《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 3


When Izuku fell to the ground, the closest student caught him. Shoto hadn't even realized he had grabbing the small villain until he was already in his arms.

"Shit. Todoroki, help me get them to Recovery Girl." Aizawa instructed, helping Toga stand on her own, seeing as Izuku was no longer supporting her.

Shoto gave a silent nod and hauled Izuku up into his arms, following after his teacher.

"Pick this mess up." Aizawa barked as the doors to the elevator closed, but just in the nick of time, Katsuki slipped onto the elevator.

"Stay away from him." Toga hissed, leaning against her new teacher. She winced at the dull throb in her head.

"Cool it crazy, I'm not gonna hurt him." He said, shooting a glare at her.

"Then what the hell are you doing here?" She bit back, wincing again when Aizawa jerked her arm a little.

Katsuki didn't say anything, glaring at the floor.

"Well?" She pressed, not trusting the other boy for a second.

He growled as he looked up. "I feel bad, okay? For all the shit I put him through when we were younger. I regret it and I want to try and redeem myself or some shit. Good enough for you?" He snarled at her.

It took Toga a second to comprehend what he had said, before she burst out into a fit of giggles as all five of them got off the elevator. "Y-you're kidding, right?' She asked in between her mess of giggling.

"No." He said simply, not liking being laughed at, but he caught the look Aizawa sent him when he snapped at her.

"He's not gonna forgive you." She said, trying to rein in her laughing. "He hates you. You kind of ruined his entire life."

"I fucking know that!" He yelled, not being able to control his anger.

"Bakugou." Aizawa snapped, making him shut up again.

They made it out of the dorm building and were nearing the school. "Just leave him alone, k? If you even look at him, he might explode. If you feel so bad, leave him alone and let him try and redeem himself. He doesn't need you messing with his second chance." She said stiffly as they entered the main campus building. Aizawa had already notified Recovery Girl and she had instructed him to bring the kids to her office.

Katsuki stayed quiet after that, not sure what else to say. The kid he had been beating himself up about for the past two years happened to get a second chance at his childhood dream. He wanted to do everything in his power to help him. If that meant staying away from him....

When they reached Recovery Girl's office, she rushed to work on Izuku and Toga. Aizawa looked over at Katsuki and Shoto. Shoto was near the door, but Katsuki was leaning against the wall, closer to the two patients.


"Supervise them please. I don't think he'll being leaving until that one wakes up." Aizawa said to Shoto and he left the room, pointing from Katsuki to Izuku. Shoto just mutely nodded.


Izuku slowly pried his eyes opened, his head already feeling like it was getting hammered with a brick. He looked around his surroundings, not recognizing anything. He saw Katsuki and Shoto sleeping in chairs near the door to the room his was in.

He didn't know where he was. He didn't know why he was there. He didn't know why he felt so sore. He didn't know why the other two boys were there.

He was freaking out.

He couldn't catch his breath as the blankets on him felt like they were suffocating him. He tore at the blankets, pushing himself back into the wall behind him as he gasped for breath. He clawed at his chest, trying to get oxygen in.

It was enough to wake up Katsuki and Shoto.

They both looked over, still groggy from sleep, but snapped awake when they saw that the other boy was failing to breath. They rushed over to him, but they're presence only made him panic worse.

"Deku? What the fuck is wrong?" Katsuki asked, shocking Shoto by actually sounding like he was a little bit worried and not just annoyed.

Suddenly they were pushed away and Toga was hugging the small boy, who clung to her like a life line. "Hey, just breath for me Izu. It's okay. They aren't going to hurt you. We're just in the nurses office. We kind of go here now, remember?" She said softly, trying to prod at Izuku's memory.

"What just happened?" Shoto asked, more confused than anything else.

"He had a panic attack dumbasses. You two rushing at him probably didn't help." She said sarcastically, but stopped when Izuku whimpered.

"Hey, no. I'm not mad at you, don't worry." She cooed.

"God, you must have really freaked him out. He hasn't had one since he first joined." Toga said, looking at Katsuki specifically. He was the only constant from then to now, so it made sense.

"Where's Dabi? And Tomura? And Twice? Where is everyone?" Izuku asked his sister softly.

"They're at their own dorms. I'm sure one of them could go get the boys." Toga said, eyeing the other students.

Shoto held his hands up. "I'm on babysitting duty." He said.

Katsuki groaned. "Guess I'm the errand boy." He growled, making his way out of the room and over to the third year's dorms.

"So is it gonna be awkward?" Toga spoke up, looking at Shoto. "To be around Dabi." She clarified.

