. Just like that.
I woke up the next morning to someone poking my cheek, "Harry, get off me, I have to pee."
I rolled off of Sabine and then I realized it wasn't Sabine. It was Kiersten. She slipped out of the bed and disappeared. I sighed I had to get up and get going. We had to meet with a lawyer today.
I walked into the kitchen to find Kiersten and Louis both dressed and eating pancakes.
"You made breakfast?" I asked as Kiersten pushed me a plate of little pancakes already drowning in syrup.
"No I did!" Louis said grinning at me.
"No way I'm eating these then." I said pushing the plate away.
"Why? I'm an amazing cook! I work so hard! Taking them out of the freezer and putting them in the toaster!"
I looked at Kiersten and she nodded, "Chef LouBear did amazing." She said trying to smile. I could tell she was in rough shape.
"Well I'm going to go try and do something with this." She said holding up some of her hair.
She walked away and I looked at Louis, "I was hoping she'd be a little less sad today." I said taking a bite of my pancakes.
"She brought him an envelope this morning. She gave it to Danielle. Kiersten was really upset."
"Her necklace and ring were in there." I said putting my plate in the dishwasher.
"Kiall is really over, huh?" Louis said standing up.
"I guess so." I said running a hand through my curls.
"Ready to go?" Kiersten asked walking back into the room. She grabbed the folder with all of the paperwork from the agency on it. Along with the slips from true plastic surgeon.
"Well Miss Clifford I see nothing in your contract about the agency being able to force you to lose weight and get a nose job. We may have a real case here. All it says is your photos are subject to editing. And then it talks about money and such." The lawyer who had agreed to take a look at Kiersten's contract. "But to be able to do anything we're going to need to get some evidence."
"I'll do anything," Kiersten said and I squeezed her hand a little bit. "I just want to get out and get as far away from there as possible."
The police officer that had been called in because of the cocaine leaned forward, "If we can place a camera on you and send you in we should be able to get evidence. But you need to make sure that you get more narcotics from them, okay?"
Kiersten nodded, "But won't they notice if I have a camera?"
"We've got some new technology. It's a microscopic camera we can literally just stick it right between your eyes and we will see everything you see."
"Wow. Well I guess I'll go tomorrow then."
"Now, Kiersten wants you get enough evidence you wont be working there anymore, because we're going to let them know that we're suing them. Now one more question. Do we want to go public with this? You're a very well known person."
"No, we want to keep this private." I said.
"No, we don't. I want to go public with it. I want everyone to see it." Kiersten said firmly.
"Love, are you sure that's the best idea?" I asked taking her hand.
"They ruined the best thing that has ever happened to me, Harry." Kiersten said her voice shaking a little. She was talking about Niall. "Maybe then he'll see I'm not lying." She said quickly wiping a tear from her cheek.
"Okay, public it is then!" Louis said squeezing her other hand.
"Okay. Kiersten stop by my office tomorrow before you go and we'll get you all set up with a camera." The police officer said shaking her hand.
"Thank you so much." She said standing up.
We climbe back into my Range Rover and went to Starbucks. Kiersten bought a hundred gift cards, "Um Kiersten...why did you buy a hundred of those?" Louis asked.
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