《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 10


The weekend flew by pretty fast, as they always seemed to do. Izuku hadn't hung out with Shoto or Katsuki since Friday night, he hadn't actually seen them since then either. He had spent the majority of the weekend in Toga's room.

They definitely weren't plotting an escape plan.

"That is the dumbest idea I've ever heard." Dabi said with his arms crossed. It was Monday morning and the League were all walking to school together.

"It was strictly hypothetical. Himi and I were just screwing around and that was one of the funniest plans we could think off." Izuku said while trying to suppress his laughter.

"Whatever, just don't get us thrown in prison." Dabi grunted. He might have said he wanted jail over school, but now that he was here, it wasn't as bad as he had expected. He wasn't planning on picking up the hero trade anytime soon, but at least it was bearable.

"Will do!" Toga said with a mock salute that Dabi just rolled his eyes at. By now they were in the school, nearing Toga and Izuku's classroom.

"No fucking way. So they weren't lying?" A new voice spoke up from in front of the little group of villains. They all directed their attention, expecting someone who was gonna berate them again.

But when Izuku caught sight of who it was, a huge smile made its way onto his face. "Shinso?!" He asked in excitement.

Shinso nodded his head, a small smile of his own present. Izuku ran at him, pulling him into a hug. "After not seeing you here last week, I just assumed I had the wrong school or something." Izuku said, while pulling away.

"I was on vacation, remember?" Shinso said, letting one hand go up to grab the strap of his bag.

Izuku smack a hand onto his forehead. "I completely forgot about that!" He admitted.

"Hey Shinso!" Toga said, leaning on Izuku's shoulder.

"Hey Toga. How're you guys doing with the whole... well, change?" Shinso asked, scanning over all the villains.

"It's fucking exhausting." Shigaraki grumbled.

"I'm having fun!" Twice said excitedly. "I've never wanted to die more in my life."

Toga giggled at the answers. "It's going great, if you can't tell." She said, nodding her head at her brothers.

"Clearly." Shinso said, a smirk on his face. "You guys haven't been in an actual school like normal humans in... two years? Three? Ever?" He teased.

"Whoa, how do you guys know each other?" Kirishima asked, walking through the hall and catching sight of them. Katsuki and Kaminari were with him, also silently wondering the same thing.

Shinso awkwardly cleared his throat. Izuku lookd over at him nervously, not knowing how much he was really allowed to say without getting him into huge trouble. With a sigh, the purple haired boy motioned for him to explain.

"You sure?" Izuku asked skeptically.

"I shouldn't get in too much trouble... probably... hopefully." Shinso said in uncertainty.


Izuku shrugged, turning back to his classmates. "I've been friends with Shinso for like a year, maybe less than that." He said, trying to think back to when he first started to talk to him.

"I'm sorry, what? Weren't you already a villain then?" Kaminari asked, already knowing the answer. Izuku had attacked the USJ with the rest of the League at the beginning of their first year. He was definitely already a villain.

Izuku coughed. "Um, yeah. We met online and I didn't exactly outright tell him I was a wanted villain. He had no clue until like a month or two ago." He explained.

Kaminari and Kirishima turned their disbelieving looks to Shinso. "You've been talking to a wanted villain for at least a month, and didn't say anything?!" Kaminari exclaimed.

Shinso shot him a glare for saying it so loud. "Look, it's not like I knew anything about him really. I had no useful information on his whereabouts or plans. If you woke up one day and found out Kirishima was a villain, would you turn him in?" He shot back.

"Awe, Shin you do have a heart!" Izuku exclaimed, holding a hand over his own heart.

"Shut it." Shinso said, irritated by the teasing.

Izuku smiled sweetly at him. "You know you love me."

Shinso rolled his eyes, but he had a smile on his lips. "Yeah, whatever."

"Jesus, he just smiled. What is it with Midoriya and getting the angry, stone faced people to smile?" Kirishima asked. That was three people he had seen smile for the first time thanks to Izuku. Katsuki had smiled a few times, and it wasn't his terrifying sinister smile either. Kirishima had caught a glimpse of Shoto's smile on Friday when the three other boys were eating ice cream. "You gotta teach me your trick dude." He added.

Izuku cocked his head to the side. "My trick? I'm really not trying..." He trailed off, getting lost and thought and starting to mumble to himself.

A swift smack to the back of his head from Dabi cut him off. "Ow!" He whined, rubbing the sore spot on his head.

"You dumbasses planning on going to class anytime soon or?..." Katsuki spoke up, walking away from the group and towards their classroom. They only had two minutes before the late bell rang.

"Oh, Kacchan's right. Seeing you guys after class! Bye Shinso." He said, waving to his brothers and Shinso. Shinso waved back, but Shigaraki and Dabi just nodded at him.

Toga and Izuku followed after their own classamates, making it to their seats before the bell rang.

