《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 4


After Toga and Izuku got changed into their uniforms, they headed the their class. "What'd you think it'll be like?" Toga asked him, basically skipping in excitement.

"Probably dull and a whole lot of garbage." Izuku said with a shrug, not being entirely bothered by the thought. He had wanted to go to UA for most of his life, he couldn't fight off the part of him that wanted to jump around with glee. Besides, ever since he joined the League, he had been craving a little piece of normalcy. Grant it, this was 'hero' school and not necessarily normal, but it was still school.

"Don't be so negative Izu, I know how excited you actually are." She said, shooting him a smirk and wink.

He groaned, knowing he couldn't hide it from someone he was so close to. "I just... I wanted this... so much. I had given up hope of this stupid fantasy ever happening, yet here we are. We're in the uniforms Himi! The uniforms!" He said, grabbing Toga's shoulder and lightly shaking her as he finally let his façade slip.

Toga just smiled warmly at the little cinnamon roll. "Yes Izu, we're in the uniforms. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." She said, continuing to walk and send a knowing look at him. Everyone at the League knew how badly Izuku had wanted to be hero. It hurt a little bit, knowing how badly he crazed to be on the opposite side of their own war, but no one could change him. He had a heart of pure gold and no amount of darkness seemed to be able to dim it's glow.

They arrived at their classroom shortly after. It was the middle of a class, so they didn't have to deal with all the kids in the hallways that would have definitely whispered and pointed at the two villains. "Do you think we'll get in trouble for being late?" Izuku asked Toga in a worried tone. He seemed to forget who he was at that moment, completely abandoning his mask.

His sister just lightly giggled at him, knowing that he was letting himself get to caught up in the whole 'hero' thing, but not having it in her to crush his new found dreams. Too many people had already done that to him, she wouldn't let it happen again. "We were at the nurses, remember? I don't think we'll get in trouble for that."

Then she pushed the door open.

It wasn't far into the day, so they were still in their first class, but everything came to a stand still when they entered the room. "I see you two are standing again." Aizawa said with a small nod before address the rest of his class. "A few of you have already met our new students. Introduce yourselves." He said, directing the last part to Izuku and Toga.

"Himiko Toga. Do we need to do like a fun fact or whatever? I haven't actually been to school in a few years." She said somewhat sheepishly.

"Do whatever." Aizawa said, not really caring. They were wasting class time, he wasn't complaining.

"Well I guess I'm a villain, so there's that. Oh, and I really like blood." She said, getting a far away and dreamy look on her face.


Izuku was quick to jump in and direct attention away from her. "Uh yeah, careful around her, she bites." He said, half joking half wanting to actually warn the class. "Anyway, I'm Izuku Midoriya, but a lot of you probably know me as Deku." He explained, sending a quick glare at, who just looked down at his desk. It surprised Izuku that he didn't glare back.

"Oh yeah, and if any of you," He said, casting his glare around the room, slowing down when he got to Kaminari, Sero, and Mineta. "Touch her again, I'll rip you apart, limb by limb." He said, finishing with a smile. "I hope we can all get along!"

"Stop threatening the other students." Aizawa said with an eye roll.

"They groped my sister!" Izuku defended.

"Hey, that was one guy!" Kaminari said, pointing at Mineta, who looked like he would rather have the ground open up and swallow him whole.

"Then you electrocuted her." Izuku growled.

"This is getting out of hand. Can we just have our seats please?" Toga said, shocking everyone by being the voice of reason, besides Izuku. He was used to her tugging on his leash when he started to get to heated.

"Midoriya, you're behind Bakugou, please don't blow the school up. Toga, you're behind Uraraka." The two quickly took their seats, ignoring everyone else in the room.

The first half of the day went by fairly fast and soon lunch rolled around. When the bell rang, nearly everyone was rushing out of their seats and trying to get to lunch as fast as possible. In all the commotion, Katsuki grabbed Izuku's wrist, preventing him from running out.

Izuku tried to tug the hand off, but Katsuki's voice stopped him. "Please, can we just talk? Dek- Iz- Midoriya, whatever the hell I'm supposed to call you now, just hear me out."

Izuku stood completely still, not believing that Katsuki had actually just said please to him. Or that he had called him anything other than Deku. It nearly made him cringe hearing his last name coming from the explosive blond. "Just call me Deku, you've been doing it for most of our lives anyway, why change it now?" He said back cautiously, not knowing what Katsuki was up to.

"Because I've been absolutely terrible to you most of our lives and I guess I finally realized it. Or at least let myself realize it." Katsuki said, letting go of Izuku and turning his gaze towards the floor. Even if Katsuki was getting better at not being a complete dick, he still had an ego the size of Texas and apologizing took a lot for him.

