《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 11


"That was so much fun!" Izuku cheered, but instantly groaned in pain.

Toga wanted to swat his head, but knew that with his injuries, she couldn't. "How was that fun for you?! All of you are in the nurse's office and you broke your arm again! I thought you were past that whole self destructive faze." She said.

The whole League knew about Izuku's quirk not being his own, seeing as All For One kind of created the quirk, not really but close enough, he already knew when he found Izuku. Everyone else found out after Izuku deemed them trustworthy. They were all there in the beginning, when he was shattering bones every time he used it. It had been a really long time since he had pushed himself hard enough to break a bone.

"Oops?" He said, making her growl and go to hit him, but stop last minute.

"You enjoy testing my patience, don't you?" She asked with a glare.

"Love you!" He said with smile.

She rolled her eyes. "Sure you do. I'm leaving, have fun here tonight." She said with a smirk as he groaned.

Once she left, Izuku looked over at Katsuki and Shoto who were both stuck there all night as well. They all had pretty severe injuries from training, and even though they were basically all healed, Recovery Girl was making them stay over night so she could check on them right away in the morning.

"This is gonna be so boring." Izuku whined an hour later as Recovery Girl left for the night.

"Shut it Deku, it's gonna be bad enough with our your complaining the whole time." Katsuki said, glaring at the wall in front of his bed.

"I thought you were on a nice kick, Bakugou?" Shoto mused. A night trapped in the nurse's office with Izuku and Katsuki was more interesting for him than a normal Monday night. Plus they got to sleep in tomorrow because they need their rest after healing.

Katsuki turned his heated glare to Shoto. "Stay out of it Icyhot, you don't know anything about it."

Izuku let out a heavy sigh, already annoyed with the fighting. "Guys, can't we all try and get along? We're gonna be stuck here all night and I don't feel like bickering the whole time."

Both boys stayed quiet, not sure if they could give into his request.

"How about we play a game or something? Like would you rather, or never have I ever, or twenty one questions. Just something for us to do with out fighting." Izuku suggested, trying to break the ice. He knew they were all capable of getting along, they had done it before, they just needed to calm down and get into a conversation without yelling and sarcastic comments.

"Sure." Shoto said.

"Fine." They heard Katsuki mutter.

"Great!" Izuku said, clapping his hands together. "What one do you want to play?"

"Never have I ever?" Shoto asked.


"Works for me, it's not as fun without alcohol but we'll make do." Izuku said with a shrug.

Katsuki scoffed at that. "Oh yeah, and I bet you're used to getting hammered every weekend?" He asked sarcastically.

Izuku flushed slightly. "It's not like I'm big on abiding by the law Kacchan. I've gotten drunk before." He fought back.

Shoto and Katsuki both sent him a look that clearly said they didn't buy it.

"God it was one time and I woke with such a bad hang over I haven't touched alcohol since. Happy now?" Izuku admitted, crossing his arms as he directed his attention away from the two boys.

"Very." Katsuki said with a smirk.

"Can we just play now?" Izuku whined. He felt quite attacked at that moment.

"Sure, nerd. Icyhot, you go first." Katsuki instructed.

All three of them held up their hands, so they could put fingers down as they went. "Never have I ever gotten along with my father." Shoto said after thinking for a second.

Katsuki put a finger down, earning a confused look from Izuku. "I get along with him better than my mom." He said with a shrug.

Izuku nodded and then turned to Shoto. "Does it count if we just don't know our dad?" He asked.

Katsuki let out a chuckle at the question, he had forgotten about Izuku's dad. Shoto had raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise. "Um no Midoriya, you can keep a finger up."

Izuku nodded. "Is it my turn or yours Kacchan?"

"You can go nerd."

"Never have I ever... hm... worked at a hero agency!" He said, remembering when Katsuki and Shoto both had internships.

Katsuki had two fingers down and Shoto had one. Izuku still had all his fingers up.

"Never have I ever attacked a high school." Katsuki said, sending a pointed look at Izuku.

"Hey! That's targeting." He complained as he put a finger down.

"And yours wasn't?" Shoto asked.

"I got both of you out, there for not targeting!" He explained.

"Get over it. Icyhot, your turn again." Katsuki said, getting annoyed with the whining.

"Never have I ever ran away from home." Shoto said next.

Izuku and Katsuki both put a finger down. "Oh, well I've got to hear that story." Izuku said, looking over at Katsuki.

The blond looked away in discomfort. "After... what happened with you.... I kind of... ran away to try and find you." He said quietly, so quiet Shoto and Izuku almost didn't hear him.

"Wait," but they did hear. "Really? You went looking for me? Why?" Izuku asked, genuinely confused as to why Katsuki would bother, especially back then. He hated Izuku.

"You're mom had just died and you took off! Why wouldn't I look for you?" He snapped back, not wanting to talk about it anymore. He didn't want to admit that he had actually been worried about the smaller boy.


