《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 29


"You said I had a week!" Izuku screamed at Dabi once he realized that the purple mist was Kurogiri.

"I said a max of a week!" Dabi shouted back. The whole process was stressful enough without Izuku screeching at him.

Suddenly the mist took the form of a man. "There's only two of you. Where are your siblings?" Their father mother figure asked them, concern lacing his voice.

"No! No, no, no! I'm not leaving not like this!" Izuku said, backing up and getting ready to run to Shoto, seeing as he was closer.

Dabi grabbed him, wrapping him in his arms so he couldn't get away. "Izuku, c'mon I thought we were past this." He said in a grunt as he had to fight to keep Izuku in his arms.

By now, the entire gym had come to a stand still, everyone watching the villains in shock. Some had seen this coming, but they still weren't expecting this. Shoto was gaping at his boyfriend as Katsuki came up behind him, not sure what was happening.

"Shoto? What's everyone-"

Izuku threw his head back, making contact with Dabi's nose. "Fuck!" He shouted, dropping his younger brother.

Izuku hit the ground, taking off at a sprint to get away from them but Kurogiri just warped him back. "Izu, what're you doing? I thought Dabi told you, wait-" He said, suddenly Toga, Shigaraki and Twice were standing next to. He gave a satisfied hum, seeing all of the teens in one piece. "Anyways, I thought Dabi had told about this?"

"I had a week. I had a week to say goodbye." Izuku mumbled, looking directly at the two boys he was talking about. He was once again back in Dabi's arms.

"What's going on here?" Aizawa's voice boomed through the gym, making all the villains snap their heads to him.

Kurogiri cleared his throat. "Thanks for looking after these kids, but I'm afraid we'll be heading home now." He said, making a point of not looking Aizawa in the eyes.

A warp gate appeared behind them. "I'm not dying today, no sir." Twice said, jumping through.

Shigaraki was next, not looking back as he went through. If he looked back he might have changed his mind.

Toga watched as Izuku fought against Dabi once again. "I-Izu, we have to go now." She said softly, tears forming in her own eyes at the thought.

Aizawa looked back at all the students. "What're you all waiting for? Go stop them." He encouraged.

Shoto and Katsuki were the first ones sprinting down, having finally recovered from their shock.


"Get in the damn warp gate!" Kurogiri said frantically.

Toga quickly sent one last look at the brunette who was running towards her, before walking through.

"Kacchan! Shoto!" Izuku screamed, thrashing around. He powered up his quirk, breaking out of Dabi's hold once again.

Dabi sent a wall of flames out in front of them, cutting off Izuku's plan to run and ever students plan to get to them.

"Dabi knock it off! I can't- I can't go back! I-I didn't get to- I didn't get to say goodbye." He said, tears streaming down either side of his face.

"I know Izuku, I know, but we have to go. You know we do. I wish we had more time, but we just don't." Dabi said, walking towards him slowly.

"Please just... stop the wall. I just... I need to tell them goodbye." Izuku pleaded.

Dabi's heart broke at how broken his baby brother sounded, but he wasn't sure he could trust him. How was he supposed to know if he'd try and take off again?

"Izu, I can't-"

"Yes you can! Please, I need to tell them goodbye!" Izuku shouted, getting more desperate.

Dabi looked back at Kurogiri, looking for an indication of the right choice. He received a head shake.

"C'mon, we gotta go." Dabi mumbled, grabbing Izuku around the waist again and pulling him back.

Izuku was getting drained. He had been training full out before Kurogiri showed up and he wasn't unscathed. Nevertheless, he kept squirming in Dabi's grasp trying to get out.

"Let's go home, yes?" Kurogiri said as Dabi was about a foot away from the warp gate.

"No! No please! I don't want to! I want to stay, please just let me stay!" Izuku continued to beg, trying his damn hardest to get out of Dabi's arms without the use of his quirk, which was becoming to taxing to keep using. He couldn't concentrate enough to use it anyway.

"Shoto!" Izuku screamed.


"I love you!"

Then everything faded to black before he found himself in the building he had called home for the past year in a half.


"I love you!"

The flames were gone. Shoto and Katsuki rushed forwards, but were met with an empty arena.

