《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Twenty Two


Quinn spent the night in Alivia and Ruben's guest room. Early in the morning, the girls went to the 24-hour pharmacy in town to purchase a few pregnancy tests.

She stared nervously at the box. The outcome of this test would change the course of her life forever. She was terrified.

Alivia gave her a reassuring smile, "whatever the test say, we'll figure it out okay? I'll be with you ever step of the way."

Quinn nodded and went into the bathroom ready to face her fate. Three test. Three positive results. There was no denying it. She was pregnant and HE was the father.

She shared the results with Alivia. She assured Quinn that she would help her with whatever she needed.

Deciding it was too much to dwell on at that moment, she headed to the kitchen to help the staff prepare breakfast.

On her walk there, she decided that she would talk to Evan about what was happening with Michael and to find out if he'd been found. There was a dark cloud looming over her knowing that he might not yet have been found. It sent fear coursing throughout her body when she thought that he might show up to hurt her further.

After helping the crew clean up the dining hall, she walked over to Evan's office and knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in," she heard from the other side "it's open!"

"Excuse me, alpha. Do you have a moment?"

"Of course, Quinn what's going on?"

"I was wondering if you had any news about Michael? Do you know if he was caught?"

"I'm afraid not, Quinn. They've been looking for him everywhere and have yet to find him. It seems he may have gone rogue."

"So.... He's still out there..." Quinn was struggling to catch her breath. She couldn't believe that he hadn't. been found.

Evan rushed over to Quinn, trying to calm her down. He mind-linked Ruben and Christopher, anyone to bring a glass of water to his office immediately. Ruben walked in and handed the glass to Quinn which she quickly chugged down.


"Thank... you.." she said in between breaths.

"Ruben, you may leave now. Thank you for getting here so quickly."

"No problem, boss. Let me know if you need anything else." He said as he walked out.

"Evan, I have something else to tell you about that night that I think you should know."

"What's wrong?"

"I took a test this morning to be sure..."

Just then Christopher walked in "here's that glass of water we you needed."

"I'm pregnant and it's Michael's." She blurted out as quickly as possible.

Quinn and Evan turned around to look at Christopher as the glass of water fell out of his hand and shattered loudly on the floor. Tiny glass shards spraying in every direction.

"You're pregnant... and with someone else's pup?" Christopher didn't wait for a response. He rushed out slamming the door behind him.

Quinn rushed out of the office after him. "Chris, wait! It isn't what you think."

Christopher turned around to face her. "How dare you address me in such an informal way!"


"It's beta to you!"

Quinn dropped her gaze, afraid of the tears that were threatening to fall. "Beta.. I'm sorry. Please! Just let me explain."

"Explain what? That you're a whore and a traitor to our mate bond?! And now you're having a pup with him?"

"It's not like that, please if you would just talk to me in private. I promise, I can explain everything."

At that point everyone that was lingering in the pack house had gathered around to see what the commotion was.

"Im sorry but I don't want to hear about what you do with that man, whoever the fuck he is. I don't care."

"I didn't have sex with him, okay! I was fucking raped by him... He took advantage of me... and now I'm having his baby..." she said refusing to look at anyone, ashamed of what she had just revealed.

Christopher's mouth dropped. He felt a wave a guilt wash over him. He was the one that betrayed his mate. He not only bombarded her with insults but he practically forced her to reveal something so personal in front of all these people.


"Are you happy?! Now, the entire pack knows how weak and unworthy I am..." Quinn was sobbing at this point. Unable to hold in her emotions, she pushed through the crowd that stood there silent and in shock from what they just witnessed.

She ran. Ran away from the judgmental eyes of her pack and her mate. She ran through the kitchen where she bumped into her mother who had overhead the entire thing.

She stopped and looked at her in the eyes, tears staring to form. "Oh baby..."

"Mom, I'm so sorry.. I have to go..."

She ran out the door and into the trees. Hiding from their eyes... and their hurtful words and...their judgement of her.

The small thread of dignity that she had left came unraveled and left her exposed. Vulnerable. Broken. Unfixable.

Quinn took the moonstone ring off of her finger and threw it into the trees watching as it bounced softly with a tink tink until it vanished completely.

She laid down on the soft cold ground, burying her face in the grass and she wept.


"Christopher, my office! NOW!" Commanded Evan.

"But Evan, I have to go after her!"


"Yes, alpha..." said Christopher lowering his head in submission.

Evan asked Christopher to close the door behind him. "What were you thinking!?"

"I don't know. I heard she was pregnant and I lost it. How would you have reacted without context?" Christopher asked throwing his hands up in the and pacing the room like a madman.

"I told you to keep and open mind and talk to her! You promised me you'd do that and out there, I watched you do the exact opposite! You just betrayed your mate in front of the entire pack!"

"How was I supposed to know?" He suddenly approached Evan, pointing his finger in Evan's face. "You knew! You fucking knew this entire time and you didn't tell me!"

"I already told you that it wasn't my place to do so."

"I'm your Beta and her mate! And it is still pack business. Even if she wasn't my mate you had to tell me!"

"I didn't have to do anything. I'm in charge here, not you. Quinn isn't just another pack member, she's our friend."

"And I'm your best friend," said Christopher defeated. He took a seat in front of Evan's desk and dropped his head to his hands.

"Understand me, Christopher. It was a very private matter. You had to hear it from her."

Christopher sighed, "I know... I royally fucked up didn't I?"

"Yeah, you royally did."

"I have to go find her now and beg for her forgiveness."

"Before you do that, there's something that you need to know. They've been looking for him since the day after the attack and no one has been able locate him."

"You mean he still hasn't been punished for what he did her!?"

"I'm afraid not. He never returned to his residence or to his pack. It seems he's gone rogue."

"That bastard!" Christopher slammed his fist on the desk. "Do you think he'd come here?"

"I'm not sure, but we should up the patrols just in case he does have the balls to show his face around here."

"Okay, do you need me to take care of that or is it alright if I go after her?"

"I'll get Ruben to take care of the patrols, go talk to her and meet me later so we can go over things."

"Thanks alpha, for everything."

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