《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Sixteen


When did she get back? Christopher paced back and forth in his office. It was across the hall from Evans. Why is she back so early? Did it look like she was crying?

For just a moment, he was worried about what had made his beautiful mate cry. Why should we care? She betrayed us! He let out a frustrated growl and threw his chair across the room. The sooner we reject her the sooner this is over.

'Alpha I've returned from town. If there is nothing else you need from me right now, I'd like to assist Ruben with training."

'There's nothing more I need in the moment. Go ahead and assist Ruben. I'm finishing up some paperwork and I'll be with the two of you shortly.'

Christopher changed into shorts and a tank top and made his way to the training grounds to find Ruben.


After heading home and making herself presentable, Quinn found Alivia watching the warriors train with Ruben and Christopher. She hesitated approaching the grounds before Alivia saw her and called her over. This caught the attention of Christopher who was now staring daggers at her.

Quinn couldn't help but admire her shirtless mate. Her wolf was restless and aroused, ready to pounce him if she had the chance.

Christopher smirked at Quinn's reaction to him. He could use it to his advantage. He could hurt her, he thought, the way she hurt me.

The pair locked eyes for a moment, shame causing Quinn to look away. "Alivia, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, hold on a sec." Alivia called over to her mate "Ruben! I'm leaving with Quinn. I'll see you later babe."

Ruben ran over to her and kissed her softly. "I'll see you later. I love you."


"Love you. Bye!" Alivia ran over to Quinn and linked her arm around her friend's. "Let's go."

Christopher stopped what he was doing for a moment. He couldn't take his eyes off of her as she walked away. He wanted her and yet he hated her. "Alright, let's do that again!" He yelled, prompting the training wolves to continue their training.

Alivia and Quinn hopped into the jeep and headed to their downtown coffee spot.

"So, you obviously haven't talked to him yet," said Alivia sarcastically.

"When would I have had the chance to? I just got back last night. Besides, why would I rush the impending rejection?"

"Rejection?! Are you crazy?! Did you not see how he was just looking at you? He was ready to mark you right there."

"Stop it.. no he wasn't. You're being silly."

"Quinn, I'm serious. He's not going to reject you."

"How do you know that?"

"I shouldn't be telling you this but he told me. The day I found out. He's been waiting since you got back to tell you."


"Just act surprised when he tells you, okay?"

Quinn nodded, she couldn't believe what Alivia had just told her. A sadness washed as over her. Surely, it wasn't true anymore not after she'd betrayed him. Alivia was right, I shouldn't have left. I created what I feared the most. Now, he won't want me. I'm damaged goods now.

Quinn let out a great big sigh. "I guess we'll see." She said with finality.

The girls arrived at the coffee shop. Everyone greeted Quinn. They had not seen her in almost four years. She ordered her usual and sat at her favorite booth while Alivia waited for their order.

Quinn took in the smells of the desserts and the richness of the coffee. This place was home for her. She watched the people and the cars pass by and imagined where they'd be rushing off to. For a moment she forgot all that had happened to her. She closed her eyes and leaned back in the overstuffed booth nestling down into her seat. Alivia sat down across from her and handed Quinn her latte and muffin.


The two spoke for a couple of hours. Alivia wanted to know what it was like living in the city. Quinn told her everything about the experience. She explained that she graduated early and started to work at the restaurant and how much fun everything was. She stopped there, though. She wasn't ready for Alivia to know about Michael. That would come with time but not here and not now.

"Let's start heading back. I'd like to help my mom with dinner."

"Okay," said Alivia grabbing her things "let's head on home."

Back at the pack house kitchen, Ellie and the rest of the kitchen staff were starting on dinner. She wanted to surprise Quinn by making one of her favorite comfort food dishes, Ellie's gooey baked macaroni and cheese.

Each pack member got their own little soufflé cup of the dish, toasted lightly in the oven until the top was golden brown. Steak-frites was being served along with fresh green beans. The bread was also being baked from scratch. For dessert, Ellie prepared her family's chocolate custard and had it already chilling in the freezer since breakfast. Alpha Evan loved the menu so much, he didn't even request a separate meal for he and Luna Sarah. But, Ellie didn't do this for him. It was all for Ellie's baby girl, Quinn. Ellie was beaming with happiness since Quinn's returned home.

Quinn headed to the pack house to help with dinner preparations.

"Uh, Ms. Ellie, Quinn is heading this way," said a young cook.

"Oh shoot!" Exclaimed Ellie wiping her hand on her apron and rushing outside.

"I'm sorry Quinn but you can't come in here tonight. You are welcome to start back in the kitchen tomorrow but tonight, it's off limits!"

"But mom.. come on, I've been dying to get back in there."

"Sorry Quinn but you'll ruin the surprise," said Ellie kissing her daughter on the forehead and shooing her away. "Come back around 7:00 for dinner, alright?"

"Okay, mom. I'll be back here around 7:00. I love you," said Quinn walking back to her house.

"Love you too sweetheart," Ellie said as she walked back into the kitchen.


Evan went down to the training fields to catch up with Ruben and Christopher. The two of them were just finishing up when Evan arrived.

"Hey Chris," called Evan waving his beta over. "We're having dinner at the pack house tonight. You should join us. Everyone's gonna be there."

"What's the occasion?" Asked Christopher.

"Ellie has prepared quite a feast for Quinn's return home."

"Oh, I see," said Christopher with a smirk on his face. "I wouldn't miss it."

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