"Oh, so the guilt finally caught up, did it? Well guess what Kacchan, you don't get to feel guilty." Izuku said, snapping at his old friend. He jabbed a finger into his chest, walking closer as Katsuki walked back in slight shock. "You don't get to just wake up one day and decide to start being a better person. You don't deserve to! You made my life a living hell. You bullied me until I finally had the guts to run away. You beat the shit out of me constantly because there was nothing I could do to stop you. You told me to kill myself because I didn't have a quirk! You. don't. get. to. feel. guilty." Izuku said, tears building up in his eyes.


Something about him that hadn't changed, even as a villain, he still cried. All the time. He had gotten better at hiding it, but it hadn't stopped.

Katsuki just watched as Izuku pushed him back, until he hit a wall. Then he watched as Izuku choked back a sob, all the emotions he had been pushing back for nearly two years, rushing at him all at once.

"I-I can't- I have to go." Izuku rushed, trying to run, but Katsuki stopped him.

Two things were running through his head. Towards the back, not being to prominent, was the fact that if the rest of the League found out he made Izuku cry, he'd have one hell of a beating to get through.

At the fore front, what his mind was really trained on, was the fact that he had made Izuku cry. Again. Why was he always doing that? Why could he never do anything right? He always ended up hurting someone, even when he was trying to do the opposite.

He grabbed onto Izuku's arm and spun him back towards himself. Once Izuku hit his chest, he wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

Izuku didn't even fight it. How could he, when the person that he had been in love with most of his adolescents was hugging him?

So Izuku might have had a tiny crush on Katsuki back in middle school. Or he might have been completely head over heels in love with him, it's the small details. But that was essentially why he let Katsuki get away with everything he did. Why he let him push him around and use him as a punching bag.

"Look, I know I can never take back everything I did and everything I said back then, but I want to try and make it up to you. I know realistically it isn't even possible, that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try. You can either accept that and let me try, or fight it and make it a million times harder. Either way, you're not going to get me to stop." Katsuki said softly, holding tight to the boy he had severely broken over the years.

Izuku's arms were pinned between his own chest and Katsuki's, so the only thing he could do was grab onto Katsuki's shirt. "Okay." He whispered, knowing that there was nothing he could do to stop Katsuki from doing something he really wanted to.

"Wasn't expecting this." A monotone voice said, startling both boys and making them spring apart.

"Fuck off Icyhot." Katsuki growled, seeing that Shoto was the one who had completely ruined the moment.

Izuku smacked his chest. "If you want to make it up to me, be nicer to everyone." He hissed. If Katsuki really wanted to be redeemed in Izuku's eyes, Izuku was going to make it as challenging as possible, just to see if he was actually serious or not. If he made an effort, maybe....

"Fine," Katsuki said with a scowl.

Shoto's eyebrows shot up at his response. "I have no clue what is happening, but I'm still on babysitting duty apparently so..." He said, trailing off while pointing at Izuku.

"Oh yeah, we should probably get to lunch then." Izuku said, meaning all three of them when he said 'we'.

"Tch, whatever nerd." Katsuki said, walking out of the room.

Izuku watched him go then looked at Shoto, who had also turned to look at Izuku after Katsuki left. "You know, I'm not even mad at that. Kacchan's 'nerd' if like a normal person's 'bro', so I guess I shouldn't have my expectations to high right out of the gate." He said with a shrug.

"Mind explaining all that? Bakugou is going to be... nice?... to people now?" Shoto asked, neither his face nor his voice giving way much of his emotions, but Izuku could still tell he was clearly confused.

"He's trying to redeem himself for all the stuff he did to me back in middle school. If he wants to be a good person, he can't just be nice to me, it has to go around evenly." Izuku explained as the two boys walked.

Shoto nodded, understanding where Izuku was coming from. "I get that, but like you said, don't get your expectations too high. He has a short temper and one of the biggest egos I've ever seen, it'll take a lot of work on his end to fix that." He said, finding that conversation with Izuku seemed to flow easier than with his other classmates. He couldn't exactly pin point why, maybe it was just because they were talking about how much of a jerk Katsuki was.

Izuku laughed shortly at his words. "Trust me, I think Kacchan can do it. It'll take a lot, sure, but when has he ever been one to give up?" He asked, sending a side glance over at Shoto.

The duel haired boy was watching the ground in front of them with a contemplative look. "I guess you're right about that." He concluded.

Izuku patted him on the back as they entered the cafeteria, startling Shoto by the sudden contact. "Something you should know for future reference," Izuku said, leaning in a little like he was going to tell Shoto a secret. "I'm always right."

Then Izuku shot him a joking wink and wondered off to the table where his family sat, waiting for him to show up. Dabi snapped at him as he sat down, saying that he took to long, Toga was fretting over him because she was just so worried, and Shigaraki looked like he was asleep on Dabi's shoulder. Twice was nowhere to be seen.

Shoto just watched him go. Once he sat down, his eyes slipped over to Dabi. He smiled faintly, one that no one would see if they weren't searching for the slight twitch of his lips.

"I can't wait to tell dad. That'll really be a kick to the ego."

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