《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 28


Monday morning came all to quickly for every student. Izuku, who had been particularly clingy for reasons unbeknownst to his boyfriends, would rather stay in his bed all day than go to class. He was gonna be gone in a matter of a week anyway, why did he even have to bother trying anymore?

And that was his mind sent going into the school week. People noticed. He was usually upbeat and happy to be in class, sure he could be sarcastic and snarky if someone deserved it, but he genuinely seemed like he enjoyed going to their school. So when he started to glare at everyone who tired to talk to him, fell asleep in their first and second classes, and snapped at Aizawa for tell him to stay awake, the teens were all worried.

When lunch rolled around, Shoto and Katsuki knew they had to figure out what was wrong with him. They never talked about what happened with his siblings on Friday, so they thought he was probably still upset about that, but he wasn't fighting with them. He was still clearly bothered by what happened, but he seemed closer with Toga than ever and he didn't appear to be mad with his brothers either.

They had no clue what was going on.

"Izuku... are you... feeling okay?" Shoto asked, walking up to his desk once the lunch bell rang.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine, a little tired but that's it." He said with a forced smile, lying through his teeth.

"Bullshit. What's wrong?" Katsuki asked, turning around in his chair so he could talk to his boyfriends.

Izuku sighed, looking away from both of them as he collected his things. "Nothing, seriously guys. I just didn't sleep the best last night and it's messing with me a little bit, but I'm completely fine. I promise." He said, shooting them a more genuine smile to try and ease their worries.

It wasn't working.

"Let's pretend for a second we believe that you're just tired. Why didn't you sleep last night?" Shoto asked, grabbing a chair from the desk next to Izuku's. They weren't going anywhere until Shoto and Katsuki got some answers, and that didn't look like it'd happen quickly.


"Sometimes the night right before a school week, I just can't sleep. I get to much anxiety about the upcoming week and not knowing what's gonna happen and I can't fall asleep." Izuku explained, which wasn't a lie, but also wasn't really the truth.

The two boys in front of him didn't seem to figure that out though. They obviously knew about his panic attacks and anxiety by that point, so they bought it easily.

"You should have texted on of us nerd." Katsuki said while ruffling Izuku's hair as he stood up. "Let's go get some food, yeah?" He asked, raising a brow to his two boyfriends.

"Yeah, okay." Izuku said, relaxing a bit now that they believed his excuse.


"Today we'll be doing some training with some other classes." Aizawa explained. There was a mixed reaction from the class, most were happy about training but there were plenty that groaned at the thought. It was Monday and they clearly didn't want to work out.

"What other classes?" Kaminari asked curiously.

"All hero courses. 1-A, 1-B, 2-B, 3-A, and 3-B." He said with his arms crossed.

Izuku shot a look at Toga. They were going to be training with Dabi, Shigaraki and Twice. They hadn't been able to do that in so long, and they were all missing it.

It was always a challenge for them, seeing as they knew each other so well. They'd always end up going full out and really push themselves and each other.

"Go get your gym uniforms on."


"I call Izuku."

Izuku smiled at his older brother. "Bring it on flame boy."

"Oh shit, someone get Aizawa on stand by." Shigaraki said to the group of kids that were now interested in watching the events play out.

"Why?" Some kid from his own class asked.

"When Izu and Dabi fight, it's... well it's intense to say the least. They both have crazy strong quirks and are more stubborn than a mule. They don't back out until they pass out." Toga explained, becoming giddy at the thought of watching them go head to head again. They had been at UA for three weeks officially, so they had to have improve to some extent. She wasn't sure how it'd play out this time.


"Maybe they'll just kill each other and do us all a favor." A random third year mumbled. Not quite enough.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Katsuki shouted, letting a few explosions go off in his hands. "You and me, right now. Let's train fucker."

"No deaths Katsuki, other than that go wild." Shoto called after his blond boyfriend as he dragged the third year away to an open area where they could 'spar'.

Toga slid over to the duel haired boy after Katsuki stormed off. They were both staying to watch Dabi and Izuku. "I... I might have been to quick to judge." She admitted. She wasn't sure how long she'd still be at the school, so she wanted to make sure she apologized as soon as possible.

Katsuki would be more challenging though.

Shoto just looked down at her.

"You guys... you both make him really happy. The kind of happy he doesn't find easily. I guess I'm just... I'm sorry... about being a total bitch before." She said, awkwardly fiddling with the loose strands of hair that framed her face.

Shoto sighed at her words. "It's fine. I get why you did it. You care about him and that's something I completely understand." He said.

"So... no hard feelings?" She asked with a sheepish smile.

"A few, but we'll get there." He said with a nod.

She let out a breath, most of her guilt being alleviated. "I can work with that."

"Oh c'mon you burnt chicken nugget, it that the best you got?" Izuku shouted across the ring they were fighting in. He had just dodge a blast of Dabi's blue flames and now he was instigating. He knew he'd definitely be adding a new scar to the collection.

"Fuck you shorty!" Dabi yelled back, sending another blast and then another when Izuku dodged.

"Jesus, he's not holding back." Shoto mumbled, watching them intently.

"They never do." Toga sighed. "One time, Dabi got to close and Izuku lost his right eyebrow. It was pretty funny." She said while lightly giggling at the memory of a one eeybrowed Izuku.

"Yeah, because that's a relaxing thing to know." He said back, feeling his heart pick up it's pace as he watched. He was worried about his boyfriend, sue him. Dabi flames were hot enough to cremate someone, how could he not worry?

Izuku was quick to dodge, just like when he fought with Shoto. He used his quirk to get behind Dabi and he didn't even see him.

With a light tap on his shoulder, Dabi jumped as he spun around, just to get sucker punched in the jaw. He fell back on the ground, holding the side of his face. "Damn Izuku, fucking no mercy." He mumbled.

"You could have killed me if I didn't jump in time!" Izuku pointed out.

"But you did." Dabi said back, getting to his feet again.

Izuku shrugged in acknowledgement as he got back into a fighting stance, Dabi following suit.

"Whoa, what's that?" Someone asked, drawing their attention.

"Wait, who's quirk is that?" Someone else asked.

Izuku and Dabi turned their heads, trying to see what everyone was freaking out about. Behind them, on the wall of huge gym all the classes were training in, was purple mist.

"You said I had a week!"

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