《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Fifteen


Quinn slept through most of the morning, waking up around 10:30am to a small knock on the door.

"Not now, let me sleeeeeeeeep," said Quinn huffing and pulling the covers over her face.

Alivia threw the door open and jumped on top of Quinn rolling over and landing beside her.

"I don't think so! You're home and didn't even tell me?!" Screamed Alivia.

"I got in late and I wanted to sleep. I was going to tell you after I spoke with Alpha Evan."

"Why? What'd you do? Are you in trouble?" She asked jokingly.

"I just need to catch him up on some things regarding my time out there.."

"What are you doing back so early anyway? Why did no one tell us?" Alivia's mouth dropped a second and a smile formed. "You came back for Christopher didn't you? She asked nudging her best friend's side.

"Noooooo, it wasn't Chris. I graduated early and I wanted to come home. I NEEDED to come home."

Alivia wrapped her arms and a leg around her Quinn and hugged her tightly. "I don't care why you're back, I'm just glad that you are home."

"Me too," smiled Quinn hugging her back as tightly as she could.

"When do you need to meet with Evan?" Asked Alivia, letting go of her friend and propping her head up with her hand.

"What time is it now?" Asked Quinn.

"Uhhh," Alivia pulled out her phone, "10:46."

"Oh! I better get dressed and head over to his office now then. I want to get this over with."

"Alright," said Alivia. "Come find me when you're done. We can go down to the coffee shop and have a muffin, on me."

Quinn laughed, "sounds like a plan. I'll see you later. I love you Liv."

"Love you too Quinny, bye," and with that Alivia walked out leaving Quinn to get dressed.


Quinn threw a pair of black yoga pants and a long sleeve sweatshirt on, making sure to cover up the bruising still present on her wrists. She put her curls in a large bun on top of her head. Quinn then brushed her teeth, washed her face and headed out towards the pack house.

Evans main office was in the pack house. He liked to be closer to everyone and everything just in case something were to happen. So, that's where he and Sarah spent most of their day.

Quinn walked into the pack house and followed the hallway to a familiar door. She knocked softly.

"Come in!" She heard from the other side before walking in and spotting three figures sitting at Evans desk.

"Oh, hi Quinn! Come on in" said Evan.

"Hello Alpha, Luna, Gamma," Quinn said with a bow to each of them.

"Ruben if you could excuse us. We have some things to discuss with Quinn in private."

"Of course," said Ruben standing up and walking towards the door. He stopped at Quinn and hugged her. "It's great to see you Quinn."

"You too Ruben," she smiled and walked towards the desk and sat down while Ruben walked out closing the door behind him.

"We can start with what I know for certain," started Evan. "You can fill in the blanks from there."

"Okay," nodded Quinn.

"So, 3 nights ago, you went to a local trail that was part of the Blue Mountain Pack territory with a wolf named Michael from another pack."

"Correct," said Quinn.

"The two of you found a changing hut, you shifted and went for a run. Upon returning you entered the changing hut alone and that is when you were attacked. A guard found you in that same hut the next morning. What happened in between?"

"Well," said Quinn a bit choked up "first I want to apologize for not being entirely forthcoming with you. I finished my culinary program an entire year early. I got a job at a restaurant in the city for the experience."


"It's okay Quinn," said Sarah. "Go on."

"Michael was the sous-chef for the restaurant and the only werewolf. That night we finished up a dinner shift and he invited me for a run. We drove up to a trail head where he led me to the changing hut. From there we ran for an hour or so before heading back. I went into the changing hut and shifted." Quinn paused for a moment trying to catch her breath. She didn't want to continue but she knew she had to. Sarah reached out and placed her hand on top of Quinn's.

"Take your time," said Sarah reassuringly.

Quinn smiled and continued. "Michael walked in and I thought it was a joke so I just asked him to get out. He pinned me up against the wall and started touching me. I begged him to stop but I couldn't do anything. I was too weak. Before I knew it, he had my hands tied behind my back and then he.. then he.." Tears we're rolling down Quinn's face as she tried to steady her breathing so she could get through this next part.

"He tied my hands behind my back with a shirt or something, I don't know.. and then he took advantage of me."Quinn broke down unable to control her sobs any longer. "It was all my fault. I was not strong enough and I couldn't stop him. It's all my fault."

Sarah ran around the side of the desk and hugged Quinn. "It isn't your fault. He is a depraved individual. It could have happened to anyone. It's okay, shhhh, it's okay."

Evan finally spoke up. "Quinn, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Sarah is right, it isn't your fault. The Blue Mountain Pack is doing everything in their power to capture him and bring him to justice. We'll make sure it's adequate justice. They've contacted his pack and they've agreed to assist in finding him and punishing him. As your Alpha and most importantly as your friend, I assure you he won't get away with this."

"Thank you, Evan. Just please.. don't tell anyone. It's embarrassing enough as it is.."

"Don't be embarrassed, you're a victim in all of this" said Evan. "And don't worry. It stays between us. Okay?"

"Thank you," said Quinn wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Is there anything else you need from me? Alpha? Luna?"

"No," said Evan while Sarah just shook her head.

"Thank you for your time," Quinn said with a bow and walked out of the office. She leaned against the door trying to catch her breath and wiping any evidence of the tears that had just stained her cheeks. She wiped her nose on her sleeve and began to walk down the hallway towards the exit of the pack house.

Without realizing it, she walked right into someone and sparks danced along her body. She fell to the floor, not wanting to look up. She already knew who it was.

She looked up at him to see a pair of bloodshot eyes looking at her confused. Those weren't the sea colored eyes that she remembered, filled with happiness. They were sad and empty, entirely devoid of light.

Guilt washed over her knowing that she was the cause of that sadness. She looked down to the floor fiddling with the ring on her finger.

Christopher recognized the ring on her finger, scoffing and walking away.

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