《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 9


"It's your power! You're quirk, not his!" Izuku shouted across the training field Shoto and him were sparring in.

Shoto seemed stunned for all of two seconds before his entire left side erupted into flames that just kept spreading high and high. Izuku's eyes widened at the sight.

"Well shit."


"I haven't trained in so long." Izuku whined as they walked out into the empty training field. It was Friday and most students just wanted to relax over the week and begin training again on Saturday.

Shoto watched him from behind, noticing the slight tilt of his head as he took in a deep breath of fresh air. "What's training like for you guys?" He asked, letting curiosity get the best of him. He found that it was happening more and more with Izuku.

Izuku seemed to muse over the answer for a few seconds as the finally reached the center of the field. "Intense I guess. I can't really compare it to here because we've conveniently not been training at all this week." He explained, humor making it's way into his voice.

Shoto nodded in response. "Want to just spar without quirks first? As a warm up of sorts?" He suggested.

Izuku raised his fist up as he got into a fighting position. "Sounds good to me."

They circled each other, both trying to find the perfect opportunity to strike. Shoto decided to keep up the conversation. "Can you really blame the teachers for not fully trusting you yet?" He asked as Izuku flung his fist out, aiming for Shoto's face. With a quick dodge they were now fully amerced in a fake battle.

Izuku shot his leg out next, hoping to catch Shoto off guard. "No, but- Whoa!" Shoto had caught his leg and twisted it to send him flying through the air. He landed with a huff on the ground.

"You're not as intimidating without your quirk." Shoto observed, bending down to offer Izuku a hand.

His offer was blatantly ignored as Izuku stood up b himself, brushing off a few specks of dirt. In a matter of two seconds he had managed to get a hand on Shoto's chest as he swept his feet out from under him, knocking him flat on his back in the dirt, Izuku's hand still holding him down. "I'm sorry, what was that?" He asked in a sickly sweet tone.

Shoto coughed as he stood up, accepting Izuku's hand. "Point taken." He said, trying to regain his breath.

"You never underestimate the little guy." Izuku said in a mock-scolding tone.

Shoto help his hands up in surrender. "Never again." He promised, feeling his small smile slip onto his face. Izuku didn't seem to notice, seeing as he was to busy trying to rub out a grass stain on the knee of his pants.

Shoto took the chance to sweep his foot under Izuku's, knocking him off balance. As he was falling backwards, he reached out and grabbed a fist full of Shoto's shirt, dragging him down as well. They landed with a groan as Shoto's weight pressed down on Izuku. It didn't seem to bother him for long, as he started to laugh a few seconds later.

Shoto braced his arms on either side of Izuku's head. "How was that funny?" He asked, letting his curiosity shine through again.


"I dragged you down with me. You're surprise attack backfired." Izuku explained, cutting his laugh attack short.

Not seeming bothered by the short space in between them, Shoto stayed where he was. He looked like he was trying to find something in Izuku's face, a hint of what was really going on inside his head.

Izuku, on the other hand, was definitely bothered by the small distance. His cheeks had gone a soft shade of pink as he tried to figure out what Shoto was doing. Not being able to take it anymore, he quickly flipped them. Shoto was on his stomach, his arm bent back in between his shoulder blades and being held there by Izuku.

"See? That's how you do a surprise attack." Izuku said smugly. He quickly got off Shoto, who stood up right after.

"Okay, you got me." Shoto admitted.

"Quirks now?" Izuku asked, excitement filling him.

Shoto was a little worried by how happy Izuku seemed at the thought of being able to use his quirk and beat the crap out of Shoto, but he complied nevertheless. "Yeah."

Not even a second later Shoto was back on the ground in the same exact position as before. He grunted as his head seemed to spin from the fast movement. "I hate your quirk." He mumbled. Out of the corner of his eyes, Shoto was able to see the green flashes.

Izuku laughed loudly as he stood up. He let Shoto get into a fighting stance before activating his quirk again. "C'mon hero, show me whatcha you got." He said with a teasing smirk.

They went back and forth for nearly twenty minutes. Shoto would shot ice at Izuku, and he would dodge it or destroy it. Izuku would try and land a hit on Shoto, and he would create a barrier or use his ice as a quick way to dodge.

"You're Endeavor's prodigy, right? His shining achievement?" Izuku asked, having to nearly shout because of how far away they were. Shoto's ice was suited for distance, so Shoto had stayed away from Izuku, never letting him get to close.

"What does it matter?" Shoto asked, shooting more ice at him. Talk of his father always had a way of ticking him off.

"Aren't you supposed to have two quirks then?" Izuku asked, shattering the ice with a gust of air from a punch he had thrown.

"I don't use my left side. I refuse to." Shoto explained shortly as he quickly skated to the side as Izuku tried to rush at him. The green haired boy got caught on the ice, sliding and not being able to stop him self. Once the ice ran out, he tumbled head over heels.

He stayed on the ground, catching his breath. "Why?" He spoke up, startling Shoto, who had been waiting for him to get up. "Because you're flaming pile of trash you have to call a father gave it to you?" He guess, pulling himself up and off the ground.

Shoto watched him with calculating eyes, trying to figure out what he was playing at. "I won't use his quirk." He said, confirming Izuku's thoughts.

Izuku shot another air blast at him, which he narrowly dodged. "Last time I checked, it wasn't his. That's your quirk. You're fire. You hold the power to do with it whatever you want. Use it better than he ever could." Izuku urged.