Class wasn't anything interesting for Izuku, other than the fact he was trying not to laugh at Toga and Uraraka in the back. Toga kept poking Uraraka with her pencil until the other girl turned around in annoyance to see what she wanted. Then Toga would just smile at her and say 'hi' quietly. Uraraka would sigh in annoyance and say hi back and turn back around. Izuku would catch her small smile every time she turned back to the front.


"Midoriya," Present Mic said, catching Izuku's attention. "Mind sharing with the class what you're finding so funny?" The loud hero asked.

"Nope." He said with a smile.

Mic dropped his head and pointed to the board. "Read that sentence out loud to the class."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Katsuki muttered, their English teacher didn't seem to hear him.

Izuku read the sentence perfectly in English.

"Of course. Of course you're fluent in English." Mic said, nodding his head and going back to teaching his lesson.

Katsuki turned his head slightly so he could whisper to Izuku. "Couldn't have given him a break?" He asked with an amused smirk.

Izuku shot him back one of his own. "Would you?"

"Touché nerd."

Lunch came and went, mostly with Izuku teasing Toga for her little crush on Uraraka. When they got back to class, Aizawa was there waiting for them.

"Everyone pair up, we're training today." He said, sending a glance over at Izuku and Toga. They were both thrilled that they were finally getting a chance to train with the class.

Before Izuku could go to his sister to be partners, she was being dragged out of the room by a smiling Uraraka. Toga shot him an apologetic look, but he just waved her off with a smile.

He scanned the room quick before spotting someone else to train with. "Hey Kacchan? Wanna be my partner?" He asked, thinking that even if Katsuki was trying to turn himself around, he wouldn't pass up on an opportunity to beat the crap out of Izuku.

Katsuki shrugged. "Sure, I've got no one better in this class."

"Awe, was that a compliment I heard?" Izuku asked, trying to hide how much he was actually affected, willing his faint blush to go away.

Katsuki rolled his eyes with a scoff. "I'm just saying that you're more skilled than the other morons in here. Don't read to much into it, I'm still better than all of you." He said in a very Katsuki sort of way.

"I forgot Sato was sick today, so one group will have to three people." Aizawa suddenly spoke up to the few kids that were still in the room. Most of them had already gone to the locker rooms. "Todoroki, just join whoever." He instructed, walking out.

Izuku's eyes lit up at the thought of a rematch with Shoto. "Todoroki, you can train with us if you want." He offered.

Katsuki scowled. "I did not agree to this." He pointed out as Shoto walked up to them.

"Why? Scared you'll lose?" Shoto asked with a cocked brow.

Katsuki nearly growled as he started towards the taller boy. "Why you little-"

"Okay boys! How about we just wait for training for this, yeah? How does that sound?" Izuku said, stepping in between them and placing a hand on each of their chests.

"You're dead half and half." Katsuki said, marching out of the room.

Izuku and Shoto followed shortly after him. "Has he always been this way?" Shoto asked in an amused sort of way.

Izuku nodded, also finding the situation quite funny. "Kacchan's been competitive ever since I can remember. I'm pretty sure he gloated when he started walking before me, you know, in a gloating baby way." He said.

Shoto couldn't help himself as he let out a small chuckle, making Izuku stop dead in his tracks. "No fucking way." He said in an awed whisper.

Shoto quickly halted, looking back at Izuku in slight embarrassment. He knew he didn't laugh much, but he didn't know it would be that big of a deal. It wasn't that he couldn't laugh or didn't like it, he just didn't find most things funny.

"You laughed." Izuku said, pointing at Shoto, who now had the faintest of blushes on his face as he looked away from Izuku. "Wait no- Don't be embarrassed! I like your laugh, you should actually do it more often. I just had never heard it before and it caught me off guard. I didn't know you could, well obviously I knew you could laugh, but I didn't necessarily know that you could do it around other people, let alone me. I get that sometimes humor and stuff only happens with people you really trust and I feel like you're that type of person, so the fact that you actually laughed around me of all people just-"

Izuku was cut off by Shoto's hand covering his mouth. "You tend to talk when you're nervous, huh?" He asked, a small smile on his lips, more so to let Izuku know that he wasn't offended.

With a sheepish smile, Izuku scratched the back of his neck while Shoto moved his hand. "How'd you know?" He joked.

"Oh, just a hunch. Now c'mon, we should probably go before Bakugou throws a tantrum." Shoto said, making a small joke at the blond's expense.

Izuku nodded and they started their journey to the locker room once again.

"Took you two long enough. Hurry up and change." Katsuki said when they entered the room. He was already in his gym clothes and making his way out to the gym area.

"Aye, aye." Izuku said with a mock salute.

Katsuki rolled his eyes and left the locker room.

"This'll just be a riot." Izuku said, smirking at Shoto.

"No death and minimal property damage." He instructed the shorter one.

"Obviously, and really? Minimal? With me there really is no minimal." Izuku argued back.

Shoto sighed as he opened his gym locker. "Don't destroy the whole building, how about that?" He compromised.


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