《I Don't Like You - Beomgyu x Taehyun》XVII
heard roaring screams as Beomgyu pulled his lips away from his own. One last smirk from the taller boy as he went to his next position left Taehyun's stomach in a knot before. A wide range of emotions hit him all at once causing him to forget where he was for a second. Quickly he ran to his spot, although a few beats late, he managed to get back in sync with the rest of his members. As the song ends the cheers from the fans start once again and the group all stand up and bow.
Soobin stepped forward in front of the other members and put one hand to his ear, "Did you guys enjoy the show tonight?"
"It was so much fun thanks to you guys!" Kai waved out to the audience.
"Thank you all for coming," Beomgyu smiled as he gestured a heart with his hands.
Yeonjun ran up and playfully pushed Beomgyu out of the way and grinned, "I love you MOA!"
"Rude!" Beomgyu whined, "I love you guys more!" After each member spoke a loud burst of screams followed and echoed throughout the arena.
Taehyun knew it was his turn to speak but couldn't help but feel his body was shaking, "I-I just, uh." Taehyun knew what he wanted to say but his mind was so preoccupied that the words wouldn't come out. "I just wanted to say, umm, say that," Taehyun could feel himself getting frusturated and hung his head, silently begging himself not to cry, "I'm sorry." Taehyun heard the muffled reactions from their fans but did his best to ignore them when someone's arm wrapped around his shoulder.
Taehyun didn't even have to look up to know who it was as the familiar voice spoke, "What's wrong Tae?"
Taehyun snapped his head to meet Beomgyu's face and immediately started to blush, "You can't just," Taehyun felt his eyes tear up as he looked back into the audience, "I mean I just can't believe I'm on stage like this. I never would have imagined I'd be living this dream and it's all thanks to our fans. I can't express how thankful I am to MOA." The other members all gathered around the younger and hugged him. With one last goodbye and a few more hearts the concert had came to an end and the boys all headed backstage.
"So how do you guys feel after today?"Yeonjun asked as they all settled in their usual spots in their dressing room.
"I thought it went great!" Kai smiled at the older, a bit of pink on his cheeks.
"You only say that because your partner did his job," Soobin glared at Kai before moving his gaze to Beomgyu.
"Whatever Soobin," Beomgyu clicked his tongue, "I think the concert went great, don't you agree Taehyun?" Beomgyu looked over at the dark brown haired boy who was still trying to wipe away his tears as the kept coming, "Hey," he furrowed his brows in concern, "Are you alright?"
Taehyun avoided the golden brown haired boy's gaze and spoke sharply, "Do I look like I'm okay?"
"Woah," Beomgyu held his arms up in defense, "What's your problem?"
"You!" Taheyun hissed.
"What did I do?" Beomgyu lowered his arms, genuinely confused.
"I can't believe you," Taehyun shook his head, "I'm not having this conversation in front of everyone," he quickly got up and headed out the room, slamming the door behind him.
"What is he mad about?" Beomgyu pulled at his collar, staring at the direction he left.
"I have an idea," Soobin chirped in," Maybe it's because you ignored me the whole night, which went against Mr. Park's plan, and kissed him instead!"
"Oh my God Soobin not everything is about you," Beomgyu rubbed his temples.
"You're right everything is about Taehyun when it comes to you, right?" Soobin growled.
"Let it go Soobin," Yeonjun sighed, "He likes Taehyun, not you, get over it."
"Why are you getting involved in this?" Soobin snapped at Yeonjun.
"I don't even know what's happening anymore!" Beomgyu pulled at his hair, "I'm going to find Taehyun," he sprinted out the door.
"Why is everyone fighting?" Kai whined.
"This is all your fault, Yeonjun," Soobin rolled his eyes, ignoring Kai.
Yeonjun cocked an eyebrow, "How is any of this my fault?"
"Because you practically told him that I liked him and it probably made him uncomfortable so he left," Soobin placed his face in his hands, "I just want to know what it's like to be loved."
"Don't give me that crap," Yeonjun groaned, "I tried opening up to you about my feeling but you didn't want anything to do with me."