He had a soft spot for Shoto already, due to Dabi. Seeing him so messed up because of their dad, hit him hard. Especially since he already had to help a Todoroki brother through that trauma.

Shoto looked like he was trying to tune Izuku out as he shot forward more ice than before. Izuku had to work double time to shatter it before it had time to hit him.

"It's your power! You're quirk, not his!"

It took Shoto a few seconds to react, but when he did, Izuku knew he messed up.

"Well shit." He muttered to himself as he took in the huge cyclone of flames he was now up against.

He had trained with Dabi before, so he thought he'd be able to handle it, but he was already tired. They had been training for probably forty minutes by then and Izuku still didn't have a completely grasp of his own quirk. The strain it put on his body was intense.

Izuku dodged to the left, missing a burst of flames. Before could fully land, another was heading for him. He used his air attack, blocking the fire before it could reach him.

He looked at the center of the fire, which was hard on his eyes, but he could just make out Shoto in the center. He looked completely out of it.

Izuku was mentally beating himself up. The kid probably hadn't used his fire quirk in years. It would be a miracle if he had some sort of handle on it, but that didn't really seem to be the case.

He was too caught up in his own thoughts. He hadn't reacted fast enough as a new blast came at him. His eyes widened as everything seemed to move in slow motion. He was toast, literally.

Milliseconds before he could become steamed broccoli, someone tackled him out of the way. When Izuku looked, he saw Katsuki. The blond was searching through the flames, probably trying to find the course.

"It's Todoroki." Izuku said with a slight cough. Smoke inhalation probably wasn't a good thing.

Katsuki looked down at him in surprise. "How the hell- Ya know what? Never mind. Just stay out of... whatever the hell that is." He ordered, looking back at the fire.

Katsuki ran off, leaving Izuku lying a fair distance away from the flames. There wasn't much he could do until Katsuki got back, so he just sat and watched. It was actually entertaining, watching the flames rise and fall, probably matching up with Shoto's breath if Izuku had to guess.

From where he was sitting, he saw Katsuki running back, right towards Shoto. Izuku's was on his feet in the blink of an eye. "Kacchan! What the hell are you doing?! You're gonna get fried!" He shouted, genuine fear setting in.

Izuku started to run forwards before he couldn't even think. It was kind of like when he had tried to save Katsuki from a villain in middle school.

He was able to gain on him, thanks to his quirk, and he was only a few feet behind him when he aimed a fire extinguisher at the heart of the flames. About a minute later, the flames were all gone and Shoto was sitting on the ground, covered in whatever they put inside of the extinguishers.

Katsuki was smirking as he didn't stop dousing the other teen. Izuku wrapped his arms around the blond, prohibiting his movements. "Knock it off, you're gonna drown him." Izuku scolded.

"That was the idea, yeah." Katsuki responded.

Izuku rolled his eyes at the comment before going over to Shoto, who was standing again. "Are you okay?" He asked him worriedly.

Shoto coughed as he nodded. "Yeah I'm good, but was this really necessary?" He asked, motioning to the excessive amount of white foam and then directing a glare at Katsuki.

"I wanted to make sure you couldn't spark back up." Katsuki said with a smirk and a shrug.

Shoto didn't say anything else to him, instead directing his attention to Izuku. "Are you okay? I didn't burn you, right?" He asked, dreading the answer. There was a reason he didn't want to use his fire side.

Izuku smiled softly at him, understanding the boy's struggles. "I'm fine, you didn't hurt me at all." He said.

"Well yeah, but-" Izuku shot a quick glare at Katsuki, silently telling him to shut up. If Shoto knew about the close call, he would never want to use his left side again and Izuku would be back to square one.

"No one got hurt. You got a little out of hand, but that just means you need to train with it more." Izuku said with a shrug.

Shoto nodded, seeming to drift off into his own head.

"Let's head back to the dorms, yeah? I could use a shower and some ice cream." Izuku suggested already starting to walk in the direction of their dorm building, the other two following after him. "Hey Kacchan, what were you even doing out here?"

"I was gonna get some training in, but then I saw the fucking fire storm and you can't just walk away from something like that." He explained. Izuku nodded in understanding. Katsuki leaneds closer to him and whispered, "You fucking lucky I didn't, or you'd be dead right now."

Izuku quickly looked over to Shoto, making sure he hadn't heard what Katsuki had said. "Shut up Kacchan. Don't freak him out anymore than he already is. It was mainly my fault anyway." Izuku said, directing his attention back to in front of him. He had made sure to talk quiet enough so Shoto wouldn't hear. He seemed to far gone to pay them any attention anyway.

"How the hell was that your fault?" Katsuki asked.

"I pushed him to use it. I should have made sure Aizawa or someone was there if he got to out of hand. He hadn't used his fire in a really long time, I should have expected his lack of control and planned for it." Izuku said, slightly disappointed in himself.

Katsuki nudged him, "Don't be so damn hard on yourself, Deku. That's a ridiculous expectation." He said in a harsh tone.

Izuku lightly smiled. It seemed that Katsuki really did care. Interesting.

"Race you guys to the dorms!" Izuku called, breaking off into a sprint, ignoring how sore he already was.

"Fucking bet!" Katsuki shouted, running after him.

Shoto sighed, feeling drained from training. Nevertheless, he ran after them both.

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