"Okay," Izuku said, accepting his reason. He wasn't going to push Katsuki if he really didn't want to talk about it. "Never have I ever gotten into a school on recommendation." He said, shooting a smirk at Shoto.

"Aren't you technically here on recommendation right now?" The duel haired boy shot back, a small smirk of his own present on his face.

Izuku smiled widely. "Nope, I was accepted to UA last year. Technically I was already in."

"You got accepted?" Katsuki asked in shock. Izuku nodded back a bit hesitantly. "You got accepted to the school of your dreams, to become a hero, which was your biggest dream, but you gave it all up.... to become a villain?" He asked, not seeing how any of those pieces fit.

Izuku looked down, playing with the blanket he had on. "I didn't really expect you to understand." He mumbled.

"You're right, I don't understand. You had everything you had ever wanted. You worked your ass off for those exams. You destroyed your arms. And you threw it all away." Katsuki said in disbelief. "Why?"


"Sh Icyhot, I seriously wanna know why. Your dreams were literally in your reach, why'd you-"

"My mom was murdered! She was stabbed to death in our living room, Kacchan. The only family, the only person, I ever had. She was ripped away from me and I couldn't save her because I was out training with All Might. He didn't save her, no pro saved her, no one did. How could I go to this school after that? How could I become a hero and save people, when I didn't save her? I didn't deserve it. I still don't." Izuku said, trying to hold his tears back.

"Izuku, I-" Bakugou was cut off once again by Izuku.

"Just go Kacchan, it's your turn." He said, quickly wiping the stray tear before someone saw it.

"Midoriya, we don't have to-"

"Please, just... forget I said anything. I don't want to talk about it, so can we just keep playing?" Izuku pleaded.

Shoto and Katsuki exchanged a look. Shoto nodded to him, letting him know he should keep the game going.

With a sigh, Katsuki went. "Never have I ever skipped class."

Izuku put a finger down. "I skipped a year and a half." He explained with a sheepish grin, his eyes still watery as he tried to ease the tension in the room.

Both boys could clearly see how hard he was trying to get past their previous topic. They both subconsciously offered him smiles, hoping to help calm him. He slightly relaxed at the sight, sniffling quietly.

Shoto thought to himself for a few seconds, letting his small smile shift to a wicked look. "Never have I ever had one solid hair color."

"How is that at all fair?" Izuku said, begrudgingly putting a finger.

"Yeah, how is that fair? You're a freak of nature!" Katsuki argued, but also putting a finger down.

Shoto shrugged. "I guess being my dad's personal science experiment finally paid off."

Katsuki and Izuku both shoved their fists in their mouths, trying to hold in their laughter. Eventually they both broke, letting their hearty laughter spill into the room.

"I shouldn't be laughing at this." Izuku said guiltily chuckled.

"We're both going to hell for laughing." Katsuki argeed.

Shoto just smiled again, happy he could make them happy. He really was a simple creature.

"Midoriya, I believe it's your turn." Shoto said after a few more minutes of laughter.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. Hm, never have I ever had a hero costume." He said, looking extremely happy that he had thought of it.

Katsuki put down his fifth finger while Shoto only put down his third. Izuku was in the middle with four fingers currently down.

"Okay, wait. Before we keep playing, we need to figure out who the winner is. Is it whoever gets out first or whoever is left standing at the end?" Izuku questioned.

"Obviously whoever gets out first. The only thing the person left standing is winning at is being the most boring person in the room." Katsuki said, throwing a glance at Shoto.

"Fair enough." Izuku said, giving Shoto a sympathetic look to Shoto, who just shrugged in response, not being bothered. "So what should the winner get or what should the losers have to do?"

"Oh shit, we're playing for prizes now?" Katsuki asked with an evil smirk. He was winning at that point, so prizes were a welcome thought.

"Well, what's something we all want?" Shoto asked.

"How about the winner has one free dare on both the losers? They can give it whenever the want, it can be whatever they want, and the losers have to do it." Izuku suggested.

Katsuki nodded. "I definitely agree with that." He said, already thinking of what dares he could make Shoto and Izuku do.

Izuku looked over at Shoto. "I'm gonna laugh when he loses."

Katsuki didn't lose.

"Ha! Take that Deku!" He shouted when he placed his last finger down.

No matter how hard Shoto and Izuku tried to avoid things Katsuki had done, they still ended up losing.

Izuku eyed the blond suspiciously. He had just given Katsuki way to much power over him. "What're you gonna make us do Kacchan?" Izuku asked.

"Not sure, I've gotta make this good." He said, channeling is inner villain for a second as he thought up extremely embarrassing dares for both boys. "Do you have to have the same dare or can I make them different?" He asked.

Izuku looked over at Shoto, who once again just shrugged in indifference. "Either or I guess." Izuku answered.

"Oh hell yes, this is gonna be fun."

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