"What?" Kai gasped.
"That's different," Soobin stated.
"There's nothing different about it!" Yeonjun cried out, "I liked you but you liked someone else just like how you like Beomgyu but he likes someone else. The only things different about it is that I'm mature and moved on but you're still crying about it like a child."
"I don't have to sit here and listen to you," Soobin stood up.
"What?" Yeonjun watched as the older walked away, "The truth?" After Soobin closed the door behind him Yeonjun let out a groan, "What just happened?"
"I don't know," Kai responded quietly as he sat down next to the older, leaning his head on Yeonjun's shoulder, "I thought we were getting better."
"I thought we were too," Yeonjun trailed off before chuckling, "Sometimes I think we're the only sane ones."
"Or at least the only ones who found happiness," Kai's eyes smiled at Yeonjun.
"Right," Yeonjun placed a kiss on the younger's forehead before ruffling his hair, "Come on, let's just go to Crown's Delight by ourselves."
"Please answer," Beomgyu pleaded into his phone as it rang. He tried his best to catch up to Taehyun but by the time he had gotten outside the younger boy was nowhere in sight. What made the situation even worse was that it was dark outside and Beomgyu really hoped nothing bad had happened to Taehyun. "Come on," Beomgyu whined as the familiar voice message played again. Not giving up he dialed Taehyun's number again, for the fourth time, saying 'please' to himself over again until,
"What do you want Beomgyu?"
Beomgyu blinked a few times before responding, "Taehyun?" he paused, "Where are you? I'm worried."
"You're worried?" Taehyun questioned.
"Yes! You just ran off by yourself in the middle of the night, of course I'm worried!" Beomgyu exclaimed but got only silence on the other end, "Taehyun answer me."
"I'm at the place I go to disappear from the rest of the world," Taehyun sighed, "If you really care that much about me and aren't using me for some weird fan service as a part of Mr. Park's plan, then you should know where that is."
"Fan service? Taehyun, no, it wasn't like-" before Beomgyu could finish his explanation, the other boy had ended their call, "Seriously?" Luckily for both him and Taehyun, Beomgyu knew exactly where that spot was. Last time Taehyun got upset because he got yelled at for messing up the choreography. Beomgyu followed him after class to that spot, he just hopes it's the same one this time.
Taehyun closed his eyes as he let the sound of waves crashing and smell of saltwater overtake his senses. The sea was his favorite place to go whenever he wasn't in the best mindset. Not many people come here anymore and it makes him feel like the world is his alone. He heard rustling and quickly turned to look over in the direction of the sound, "Beomgyu?" but nothing was there and it made Taehyun's heart sink. "Why am I feeling like this again," Taehyun squeezed his cheeks as he felt them heat up, "He used you, remember?" Sighing he pulled himself into his knees, "Why does everything have to be so complicated?"
"Are you talking about me?"
Taehyun jumped at the sudden voice but didn't bother turning around, "I didn't think you'd find me."
"Of course I would!" Beomgyu took a seat next to the younger, wrapping his arm around the younger, "I care a ton about you, y'know." Taehyun was quiet and Beomgyu frowned, "Come on, talk to me. Tell me what's wrong."
"Get off of me," Taehyun could hear his voice start to break as he started to shake once again and hid his face in his chest, "Not again."
Beomgyu obliged to the brown haired boy's wishes and stood back up, "Taehyun I'm sorry, just please, talk to me." Still with no response, the waves continues to crash near the surface creating a strange sense of ease with Beomgyu. "Doesn't this seem awfully familiar to you?"
"What do you mean?" Taehyun peeked up his red cheeks and tears streaming down his face visible once again.
"I bet I looked just like that," Beomgyu chuckled to himself as he crouched down directly in front of the other, "Just, how long has it been, five maybe six days you came to comfort me while I was upset. You tried getting me to talk but that's the last thing I wanted to do," Beomgyu reached over and ruffled the younger one's hair, "And here we are but the roles reversed."
"It's different," Taehyun grabbed Beomgyu's wrist causing the older to stop petting him.