"Why would it be awkward?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Because he's your bro- You don't know, do you?" She asked in disbelief.


"Himi, shut up or Dabi's gonna fry you." Izuku mumbled, sitting up finally.

Shoto's eyes went wide. "He's my what?" He asked.

"Nothing." Izuku said firmly. He pushed the hospital gown he was wearing off his shoulder to check out the damage. He had a large scar, but his shoulder was fully intact so he couldn't be to mad. "Fantastic, just adding to the collection." He mumbled with an eye roll.

Shoto decided to change the topic, not wanting to upset either of them. He had common curtesy. Besides, Dabi would be there soon and he could just asking him then.

"What happened last night anyway?" He asked.

Izuku sighed as he slipped his gown back on his shoulder. "The pervy purple guy tried to feel up Himi, I punched him into a wall, he cried villains, and then they bird dude took a bite out of my shoulder. Himiko here got a little protective and blood thirsty and she couldn't properly take care of herself with out her knives, so I stepped in. I was just kind of pushing them around until they zapped her. Then I got pissed." Izuku explained.

Toga sighed dreamily. "My knight in shining armor." She said with a giggles at the end.

"More like a suit and tie. Armor's not my style." He said, sticking his tongue out. His villain outfit was formal wear, it's just what he liked.

"But apparently you need it." Shigaraki said as he entered the room with Dabi and Twice, Katsuki following behind.

Izuku's eyes lit up when he saw the other boys. He had been worried that what happened to him and Toga had happened to them as well. "You guys are okay." He stated.

"Yup, you two, are not." Twice said, slapping a hand over his mouth before he could say anything else.

"Yeah, blame bird brains for that." Toga said, pointing to the scar on Izuku's shoulder that was barely peaking under his hospital gown.

"Let's bash them in." Dabi suggested.

"No. No bashing." Izuku said with a glare. "We're students now. Not jail. School." Izuku said, like he was talking to an ape.

"Okay, I fucking get it." Dabi said. He moved so that his chin was on Shigaraki's shoulder as he looked behind him at Shoto and Katsuki.

"Dabi, I wouldn't-" Izuku started.

"What'd you two want?" Dabi asked anyway.

"Touya?" Shoto asked with a single raised eye brow.

"Whoop, there it is." Izuku mumbled.

"No?" Dabi shot back.

Shoto pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on, throwing his hands up. "You've got to be kidding me! I thought you were dead, you ass!" He said. It was the first time Katsuki had ever really seen Shoto have an emotion that wasn't arrogance.

"Touya is dead, you ass!" Dabi shot back with a mocking tone.

"What're you, five?" Shoto asked, pretty pissed off with his long lost brother.

"No, I'm dead apparently." Dabi yelled.

"Hi dead, I'm dad." Izuku spoke up out of instinct.

"Now is not the time for your stupid dad joke Izuku." Dabi threw over his shoulder.

"Hey, don't yell at me! I'm fragile right now!" Izuku yelled back.

"You seem fine to me!" Dabi said, not even remembering who he was currently fighting with.

"You two are like an old married couple." Shigaraki said in a monotone voice.

"Gross, he's my brother!" Izuku said to his other brother.

"He's my brother!" Shoto said, getting back into the fight.

"He's ours, now back off." Toga said, joining in just for the hell of it.

"God, all of you shut the fuck up!" Katsuki yelled, very loudly.

It made Izuku flinch, which made all of the 'villains' turn their angry eyes to him. "Hey, that's the guy that used to bully Izuku." Twice said offhandedly, going back to the curtain he was admiring.

That was the moment Katsuki knew he was in danger. He was really close to booking it out the door, wanting to be outside if he was going to get into a brawl with the League. Again.

"Leave Kacchan alone guys." Izuku said with a huff.

"But he-"

"Leave it." Izuku said, catching Katsuki's eyes. The crimson orbs meeting his held nothing but sadness and remorse. "We're only allowed to beat the shit out of him during training." Izuku said, not giving a damn how he felt now.

Katsuki let out a huff, realizing it was going to take a lot to make up for the years of bullying and torment. He was prepared for that, but he had just gotten his hopes up.

"Wait," Izuku said, tilting his head as he got lost in thought. "Isn't today Monday?" He asked.

"Yeah." Katsuki said.

"Yup." Toga confirmed.

"Yes, why?" Shoto asked.

"School?" Izuku asked. The room stilled for a second as everyone thought it through. Then they were all rushing out of the room, besides Toga and Izuku who were still 'recovering from their injuries'.

"What an amazing first day." Izuku said sarcastically as he got up to get changed, Toga giggling behind him at his words.

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