《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 12


"Please keep in mind Kacchan, that I came to this school to avoid jail, so don't get me thrown in there anyway." Izuku said as he finally accepted the fact Katsuki held all the chips in his hands. He was just going to have to let them fall where they may.

"No promises." He said back evilly.

Shoto sent him a pointed look. "No Bakugou, nothing illegal. You can embarrass us all you want, but we aren't breaking the law."

Katsuki let out a huff of air and crossed his arms. "Fine, nothing illegal." He muttered.

"It's like trying to train a dog." Izuku observed, not even realizing he had said it out loud.

In an instant Katsuki had shot right up, posed to blow Izuku's head off. "What the fuck did you just say nerd?" He growled, you know, like a dog.

"Nice Kacchan! You're being nice, remember?" Izuku said quickly as he scurried out of bed and hid behind Shoto, who was sitting criss cross apple sauce on his bed.

"Whoa, why am I the shield?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at Izuku.

"Because you're scary!" Izuku said, eyeing the fuming Katsuki who was glaring at him over Shoto's shoulder.

Shoto pinched the bridge of his nose. "Midoriya, you realize that you're quiet terrifying, right?" He said in slight annoyance.

Izuku just gave him a look that seemed to say that he did not know that.

"You're a wanted villain. Doesn't that equal scary?" Shoto asked while looking quite puzzled.

Izuku's face lit up in recognition. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. God, what is this school doing to me?" He muttered the last part more to himself.

"Showing you what you missed?" Katsuki offered, plopping back down onto his bed.

Izuku made his way back to his own bed, which was in between Katsuki and Shoto. "I wouldn't say that." He said, thinking it over.

What this be what his life would have been like if he had stuck around and decided to become a hero? Just messing around with his classmates? Training? Hanging out with friends? With Katsuki and Shoto?

"But it is, isn't? If you would have gone to school here last year, this is what it would have been like. This is what you missed out on." Shoto said with a shrug as he watched for the green haired boy's reaction.

Izuku seemed like he was deep in thought. He was zoning out on his hands, not saying anything else. Shoto looked over at Katsuki, slightly worried that he had said something wrong.

Katsuki caught the look. "Oi Deku, you good?" He asked.

With a small jump in surprise, Izuku looked over at him. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine just... thinking I guess." He mumbled.

He didn't to admit that he was starting to rethink the choice he made a year and a half ago. He definitely didn't want to admit that he was rethinking the choice to try and get back to his villainous life as fast as possible. What would his family think if they found out?


The three boys fell into silence, which eventually led to all of them slowly drifting off into a peaceful sleep.


Izuku woke up with a yawn the next morning. Recovery Girl already had Katsuki up, check over him for soreness and his exhaustion level. The green haired boy sat up, rubbing his eyes as he tried to adjust to the light.

"Good morning Midoriya, how're you feeling today?" The elderly woman asked in a caring tone. She had just finished up with Katsuki and moved over to Izuku, seeing as Shoto had yet to wake up.

"Fine." He said with a tired shrug. He had just woken up and thoughts weren't formulating in his head right yet.

Recovery Girl lightly laughed at his sluggish state. "How about the arm? Any pain or stiffness?" She asked, gingerly grabbing the one he had broken, moving and bending it.

Izuku winced a little at the motion. "It's a little stiff, but not really painful." He answered truthfully.

"Okay that's good. It should go away in an hour two after using it." She said while letting go of his arm. "I noticed all the scars, does this sort of thing happen often with your quirk?" She asked him with a raised brow. She knew about One For All, Izuku just had a feeling she did.

He looked at her a bit skeptically, not sure if she actually did or just had a hunch. "Not in a while, I've gotten better at controlling it, but last year I was completely clueless. I broke my arms a lot, and my fingers. We had someone with a quirk like yours, just not as strong, so I got left with a lot of scars." He explained.

Recovery Girl nodded thoughtfully as Shoto stirred awake. She left Izuku to go check on the other boy, but as she passed him, she whispered, "All Might would be able to help you with that, you know."

Izuku tensed up at her words, which Katsuki took notice of. He furrowed his eye brows at the smaller boy, but got nothing in reply.

Recovery Girl was nearly done with checking on Shoto when a new figure entered the room. One that caused Izuku's eyes to go wide and freeze completely. The other three people in the room turned to look at the new comer, after noticing Izuku's reaction.

