《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Twenty One


Alivia made her and her friend some coffee before sitting next to Quinn on her fluffy white couch.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Asked Alivia taking a sip from her oversized mug.

Quinn was just starting at the tan liquid in her mug. "I, uh. Well, I haven't been very honest with you, lately. With anyone actually... "

"What do you mean?" Asked Alivia.

"Back at the party, Christopher told me that he wasn't going to reject me. He had a picnic set up just past the tree line and we sat there for a while talking and having a good time but then he tried to.. well, you know."

"That all sounds great," said Alivia.

"It was, it was. But I said no. He got mad and I rejected him."

"Wait.. I'm not understanding. If it was going so well, why did you reject him?"

"I hurt him, Liv. He thinks I betrayed him."Quinn was holding back tears at this point.

"He told me that you were with someone else while you were away at school. Is it true?"

"Well... yes. But it isn't that simple." Quinn sighed, unsure how to explain to her best friend what happened to her.

"God this is harder than I though" she rubbed her face with her hands and continued. "When I was in the city, working at the restaurant, my boss was another werewolf. We became friends... at least I thought we were friends.." she paused, staring blankly for a moment.

"Anyway, we went out for a run together and when we came back, he... he raped me."

"Oh, Quinn," said Alivia putting her mug down and hugging her hurting friend. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Shame, I guess. I was.. am.. so weak. I couldn't defend myself. I let him take advantage of me. I hurt Christopher."


"You've got to tell him. You can't carry this all by yourself. He's your mate, he loves you."

"He doesn't love me, it's just the mate bond. He can be free now to choose an adequate mate. One that he does love... It won't be me."

"There's more... but I've been too afraid to even say out loud."

"What is it?

"I, uh.... I've been having all these weird symptoms. My wolf, she's been distant and I think it's because she knows.."

"Knows what, Quinn?" Alivia asked worried for her friend. "Tell me what it is so I can help you."

"I think I might be pregnant with Michael's baby..."

"Oh,Quinny..." Alivia grabbed Quinn by the face with both hands "tomorrow you'll take a test and we'll figure out what to do then, okay?"

"Okay," said Quinn, sniffling and nodding her head.

"I'll be with you every step of the way."

The girls just sat there holding each other, crying into each other's shoulders. Alivia couldn't believe that her best friend had been carrying that pain all alone. She felt guilt that she couldn't tell something was wrong, that she wasn't there for Quinn when she needed it most.


Once the pain had subsided, Christopher picked himself off the ground. He slowly made his way back to the party to look for Quinn. She was nowhere to be found. He found Evan speaking to Ruben and walked over to them.

"Evan, can we talk?"

"Sure. Let's go into my office in the pack house. Ruben, could you let Sarah know that I'll be back shortly?"

"Sure thing."

Christopher and Evan made their way to the pack house and into Evan's office. Christopher waited until the door was shut behind him before speaking.


"I probably should have told you this earlier but the reason I never wanted to go looking for my mate is because I already knew who it was."

"So, who IS the lucky lady?" He said jokingly.

"It's Quinn."

"What? Does she know? Why haven't you guys said anything?"

"Yes. We both found out years ago, the night she left."

"So the night you were sent to the medical center, it was because she was.."


"That makes so much sense," said Evan furrowing his brows.

"What do you mean? She betrayed me!"

"Chris, she didn't betray you."

"What do you mean she didn't betray me? I felt it when it happened!"

"I promised Quinn I wouldn't say anything to anyone. It isn't my place to tell you what happened, it's hers."

"We're best friends, you should be able to tell me anything Evan. Especially, when it has to do WITH MY MATE!"

"I'm going to ignore that you're yelling at your alpha because I realize that you're upset."

"Look, I'm sorry, man. Alright... I'm just confused and angry because no one wants to tell me what's going on."

"You have to talk to her. Just promise me you'll listen before jumping to anymore conclusions."

"Okay. I promise."

Christopher ran out of the pack house and stumbled over to Quinn's house knocking on the door loudly.

"Hello!" He yelled, waiting for someone to answer the door.

A sleepy Ellie came to the door in her robe "what's all the noise?"

"I'm sorry miss Oliver but I'm looking for Quinn. Is she home?"

"No, she hasn't come home yet, if she isn't at the party she's probably with Alivia. Now, let an old lady sleep."

"Of course, I'm sorry for waking you ma'am. Have a goodnight"

Christopher walked away defeated, knowing that if he showed up at Alivia's house she would surely ring his neck. He'd have to wait, but he was worried he'd already screwed things up by pushing her.

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