《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 27


"That's the thing. He's breaking us out." Shigaraki said, ripping off the Band-Aid.

Izuku's eyes widened as he stared at his two brothers. "What?" He asked softly.

"He showed up in my dorm while you were off with your boyfriends, said he was getting us out. It'll take, max, a week." Dabi continued explaining, crossing his arms.

"But... but what about...." Toga was struggling with her words. She had objections to their plan, she had a lot of objections. She might not have been a huge fan of most of the UA students, but she... she had made friends there... she had a girlfriend now... she didn't want to leave, not yet.

"Forget about her, bring her with, willing or otherwise, or find away to make it work with you on opposite sides. Figure it out and quick." Dabi said a bit too harshly. He wasn't exactly thrilled about their orders either. He didn't like the school or the thought of becoming a pro and unlike his siblings, he'd be sticking with his significant other, but he... he'd be giving up on his baby brother... again.

Izuku shot up off the bed, already pissed with the whole idea. "No, you don't get to make this call. None of you do, not for me and not for Himiko. I'm... I'm stay." He said hesitantly, not exactly sure how the other three would take it.

"No you're not." Shigaraki said firmly. He'd be damned if he left any of them behind.

"I'm not going, and you can't make me. I... I got a second chance Tomu, I got a second chance at the dream I thought I had lost." Izuku said, his eyes getting misty as he spoke. "I have... so many reasons to stay. I just can't leave now."


"Do they outweigh your reasons to go? You're gonna sit here and tell me that those two boys mean more to you than us? They mean more than your family? Than your own life? You know if you don't come back, you're dead right?" Shigaraki argued, grabbing onto Izuku's wrist with only four fingers.

Izuku gaped at him. "They don't... How could you even think that? I don't want to stay just for them! I want to stay for myself, for my dream, for my mom. If I went back, I would regret it everyday until I died." He said truthfully, a few stray tears falling from his glassy eyes.

"If you stay, that'll be sooner than any of us can handle. Please Izuku, we can't- none of us would be able- I c-can't-" Shigaraki's voice cracked as he kept his eyes trained on the ground. If he was about to cry, there was no way in hell anyone was going to see it. His head was bent enough for his hair to fall in front of his face, hiding it from view.

Izuku was quick to pull his breaking brother into his arms. He hated that he was so easily swayed when it came to their happiness and well being. He'd put it before his own every time. Every. damn. time.

He looked over Shigaraki's shoulder at Dabi and then Toga, who were both watching him intently to see what he'd do next. He took a shaky breath, slowly releasing it. "F-fine."

"I'll go."


"Izuku? What happened?" Shoto asked, pulling his red eyed boyfriend into a tight embrace. The smaller was quick to melt into his arms, soaking it up for as long as possible.

He only had a week.

"C'mon." Shoto said softly, bringing Izuku into Katsuki's dorm, where the two were both waiting for him.


Katsuki looked up from scrolling on his phone when Shoto reentered his room. "What was- Izuku?" He asked, quick to stand and send a questioning look at Shoto. The duel haired teen just shrugged and shook his head, not having the answers Katsuki wanted.

"What happened?" The blond asked, scooting over so both his boyfriends could sit down.

"I-it's not important." He mumbled in response.

"Seems pretty damn important to me, you're-"

"Kacchan please," Izuku pleaded, lifting his head to meet the ruby red eyes he had become so fond of. "I don't want to talk about it. Can we- can we just cuddle? Please?" He asked in a whisper.

Katsuki's face softened at the request. "Yeah nerd, I still owe you anyways." He said back quietly.

Izuku moved from Shoto's arms and laid in the middle of the bed, pulling the duel haired boy down on the other side of him. He rested his head on Katsuki's chest and felt both of their arms wrap around his waist.

He didn't fail to notice that they had interlocked hands on his hip.

He smiled sadly, at least having the peace of mind that they'd be just fine without him. It was bittersweet really. He was beyond happy that they'd be able to get along and continue their relationship with out him. He really just wanted them to be happy.

But it hurt. It hurt for him to think that he wouldn't be there to see it.

It didn't take him long to drift off, surrounded by the heat and comfort of the two boys he was falling for and no matter how hard he tried to catch himself, he knew he'd crash.

His evened out breath was quickly picked up on as Katsuki and Shoto shared a worried gaze.

"What'd they do this time?" Katsuki whisper yelled at his other boyfriend, being careful to not the sleeping one on his chest.

"I have no clue, but he's... really upset." Shoto mumbled, letting his hand guide it's way through Izuku's tangled mess of curls.

"How god damn observant of you." Katsuki muttered under his breath. "What're we gonna do?"

Shoto lifted his gaze from the green curls to red eyes. "I don't... I don't know. I assume they fought again, so maybe just try and keep him away from the others as much as possible." He suggested, already at a loss on how to help the smaller boy.

"I'm glad I don't have any fucking siblings." Katsuki said, tightening his hold on Izuku as he slightly shifted to get more comfortable.

"I don't blame you." Came Shoto's breathy response as he leaned his head closer to Izuku's, letting his eyes flutter shut.

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