Beomgyu looked between the crying boy and his wrist that was now being held by Taehyun and smiled, "Is it?"
"Yes it is" Taehyun quickly dropped the golden brown haired boy's wrist, "I wasn't the reason you're upset."
"I know I was too eager and I screwed up," Beomgyu felt the hot tears start to slip down his cheeks too and cast his gaze up into the night sky, "I didn't even consider your feelings. How selfish can someone be?"
"Beomgyu I-" Taehyun started to feel guilty for lashing out at the older, "Don't cry."
"Why not?" Beomgyu looked back down at Taehyun, "It's ok to be sad and cry and let your feelings out, right? You told me that."
"I did and I still mean it," Taehyun felt his face start to blush, "but you're making me feel bad."
"Then can we just talk about what's going on so we can fix this," Beomgyu grabbed Taehyun's hand, "Fix us."
Taehyun felt less tense by Beomgyu's actions but still felt angry with the older, "It's just funny how the boy who was crying about people thinking he was gay last week is suddenly kissing boys on stage."
"Yeah," Beromgyu bit his lip, "I think I have been different for a while now but didn't want to accept it but you've helped me realize it's ok to be honest with myself."
"If that's the case why did you wait until now to kiss me? Why didn't you kiss me when it was just the two of us? Instead you waited until everyone was watching," Taehyun rolled his eyes, "You're just following along with Mr. Park's horrible plan, just like everyone else, except you've made it ten times worse."
"I-" Beomgyu gulped, "I was scared."
"That doesn't even make any sense!" Taehyun raised his voice, "You were too scared to kiss my when we were by ourselves but not in front of hundreds of people?"
"I was still trying to come to the truth with myself that's why I said no during truth or dare. After I hesitated to kiss you I could feel you pushing yourself away and it hurt a lot," Beomgyu tightened his grip on the younger's hand, "I think it was then I realized that I really liked you, and I had to get you back. It's really stupid looking back at it now but I thought if I could show you how much I've grown in front of so many people and not be ashamed of it would show you how much I, well, love you."
"Beomgyu," Taehyun felt himself grow even hotter and cast his gaze at the shore behind Beomgyu, "Have you ever listened to song Overload?"
"Well there's a certain lyric that I like from that song," Taehyun let out a small laugh, "It says 'love for love and not for fame.'"
"That's pretty," Beomgyu chuckled.
"Yeah it is," Taehyun closed his eyes, "I don't know the exact meaning behind his words but the way I interrupt it is that love should be valued and only between two people and not exploited to the public for fame or other reasons."
"That makes sense," Beomgyu said a bit softer.
"I don't know how to say this because I'm really flattered and happy that you do like me," Taehyun met eyes with the older and pulled his hand away, "but I think as you started to realize you had feelings for me I started to lose mine."
"What?" Beomgyu tensed up, it felt like someone had just stabbed his heart.
"I don't like you," Taehyun bit his lip, "At least with the ways things have been these past few days, not as much as I used to."
"Oh," Beomgyu laid back in the sand and covered his face with his arms.
"Beomgyu, I'm really sorry," Taehyun held a hand to his heart, "I wish things would have turned out differently."
"Stop lying to yourself."
"Excuse me?" Taehyun furrowed his brows.
"I saw the way you were blushing both just now and on stage," Beomgyu moved his arms away from his face and looked over at Taehyun, "I know you still like me."
"Stop over analyzing everything and just leave me alone!" Taehyun whined.
"Fine if that's what you really want then so be it," Beomgyu sat back up, "but only if tomorrow doesn't work out."
"What's tomorrow?" Taehyun tilted his head.
"Our date."
"Did you not listen to anything I just said?" Taehyun hissed.
"I did and if you really don't want anything to do with me outside of our careers then fine," Beomgyu ran a hand through his hair, "but now that I'm able to be happy with myself let me share that happiness with you. After tomorrow if you still feel the same way then I'll leave you alone but I know if you still like me, even just a little bit, then you'll say yes," Beomgyu outstretched a hand, "So what do you say?"
Taehyun hesitated before reaching back out and grasping Beomgyu's hand, "It's a date."
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