Toshinori stood at the door, a defeated look on his face as he locked eyes with the boy he passed his quirk onto. "Young Midoriya-"

"Get out." Izuku said. It wasn't exactly a shock coming from the young villain, but it still raised some eye brows. Everyone knew that the villain Deku had a special hatred for All Might, but then again so did most villains. But something told Shoto and Katsuki that there was a more personal reason for Izuku's hatred than just All Might being the symbol of peace.


"Midoriya, he can-" Recovery Girl was also cut off by Izuku.

"No. He can't help. He can never help. Now leave." Izuku said, his eyes narrowing as he tried to hold himself together.

If there was one person he blamed for his mother's death more than himself, it was Toshinori. He was the reason Izuku was out late that night. They weren't even supposed to have training that night, but the pro had thought it'd be a good idea to have a little extra training before Izuku started at UA.

Toshinori was the reason Izuku had failed to save his mother.

Toshinori's face held nothing but regret and sadness as he tried to talk to the younger boy. "Young Midoriya, please. I know you're upset with me, but I never wanted that to happen! I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I failed you. I'm sorry I couldn't save her."

Katsuki and Shoto were beyond confused, both sending bewildered looks to each other over Izuku's head, which wasn't hard because he was so short.

"You're right, you couldn't save her. Thank God you retired then." Izuku spat, wanting to cause Toshinori as much pain as possible. Nothing would ever come to close what he had to go through when he lost his mother.

Taking a step forwards, the old pro kept trying. "Please, I just want to help. You're still having trouble controlling my quirk-"

Izuku let out a harsh laugh at his words. "I can control my quirk just fine. I know my limits and I pushed them yesterday, too far. That's it. I don't need your god damn help." He was seething as he tried to stay calm, but he was losing his cool.

When the green lightening started to form all over his body, Katsuki and Shoto jumped into action. If Izuku attacked a teacher, there would be no saving him when administration found out.

Shoto went to Izuku while Katsuki went to Toshinori.

"You need to leave." The blond said, crossing his arms and glaring at the hero he looked up to his entire life.

"Bakugou, you don't understand, he needs my help." Toshinori pleaded.

"Help him when he's not about to have a break down. Now get out." He growled.

While he was trying to get the source of the problem out of the room, Shoto was trying to help Izuku calm down before he lost control.

He was kneeling next to the hospital bed that Izuku was sitting up in. "Don't do this Midoriya. Remember, you said you wanted to stay out of jail. You have to calm down before you do something you're going to regret." He said, glancing down at Izuku's fists that were clenched tightly.

"I won't regret it." Izuku said through gritted teeth. Contrast to his words, he was trying his damn hardest to calm down. Not because he didn't want to hurt his old idol, but because he wanted to prove him wrong. He wanted to show him that he had control.

Shoto tried desperately to think of another tactic. "If you get thrown in jail, think of what it'll do to the others. To Toga, Dabi, Shigaraki and Twice. What'll happen to them?" He urged. He knew those four were some of the only people Izuku held a soft spot for.

Izuku grimaced at the thought, but it wasn't enough. "They'd be fine. They wee fine before I came along and they'd be fine if I was gone. "

'Well that was ominous.' Shoto thought.

Shoto shook his head so he could stay focused. "Izuku Midoriya, you have to get a grip. Unlike me, we can't just use a fire extinguisher so you need to do it yourself. I know that you're pissed. I know that whatever All Might did or didn't do, must have been terrible, but you need to calm down. I get what its like to hate someone so much you just want to lash out until there's nothing left to lash out at, trust me I get it, but you can't just resort to hitting things. I can see how badly you want to be a hero. I can see how torn you are between wanting to stay here and wanting to leave, but if you do this, right now, it won't be your decision to make anymore. The second chance at your dream that you got? It'll be gone and you'll back were you started." Without even thinking, Shoto had taken one of Izuku's clenched hands into his own.

"Is that really what you want?"

Izuku's eyes were squeezed shut as he shook his head. "Please Shoto," he whispered, catching Shoto off guard but he figured it was only fair since he had also called Izuku by his first name. "Just make him go away. I can't- I just can't. Not right now." He pleaded keeping his eyes closed for fear of tears falling.

Katsuki appeared on the other side of Izuku's bed. "He's gone Deku. Now... please... just calm down." He said, but it was easy to see how hard it was for him to say the word please.

Izuku peeled his eyes opened and scanned the room to confirm what Katsuki had said. Once he saw that Toshinori was in fact gone, he took a few deep breaths and finally was able to deactivate his quirk.

Once he was calm he looked down, catching himself by surprise. He hadn't realized he had been gripping Shoto's hand.

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