"No. No, that did not just happen. He's not- He didn't- That didn't-" Shoto rambled, frantically looking around like he'd just stumble upon the green haired boy.

"He's just... he's gone? He's fucking gone?!" Katsuki yelled, copying Shoto's actions, searching for their boyfriend.

"She... left. She just left." Uraraka whispered next to them. At least Izuku was dragged away kicking and screaming. Toga walked right through the gate with a single look over her shoulder.


Katsuki abruptly turned to his homeroom teacher. "What the hell do we do now?" He asked. The question came out as a challenge, daring his teacher to say the wrong thing and deal with his rage.

Aizawa heaved a heavy sigh, one that showed just how hard the event had hit him as well. He had had a lot of faith in the villains, especially Izuku. "Listen Bakugou, I know you're mad, hell we all are, but there isn't-"

"Fucking finish that sentence," Katsuki was being held back by Shoto, who wasn't about to lose another boyfriend. "I dare you! Say to my face right now that you aren't gonna look for him and see what happens!" He screamed, trying to get out of the half and half teen's grip.

Shoto kept a tight grip, pulling him back further. "Katsuki, please calm down. Getting mad and attacking a teacher isn't going to help anything." He whispered, not wanting anyone else to hear his words. "We're going to get him back, with or without the help of the heroes."

Katsuki seemed to control his temper at Shoto's words. He was still livid, he still wanted to jump at the older hero, but he wouldn't. He knew that if he got into that much trouble, there'd be absolutely no chance of him helping Izuku.

Aizawa held his hands up in front of him. "That's not what I'm saying. I want to find him, and clearly he wants to be found, so I have no problem with that. The problems comes from getting the right authorization. It won't happen over night. It could take a few days and I need you to promise me you won't do something irrational in the meantime." He said, giving both boys a pointed look.

Over the past year and a half he had grown to understand all of his students and their thought processes. He knew that, given the chance, Katsuki and Shoto would run like hell blindly after Izuku. He needed them to be patient for a few days until he could formulate a plan and get backup.

"A few days? What happens when that turns into a week? And then two? A month? Six? A year? What happens then?" Shoto shot back, knowing well enough by now how pros work, even if he didn't think that way about his teacher. There were still a few good heroes out there, but he wasn't sure how much he could trust them with something like this. He'd rather do it himself, that very day.

Letting his features soften towards the two, clearly, devastated boys, Aizawa tried to sway them. "Todoroki, you know that won't happen. He's a UA student and even though he used to be a member of the League, we all say him fighting back. He didn't want to go. Technically he's a kidnapped student. We aren't going to-"

Katsuki snapped at him again. "Yeah, because you guys handle kidnappings so well!"

Shoto pulled him back again, realizing that he was trying to stomp his way over to Aizawa. He made sure to wrap an arm around his waist and hold him there, not letting him leave again. "He's just trying to help. He's not the one you're mad at, okay? Don't take it out on him." He whispered into his blond hair before turning his attention back to the teacher.

"Fine. We'll wait until the end of the week-"


"-If you don't have a plan by then, we're doing it ourselves, whether you help us or not." Shoto said, not letting Katsuki's protests stop him.

Aizawa begrudgingly rolled his eyes at the deal. "Okay." He said. 'At least their giving me four days,' he thought to himself.

"What about the others?" Uraraka spoke up, keeping her focused gaze on the ground. She was glaring at it like it was the reason she lost her girlfriend.

"Midoriya was the only one that didn't go willingly. I don't know-"

"You're only going after him?" She asked, bringing her eyes up to meet the tired pair of her teacher. She had expected the answer, but she couldn't say it didn't hurt.

Aizawa was getting really fed up with all these kids and their relationships. "No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that he's the only one guaranteed to still have a spot at this school. I have to talk to Nezu and see if he'd be willing to take back the four that went willingly." He clarified.

Uraraka just nodded her head, unsure of what else there was for her to say. She could try and argue for Toga, try and tell everyone that she really didn't want to leave, that she was coming around to the idea of being a hero, but she knew it wouldn't matter. It wouldn't matter without her being there to tell them herself.

And damn it, Uraraka was going to make sure she had the chance.

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