《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Twenty


Alivia wore a beautiful backless red dress that flowed to the floor, a slit cut into the skirt up to the middle of her thigh. She wore black pumps and red lipstick with a simple neutral eye. Her blonde hair in soft curls danced over her back and shoulders.

Quinn wore the glittery rose gold maxi she had purchased the day before. The long sleeves were translucent and it had a plunging neckline exposing the soft curve of her breasts. She did a neutral brown Smokey eye, her bouncy ringlets pulled back and clipped on one side. The locket and strappy heels were the perfect accessories. She continued to wear the ring that Christopher had given her.

Quinn sat on the couch in the living room waiting for Alivia and Ruben to finish up so that they could get to the party together. She didn't know what she expected or why she was even going to this party. She had nothing to celebrate. Whatever self-worth and confidence she had prior to the attack was all gone now. She had little to celebrate. Looked down at her arms, thanking the moon goddess that at least the bruises were gone. She often wondered why they took so long to heal.

Alivia touched Quinn's shoulder snapping her out of her thoughts. "You ready to go, beautiful?" asked Alivia.

"Yep," Quinn replied, getting up from the couch.

As always the clearing was beautifully decorated. Twinkly lights hung above the crowd. Red, pink and gold confetti hearts were spread along the tables and the dance floor. Balloons in the festive colors adorned the entire area. The pack knew how to throw a party.

Once again, Quinn found herself in the same familiar situation she was in just four years ago, sitting at a table alone contemplating getting food and a drink.


"Is this seat taken?"

Quinn was startled by the voice coming from behind her. She turned around to see her blonde headed mate smiling at her. He was wearing a simple black suit with a black shirt and tie. For goddess sake, he looked beautiful.

"Of course not beta, please, have a seat."

"You don't have to call me that. You can call me Chris."

"I feel that is too familiar for a lowly cook to refer to the pack's beta by their name. It's easier this way, beta, for.. for me."

"You look absolutely breathtaking tonight," said Christopher scooting closer towards her.

"That's only the mate bond talking. You don't mean that?"

"But I do," he grabbed her hand, holding it tightly in his own.

Quinn didn't know what to say so she stayed silent.

"Why have you been avoiding me?"

Quinn wasn't sure how to answer that question. Guilt, maybe? Inadequacy? Fear? Shame? Maybe all of them combined.

"Prolonging the inevitable, I guess." she said using her free hand to twiddle with her dress.

"What, in your mind, is inevitable, mate?"

"You know what I did.. what I allowed to happen." She swallowed the knot that was in her throat. " I know you felt it. So, not tonight.. not in front of all these people but maybe soon you can go ahead and end my torment. I don't know how much longer I can take of constantly looking over my shoulder waiting for what we knew was coming from the beginning."

Tears were beginning to form in Quinn's eyes. She tried to cover her face with her hair but with his index finger, Christopher turned her face so that she was looking at him.

"I forgive you. Maybe someday you'll be able to tell me why it happened but right now, I don't care. I just want you, Quinn. I've always wanted you, for as long as I can remember I've always known it was you."


Christopher grabbed her hand and led her into the trees. He had a blanket with wine and desserts set up for the two of them.

"You did this for me? But why?"

Christopher twirled her around so that she was facing him. He brought her in and held her softly by her hips. "I told you why but I might as well tell you again. I love you Quinn. I always have."

Quinn allowed herself to be kissed by Christopher. He pulled her in tightly, putting his hand on the base of her neck, deepening the kiss. He smirked as a soft moan escaped her lips. They felt sparks like they have never felt before.

He pulled away from her leaving her with the lingering warmth of where his lips had just been. They sat and ate and drank wine. Most importantly, they talked. They talked about each other, about their dreams and desires for the future. They discussed what would happen between them and how they would announce to the pack that Quinn was to be the beta female. They spoke for what seemed like hours.

After a few too many glasses of wine, Christopher pulled Quinn into him so that he was holding her from behind. He took in her scent and slowly made his way to her neck, leaving small kisses on the way down. Quinn let herself enjoy what was happening.

Christopher turned her around to face him and planted a long deep kiss on her lips. Quinn reciprocated. Christopher let his hands wander to her waist, making his way up to her breasts. Quinn panicked and started to push him off.

"No, Christopher" Quinn said shaking her head. "I.. I'm not ready. I can't do this."

"What's wrong? Is it something I did?"

"I can't explain right now... I just.. I can't."

Christopher felt the anger bubbling back up. "You fuck goddess knows who when you were out there but you can't with your mate?" He was practically yelling. "For fucks sake Quinn," he chuckled in disbelief. "This is unbelievable."

Quinn got up not sure what had come over her. "Fuck You, Christopher. I should just get this over with so we'd both be better off! Do what you were too much of a coward to do all those years ago!"

"You don't know what you're saying."

"I, Quinn Oliver , reject you Beta Christopher Bogart as my mate. I set you free from the curse of being mated to me."

"No!" Chris screamed falling to the floor, a pain radiating from his chest.

Quinn clutched at her chest while she stumbled away. Making her way back to the party, she almost fell to the floor but was caught by Alivia.

"Quinn, are you okay?"

"I need to get out of here right now."

"Okay, Quinny. Let me just tell Ruben I'm leaving and we'll go back to my place okay?"

Quinn nodded at her friend. She was unsure of what was to come but she wasn't sticking around to find out.

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